Supreme Stock God

Chapter 916: Good show

Chapter 916

Zhou Hao, who had changed into a brand new suit, caught everyone in the store's attention as soon as he came out, especially the suit that Kaoru Nanami chose for him, which was still very self-cultivating, set against Zhou Hao’s tall and straight body. Better complement each other.

Not only Nanami Kaoru, but even the female salespersons in the "Dior" flagship store, each of them had bright eyes and rapid heartbeats, and almost forgot other customers in the store in an instant.

"My sister didn't choose the wrong one, this suit is really suitable for you." Nanami Kaoru praised Zhou Hao as he looked at it.

Zhou Hao also thinks this suit is good. Compared with the loose-fitting suits that are more popular at this time, he prefers this style that is more prominent and looks more capable and energetic. In the "stunning" eyes of everyone, he Also quite contented to take a picture in the mirror.

But soon, Zhou Hao noticed that among the "amazing" gazes around him, there was a completely different gaze full of resentment and viciousness that shot straight at him, and after looking at him, he saw that there. A fierce man wearing a white suit was staring at him fiercely.

Nanami Kaoru has always been moving the expression of that "Yamaguchi group" senior executive. At this time, seeing him being so hostile to Zhou Hao, he smiled in his heart and held Zhou Hao's arm more intimately, making the "Yamaguchi group" senior executive look at him. The flame is more intense.

Zhou Hao also faintly discovered that the guy's hostility to him should be from Nankai Kaoru who was beside him, so he asked, "Sister, that guy, do you know?"

Nanami Kaoru smiled and shook his head: "Who knows that guy."

Zhou Hao knew what was going on when he heard the words. It must be that guy who saw Nankai Kaoru's stunning appearance, so he had no idea. This is normal at first, because even though Nanami Kaoru disguised herself to hide her original appearance, thanks to Hongye Hina's superb skills, Nanami Kaoru's beauty has not regressed at all.

So just now along the way, there were countless gazes on Nanami Kaoru, but those people were ordinary people with low status, even if they thought about Nanami Kaoru, they were only confined in their heart.

At this time, the man in white seemed to have that extraordinary strength and was confident that he could compete for any woman, so he showed his hostility towards Zhou Hao so obvious, even unscrupulous.

Before Kaoru and Qihai came out, Zhou Hao was ready to act as a flower protector. What's more, Zhou Hao and Kaoru Qihai are far more than simple flower protectors. This "flower" also belongs to Zhou Hao, and of course it cannot Get involved by others.

In the "Yamaguchi Group" Gao Gan's sullen gaze, Zhou Hao stretched out his hand to embrace the slender waist of Kaoru Nanami, and glanced at the guy like a demonstration.

"Baga!" The "Yamaguchi Group" senior officer didn't say anything, but the men behind him saw the clues. One of the most ferocious one couldn't help but cursed at Zhou Hao. He wanted to rush forward and make trouble. He was stopped by the high-ranking cadre reaching out.

I saw that high-ranking cadre whispered a few words to the men next to him, then snorted to Zhou Hao's side, and walked away, leaving Zhou Hao with a hostile look when he left. .

Although the "Yamaguchi Group" has a huge influence in Japan and is almost pervasive in all walks of life, neither Zhou Hao nor Nanami Kaoru has any fear. On the contrary, Kaoru Nanami was a little disappointed at the departure of the "Yamaguchi Group" senior executive.

A female clerk next to him said kindly: "Two customers, you must be careful of the Kurosaki Mining Village. That is the person who must report the defect. And because of the influence of the Yamaguchi Group in Yokohama, it is very different. Little, the police can't help them. Once they remember it, it's all in trouble."

Zhou Hao nodded to the female clerk and smiled: "Thank you for reminding us. We will pay attention."

Seeing Zhou Hao's smile like the afternoon sun, the female clerk only felt dizzy for a while, flushing her face and breathing quickly, she felt suffocated and she couldn't help herself.

Zhou Hao didn't expect that a light smile would have such a great "power", and he was a little embarrassed involuntarily. Nanami Kaoru next to see that Zhou Hao’s charm is so great, and there is no sign of jealousy. Instead, he was very proud. He smiled openly at the clerk in front of him and said, “This suit is not bad. We want it. I will take some leather and take a look."

The female clerk came back to her senses and saw the stunning Qikai Kaoru next to Zhou Hao, she felt ashamed and ashamed. She immediately stopped the unrealistic fantasy in her heart and lowered her head to get Zhou Hao a belt. Up.

Several other female clerks also sighed in their hearts. Although Zhou Hao’s appearance and temperament were superb, he looked like a rich man, but there was such a superb beauty as Kaoru Nanami, who didn’t have any flowers and plants like him. Opportunity, at best, can only "obscure" the storyline of Cinderella in my heart.

Zhou Hao also felt that Kaoru Nankai was so powerful. Facing those "mad bees and butterflies" directed at him, Kaoru Qikai didn't need any other actions at all. Just a gentle step next to Zhou Hao was enough to discourage those women, even Inferiority in the heart is really "killing without seeing blood."

After coming out of this store, the two continued to wander around downtown Yokohama.

Tired of walking, the two walked into an English-style coffee shop to take a break. However, as soon as he sat down, Zhou Hao saw a man sitting at a tea table over there. It was the "Yamaguchi Group" high-ranking executive-Kurosaki Minicun who had previously met in the "Dior" flagship store.

It's just that Kurosaki Minami is alone now, with no one around him.

In fact, both Zhou Hao and Nanami Kaoru knew that this guy had been following him in secret since just now, and then came to this coffee shop first, pretending to have an "accidental" encounter with Nanami Kaoru.

Zhou Hao didn't pay attention to him, but Nanami Kaoru smiled at him from a distance, and the moment he was blooming like a hundred flowers, she was so beautiful that it made the Kurosaki Diemura even more glamorous, thinking Nanami Kaoru was interested in him.

"Sister, why are you smiling at that guy." Zhou Hao was a little jealous.

Nanami Kaoru gently propped his chin, looked at Zhou Hao sideways, and then smiled: "This is polite, do you know a little friend?"

"I know sister, you want to tease that guy deliberately so that he can come over and do that bullying, and then I will perform the heroic saving the beauty drama, right." Zhou Hao's mental agility is not inferior to that Nanami Kaoru guessed her intentions at once.

Just listen to Kaoru Nanami smiled: "Don't you think it would be a lot more interesting to add a little bit of this exciting drama?"

Zhou Hao was helpless for Nanami Kaoru's other kind of "naughty", and could only do what she wanted to win the beautiful woman's smile.

However, Kurosaki Minumura, who feels good about himself over there, wishful thinking that Kaoru Nanami is also interesting to him, is very annoying for Zhou Hao, because he raises a glass to Kaoru Nanami from time to time, and he "brows" in front of Kaoru Nanami. ". And Zhou Hao also knew that a guy like Kurosaki Nukamura who was capable of bullying men and women would never stop at this.

Sure enough, it didn't take long to see four frivolous punks coming in from the door. They first looked around, then fixed their eyes on Nanami Kaoru and Zhou Hao.

Even though Nanami Kaoru turned her back to them, she also smiled at Zhou Hao: "The actors are all here, the good show should be on the stage."

I saw these four gangsters came straight to Zhou Hao's table, one of them was still stepping on the chair next to Zhou Hao, with his hands on his knees, just like this presumptuously looking at Nanami Kaoru, tusk Said: "What a beautiful chick, it's a waste to be with such a little white face. Or we will take you out for a drive, you feel exciting to keep it."

Nanami Kaoru always drank a cup of coffee gracefully, without even looking at these gangsters.

These four guys obviously didn't dare to offend Nanami Kaoru too much. They didn't have trouble seeing Nankai Kaoru's arrogant attitude. Instead, they secretly glanced at Kurosaki Minami over there. After seeing Kurosaki's wink, they turned to Zhou Hao's side.

I saw that little **** stepping on a chair glanced sideways at Zhou Hao, and then sneered: "Boy, we want to ask your friend to go for a drive, don't you have any comments."

While talking, the other three took out a shiny silver butterfly knife and turned their fingers to juggle with various fancy patterns. The blade also made a "chacha" sound, showing its sharpness.

Zhou Hao couldn't understand this guy's Japanese, so he smiled in English: "Sorry, I'm Chinese and I don't understand Japanese."

Although the English of these little gangsters is not good, they also heard the word "Chinese" that Zhou Hao said, so they immediately got into trouble: "It turns out that I am a Chinese, let alone ask your opinion, and I The person I hate the most in my life is China, boy, you are out of luck today!"

After that, this guy wanted to set off the table in front of Zhou Hao and was ready to attack, but saw Zhou Hao stretched out his hand and pressed it on the table. No matter how hard this guy tried, he couldn't move the table.

The young gangster exposed his veins, and shouted at the other three: "What are you still doing, kill this guy for me!"

But the three of them hadn’t moved yet, Zhou Hao stretched out his hand and grabbed one of them’s butterfly knives, flipping his five fingers, many times faster than them, and the butterfly knives really turned into a flapping fan. Wings are like butterflies.

The little **** who had been robbed of the knife felt a silver light flashing in front of his eyes, and then felt a cold forehead, and the eyebrows and hair also floated down, and in a flash, he became a bald man without eyebrows and hair.

Then Zhou Hao pressed his hand, and the butterfly knife was placed on the table, as if nothing had happened, but these four guys were dumbfounded.

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