Supreme Stock God

Chapter 924: Prime culprit

Chapter 924

Listening to Dong Qishan mentioning Zhou Hao and talking about the explosion and sinking of the USS Nimitz, Nanami knew that there must be a connection between the two. Recalling that Zhou Hao had drifted from the sea to the island of Kaoru Nankai with an Indian master, Kaoru Qikai had a bold guess in his heart.

She stared at Dong Qishan and slowly said, "You mean Zhou Hao has something to do with the aircraft carrier'Nimitz'?"

Dong Qishan nodded: "Yes, although there is no substantive evidence, according to the information I received, it is indeed the case. Moreover, the Americans are now looking for clues about this matter."

"The news you got?" Nanami Kaoru sneered, "I can't believe the things that are trying to catch the wind, why do you say that this matter is related to Zhou Hao? Even if you tell the Americans this news, the Americans may not believe it. ."

Facing Kaoru Nanami's mocking eyes, Dong Qishan made a gesture of surrendering his hand and smiled: "Well, I admit that I can really be sure that Zhou Hao participated or even led by Zhou Hao."

He looked at Kaoru Nanami with a smile on his face: "Madam, tell you the truth, not only the United States, but also China, are also looking for Zhou Hao nervously."

"Why? Did Zhou Hao rebel?" Nanami Kaoru couldn't help asking.

"To be precise, he is missing." Dong Qishan said: "After Zhou Hao and the others rescued the man, in order to avoid the pursuit of the Americans, they fled to Colombia first, and then transferred from Colombia to Malaysia. Malaysia went home. However, when Zhou Hao's plane arrived west of Australia and approached the Pacific Ocean in the Sea of ​​Japan, it exploded and crashed."

"It crashed?" Nanami Kaoru listened to Dong Qishan's words, not letting go of a word.

Just listen to Dong Qishan continuing: "Everyone else on the plane survived, but Zhou Hao was missing. According to the survivors who were rescued at sea, Zhou Hao gave them the parachute. He stayed on the plane alone. After the plane exploded, he disappeared. After that, the Chinese military sent a large number of people to search for Zhou Hao, and even dispatched cruisers and submarines."

At this point, Nanami Kaoru finally understood how Zhou Hao drifted to the island he was on, and why he developed a congestion tumor because of a concussion. It turned out that he fell from a plane to the sea after the explosion. It was caused by the explosion. It is caused by the shock force and the impact force of falling into the sea.

Shinji Kantsuki said: "It's no wonder that there was a naval ship conflict between China and Japan before. This conflict was once a big mess. It was the Chinese leaders and our Japanese who came out first and barely calmed down. Now look at it. Come, I am afraid that the Chinese military searched for Zhou Hao and found Japan's territorial waters that led to this incident."

Nanami Kaoru also nodded. When they were on the island before, there was a gunboat disguised as a fishing boat to ask them if they had ever encountered a shipwreck. Those people should have been sent by the Chinese military to look for Zhou Hao.

She squinted at Dong Qishan and said, "Dong Gongzi, although my father is a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, where did you get this top-secret information that only national leaders can know? Also, Zhou Hao and the others. Why did the plane on board explode suddenly? There should be a hidden strange in this."

"I really can't hide anything from you, Madam." Dong Qishan smiled: "Madam, that's why I came to you. I want to tell you the good news. Hehehehe...Zhou Hao and the others took the ride. The plane exploded during the flight because the people we sent out put bombs on it. Humph! I don’t know how Zhou Hao found the parachute from the plane, otherwise the people on the plane would definitely None can survive."

After a pause, he said again: "Fortunately, the Xu Junping who knows our secret has been successfully killed by the people we sent, so our affairs with your Tokugawa family will not be exposed. There is also Zhou Hao, Jun. Fang hasn't found him yet, I'm afraid he has already fallen into the ocean."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help it anymore, laughed loudly, and leaned forward and backward with laughter, even tears came out. The Shilong Shihu behind him also sneered, because it was Zhou Hao who had abolished the eight success strengths of their master Xiahou.

There was a smile on Nanami Kaoru's face, but his eyes were cold.

Kanyue Shinji looked at Dong Qishan, who was holding his belly coldly, and sneered in his heart: "Madam has been investigating the sacredness of the guy who caused Zhou Hao to be so miserable. It's okay for you to take the initiative to send it to the door."

After laughing for a long time, Dong Qishan couldn't even smile, and finally calmed down, and said to Nanami Kaoru: "Madam, Zhou Hao was killed by us. He has repeatedly undermined our plans, and not long ago, our Dong family targeted Hong Kong. The stock market was completely destroyed by him, and the loss of your Tokugawa family was not small. This guy is really our confidant, and now we have finally got rid of it."

Nanami Kaoru raised the red wine in his hand: "It is indeed something to be celebrated."

"Yes, come, let's do it for Zhou Hao's death without a place to bury him!" Dong Qishan laughed loudly: "Shilong, Shihu, you guys come to have a drink too, that guy is the culprit who caused Mr. Xiahou's misery in his later years ."

The two brothers Shilong and Shihu were also welcome, and poured a glass of red wine one after another, and Kaoru Nanami also asked Shinji Kanzuki to pour a glass, and the five of them clinked their glasses and drank it.

"Master Dong, I don't know how long you want to stay in Japan this time?" Nanami Kaoru asked.

"Well, let me see, it will take about a week to talk about business with Tokugawa Kodron." Dong Qishan smiled: "There will be no problem afterwards. If it is Mrs. Tokugawa, how long would you like me to stay here in Japan? Time doesn’t matter."

Nanami Kaoru smiled: "Of course it's okay, I will definitely take Dong Gongzi to have fun with you."

"Thank you then." Dong Qishan smiled: "Actually, as long as there is a wife with you, I am willing to go anywhere."

Nanami Kaoru certainly did not respond to Dong Qishan's words. Moreover, compared to before, Dong Qishan is now much more restrained, after all, he can't rush to the brain.

After chatting for a while, seeing that Kaoru Nanami did not intend to stay, Dong Qishan said, "Then let’s do this first, Mrs. Tokugawa, I will talk to Tokugawa Kodron about future cooperation, and then call Madam after that. Let's make an appointment again at that time."

"Okay, then I'll wait for your call, Dong Gongzi." Nanami Kaoru gave Dong Qishan a small smile.

But just a smile can fascinate Dong Qishan, and said with a fascinating face: "Okay, okay."

"Shinji, send Master Dong out for me."

Kanyue Shinji nodded, and said to Dong Qishan: "Dong Gongzi, please here."

Nanami Kaoru was still sitting there, looking at the night view of Yokohama outside the curtain wall, with a cold expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

Kanyue Shinji returned soon, and said with a look of disgust: "This surname Dong is really not a good thing. When I left just now, I shook hands with him politely, but he took the opportunity to wipe the oil and clung to me. My eyes are still clasped on me unscrupulously, as if to take off my clothes, Shinji is too damn!"

Nanami Kaoru just chuckled, and then his eyes became cold: "Unexpectedly, it was Dong Qishan who caused Nostalgia to be like this. It was really nowhere to look for it after breaking through the iron shoes. It took no effort at all."

"That's right, Young Master Huaixi was even tricked by such a guy. It's really worthless." Kanzuki Shinji said angrily.

"What I didn’t expect was that Huaixi was the one who turned the United States upside down. Hehe, he also sank the USS Nimitz. This enemy, I knew he was not a peaceful place. The person who divides." Kaoru Nanami's eyes filled with a smile.

Kanzuki Shinji was also shocked by Ji. They had heard the news before, so they probably knew what happened in the United States. However, they only heard that the US authorities had captured some important intelligence personnel in China. They did not know that those intelligence personnel had been rescued, let alone that the explosion and sinking of the "Nimitz" was the work of Zhou Hao and others. .

Now I know from Dong Qishan that Zhou Hao turned out to be the one who caused this series of turmoil. Even the naval ship conflict between China and Japan some time ago was caused by the Chinese military in search of Zhou Hao.

I had never seen Zhou Hao’s strength before, but I felt that Zhou Hao was a little white-faced Shinji who was pampered by Nanami Kaoru. Now I finally realized that the man who was jealous in his heart was really a vigorous hero. .

This is not to mention that Zhou Hao defeated the Soros group in the previous world-famous "Hong Kong War", which directly led to Julian Robertson's escape and George Soros' suicide.

None of these things was a record that was enough to cause a sensation in the world, but Zhou Hao did it all.

At this moment, Kanezuki Shinji somewhat understood why Nanami Kaoru loved him so much. After returning from Hong Kong, he has never forgotten him, and now he has done so much for him.

Kantsuki Shinji was thinking about it, and Nanami Kaoru said, "Shinji, inform us of the people who are on the Tokugawa Kodron side and ask them to report the cooperation between Tokugawa Kodron and the Dong family. Also, give me a report. Collect all relevant information about the'Yuanhua Company'."

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