Supreme Stock God

Chapter 926: Rush

Chapter 926

There were hundreds of people in black suits who came towards Chinatown. It was easy to identify those who belonged to the "Yamaguchi group", because the "Yamaguchi group" lost a finger, and There is a golden badge on the neckline of the clothes with the word "Shankou" on it.

Seeing this group of menacing "Yamaguchi Group" gangs, the people in Chinatown were stunned, especially after seeing the murder weapon in their hands, the shopkeepers closed the door more quickly, lest the gang fight would spread Yourself.

The people of the "Five Lakes Gang" are also very confused about these uninvited guests. The person who was caught by Kanzaki Masago even muttered to himself: "The people of the'Yamaguchi Group' are coming today, why didn't we notify us in advance?"

Only Kanzaki Masago and several other "Jingu Yufengliu" people showed a sneer, and Kanzaki also let go of the little leader of the "Five Lakes Gang". This little boss now has no time to pay attention to Kanzaki Masago, and hastened to let someone report back the fact that the "Yamaguchi Formation" came to a large number of people.

Then, he shouted to those "Yamaguchi Group" gangs who were constantly approaching: "Hey, you are from the "Yamaguchi Group", what do you want to do? Don't you know this is the site of our "Five Lakes Group"!"

The people of the "Yamaguchi Group" were all grim-faced, and were indifferent to the "Five Lakes Gang". On the contrary, they accelerated their pace and ran to this side hurriedly. After the head of the man rushed through the archway of China Street Raising the Japanese sword in his hand and shouting: "Vengeance for Mr. Kurosaki and Mr. Shibata!"

"Hey, wait, wait!" The little boss stopped drinking again and again. The people who saw the "Yamaguchi Group" didn't listen to the advice at all. He gritted his teeth and shouted to the surrounding "Five Lakes Gang" members: "Leave it alone, first. If you drive these people out, the headquarters has already sent someone to support!"

Each of these gangs absorbed by the "Five Lakes Gang" are brave and ruthless people, so although the "Yamaguchi Group" came fiercely, they did not scare them at all. Many of them were even shaking with excitement. Smell a strong smell of blood.

"Brothers, drive these Japanese devils out of Chinatown!" The little boss roared, and took the machete handed over by his hand, and brought the dozens of members of the "Five Lakes Gang" to greet him.

The two men and horses immediately collided together, and there was a fierce fight, lit up pieces of swords, lights, and swords, as well as bursts of screams.

The shops in the entire Chinatown have closed their doors tightly, and there are almost only people from the "Five Lakes Gang" and the "Yamaguchi Group" on the street. The continuous splashing of blood stains the roads red, and occasionally they can still be seen. Some fingers even flew out of the crowd with broken palms, and the smell of blood enveloped the entire sky over this area.

Kanzaki Masago had already returned to the steel ball shop with his juniors, and watched the rallying scene outside through the glass door, all of them had pleasant expressions on their faces, as if they were watching a real movie.

"With only the sword, the scene is still worse." A junior behind Kanzaki Masago laughed.

Kanzaki Masago also smiled: "Because there are unwritten rules in the underworld, in any such large-scale conflict, both parties to the conflict are not allowed to use guns and ammunition, and can only use cold weapons. Otherwise, not only will the government severely punish both parties to the conflict, Even the inside of their gang will severely punish those who use guns. Hum...this is their bottom line."

His junior said: "Now the conflict between the Yamaguchi Clan and the Five Lakes Gang is not acting, hehe, hey, in this way, the enmity between the Yamaguchi Clan and the Five Lakes Gang is ended. Now, even if Pu Shougeng's old guy denies that he was the one who killed Kurosaki Digging Village, it won't help."

"Yes, in this way, our young master's plan can proceed smoothly." Kanzaki Masago laughed.

The gang fire that took place in Chinatown has lasted for more than an hour. The Yokohama police sent a large team to suppress it. The increase in the number of conflicts between the "Yamaguchi Group" and the "Five Lakes Gang" made the police for a while. He couldn't suppress it, and the Self-Defense Force was about to be dispatched.

After such a major event, the "Five Lakes Gang" has no leisure time to pay attention to the newly opened steel ball gambling shop in Chinatown.

After the incident, senior figures from the "Yamaguchi Group" and the "Five Lakes Gang" were taken back to the Metropolitan Police Department in Yokohama for investigation.

In the police inspector’s office of the Yokohama Metropolitan Police Department, a middle-aged man in uniform is sitting on the sofa in the center, but it is Sugihira Nakamori, the head of the Yokohama Metropolitan Police Department, sitting on the left and right sofas. In the "Yamaguchi Formation", Junichi Sato, who temporarily replaced Kurosaki Minumura to manage the Yokohama subdivision, and the young leader of the "Five Lakes Gang", Pu Shougeng's son, Pu Chuanfang.

Sugihira Nakamori looked gloomy, and his cold eyes swept across Sato Junichi and Pu Chuanfang.

Sato Junichi and Pu Chuanfang didn't care about Mori Sugihara's gaze at all, but stared at each other angrily.

Pu Chuanfang stared firmly at Nakamori Shanpei, gritted his teeth and said: "Our "Five Lakes Group" and your "Yamaguchi Group" have always kept the river water from the well water. Why did you suddenly attack us today!"

"Huh! Do you still dare to say?" Nakamori Shanping coldly snorted, "You freak out and killed our cadres in the'Yamaguchi Group'. We haven't settled this account with you yet!"

"Are you talking about Kurosaki Digging Village?" Pu Chuanfang said angrily: "You are talking nonsense! Kurosaki Digging Village's death has something to do with us. Don't think that our "Five Lakes Gang" is a bully. , Don’t die, all cats and dogs pour on us!"

Sugihei Nakamori slapped the coffee table fiercely, and stood up quickly and glared at Pu Chuanfang: "Who do you say is a cat or dog! Humph! Not only Kurosaki Mining Village, but our Yiye Qing was kicked by your Five Lakes Gang yesterday. Now, Kosaburo Shibata, the person in charge of'Ichiyo Ao', was seriously injured by you Chinese pigs. You have repeatedly challenged the endurance limit of our'Yamaguchi team', really think that our'Yamaguchi team' dare not touch you!"

"When are we going to kick your place." Pu Chuanfang said angrily: "We never sent anyone to'Yiyeqing' yesterday! Whatever your Shibata Kosaburo was seriously injured, it has nothing to do with us! Humph! You want to move our "Five Lakes Gang" right, then come and see who has the last laugh!"

"Two." Nakamori Sugihei coughed and said, "I see if there is any misunderstanding in this. The death of Mr. Kurosaki Minumura is still under investigation by the Metropolitan Police Department. Mr. Sato, you can't say anything. Mr. Pu and the others did it."

Jun Sato waved his hand fiercely: "Where is it necessary to investigate, Kurosaki Minakura was killed by the two women sold by their "Five Lakes Gang". This is undeniable. Moreover, Shibata Xiao Saburo also said that last night it was your "Five Lakes Gang" and those two women who killed our man and wounded him seriously, Pu Chuanfang, do you despicable Chinese pig want to quibble!"

"Who the **** are you talking about that pig, you little Japanese devil!" Pu Chuanfang furiously, reached out and took out a Black Star pistol from his arms, the muzzle was facing Junichi Sato.

Sato Jun was not surprised and angry, and without showing any weakness, he drew a silver revolver from his waist and aimed at Pu Chuanfang on the opposite side.

In the office of the Metropolitan Police Department, the two of them dared to draw their guns and confront each other. As the person in charge of the Yokohama police, Sugihira Nakamori was also furious, and said, "I said you two, you guys don't let our police go In your eyes, do you think that the government recognizes your legal status as a gangster, it means it can let you go wrong?"

Hearing the anger in Sugihira Nakamori's words, Pu Chuanfang and Jun Sato had a slight meal before they remembered that this is the Metropolitan Police Department. If they really angered Sugihira Nakamori regardless of their bottom line, I am afraid that neither the "Yamaguchi Group" nor the "Five Lake Gang" are Good fruit. After all, anyone who knows the inside story understands that Sugihira Nakamori is the confidant of Yokohama Mayor Kenji Igarashi, and he himself is a force that cannot be underestimated in Yokohama's political circles.

Therefore, although the "Yamaguchi Group" and the "Five Lakes Gang" have considerable power in the political circles of Yokohama, they dare not completely offend Sugihira Nakamori.

I saw Pu Chuanfang snorted coldly: "For the sake of Mr. Nakamori, I don't have the same knowledge as you."

After that, he put the Black Star pistol back in his arms, and Junichi Sato also glared at him, retracted the revolver, and sat back on the sofa, but his anger was not quenched, and he still stared at Pu Chuanfang.

Seeing both of them sitting back, Nakamori Suppei said, "In my opinion, is there such a possibility? Perhaps someone deliberately separated the Yamaguchi Group and the Five Lakes Gang? I wonder if the two have thought about it? "

Both Pu Chuanfang and Sato Junichi’s expressions changed, only to hear Nakamori Sugihei continue: "Those who hurt Shibata Kosaburo claim to be members of the Five Lakes Gang, and Mr. Pu said that the Five Lakes Gang is simply No one was sent to Yiye Qing. So I think someone is deliberately instigating the friendly relationship between the Yamaguchi Group and the Five Lakes Gang. The key to this matter is that the two killed the black In Saki Minu Village, the Chinese women who hurt Shibata Kosaburo again, as long as they can be found, the truth of this matter will be known."

However, Pu Chuanfang squinted his eyes and said: "Even if someone is really instigating a discord in this matter, their ‘Yamaguchi Clan’ suddenly sent a team of people to attack us in Chinatown today. Is this the account?"

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