Supreme Stock God

Chapter 940: succeed

Today is too busy, only one day out, I hope you can understand...

Chapter 940

Hearing Zhou Hao's words, Pu Chuanfang was both frightened and angry, thinking that Sato Junichi would not appear here for no reason, it is very likely that someone would give him a tip, so he believed Zhou Hao's words 80 to 90%, and gritted his teeth: "Eguchi Naohiro, you despicable fellow!"

"Stop! Pu Chuanfang, stop for me!" Naohiro Eguchi's scolding sounded from behind, as well as the scolding of Sato Junichi's men.

Zhou Hao took Pu Chuanfang and Hongye Hina swiftly through the long corridor of the air-raid shelter, followed by Naohiro Eguchi and Junichi Sato's men desperately chasing after the air-raid shelter's broadcast also sounded a harsh alarm.

The reason why Eguchi Naohiro was chasing Pu Chuanfang so nervously is because although Junichi Sato was not killed by him, he also died in his turf. He was afraid that the Yamaguchi team would find himself to settle the accounts. In order to give the Yamaguchi team an explanation, he had to hand over the "murderer" Pu Chuanfang.

But Pu Chuanfang still didn't understand how his pistol would go wrong, even hitting Junichi Sato in the head and killing him. But now this situation does not allow him to think too much. If he falls into the hands of the Yamaguchi group, he can't even imagine what kind of torture he will suffer, so he has to leave.

In the sound of the underground casino sirens, people from the Inagawa Club came from all directions, but they were all knocked down by Zhou Hao and Hongye Hina along the road. Only then did Pu Chuanfang discover that Zhou Hao and Hongye Hina were so powerful. Those people who were meeting had already been brought down by Zhou Hao or Hongye Hina before they even had time to pull the trigger. They went all the way, but no one could stop Pu Chuanfang and the others.

Since the radio will sound an alarm every time they encounter an inspection, the gamblers here are used to it, so now that they hear the alarm, they leave the underground casino from various exits in an orderly manner, and the croupiers and waiters also Quickly put away the money and silver chips on the gaming table.

When Zhou Hao and Pu Chuanfang rushed out of the corridor to the casino lobby, the gamblers were already gone, so the crowded situation did not hinder their escape. The croupiers and waiters in the casino just thought Zhou Hao and the three were gamblers, and they quickly pointed out the direction of their exit.

One of the exits of this underground casino was the back door of a certain shopping mall. Pu Chuanfang followed Zhou Hao and Hongye Hina to escape, only to feel a bit of fear in his heart. After all, this is the site of the Inagawa Club, surrounded by people from the Inagawa Club. It is a miracle to be able to leave safely from the facade.

"Brother Zhou and younger siblings really thank you, if it weren't for you, I..." Pu Chuanfang knew that he could only leave here safely now only by relying on Zhou Hao, so he couldn't help being grateful.

Zhou Hao raised his hand to stop his words: "Boss Pu, don't be so happy, we haven't completely escaped the danger! Come, our car is outside, let's go quickly."

After all, the three hurried out of the street through this back alley, and the car that Zhou Hao prepared in advance was at the intersection, less than 50 meters away from them.

But at this moment, Naohiro Eguchi rushed out from another exit of the mall with someone. After looking around, he immediately found the three people, Pu Chuanfang, and rushed over. Pedestrians on the street were also attracted by this movement, and at the same time hurriedly avoided to both sides, to make way for those people in Naohiro Eguchi, so as not to be hurt by Chiyu.

Pu Chuanfang saw Eguchi Zhibo leading people rushing over to him, his expression was shocked, Zhou Hao's words also came from his ears: "Boss Pu, they are here to kill, that Eguchi Zhibo refuses to let us go!"

Staring at Eguchi Naohiro who was flying, Pu Chuanfang's teeth creaked: "Eguchi Naohiro, you ruthless guy!"

"Boss Pu, we have to drag them, otherwise we can't escape!" Zhou Hao's anxious voice came again.

Of course Pu Chuanfang knows how critical the situation is. If he was caught by Eguchi Naohiro, Eguchi Naohiro would definitely hand himself over to the Yamaguchi team, because Sato Junichi also died in the Inagawa society’s site, Eguchi Naohiro. If you want to get rid of responsibility, you must hand over yourself as a "murderer." Pu Chuanfang also knew that if it fell into the hands of the Yamaguchi team, it would really be a matter of survival.

Zhou Hao's words floated into Pu Chuanfang's ears at this time: "It's all like this anyway, just kill Naohiro Eguchi as well. Anyway, they set an ambush first. No wonder others!",

In an extremely critical situation, when he heard Zhou Hao's very confusing words again, Pu Chuanfang gritted his teeth, raised his gun, and fired several shots at Jiangguchi Zhibo who was rushing forward.

Naobo Eguchi never imagined that Pu Chuanfang would shoot himself under all the eyes. When he was caught off guard, he shot many shots on the spot, staring at Pu Chuanfang not far in front with his frightened and angry eyes. Fell down.

"Ah! Murder!"

When the surrounding pedestrians witnessed the sudden shooting, they were so frightened that they fled around. Instead, they blocked the Inagawakai and Sato Junichi's subordinates, and could not get close to Pu Chuanfang and the others.

At the moment that Pu Chuanfang couldn't see, Zhou Hao and Hongye Hina smiled at each other, but they soon hid their smiles. Zhou Hao grabbed Pu Chuanfang and shouted, "Boss Pu, hurry up!"

As a result, the group of three quickly ran into Zhou Hao's car, started the car and left.

In the car, Hongyechu was in charge of the posture, while Zhou Hao and Pu Chuanfang were in the back seat.

Pu Chuanfang's mood was still very excited, and his chest was ups and downs, gasping and muttering to himself: "Damn, this is a big game, it's a **** big game! Killed Sato Junichi and Eguchi all at once. Zhibo, the Yamaguchi team and Inagawa will definitely not let our "Five Lakes Gang" go! Damn, it's a big game!"

Zhou Hao next to him sneered and looked at the "Prince of Five Lakes" who was still trembling with the gun, and smiled leisurely: "Yeah, Pu Chuanfang, this time you are playing big."

Due to the ups and downs of his heart, Pu Chuanfang did not notice the change in Zhou Hao's tone for a while, and grabbed his hair and said angrily: "What should I tell my father now? He knows that after I kill Junichi Sato and Naohiro Eguchi, he will definitely be very angry."

"Don't worry, your father won't scold you." Zhou Hao squinted and smiled: "Because he won't see you again."

Hearing Zhou Hao's words, Pu Chuanfang raised his head and looked at him in amazement: "Brother Zhou, what are you talking about?"

"I mean, that old fellow Pu Shougeng will never see you again." Zhou Hao smiled and said, "In other words, he has no chance to see your son again."

Pu Chuanfang finally found that something was wrong, and stared at Zhou Hao in surprise: "What do you mean by this?"

Zhou Hao let out a sneer, and Pu Chuanfang immediately raised his hand, trying to aim his pistol at him. But just as soon as Pu Chuanfang moved his hand, Zhou Hao had already snatched the gun in his hand. With a strong squeeze, he squeezed the metal pistol to pieces!

Pu Chuanfang was shocked, faintly guessing in his heart that he seemed to have gotten into someone else's trap. He turned around and wanted to open the door to escape, but the car was walking on the road at high speed, and he might be killed by jumping out like this.

Looking back, Pu Chuanfang asked Zhou Hao in a panic: "Who are you...Who do you want to take me to?"

Zhou Hao smiled slightly: "Actually, I did not lie to you. I am really a businessman, and I did open a steel ball shop in Chinatown, and this is indeed my wife. However, I have always been there. I never thought of making friends with you, because you, Pu Chuanfang, do not have the qualifications, and it was my purpose to let the Five Lakes Group fall apart."

Pu Chuanfang was dumbfounded when he heard the words, and suddenly remembered what had happened, and pointed at Zhou Hao angrily: "I understand, you killed Junichi Sato just now! Also, you also informed Junichi Sato to come over!"

Regarding Pu Chuanfang's words, Zhou Hao did not admit or deny. He sat back and said with a pleasant expression: "I really want to see how Pu Shougeng will react when he learns about you and discovers you are missing."

Seeing the understated smile on Zhou Hao's face, Pu Chuanfang only felt a chill behind his back, swallowed his saliva, and asked with a trembling, "You, why do you count me like this, count our Five Lakes Gang?"

"You can't control this, anyway, you are now in my hands, and there is no place to turn around." Zhou Hao sneered.

"I, I killed you!" Pu Chuanfang was frightened, stretched out his hand and rushed towards Zhou Hao, trying to strangle Zhou Hao.

But Zhou Hao grabbed his right hand, and his voice was as cold as a cold wind in the twelfth lunar month: "Just now, you used this hand to take advantage of my wife."

Pu Chuanfang, who was grabbed by Zhou Hao's wrist, only felt as if his whole body was locked by a chain of invisible iron chains. He couldn't move at all. Seeing Zhou Hao's very "sordid" face, his heart was After a shock, he asked for mercy: "Don't..."


After hearing a crisp sound, Pu Chuanfang saw that his right hand was bent ninety degrees, and his bones were exposed. Then he felt an unbearable pain spreading from his hands, and the pain made him scream when he opened his mouth, but because the four car windows were closed tightly, his screams could not be heard.

This black Mercedes-Benz car quickly drove on the road, and the entire Yokohama underworld did not know that the Pu Chuanfang they were looking for was in this car.

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