Supreme Uprising

Chapter 13: Slaughtering 100,000 blood wash

Tianwu Temple, majestic towering!

For a long time, the Tianwu Temple was under the suppression of the ancient meditation hall. In the eyes of the Xuanming family, the sense of existence has not been very high.

After all, the major events of the Xuan Ming family are basically determined by the ancient meditation. Although the lord of the Tianwu Temple is very powerful, but under the majesty of the ancient meditation, the Tianwu Temple has always been famous.

But now, with the help of the deputy master of Tianwu Temple, Nalan Night, like some crazy suspects of the Xuan Ming family, directly into the prison of the Tianwu Temple, many of the warriors of the Xuan Ming family It became a wind and a crane.

They are afraid of knowing when, the strongest of the martial arts temples will pick them up and torture them.

And these tortures are naturally more into the prison, less from the prison. The reputation of the Tianwu Temple is soaring.

Looking at the majestic Tianwu Temple, Tianhui Dian gently shook his head. Although he did not want to come, he now has to come.

"The master of Tianwu, an old friend came to visit, please also see the upper side." The voice of the master of Tianhui Temple was instantly spread throughout the Tianwu Temple.

"Ha ha ha, the home of Tianhui Temple is the honor of my Tianwu Temple. If I remember correctly, this is the first time that Tianhui Temple Lord has been on the door of my Tianwu Temple for 100,000 years!" Tianwu The lord walked out of the void, with a smile on his face, but the words were sharp.

The grievances of the Tianhui Dynasties to the Tianwu Dianzhu’s words naturally sounded, and immediately laughed and deliberately made a look that did not understand: “The Heavenly Lord’s Lord laughed, it’s too busy in the past, I Isn't this coming to visit?"

Although the Tianwu Dianzhu is not very fluent to the Tianhui Dianzhu, the other party is the lord of the Tianhui Temple in the Six Great Halls, and the identity is the same as himself.

Although I don't like it, I have to show a happy gesture.

"Ha ha ha, Tian Hui Temple is very polite, you can come to my Tianwu Temple, that is to give me the face of Tianwu Temple, hahaha!"

When the master of Tianwu Temple spoke, he waved to the master of Tianhui Temple: "Please come with me."

After some jokes, the two masters who are in charge of the authority of the Xuan Ming family, the guest of the main seat, the day between the main hall of the Hui Dian, Shen Sheng said: "The last time the temple owner traced the human race, do not know the result how is it?"

"The racism of the human race is deceitful. Now they have not seized their principals, but they have also arrested many accomplices."

When the Lord of Heavenly Wu said that there was a cold and stern voice in the voice: "The Lord of the Ancient Temple is really wasteful. I am like a territory of a copper wall. It is really awful to be run by him."

The Tianhui Dianzhu is obviously a shameful act for the Tianwu Dianzhu. Although he is disdainful, he does not argue.

He knew that if two people argued, then he came to the Tianwu Temple and did nothing. So after a little indulging, he said: "My Xuanming family is too big. It is not easy to master."

"Hahaha, God of Heaven, you obviously excuse Sarah, I know that you are good friends, but such excuses are not a good thing!"

The words of the master of Tianwu are peaceful, but in this peace, there is a hint of condemnation.

Although Tianhui Dianzhu was very uncomfortable in his heart, he still smiled and said: "I am also on the matter. This time I came to the Lord here. I mainly want to ask the Lord to act later. I must think twice before I go!"

Speaking of this, the Tianhui Dian’s singer said: "To trace the spies of the Terran, although it is urgent, you can’t act too hard, and provoke the anger of the sky!"

"Tianwu, I am afraid you still don't know. Just three days ago, Nalan Night's deputy master led his subordinates and killed all the families where the Tengsheng saints are."

"The nearly 100,000 Xuan Ming family strong, buried in his thoughts, this is a lot of family people heart!"

The master of Tianwu wrinkled his brow, and he said faintly: "Heavenly Lord, I actually knew this thing."

"Do you want to say that Nalan’s deputy master of the night kills innocent people, and the communion is privately enemies? What I want to tell you is that this is really not killing innocents, not even public opinion, but when investigating the traits of ethnic groups, it is true. Investigated the family of the Tengsheng saints."

"You know, how secret is it that we hold the inheritance of the second ancient master, and there are really not many people who can know this."

"Our six great temples have extraordinary control over their disciples, so they can be ruled out, but what about the four great saints?"

"They know the same thing, and they are very likely to disclose this kind of thing to their children inadvertently."

Tianwu Dianzhu said here and waved to stop the Tianhui Temple, who was about to speak. "I know what you are going to say to me. I don't doubt the four great saints. I also think that the four great saints may betray. Very small."

"But there is one thing that you should pay attention to." Tianwu Dianzhu said here, with a hint of coldness in his voice: "I am talking about the disciples or descendants of the four great saints. There is a good chance among them. The lurkers of the family."

"The deputy of the Nalan Night Vice-President also examined them according to my orders."

"You know, it is not an easy task to find out the spies of the Terran, so for those who dare to resist, when it comes to human races!"

In the look of the Lord of Heaven, there was a hint of helplessness, although he had already thought of this possibility before he came, but the plausible words of Tianwu Dian still made his heart rise a little uncomfortable.

"Well, Tianwu, the family of the sacred sages, the past is past, and now I have to say only one thing, that is, if we continue to trace, we can use some gentle means."

"Otherwise, the spies of the Terran have not been caught, and we are afraid that we will fall."

"You will never hope that the ancient meditation hall and your Tianwu Temple will be high at this time?"

After all, Tianwu Dianzhu is an unusual figure. He laughed happily: "I am one of the six great temples. I naturally don't want the six major temples to provoke the battle."

"You can agree to the request of the Lord of Heaven, and let the means of Nalan's deputy and other people be softer."

"But I still want to say that the means can be soft, but in terms of treating the enemy, I can never relax. I also hope that you will tell Sarah to let him not overshadow his disciples."

Tianhuidian nodded and said: "This is natural."

"As long as you Tianwu Temple can come up with some suspicion evidence, I can let the Xuan Mingwu who is involved go to your Tianwu Temple, but if there is no evidence, please don't feel free to do it."

"After all, now our Xuan Ming family is worried about external troubles, but it is not the time when you have a big fight in the two temples."

The conversation between the master of Tianwu and the master of Tianhui Temple cannot be said to be harmonious and complete, but on the surface, it has indeed solved some problems.

When the Lord of Heaven was sent away, the master of Tianwu Temple said: "Tianhui Temple Lord, although Sarah is a good repairer, but he leads the six halls, the fire is still worse, I think, it should be changed. A person who leads the six halls."

"For example, you feel that as long as you are leading the Six Halls, it is definitely better than Sarah, the Lord of the Ancient Temple."

The Tianhui Temple Lord smiled and said: "Thank you, Tianwu Dianzhu can afford it. I know that I am not this material. Haha, I am still doing my old job honestly!"

Seeing the faraway of the Tianhui Dianzhu, there was a glimmer of coldness in the eyes of the Emperor of Heavenly Wu. His words were accompanied by a cold voice: "It is a nosy."

However, although he said so in his mouth, in the end, he still used the endless land to order the Nalan night who traced the human race to the outside, so that he must be careful in the next thing.

Among the Xuan Ming family, with the strength of the Tianwu Temple, the Luo Fangyang can be described as infinite.

However, killing almost all the disciples of the Tengjiao saints, but still can not make the ancient meditation hall and Tianwu Temple to fight, which makes Luo Yunyang disappointed.

In the same way, this also makes Luo Yunyang, who is bothering the nerves of both sides, deeply realize that what he has done has not reached the bottom of the two endurance.

Especially in the ancient meditation, it has been swallowing.

The owner of the Tianwu Temple holds the burial of heaven and earth. It can be described as an imposing manner, but once this matter slowly subsides, the advantages of the master of the Tianwu Temple will disappear.

Without the advantage of the Tianwu Temple, it is difficult to challenge the status of the ancient temple.

Although the two will still be different, it does not have much influence on the status of the Xuan Ming family.

Do you want to find something more irritating to both sides?

Killed to the descendants of the saints, in the feeling of Luo Yunyang, has reached the limit, not to mention, Tianwu Dianzhu has passed such an order.

However, in this regard, Luo Yunyang’s heart was even more reluctant. His fingers gently tapped on the jade table, and he had an idea again.

"Come to, take the confession of the guest of the Tengjiao saints family, go to the ancient meditation, let the ancient dynasty to pay people!"

Luo Yunyang’s instructions suddenly reminded many people in the Tianwu Temple that they have been suppressed by the Tianwu Temple. It can be said that they were full of anger at the ancient temple.

This time I went to the ancient sacred dignitaries, which is the best opportunity.

"Deputy Lord, his willingness to go!"

"The deputy master, the subordinates of the ancient and the ancient temple, there are some embarrassment, or let the subordinates take a trip!"

"The deputy, the lord, also wants to go to the ancient dynasty!"

Under the screaming voice, Luo Yunyang ordered two of the martial arts martial arts who were the nine-heavy universe of the universe. They took their orders to go to the ancient sacred temple to take people.

And just after he issued this order, the incarnation of a blue lotus road also turned into a blue smoke, and went in the direction of the ancient temple.

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