Supreme Uprising

Chapter 15: Wars from the sky

Duo Qingyun sat quietly in his own hall, holding a manuscript of the ancestral elders in his hands, slowly learning. With his cultivation, there are not many things that can be of interest now.

Of course, the manuscripts of the Zongmen elders on the practice of practice are crucial to him.

As a Yuanzun, the Duo Qingyun in the Zongmen, has a low status, not to mention him at this time, but also to guard this ancient temple, only after that high hanging in nine days The place of the temple.

In fact, although he was a serious watcher at this time, his mind was not placed on the manuscript that could definitely be called a gem.

Tianwu Temple has sent a small pipa, and they want to take away the disciples they have cultivated in the ancient meditation.

What is the reason? I really have this reason!

Feng Xuan Tianze is who he is, but he is one of the most important disciples of Du Gu Qingyun. Even in the eyes of Du Gu Qingyun, this wind Xuan Tianze has endless potential.

More upscale Xuantian Ze's ancestors, and Du Gu Qingyun are old, he is almost a disciple of Du Gu Qingyun.

This time, no matter what, you can't pay someone!

Not to mention an ordinary disciple of Tianwu Temple, even if Nalan’s night comes in person, he must not hand over the person.

Nalan night, thinking of this recent famous name, Duo Qingyun felt extremely angry.

It is really no tiger in the mountains, the monkey is called the king! If it wasn’t for the Lord’s ancestor this time, how could this class of children be so arrogant!

"Not good, adults are not good!" Panic voice, quickly passed over, heard the sound of the moment, the eyes of the solitary Qingyun flashed a bit of cold.

What he least likes to hear is that someone told him that it was not good to say anything.

What I don't want to hear is that the adults are not good. It sounds like he is not good at it.

After a few days, I will replace this younger person who is not sensible, and the province will be shameful.

"Is the sky falling down? You are so flustered and arrogant!" In the voice of Du Gu Qingyun, there is a reprimand.

When I heard the voice of Du Gu Qingyun, the rushing Xuan Ming family of warriors soon realized that they were reckless. He knew that he had made a big taboo. The adults in front of him hated the others and said that it was a curse.

When I think of it, I try my best to stay calm and calm, and say, "Adult, it’s a big thing, let’s go see it."

"Even if it's a big thing, there's me holding it up, what's your panic!" Du Gu Qingyun said this sentence, this is a faint saying: "Let's say, what happened?"

"Yuwen has been killed without a border!" The subordinate quickly yelled.

"Don't die!" Du Gu Qingyun said this sentence casually, but in an instant, he suddenly thought that the Yuwen has no words, it seems to have a sense of familiarity.

"Who is Yuwen without a border?" asked Duo Qingyun.

"Adults, Yuwen has no Xinjiang, which was sent by Wu Ming Temple that day, and asked to capture the messenger of the younger brother of Xuan Tianze." The subordinate said quietly.

Du Gu Qingyun suddenly stood up. At this time, he also remembered who Yu Wen was without. He also flashed a eagerness in his eyes. He couldn’t sit still with calm and calm!

If it is in the past, it is not a big deal to kill a disciple of Tianwu Temple. Even if he is a symbol, he can solve this matter.

But now, his heart is full of clutter.

Tianwu Temple can now be said to be aggressive for the ancient meditation, and this Yuwen has no boundaries, not for personal grievances.

He is trying to catch the spies and come for the big things of the whole Xuan Ming family! Under this circumstance, Yu Wen was killed by his disciples in Zongmen, which is definitely a tricky thing.

"Who killed, why do you want to kill Yuwen without a border?" asked Duo Qingyun.

"Yes... It’s a night mad younger brother. It’s too ugly to talk to Yuwen. The night mad teacher is not guilty, and he kills him.” The man who came to sue, with a hint of helplessness in his voice.

Known as the night madman, Duo Qingyun knows that in this ancient temple, only his own grandchildren are alone.

There are a total of nine sons in the Du Gu Qingyun, but these nine sons are not too great, and the highest is only the seven heavenly gods.

However, when Duo Qingyun was disappointed with his children and grandchildren, he was born alone in the night. Although he could not be called the top, he also had the possibility of cultivating Cheng Yuanzun.

Naturally, this has also been loved by the solitary clouds. It can be said that among the entire sect, the singular night madness is the most unscrupulous person.

Unexpectedly, now, the solitary night kills the messenger of the Tianwu Temple, and the crisis brought about by this incident can be imagined.

"Command everyone, no one is allowed to spread this thing out, otherwise, kill innocent!" The first thought of Du Gu Qingyun at this time is to temporarily close all the news, making people feel that nothing has happened.

However, just after his order was issued, his gods felt a majestic killing, which came from nine days away.

This killing, let the heart of Independence Qingyun instinctively tremble, he knows that at this time, it is not the time when he can arrange it, so his thoughts flash, he has already rushed outside the mountain.

"Who is so arrogant, dare to scatter in my ancient temple!" Du Gu Qingyun is not an ordinary person. At this time, he is very clear. In this case, no matter what the cause of the incident, he must take the lead and first deduct the crime. Say it to the other person's body.

However, the answer to the one-of-a-kind cloud is hundreds of disciples, like a gust of wind sweeping the leaves and flying out.

Although the injuries of these disciples are not fatal, the situation of their indiscriminate fall is to make the entire sect of the sect famous.

Looking at the Nalan night that came from above Jiuyi, although the heart of Du Gu Qingyun was very uncomfortable, he still took a breath and pressed the thoughts he wanted to do.

"Nalan night, here is the ancient meditation!" In the voice of Du Gu Qingyun, with a hint of reprimand.

"Because I know that this is the ancient meditation, I will send a disciple to come to the post, which means that no matter what the matter, I must give the face of the ancient meditation."

"But now, I am wrong! I overestimated your minimum literacy!" Luo Yunyang was a bit sad and regretted: "It is because of my fault, so let this representative Tianwu Temple Disciple, innocent lost his life."

"Today, the ancient meditation, I must give me a saying about Tianwu Temple."

Du Gu Qingyun is also the top Yuan Ming of the long-time world. When he spoke in Luo Yunyang, he did not know how many thoughts flashed.

At this time, I heard that Luo Yunyang said so impassionedly, and now I smiled lightly: "The deputy of Nalan Night, your words, it seems to have some truth."

"But, you have forgotten that the ancient meditation was the head of the six temples, and all those who violated the dignity of the ancient temple, died!"

"In the past, my ancient sacred temple was a provocation to the ancient meditation for those who violated the ancient meditation."

"He himself will not only die, but their sects will also give me an account of the ancient temple."

After a little hesitation, Duo Qingyun is full of threats in his words, and he does have the ability to threaten.

Luo Yunyang listened to the words spoken by a large number of disciples under his auspicious Qingyun. At this time, the heart can express a heartfelt gratitude to this one, and this guy, with his own, is really a tacit understanding. .

Although on the surface, Luo Yunyang made a look that he would not want to eat the other party, but in fact, he felt that this person is very close.

"Don't be alone, is this your answer? It's really domineering, but I tell you, you will not agree with this answer, we will not agree with Tianwu Temple, you can also ask Tianwu behind me. Disciples of the Temple, will they promise?"

The disciples of the Tianwu Temple who follow Luo Yunyang's rampage, which one is not a proud and proud person? Coupled with the invincibility of these times, they have given them boundless arrogance.

Things that bow, they certainly won't do it. Not to mention now, it is obvious that the ancient meditation did not make sense, killing the people of Tianwu Temple.

Yuwen is in the Tianwu Temple, and there is no companion. Therefore, when Luo Yunyang’s words are spoken, there is a crazy scream: “Don’t agree, deputy, we don’t agree.”

"The killing of the people, the ancient dynasty does not hand over the murderer, this matter is not finished."

"Yes, this thing can't be counted like this. The ancient sects killed me as a disciple who performed the task. Maybe there are other situations, and I must thoroughly investigate it!"

For a time, it was a group of anger.

The disciples of the ancient dynasty, these days can be said to be full of anger for the Tianwu Temple, originally in accordance with the ranking and strength of the temples, the ancient meditation is the well-deserved boss.

But now, the ancient meditation was suppressed by the Tianwu Temple. Not only did it have no previous status, but even a small figure from the ancient dynasty, it was necessary to take away the core disciples of the ancient meditation.

This made the ancient meditation hall full of humiliation.

Not to mention that when Yu Wen came to nothing, the kind of provocation that made them feel very uncomfortable.

A young Xuan Ming standing in the crowd, watching all this coldly, his eyes flashed a bit of cold.

He is Feng Xuan Tianze, ranked fifth in the ancient meditation, it should be said that it is also a character. But now, a huge sense of crisis is filled with his heart.

The reason for this sense of crisis is not because Yuwen was killed, but because of the order that Yuwen came from.

He did not have any contact with the Terran, but if Zongmen finally agreed to let him cooperate with the investigation of the ancient meditation, it was a crisis for him to unpredict the consequences.

And it is a crisis that is almost likely to threaten life.

The so-called people are not for themselves, and the heavens are destroyed. At this time, Nalan’s aggressiveness made him see an opportunity, an opportunity for himself to survive.

Therefore, after thinking about it, he made a decision. Only when he made this decision, he seemed to feel that someone looked at him.

However, I can't take care of it!

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