Supreme Uprising

Chapter 40: Time and space gather together

The arrival of the Xuanzang Temple, the War Hall, the Dark Temple and the Four Great Halls of the Great God Temple and the representatives of the six ancient surnames have raised a hint of gloom in the hearts of many people.

Because in most people's minds, I know this time, I am afraid it is not so easy to end.

Even many disciples who are proficient in conspiracy have already vaguely realized what might happen in this matter.

However, although these disciples have thousands of thoughts in their hearts, at this time, no one has spoken.

The door of the inner hall of the Hongmeng Temple was slowly pushed open, and there was no **** of change in his face, and he slowly came out.

He looked at the people present, and looked calmly toward the left and right. "The time is almost the same. The decree of the Lord's lord is about to open. Are all the disciples of the Hongmeng Temple already here?"

Although the old man is calm, but whether he is a master of the thousand or other strong, he looks at the old eyes of God and is full of respect.

They don't know the origins of God, but they know that this **** is really not easy to provoke. Even with their current status, it is not suitable to provoke the god.

In the face of the gods they don't know, their choices are the same, that is, they can not conflict, and they must not conflict with God.

"The old man, I am in the temple of Hongmeng, there are three disciples who have not arrived. They are the one-day respect, the Yuncheng Tianzun and Luo Yunyang!" The blue-necked Yuanzun is speaking, as the existence of the criminal law of the Hongmeng Temple. This is his part.

The Blues are not worthy of the existence of the Yuanzun level. In the return of this matter, people can't hear any mistakes.

God did not open his mouth, but the left lord had already stood up and said: "The idiot! At such an important moment, the three people are still not coming, it is really lawless."

"Bluebird Yuanzun, you are the master of the criminal law of my Hongmeng Temple. You told me how to deal with this situation?"

"Open the cut out." Bluebird Yuan said faintly.

The other two Tianzun were cut open. It is not a big problem for the entire Hongmeng Temple. However, if Luo Yunyang was cut, then this matter is not a trivial matter for many people!

Right respects the cold road: "Left respect, Luo Yunyang does not come, is blocked by other things, I see we will investigate after the investigation!"

"There is no rule, no way!" In the voice of Zuo Zun, there was a cold and stern road: "At the moment when my Hongmeng Temple is in a storm, some people will inevitably be proud of themselves!"

"Although I don't know what he relies on for his arrogance, but for such people, I only look for one thing: I don't need such a person to exist in the temple."

"Right respect, use the heavy code in troubled times, you will not have heard of this sentence!"

When the words of Zuo Zun were exported, some people chuckled: "The left lord said, my dark hall fully agrees."

"The people who are proud of themselves, even if they have some abilities, can't tolerate and condone, because once we are tolerant of these people, then the atmosphere of my entire sect is changed."

He spoke of a man from the ancient six surnames. Although he seems to be young, the whole person gives a feeling of grace.

Listening to his words, the left face showed a smile.

At this time, Baihe Yuanzun sneered aloud: "Why is Luo Yunyang not, I think everyone in the ancient six surnames should give us an explanation for the Hongmeng Temple."

During the conversation, he looked at the ancient six surnames who spoke: "The ancestors of the family, why did you go to the dragon scale universe at this time?"

"And I am still working in front of Luo Yunyang's home. Would you please also ask us to give us an account?"

"Ha ha ha, how can we interfere with our ancestors?" The man smiled softly: "Not to mention I heard that the ancestors of the family were fascinated by a talent and went to collect disciples."

"Is it true that the Temple of Hongmeng has been tyrannical to the fact that we have to accept disciples in the ancient six surnames, but also to the point of intervention?"

When the words were exported, they suddenly became extremely nervous.

Between the ancient six surnames and the five great temples, it has always been a constant. Although the five great temples can temporarily suppress the ancient six surnames, they are not absolute.

Now that the main sacred body of the Hongmeng Temple is damaged, it can be said that the power of the five great temples has been hit hard, and it has become extremely difficult to suppress the ancient six surnames.

At this time, the Daqian controllers stood up and said: "At this time, it is not for everyone to come to a dispute. I will wait to see the Lord’s death. If there is any problem, I will talk about it later."

This sentence, the Daqian masters said that the iron and steel, even with an unquestionable taste.

As one of the five great shrines, second only to the existence of the main lord, the Daqian master is quite prestigious. Now his words are exported, and naturally there are many people responding.

"Well, let's stop!" said a family owner of the ancient six surnames, faintly speaking to himself.

Zuo Zun shook his fists around: "Well, since the Daqian controllers say so, then we are ready to ask the Lord's will, as for the three disciples who have not arrived, let them explain the situation to me afterwards."

In this sentence, Zuo Zun actually has taken the initiative in his own hands. Although the right respect is somewhat unwilling, there is no way.

After all, the practice of Zuo Zun seems to have no mistakes.

God did not express any opinion on the dispute between the two left and right. After the left man said this sentence, he slowly walked to the center of the inner hall of the Hongmeng Temple.

However, God does not have any movements.

In the look of some people in the ancient six surnames, the moment of impatience appeared, the old man suddenly moved, his palm, instantly swaying the French and Indian.

Six French seals were quickly completed in the hands of God, and these rituals entered the void. The empty air that was originally calm, there was a small portal.

This portal is only one foot away. At the moment of the portal, a golden box appeared in the void.

The Daqian controller looked at the small box that appeared and sighed softly. This tone is not only a sigh for the fall of the Lord, but also a hint of admiration for the Lord.

The average person can't see anything from the short action of God, but as a top-level existence, Daqian control can see the mystery of this.

The perfect combination of the two top-level rules of time and space, whether it is to leave the position of the old man standing, or miss the time when God just took the shot, it is difficult to take out the small box hidden in the void.

It can be said that the position of this small box is constantly moving.

Only at a specific time, using a specific means, at a specific location, can take out the small box. The lack of these three, the small box will continue to flow in the endless void, until someone in the next small box to the time of the Hongmeng Temple space, take this small box out.

Holding the small box, the **** of the original look, the palm of the hand trembled, it is obvious that this god, who seems to have no feelings, is not as light as the Lord.

"Congratulations to the Lord's decree!" In the voice of God, with a trace of respectful taste.

And almost all of the disciples of the Hongmeng Temple, bent on the moment of hearing the old sayings, all respectfully bent down.

At this time, the small box was slowly opened by God. A will, from the small box, rushed out, in an instant, this will actually in the void, condensed into a figure of the Lord.

Although the Lord's body is ruined by this kind of thing, the entire Temple of Hongmeng has been spread, but at the moment of the appearance of this figure, there are still many people who involuntarily reveal a respectful color. Even if it is the existence of the ancient six surnames, do not dare to speak loudly.

"When you see my god, I believe that I should say to you forever." With a self-deprecating voice, I came from the shadow.

"But you don't have to be sad, I don't have any regrets. I don't have any regrets." In the voice of the Lord, with a hint of self-deprecation: "Although I have a lot of things, I can only Throw these things to everyone present and finish."

"The big masters, I know that you should be in this hall, such a big thing, why don't you come?"

"Since you have come, then I hope that, in my aftermath, you can add a little guarantee."

The Daqian controller did not think that at this time, the gods left by the Lord’s Supreme actually said that they were themselves. He screamed at the god: "Since you have given it to me, I will do my best to help you."

"Very good, after I was damaged, the most important thing for the Hongmeng Temple is the position of the Lord. I have hesitated for this, and I finally made a decision!"

The decision of the Lord’s dear has already made the people present nervous, especially the left and right, which determine the two, who can formally become the master of the Hongmeng Temple.

"The position of the Lord's Respect is inherited by Luo Yunyang. Zuo Zun and Zuo Zun each perform their duties, and assisted Luo Yunyang to spend the crisis caused by my death."

The body of Zuo Zun shook involuntarily. When Da Mingshi said that Luo Yunyang would become his obstacle, there was a suspicion in the heart of Zuo Zun.

Only soon, he put this suspicion aside.

After all, Luo Yunyang's time to enter the Hongmeng Temple is too short. Although it is a good repair, his position in the Hongmeng Temple is still a saint.

Passing him to him, hope is not too big.

But now, in the will of the Lord, it is really a pass to Luo Yunyang, which makes his heart shocked, but also full of feelings of anger.

Luo Yunyang became the Lord, what should he do with this left? !

This is also the reason why, when he came up, he wanted to open Luo Yunyang out of the Hongmen Temple.

"I oppose!" Just as the thoughts in the left respect surging, some people have said quietly.

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