Supreme Uprising

Chapter 42: Legendary pig teammate

The man who spoke, looked proud, and a handsome face lifted up like a emperor from the ages.

For this person, Luo Yunyang is no stranger, can be said to be very familiar!

妘天圣! The leader of the younger generation of the six generations of the ancient times, repairing it has reached a certain existence in the early days of Yuanzun.

When he spoke, looking at Luo Yunyang's eyes, he was full of provocation.

For this sacred day, Luo Yunyang did not have any good feelings. At this time, he saw that he stood up and dared to provoke himself. In a moment, he gave birth to a killing.

He said faintly: "I thought it was someone who dared to speak like this. It turned out to be the ancient six surnames that were allied with the Xuan Ming family."

"Oh, you guys are not human dog things. Who told you to come to my Hongmeng temple dog?"

The six surnames of the ancient times have always treated the Terran in a down-to-earth manner. In their eyes, although their appearance is the same as that of the Terran, in reality, they are the gods who are high above them, the gods who control everything.

It is also based on this kind of thinking, so the ancient six surnames from top to bottom are a contemptuous attitude towards the human race.

They think that everything about the Terran should be listened to by them, and the Terran should be the slave of the Six Elders.

For the position of the Lord of the Hungmun Temple, they have already had a decision. Now, Luo Yunyang’s accident has made them very unhappy.

As the top figure of the first family of the six surnames, Qi Tiansheng is naturally a high-powered person. Even in the eyes of some elders, Qi Tiansheng is the best choice to succeed the family.

How can these people be despised? How can these characters be willing to remain silent on the big things that the Quartet gathers!

Therefore, when the first day of the monk appeared, he sang to Luo Yunyang. His idea was to use this method to brush himself a sense of existence.

However, he did not expect that Luo Yunyang did not explain to him as much as he thought. Even what he thought, Luo Yunyang was scolded by his own righteousness, and his expression was not red.

Luo Yunyang directly opened the ancient six surnames!

However, Luo Yunyang’s words also raised a trace of suspiciousness in the heart of Qi Tiansheng. His relationship between the ancient six surnames and the Xuan Ming family has always been dominated by the human race.

After all, the Terran and the Xuan Ming, but the enemy of life and death!

"Don't be awkward, you are so courageous, you can't humiliate me in the ancient six surnames, and die!" The experience of Qi Tiansheng was a little inadequate, but a middle-aged man standing behind the sacred sacred body stepped out.

His momentum is like a mountain, and there is a sultry atmosphere between them. At the moment of anger, his eyes stared at Luo Yunyang: "Luo Yunyang, today, if you don't give us an explanation for the ancient six surnames because of your words, I will be surviving the ancient six surnames!"

The ancient six surnames, the comprehensive strength is not weaker than the five major temples.

When the Lord's Supreme has no body damage, the ancient six surnames often use some means to provoke the limits of the Terran. Now Luo Yunyang is in the presence of the heads of the five major temples. How can the ancient six surnames endure?

It can even be said that this is the most rare opportunity for the ancient six surnames.

In the eyes of Zuo Zun, there was a slight sarcasm. Although Luo Yunyang was a good talent, but in the eyes of his old left, it was a brave role. At this time, in conflict with the ancient six surnames, do you think that you are really the Lord?

Although the right respect does not change, but at this time, he also squinted and looked at Luo Yunyang quietly.

The Daqian controller and the owner of the Xuanzang Temple looked at each other and saw each other's dissatisfaction from the other's eyes.

This dissatisfaction is aimed at Luo Yunyang. Although they have a lot of good feelings for Luo Yunyang, Luo Yunyang’s resentment against the ancient six surnames is to make their hearts full of joy and scent.

But they still think that Luo Yunyang is too rash. The strength of the ancient six surnames is not small. If this time and the ancient six surnames tear the skin, then it will make the people suffer from the enemy, or even be hit hard.

They didn't notice the little movements of the ancient six surnames, but they were always patient. The reason for patience is naturally for the overall situation.

The main lord chose Luo Yunyang as the successor, but Luo Yunyang did not focus on the overall situation, which made Daqian control and others feel disappointed.

However, at this time, they did not speak immediately, but continued to watch. They want to see how Luo Yunyang wants to solve this problem.

"Oh, you have to explain, I can explain it to you." Luo Yunyang faced the big man of the family, there was no fear in his eyes, and he even flashed a faint smile on his face: "妘天圣, I went to the Xuan Ming family some time ago. Although I did not stop the inheritance of their second ancient masters, they also knew a good show."

"I heard that in the prison of the gods of the prison, you and the nine sons Xuan Ming teamed up, did not block Nalan night, it is enough garbage!"

Two words of rubbish, Luo Yunyang said that the incomparable random, but the word of garbage, but let the face of Yan Tiansheng change.

He is the pride of the sky, he always thinks that this world should be dominated by him.

Luo Yunyang’s words were even more in a word, and he poked his scars all at once, so he said with anger: "It’s the nine sons and mysterious incompetence, I just fell..."

Halfway through the conversation, Qi Tiansheng stopped. He had fully understood it at this time. Looking at Luo Yunyang with a smile on his face, he really had the urge to smash this man.

The ancestors of the family, their faces are not good-looking. The gods are the disciples who are the key disciples of their family. Now they have been given such a big voice by people in three or two sentences, and they are still on the human race.

This made him feel a little tricky.

On the face of Zuo Zun, there was even a hint of anger. The performance of Qi Tiansheng was really disappointing to him. He was really a pig teammate.

Other teammates are able to help, and the opponents of Hao Tiansheng are helpless, it is abhorrent!

The right-handed man looked at the sly sacred sacred, and his heart was very happy. The arrival of the ancient six surnames has given him a lot of pressure. Now, the words of the sacred sacred sacred have already made the ancient six surnames lose their voice in the position of the lord of the sacred temple.

"Luo Yunyang, I heard that you are the first master of the young generation of the human race. Now the main lord has left a message to let you take over the position of the main lord of the Hongmeng Temple. I think there should be some skills."

After Tian Tiansheng took a deep breath, the whole person calmed down. He looked at Luo Yunyang with a smile. He said faintly: "I am the first person of the ancient six surnames. I wonder if you dare to I am better than the last one."

"Let me see too, is this top-ranking powerhouse of the younger generation of the Terran, is it a name!"

The other young people of the ancient six surnames heard that Tian Tiansheng said this, and suddenly he knew that Tian Tiansheng’s counterattack came.

Just a word is wrong, so that the ancient six surnames in the position of the main hall of the Hongmeng Temple, this position has suddenly dropped to the lowest.

At this time, even if the representatives of the ancient six surnames wanted to come hard, the five great temples would never be willing. After all, their enemies are Xuan Ming, who are absolutely unwilling to have a dispute with the Xuan Ming family, and become the owner of the Hongmeng Temple.

It is a good idea to solve the problem in a challenging way. As a person who has just been recognized by the Lord's Will, Luo Yunyang is hard to avoid.

Even if Luo Yunyang avoids fighting, the purpose of Qi Tiansheng has already been reached. Because of a strong person who can't even cope with the challenge, what qualifications are there to become the lord of the Hongmeng Temple!

If Luo Yunyang accepts the challenge, they believe that defeating Luo Yunyang with the fighting power of Qi Tiansheng should not be too difficult.

As long as Luo Yunyang was defeated, he became the master of the Hongmeng Temple, and he also became entangled. At the very least, in this case, his personal prestige would fall to the extreme.

"Luo Yunyang, when I was in the family, I also heard about you, saying that you are the most powerful existence of the human race. How dare you dare to compare with the big brother of the gods, look at your human race, It’s not bragging.” A woman who looks gorgeous and unusual, with a slight scorn in her words.

At the moment when the woman spoke, someone followed: "He doesn't dare, huh, huh, everyone doesn't think that he is just invincible? I heard that he went to the Xuan Ming family, so he didn't even dare to even shoot!"

"Oh, I heard that, because of him, it will be..." A child who seems to be a family, said with a smile.

Luo Yunyang looked at Qi Tiansheng with a strange look. For a long time, he said: "You want to challenge me?"

Although Tian Tiansheng felt that Luo Yunyang’s eyes were a bit weird, he did not think about other places. For him, this is the most beneficial way for him to recover his honor.

So at the moment when Luo Yunyang opened his mouth, he said coldly: "No mistake, that is, I want to challenge you, how? Dare or not? Could you really be like my brothers, your heroic deeds, Is it that your race is bragging?"

"Well, then let's compare it. Let me see your first person in the ancient six surnames. What is the skill!" Luo Yunyang's words, with a taste of teasing.

He did not know why Luo Yunyang wanted to talk to him in this tone of tone, but he himself felt that as long as Luo Yunyang accepted his own challenge, everything was enough.

"It’s better to hit the sun than to hit the sun. How do we compare today?" When talking about Tian Tiansheng, he walked toward the temple one step at a time: "I see you have a good performance in the temple of Hongmeng, we are there. A high score."

Daqian masters and others quickly glanced at each other and followed them out. For them, it is time for them to discuss the next practices of the temples. Luo Yunyang and Qi Tiansheng are better than the previous one. .

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