Supreme Uprising

Chapter 53: Self-respecting outside the ancestral land

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"Luo Yunyang wants to attack the ancient six surnames? Is he crazy?" Xuanzang Temple Lord looked at the subordinates of Huishui, and the eyes flashed with surprise.

In the Xuanzang Temple, it has always been dominated by women. It is also a woman who returns to the Lord of the Temple of Xuanzang.

For the surprise of the Lord of the Temple of Xuanzang, she did not feel any accident, because when she just got the news, the reaction was the same as that of the Xuanzang Temple.

In the eyes of all people, the roots of the ancient six surnames cannot be broken at all. That Liuyang Fengtian Array has already protected the ancient six surnames like a copper wall.

From the contact and struggle with the six surnames of the ancient times, the Terran did not occupy the upper hand, but each time the Terran suppressed the ancient six surnames, the ancient six surnames would hide in their ancestral land.

The helpless Terran eventually had to negotiate with the six ancient surnames.

Although this process is very awkward, there is no way.

Because these six yang seals the sky, it is like a wonderful use of a large hood, the ancient six surnames in the middle, so that they are not threatened.

She is standing by her own master, but at this time her mind is no longer in her own master.

At this time, the heart of the floating butterfly goddess emerged in the same time when the two worlds were in the sky. Almost completely desperate, in the two worlds, he encountered the young man who was able to take himself out of the two worlds with his own strength.

Although it is the realm of their love, some love thoughts will become unkind, but in the heart of the butterfly goddess, Luo Yunyang's figure is like a brand that is always indelible, deeply occupying the most important. s position.

"Master, maybe, he can give a lesson to the ancient six surnames." In the eyes of the floating butterfly goddess, although this is difficult, but she could not help but defend Luo Yunyang.

The owner of the Xuanzang Temple looked at his disciple, and there was a faint worry in his eyes, but she also knew that this kind of thing could not be ended by her own persuasion.

In the end, the direction of the matter, or to see the decision of the butterfly girl.

"Do you think Luo Yunyang might be successful?" Putting a bit of worry about his disciples aside, Xuanzang Lord with a trace of blame: "What do you infer, he can succeed?"

"He is Luo Yunyang!" The butterfly girl looks calm, but she said it.

The more frowning of the main brow of the Xuanzang Temple, the reason, it sounds really ridiculous. He looked at the floating butterfly goddess who was still preparing to speak. He said: "Well, you go with me to see the ancestral home of the ancient six surnames."

"This time, they are doing too much. Even if they can't break their Liuyang Fengtian array, they should give them a lesson."

"At the very least, let them spend some time, can't come out and stir the rain!"

In the eyes of the floating butterfly, the girl flashed a touch of joy, and immediately said: "The disciples obey!"

The masters of the Thousands of Thousands, the Lord of the Battle Hall, the Lord of the Dark Temple, have come together when the Lord of the Temple of Xuanzang arrived.

They each have their own most powerful subordinates, and they have no hidden atmosphere. They stand outside the six huge stagnations. There is a feeling that they can compete with these six yangs.

They came here, although they did not break the Liuyang Fengtian array, but they also had an idea that the ancient six surnames knew that they were angry and thus gave birth to taboos.

Luo Yunyang did not pay attention to the arrival of these several lords. His eyes are showing a strange luster.

Although his impact on the creation of the Gods is not completely successful, but also gained a lot of authority to create God.

It can be said that at this time, he has the ability to see through the advantages and disadvantages of all things.

It is precisely because of this means that Luo Yunyang has to break the suffocation of Liuyang Fengtian.

The floating butterfly goddess looked at the volley and stood up. Like Luo Yunyang, the **** of the gods, the thoughts in his heart continued to surge. What she thinks in her heart is the mood of Luo Yunyang.

In the heart of the floating butterfly goddess, Luo Yunyang has always been a calm and incomprehensible existence. Now he is so anxious, it must be something that makes it difficult for him to keep calm.

Although the floating butterfly goddess does not feel that he can help Luo Yunyang to solve these things, but there is also an impulse to share for him.

"Oh, it's arrogant!" said the Yuanzun of a battle hall, with a hint of anger in his voice.

Although the Yuanzun of this battle hall, when speaking, lowered the voice, but the cultivation moved them to such a point, any slight wind and grass, it is difficult to hold their ears, and there is a saying that the voice is depressed.

In the silence of the moment, the butterfly girl said coldly: "If you can capture the six holy sacred, you are also qualified to be proud! Not afraid of people out of the limelight, I am afraid that you are not capable!"

This sentence came out, actually it is offending people, but the butterfly girl does not care, her words are full of a sense of coldness.

The Yuanzun of the War Hall looked at the floating butterfly goddess, and there was a sigh of anger in his eyes, but at this moment, he could not speak.

He can't do it at all.

Just as countless thoughts surged in his heart, the six huge swells that were suspended in the void suddenly burst into light.

The endless hot white light, gathered together in the void, turned into a huge figure, overlooking the Lord of the four great temples.

"The big masters, you come to my ancestral home of the ancient six surnames, what is it?" Like a thunderous nine-day voice, constantly echoing in the void.

The Daqian controller looked at the man who spoke, and smiled coldly: "Hey, please let your family come out."

"You still don't deserve to talk to me."

In the eyes of the gods, the anger is flashing. For a long time, he is a proud person. In the eyes of Hao Tiansheng, he has a little gap, but it is rarely worse than the Taiyuan Yuanzun.

In front of the lords of the five major temples, their identity and status are enough to make themselves in many things without falling.

But what he didn't think of was that this one opened his mouth so that he couldn't get off the stage. For a time, he looked at the eyes of the big masters, full of anger.

But in the end, he still didn't rush out, but he smiled and said: "My ancestor, I don't think about you now."

"I came here this time to convey the creed of our ancestors and hand over the six holy sacred ones. This matter can be stopped. Otherwise, the ancient six surnames and your five great temples will officially start fighting!"

"You can guard here, we will never come out, but when you leave, then thirty-six big universes, without the six holy sacred, our ancestors, can also be shattered."

The last word of shattering, the chilling ice that the heavenly sage said, is filled with a feeling of sinisterness.

In the eyes of the Daqian master, the anger is three feet away. With the cultivation of the Daqian master, even if it is the existence of Tianzun, his eyes are enough to determine the existence of life and death. But now, although his heart is extremely angry, he can only press this anger in his heart.

He can't kill Tian Tiansheng, at least under such conditions, he can't kill Tian Tiansheng.

"I still have the same sentence, you have to talk, let your old group come out, as for you, there is no such qualification." After a deep breath, the Daqian controllers shouted again toward Hao Tiansheng.

He was very proud of the sacred day, and he was questioned by the Daqian who was questioning his qualifications again and again, which made him extremely angry. So at this time, when he heard the words of the thousand masters, he came directly to a silence.

There is nothing wrong with silence. It is as if you have not heard what the big masters are saying. This kind of silence is sometimes more uncomfortable than counterattack.

In the eyes of the Daqian controller, there was a chill, but in the end, he did not speak.

In this silence, the Lord of the Dark Temple opened: "My ancestors, I know that you are listening, you want the Six Holy Ghosts, it is not impossible, but this requires you to come out and talk."

The words of the Lord of the Dark Temple did not receive any response. The silent, sacred heavenly cold road said: "The six holy sacred ancestors, originally the things of my ancient six surnames, you must return."

"Don't think that you have got the Six Holy Ghosts, you will be able to come to the holy land of my ancient six surnames. I tell you that the land of our six ancient surnames is not something that you guys can be jealous."

"Now, you all give me..."

When Yun Tiansheng opened his mouth, Luo Yunyang slowly turned his head. He glanced at Hao Tiansheng, faintly saying: "Roll!"

For Luo Yunyang, Qi Tiansheng can be said to be full of anger, and he has never been so humiliated in such a public. Luo Yunyang's clock can be said to directly let his reputation sweep.

If he is still the most powerful younger generation of his family, if it is not his cultivation is close to the Taiyuan Yuanzun, if not...

The first person of his younger generation of the ancient six surnames, I am afraid that he has been hit hard and even has to pay a huge price.

Listening to Luo Yunyang’s arrogant speech, although his heart is very uncomfortable, he is still cold and cold: "Luo Yunyang, you first came to my ancestral home of the ancient six surnames, how is it, is it necessary to attack our six yang seals? Big day!"

"Come here, we warmly welcome you to take the shot."

"Just, I am afraid that if you have not yet shot, you will be defeated. I am the ancestral home of the ancient six surnames, and you are such a presence, you can peep!"

The words of 妘天圣, it is very sinister, Luo Yunyang looked at 妘天圣, cold smile, his hands, his hands quickly printed, a bronze giant clock, has appeared in the void.

This giant clock makes the face of Hao Tiansheng extremely incomprehensible. He will never forget that he is such a giant clock that Luo Yunyang picked up and directly fell into the void.

This hatred is as strong as the bones, which makes him extremely uncomfortable.

"Oh, you still want to break the six-yang Fengtian array of my ancient six surnames? Hahahaha, it’s really not self-sufficient, come and come, I will wait for you to shoot." The voice of Hao Tiansheng is full of infinity Hate.

At this moment, Luo Yunyang punched, and the heavy bombardment was on the bronze giant clock!

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