Supreme Uprising

Chapter 55: Angry ancient six surnames

When Luo Yunyang’s bell was knocked, there was a glimmer of light in the eyes of Daqian’s controller. Although he was not too clear about the method used by Luo Yunyang at this time, he was sensitive to realize: this bell, Not the same!

Silent clock, the most hurtful!

Even if it can't cause too much damage to the ancestral land of the ancient six surnames, as long as it is harmful, it will be difficult for the six surnames to be unscrupulous in the future. It is difficult to do hands-on on the territory of the Terran.

It can be said that this will bring great benefits to the human race.

Luo Yunyang is ringing the bell. It can be said that Luo Yunyang is concentrating on ringing the bell. Although the bell does not sound in this void, Luo Yunyang’s mind can use the invisible bell to rush into the ancestral land of the ancient six surnames. .

With the help of the tiny shackles in the hexagrams of the six yang dynasty, the six yang feng tian dynasty forces are used to promote their invisible clock waves.

This kind of means sounds simple, but if you don't see the hustle and bustle of Liuyang's squad, it is simply impossible to achieve.

A ringing sound, with Luo Yunyang's heart endless anger, he pounded the giant clock, he wants the ancient six surnames to tremble in this bell.


When Luo Yunyang’s bell knocked on the tenth, six figures rushed out, and six old people from the family, each standing tall on a huge spurt, just like the gods.

Only at this time, they looked full of embarrassing eyes, making them look, not so perfect.

It can even be said that the killing of their bodies makes them one by one, flashing a sense of terror.

Their snoring, Luo Yunyang naturally heard, but for their snoring, Luo Yunyang did not care.

He continued to knock on the Zhenshitianzhong, a ringing sound of the bell, almost bursting in the ears of most of the ancient six surnames.

"I didn't tell you, let you not knock!" The old group of the family once again madly roared. For many years, the old group of the family was always saying the law, and Luo Yunyang ignored him and made him feel extremely angry.

It can even be said that at this time, the entire group of people, the whole person will have to explode.

Luo Yunyang is still cold, just like the voice of the old group, he did not hear the general.

The ancestors of the family did not need to slap the old group, and they rushed toward Luo Yunyang. Luo Yunyang’s behavior made the ancestors feel extremely angry. It can even be said that the ancestors of this time wanted to kill Luo Yunyang.

Because he already felt that the loss of his family's ancestral land was heavy, and one of the ancestors who had been cherished by them and awake, in the ring of Luo Yunyang, eventually collapsed into a raging fire.

The leader of his family has become a sinner of his family!

Only by killing Luo Yunyang, he was able to let his stains disappear. Only by killing Luo Yunyang, he was able to become the owner of the family again.

So at this time, he barely left his hand toward Luo Yunyang. However, at the moment of his shot, the owner of the Xuanzang Temple, already in front of him, stepped on the head of the Xuanzang Temple of a black lotus, giving the impression that it is so noble, and It is such a rejection of thousands of miles away.

"This road does not work!" The Xuanzang Temple Lord only said four words, but these four words represent the firm and firm mind of the owner.

Looking at the elegant figure of the Lord of the Temple of Xuanzang, the old man yelled: "Now leave, or my ancient six surnames and your Xuanzang Temple will not die!"

"Don't die, then you will die!" The Lord of the Temple of Xuanzang spoke, and the palm of his hand patted gently toward the void.

This palm, incomparably soft, is like a lover's hand, making people fascinated, making people feel relaxed, making people feel that way...

The silent, unrelenting palm, but the old ancestors roared, his hands quickly printed, a flash of nine dragons, but only a body of the mythical ghost, appeared on top of his head.

On the nine heads of the phantom, a ray of light emerged at the same time. These radiances converge and greet the master of the Xuanzang Temple.

If you talk about power, your ancestors can be said to be powerful, and even the two are not proportional.

However, when the two forces collide together in the void, there are nine kinds of ray of light that are silent and dissipate in the void.

"You are really too far away." In the voice of the Lord of the Temple of Xuanzang, with a trace of elegance: "It is not the last six homes of the ancients."

The so-called hitting people do not face, but now, the owner of the Xuanzang Temple, but unceremoniously sprinkled a handful of salt on the wounds of his ancestors, and still do not give face, sprinkled a handful of salt.

The old group of the family is like a hungry wolf. He is watching the Lord of the Xuanzang Temple. It is obvious that the attack of the Lord of the Xuanzang Temple has caused him a lot of shock.

Luo Yunyang’s fist, this time again squatted on the Zhenshitianzhong. Although there is still no sound, but the old group can imagine, because of Luo Yunyang's fist, the damage caused to them.

"Getting it together!" The ancestors of the family screamed at the moment when Luo Yunyang’s fist fell again.

The other five owners of the ancient six surnames, almost at the same time vacated, they are like five horrible red rainbow, in the direction of Luo Yunyang, a heavy impact.

"Slightly safe!" Daqian masters flew past the ancestors, but just as he blocked his ancestors, there was another figure in the void, blocking another ancestor. .

That is to say, at this time, the big masters of the thousand have turned into two!

The two big masters are not only exactly the same. The air machine they stand together gives people a sense of complementarity. It is like two big masters who can enhance each other's strength.

The two masters of the Temple of War and the Lord of the Dark Temple joined forces, and even blocked the three ancestors of the family. Although they were second-hands, they had a feeling of being in the upper hand.

In particular, the lord of the war hall, a quaint armor, makes him the whole person, and the armor not only blocks all the attacks of his ancestors and so on, but also doubles the attack power of the warlord. .

This looks like a quaint armor, exuding the breath, compared to the atmosphere of the creation of the **** dish, no difference.

"Open!" After the ancestors of the family had struggled with the Daqian masters, he had already had a golden dragon wrapped in his hand.

Although the hammer seems to be hurt by something, there is a deep crack in the middle! But the power is endless, and every hammer is thrown out, which implies a force that makes the heavens and the earth tremble.

The Daqian master is not hard-hitting. His figure is like lightning. He is constantly changing his position in the void. Whenever his ancestors want to rush to Luo Yunyang, he will be blocked back.

The ancestors who were blocked again and again were angry, but his anger could not change his unfavorable status at this time.

"Dead!" The old ancestors roared, and his hands were arrogant in gold, madly dancing, and a line of gods. In the golden costumes, it was such a majestic, so powerful.

Even if this is the case, the ancestors of the family are still at a disadvantage. Although his gold decoration is a treasure, but in the big thousand gods, it is still a little worse, not to mention his master, in the hands of Luo Yunyang, just now Was broken the body.


Luo Yunyang madly waved his fists, and the sound of the bells continued to pass through the six rounds of the raging sun into the ancestral homes of the ancient six surnames. Although the ancestors of the family have already rushed out, the losses they have suffered are equally felt.

When Luo Yunyang once again slammed his fist on the giant clock, a more and more vicissitude of Zhongbo rushed into the ancestral home of the ancient six surnames.

In the middle of the ancestral mountain, a red rainbow rises into the sky. Although there is a occlusion of the six yang seals, but the feeling for everyone, it seems to be the seventh hot sun, rising in the void.

The old group of the family is red and red. Those ancestors who were buried in the last big world or in the last big world, the closer they are born, the more vulnerable they are.

This is a ancestor who doesn't know how many generations, and as long as he can wake up successfully, his family will get huge benefits. But now, the ancestors who have been pinned by countless hopes have not woken up, and they have collapsed into the void.

For the family, this is a huge loss, this is the loss that makes them feel bad, this is a loss enough to make them feel crazy.

However, in the midst of madness, when he saw Luo Yunyang’s fist and was ready to fall again, his eyes burst into a hesitation. In the end, he still shouted loudly: “Luo Yunyang, don’t knock again, there is something, we Can talk!"

This sentence is said to be almost equal to the lower six surnames. In the face of the Terran, the ancient six surnames have always treated the Terran in a down-to-earth manner. For them, the Terran is actually not much different from their slaves.

Now when their ancestral land was hit hard, they asked Luo Yunyang for peace. This is a huge blow to the dignity of the ancient six surnames.

But there is no way to ask them not to, and the blockade of the four main halls has made them unable to block Luo Yunyang.

Although there are some masters among their ancestors, the masters of the five great temples are also flocking from all directions.

At that time, even if they were all shot in the ancient six, the final result was that they could do nothing, and Luo Yunyang’s bells could cause them even greater losses.

The ancestors and other ancestors heard the snoring of the old group, and stopped one by one, but what they didn’t think was that at this moment, the perverted Luo Yunyang even slammed his fists in the earthquake. on!

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