Supreme Uprising

Chapter 87: The Battle of the Ancients is infinite

To avoid, you must avoid it. If you let this huge mountain of God linger, Luo Yunyang has a feeling that he will die without a place of burial!

At the moment when the thoughts in his heart rise, Luo Yunyang quickly adjusts the attributes in his body. He knows that the reason why he is suppressed by this power is only one, that is, his heart is suppressed.

As long as it is a cage that breaks through the mind, you can move your body.

When Luo Yunyang increased the mental power of the four-yuan beast to the body, Luo Yunyang felt that he could move.

In the moment when his body can move, Luo Yunyang desperately went to the distant crazy impact.


The landslides are cracked, and the endless voids are all broken powder.

Although Luo Yunyang has been avoiding it, but he is not far from the void, his heart still raised a huge sense of fear.

He knows that this time it is really very dangerous. If it is not fast enough to adjust the property adjuster, then this time it is definitely a dead end.

Just entering this place of origin, I was almost buried in this crisis, and the danger of the place of origin is really different.

With Luo Yunyang's current cultivation, among the five great temples, it is considered to be the top-level existence. It has just come to this strange place of origin and was almost buried in it.

Not to mention other ordinary yuan statues.

Those Yuanzun strengths are not enough. Maybe they have just come to this land of God's war, they are shattered into the mountain of God, directly broken into powder.

The crisis here is as old as God said, but what about the chance here?

After Luo Yunyang’s fall in the Shenshan Mountain, he had time to look around. He found himself at this moment in a battlefield.

A crazy battlefield!

Twelve tall and tall, like the pillars of the heavenly glory, are shrouded in their momentum.

Golden hammer giant axe, cross knife long sword...

All kinds of weapons, under the control of the twelve Yuan Ming, fell from the void, and under the attack of the twelve huge Yuan Ming, hundreds of individual patriarchs were in madness.


Although the meta-respects of these Terran are desperately resisting, they are under the attack of the Twelve yuan, which seems to be stronger than the Taiyi Yuanzun. Soon, many people collapsed directly into the void.

In the process, Luo Yunyang even saw the strongest who had the realm of the Taiyuan Yuanzun, and displayed the method of the Wanshi Chaozong.

Even so, the Taiyuan Yuanzun did not resist the crazy sword attack, and collapsed in the void.

The spirits of the gods took the rules they controlled and ran wildly, but these spirits, although they escaped quickly, were suddenly broken.

Luo Yunyang himself, also under this kind of attack, he has just observed the situation around him, a golden giant hammer with infinite power, has been heavily squatted.

After the last experience, Luo Yunyang's property regulator has adjusted the state that is most suitable for the current crisis, so the implied power in the golden giant hammer did not shock Luo Yunyang.

Luo Yunyang quickly escaped!

However, just as Luo Yunyang avoided the giant hammer, a light and shadow rushed toward him from a distance. The speed of this light and shadow was very fast, so that Luo Yunyang could not escape.

Light and shadow and Luo Yunyang collided together in the void. At the moment of the collision, Luo Yunyang felt that the light and shadow had already rushed into his body.

Unknown light and shadow into the body, so that Luo Yunyang was shocked. This place of primitive warfare can be said to be strange everywhere, and unknown things rush into their bodies. Many people are dead.

In the moment when Luo Yunyang urged the gods to move toward the light and shadow, Luo Yunyang suddenly felt a force and began to erode his own mind.

This is an ordinary Tai Shi Yuan Zun's power. Although this power is not weak, it does not pose much threat to Luo Yunyang.

Under the gathering of spiritual strength, that is, in an instant, Luo Yunyang directly wiped out the mental power that he wanted to seize his body, and directly wiped it out of his body.

However, at the moment when the mental power was wiped out, Luo Yunyang’s eyes flashed a trace of surprise, because he was surprised to find that there was an extra rule in his body.

This is the foundation of Tai Shi Yuan Zun to become Yuan Zun, but now it has been perfectly integrated into his body.

Feeling the law of the breeze, Luo Yunyang was watching the light and shadow between the empty space, and he was finally killed by the twelve giants. He finally understood what the origin of the land was.

Why did the ancient gods fight in the land of origin, Luo Yunyang did not know, in this place of origin, why can he devour the laws of those souls, Luo Yunyang is also unclear, but he knows that this is very good for him. important.

Without any hesitation, Luo Yunyang rushed to the light and shadow that was about to be hit by a huge axe.

His light was swaying, and the illusion that was supposed to be smashed by the giant axe in a blink of an eye was caught.

However, just as he saved the light and shadow from the axe, Luo Yunyang felt a gaze and fell on him.

With this gaze, Luo Yunyang felt that his body wanted to move, and it became extremely difficult. Even in his heart, he also raised a huge sense of fear.

The world around him is making great changes.

The power of Taiyi Yuanzun!

Under this kind of power, Luo Yunyang even gave birth to a feeling that oneself should be a little slower, and the whole person must die in the void.

I can't take care of other Luo Yunyang, and adjust most of my speed and physical fitness to the spirit, which is out of the deterrent.

The reason why he can get out of it, although mainly the role of the property regulator, but among them, more importantly, he is not the most important attack object of the twelve giant Yuan.

The most important attacker of this battle is a young man who is like a hot sun. The breath filled with him is the atmosphere of Taiyi Yuanzun.

As long as it is where his gods go, everything in the heavens and the earth will become a piece of dust, but it is a pity that although he is too easy to respect, but there is no cooperation with the twelve yuan, there is no Small gap.

So he has been in a passive state and has been in a state of being suppressed.

In this kind of suppressed beating, the companions around him were constantly shattered into powder by the power of twelve yuan.

"Kill!" A kind of killing word with no grief and indignation, spit out from the mouth of the figure, accompanied by this voice, I saw the figure vacated.

Immediately, he turned into a blazing light wheel of black and white, and rushed toward the twelve yuan.

When the black light wheel and the white light wheel are separated at the same time, they almost become nine at the same time, and when Luo Yunyang thinks that these light wheels should be rushed to the twelve yuan, they rushed to each other. .

Nothing wrong, under this madness, they rushed to each other.

It is also an instant effort, nine black and nine white eighteen light wheels, it is a crazy impact, the power that broke out at this moment is a self-destructive force of Taiyi Yuanzun.

For a time, the vast world has a tendency to collapse. The twelve top-ranking Taiyi Yuanzun, at this time, is more crazy to gather their own body.

Luo Yunyang has a feeling of being crazy. Although he is not at the very center of this energy, he knows how difficult it is for him to survive if this world is going to collapse.

This is where the origins come from, and it is simply a place to die.

In the brokenness of this heaven and earth, all the laws and all the powers have no effect. The only thing that exists between this heaven and earth is that it is broken, broken, or destroyed!

In this crazy destruction, Luo Yunyang felt his body as if to be torn. At this time, the only thing he had to do was to stick to his body and not be torn into powder by the incomparable energy.

At the beginning, Luo Yunyang also used his heart to resist the crazy power, but at the end, Luo Yunyang did not know how he had passed through this situation.

I don't know how long it took, and the crazy storm finally dissipated slowly. Luo Yunyang felt his body, and did not know when, there were countless pieces.

These fragments are fragments of some laws.

When Luo Yunyang was ready to check the debris in his body, he felt that the world around him suddenly changed. He was in the middle of a ruin, and he appeared in a world like a fairyland.

However, Luo Yunyang has not waited for a breath, and the swordsman, who is like a flying fairy, has already come to his crazy killing.

This sword mans implied infinite killings. Luo Yunyang felt that the moment of this sword mang, he already understood that this is a sword mang in the early Yuan Dynasty, and it is also a top swordmanship of the Taiyuan Yuanzun.

With the surging of this swordsman, Luo Yunyang simply couldn't think about it. When he came to the dynasty, he went to the swordsmanship of the Taiyuan Yuanzun and bombarded it.

The collision between the boxing light and the sword mang makes the void collapse instantly. Although Luo Yunyang did not suffer too much injury, the collision also caused his body to quickly retreat hundreds of steps.

At this time, Luo Yunyang discovered that his place is still a battlefield. In this battle, not only the human race, but also the Xuan Ming family, but also the gods prison family.

A sword that has just come to him is a sword belonging to the strong family of the prison.

However, just as he looked around, he discovered that a lot of Yuan Zun's body had collapsed in this battle, and there was a more soulful spirit that fled in the battle.

Looking at the ongoing crazy battle, Luo Yunyang has more and more understanding of the origin of the place!

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