Supreme Uprising

Chapter 89: Broken

The moment of re-entering the Hongmeng Temple, Luo Yunyang's heart is full of endless emotions, this is the feeling of the rest of the robbery.

Although he was not sure how long he had stayed in the place of origin, his experience in the place of origin gave him a feeling of staying in the land of origin for a long time.

Therefore, once again set foot on this piece of heaven and earth, Luo Yunyang really has a feeling that people are wrong.

"You are back!" God first appeared in the front of Luo Yunyang when Luo Yunyang entered the Hongmeng Temple.

Looking at God, Luo Yunyang asked for the first time: "Why is it called the place of origin?"

For Luo Yunyang, there is no accident at all. It can even be said that Luo Yunyang’s problem at this time, in the expectation of God, he said: “The reason why this is called the place of origin is because every The destruction of one time represents the opening of the next great world."

"Every time the destruction represents the opening of the next big world!" Luo Yunyang gently repeated the words of God in his mouth, and the eyes flashed a trace.

God's old words made him feel filled with emotion. The battles that were full of annihilation were repeated, and it was indeed getting stronger and stronger.

"The last battle I have experienced is the battle between two Taiyi Yuanzun against the man. Is it the last big one?"

This is the second question Luo Yunyang asked. At this time, he really wants to know whether he has completely passed the history of the human race.

"I don't know!" God looked at Luo Yunyang solemnly, and the voice contained calmness.

Looking at God's old has completely restored the calm look, Luo Yunyang feels more to say at this time, but also useless.

So before he was ready to retreat, he just asked again how long he had gone.

"One moment!" This is God's answer to Luo Yunyang.

For a moment, I experienced so many battles in the land of origin. After so many battles, what I experienced was only a moment.

This statement, Luo Yunyang is a bit dubious in his heart, but looking at the old and solemn look of God, Luo Yunyang feels that God does not have to lie to himself.

Returning to his palace, Luo Yunyang sat down on the floor after a quiet moment.

At this time in his body, all kinds of laws, as well as countless rules and fragments, are gathered in his mind.

If these rules and rules are used as the basis, Luo Yunyang is even sure to build a different way of cultivation.

However, after thinking about it, he decided to follow the practice of breaking the thousand, because it is the most suitable for himself.

What's more, behind the Daqian cultivation, the Terran ancestors also made a note: this way of cultivation, the future is unpredictable!

After seeing a situation in which Taiyi Yuanzun died, Luo Yunyang had a very clear understanding of the disasters he was about to face.

This catastrophe is not to say that it has become a Taiyi Yuanzun to avoid, even the ordinary Taiyi Yuanzun, in the face of such disasters, there is no slight resistance.

In order to resist this disaster, not only must it become Taiyi Yuanzun, but also become the top Taiyi Yuanzun.

Although Luo Yunyang’s rules are mostly the common rules governed by the most basic Tai Shi Yuan Zun, the Law of Dao and the law of Heaven belonging to Tai Yi Yuan Zun are not only small but also have been crushed, but because they have all been Luo Yunyang Controlled, so it is not too difficult to integrate.

The difficulty of breaking the law is not the integration, but the one-time control of so many cultivation methods.

Forty-nine days, Luo Yunyang finally carried out a complete combing of the laws and rules of his body.

Although he has mastered these rules, he has no time to sort out these rules in the land of war.

Using the forty-nine days to completely sort out these rules is actually very fast. After all, for the ordinary Jiuzhong Tianzun, they condense their own law of the Yuanzun, but do not know how much time is needed.

"Break the big, the integration of one article, compared with the construction of a big world to break, has a very small gap."

Luo Yunyang has already made up his mind between his own words. Although the road to breaking the martial arts is good, he can also build a road of his own.

To take this road, the first thing to do is to use those laws and fragments to build a world of thousands of worlds that are all built by various laws.

There is an experience in the creation of God, Luo Yunyang does not feel that it is difficult to build so many laws together, but the water-killing effort in this is very costly.

Fortunately, Luo Yunyang still has no shortage of time. After he has confirmed his thoughts in his mind, he began to build a world where his own usage is gathered in his own mind.

Two days, three days...

In the Temple of the Thousand Gods, the face of the Daqian controller is a bit embarrassing. Although he hates the extreme, he is helpless.

Although at this time, he is still the master of the Thousands of Thousands, still the owner of the Thousand Gods Temple, but many people in the Thousand Temples know that the position of his lord has not been sitting for a long time.

Because of the control of the Great Thousand Mirror, he has lost at this time.

Thinking of the control of the Thousand Gods, the eyes of the Daqian controller flashed a glimmer of reluctance. Although he did not completely control the Daqian Mirror, there was a thousand Mirrors in his hands, and his cultivation would have Immeasurable growth.

But now, this big mirror is already belonging to others.

Although he was very reluctant to let the big thousand mirrors go out, but the comers took the command of the first big thousand masters, and five more early Yuanzun came. The most important thing is that if you come to the identity of the person, it is too much higher than him.

The disciple of the first Daqian master is even the highest existence among the generations of the Great Thousand Temple. In front of others, there is only the qualification to call the ancestors.

However, for this strong situation, he has taken pains to manage his business for many years and let himself stand in the middle of the temple.

Over the years, he has worked hard for the people of the 36 universes, and he has worked hard and knows how much he has spent.

Now, in a word, everyone will deprive him of everything, how can he be convinced!

A jade character flew into his hand and looked at the contents of the jade, and the mouth of the thousand masters showed a bitter smile.

The Xuanzang Gate of the Xuanzang Temple also fell into the mastery of the so-called predecessors in Tianding. Although the masters of the Daqian Master and the Xuanzang Temple cannot be said to be friends, the two men are at the same time, but they are also in harmony.

For this situation, he is also expected.

It’s just that the news on the side of the Xuanzang Temple is slower than it is on your side. But when he saw the last sentence of the jade, the cold light in his eyes suddenly became extremely cold.

Bring the door of Xuanzang back to Tiandingjie!

The role of the door of Xuanzang can be said to be related to the foundation of thirty-six large universes. If there is no uninterrupted supply of the mysterious door, then the aura of the 36 universes will be reduced by a large Value.

Therefore, when Feng Tiancheng was born, the five great temples would be so anxious, even if they did not hesitate to fight with the Xuan Ming family, they would also take back the Xuan Zang door.

But nowadays, the existence of these Tianding circles has to bring the door of Xuanzang back to Tiandingjie, which makes the controllers of Daqian feel that the blood in their brains has suddenly filled up.

No, absolutely not! The thirty-sixth universe, which he and others have been desperately guarding, has not been destroyed in the hands of the Xuanming family, but it has to slowly decline under the influence of the Tianding world. He absolutely does not agree.

"Tell them the importance of the door of Xuanzang to my 36th universe. The 36th universe must not decline. This is the root of the Terran!" After the news was sent out, the Daqian controller called heavily. Take a breath.

At this time, he remembered the news that he had received these days. For example, there is a strong person in the Tianding world. In order to collect the refinery weapons of the sky blue gold, all the voids will be refining.

If the sky blue color gold is collected according to the method of the void, in addition to the time spent, there is no harm to the whole void, and it is also possible to continuously transform the sky blue color through the special terrain of the void.

However, the strong man of Tiandingjie simply disregarded the blockade of thirty-six large universes and directly broke the whole void.

Although he gave the time of the 36th Universe Yuanzun to transfer the tribe when he started, the treasure land that produced the sky blue gold has finally become a ruin.

Like this situation, not one or two, it is a lot!

Deliberately, the game is human!

The heart of the thousand masters, the emergence of these two words, especially the last word, let him feel a feeling of uncomfortable from the heart.

"The door of Xuanzang will add color to the Emperor's Temple of Lingxiao, and it will not remain in the thirty-sixth universe." When the Daqian controller showed a bitter smile, a ray of light rushed over again.

This sentence is not long, but the helplessness in this sentence, the big thousand control can feel it.

Because he also tasted the same taste.

"Yunyang's approach may be right." The news that Luo Yunyang imprisoned the strong men who came to the Tianding world raised a heartfelt admiration in the hearts of the masters.

But he also knows that Luo Yunyang and his Hongmeng Temple are in a situation where a storm is about to come.

This kind of storm, the incomparable violent!

A poorly-treated Hongmeng Temple, I am afraid it will be turned into another look, as for Luo Yunyang...

Looking at the sky, there is a snarl in the voice of the Daqian controller: "Tian Dingjie, you really think of yourself as a day!"

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