Supreme Uprising

Chapter 100: a world of heaven and earth

Jiujiu returned to the truth, and the last bell rang, as if the power of the first eightty bells was quickly gathered together.

The bell rang through the square, and at the moment when the sound of the bell rang, the two figures rushed into the road to the sky.

Only these two figures, one fell behind the three hundred Taichu Yuanzun, one fell in front of the three hundred Taichu Yuanzun.

Falling behind the 300-year-old Yuanzun is the Dragon Brahma, and Luo Yunyang, who falls in front of the 300-year-old Yuanzun.

Three hundred standing on the steps of the Taiyuan Yuanzun, at this time one by one facing the road to the sky, their eyes are overlooking Luo Yunyang standing at the bottom.

At this time, they did not converge on their own body, and all kinds of breath echoed around their bodies, forming a force that could suppress everything, and swarmed toward Luo Yunyang.

Luo Yunyang stands alone at the point of the road to heaven, giving people the feeling that they are incomparably small and extremely fragile.

"Small little Tai Shi Yuan Zun, see me, wait, don't bow down!" A handsome, looking middle-aged man with a bit of temperament, with a hint of reprimand in his voice, shouting loudly toward Luo Yunyang .

He is the Taiyuan Yuanzun, and his own breath has already suppressed the Quartet, not to mention the hundreds of Taiyuan Yuanzun, almost at the same time, under the hint of Long Brahma.

Their drink, like a thunder, shakes for nine days!

Although it was not in a void at this time, the power of the road to heaven was already isolated, but at the moment of hearing this, almost everyone felt that their mind was shaking.

Daqian masters and others gathered together, they looked at the present scene, and their faces were very bad.

In the view of Daqian control and others, the worst situation at this time was that Luo Yunyang was besieged by the people, but they did not think that they had not yet begun. These Taiyuan Yuanzun of Tiandingjie actually used such means.

This is an incomparable direct, but also a very useful means.

If Luo Yunyang can't take this drink, then Luo Yunyang's reputation is not only destroyed, but he can even destroy the rebellious heart of the thirty-six big world human races in the void.

Therefore, this drink can be described as earth-shattering.

As the Taiyuan Yuanzun, the Daqian masters themselves feel that they may not be able to withstand this in the face of this drink.

"Before I knew this, Yunyang should not be allowed to participate in this battle of the Emperor." In the voice of the Lord of the Xuanzang Temple, there was a trace of annoyance.

This time Luo Yunyang competes with the emperor, and can be said to have the hope of thirty-six big cosmos. But the talents that Tian Dingjie came up with can crush all the strengths, but let people get cold from the bottom of their hearts.

Luo Yunyang, who is in the middle of the drink, still looks dull. Even Luo Yunyang at this time has not revealed any panic.

At the moment when the sound of the drink rang, his gaze looked at the dragon van Gogh standing at the highest position, and the corner of his mouth was a little smile.

This is a kind of carelessness, and it can even be said to imply a mocking smile.

And just as this smile was formed in the corner of Luo Yunyang's mouth, the drink that condensed hundreds of Taiyuan Yuanzun's momentum was also pressed against Luo Yunyang's head.

Then, this drink echoed in the void, but Luo Yunyang himself did not react under the sound of this.

"He won't be scared!" Tianding's Oriental family's training martial arts, some young people from the Eastern family, fixed their eyes on Luo Yunyang on the road.

They want to come, Luo Yunyang, a Tai Shi Yuan Zun, in the face of this kind of drinking, he simply can't resist.

Luo Yunyang is now able to remain calm at this time. The most likely reason is that he has been shocked by this voice.

This will keep calm!

"No, you see his smile, there is no change with this!" He spoke of a tall, oriental family. From his position, he is very important among the younger generation of the Oriental family. .

Although the person who spoke was not low, but also the disciples of this family who were not convinced by him, his voice just fell, and he heard someone sneer: "The thirty-six brothers said that the situation is light!"

"But, do you really think that Luo Yunyang has the ability to withstand the drinking of so many predecessors? Then you can afford to see him too much."

The tall young family of the East did not argue. His eyes were still staring at Luo Yunyang, but at this time his expression was a bit more solemn.

At this time, Luo Yunyang said: "Let me see, everyone is the same as the early Yuanzun, who visits who!"

In a word, Luo Yunyang once again attracted a lot of attention to his body. Those children of the Eastern family who were still talking about it were silent.

Among the Eastern families, the status of Yuanzun is very high, and the status of the Yuan Dynasty as the rule of the avenue is higher.

Most of the people who were present felt that they could become Taishi Yuanzun, but at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, no one dared to say that they could do it.

After all, it is too difficult to become a Taiyuan Yuanzun. No matter where it comes from, a Taiyuan Yuanzun has a different status.

It can even be said that even if it is an enemy, it can be awe-inspiring to be the existence of the Taiyuan Yuanzun.

Before Luo Yunyang signed up to become the emperor, it was Taishi Yuanzun, but now it has been promoted to become the Taiyuan Yuanzun, which makes people feel envious and admired.

For a time, many young warriors in Tiandingjie were taken by Luo Yunyang.

"You can advance to become the Taiyuan Yuanzun in such a short period of time. It seems that I really look at you a little." Long Brahma looked at Luo Yunyang, a faint road.

"But even if you become a Taiyuan Yuanzun, you have to kneel under the power of my Tianding world and surrender to the feet of me. Don't leave, wait until when!"

The roar of Long Brahma began as Qingyin, but when he said the last eight words, there was a strange change in the void.

This change has made Long Brahma's drink a strange power, a force that people can't help but kneel down.

Under this power, the three hundred standing in the early Yuan Dynasty under the Dragon Brahma, almost high at the same time, they are repeating the eight words that Long Brahma just said. And their repetition is combined with the sound of Dragon Brahma.

This drink, like the first thunder at the beginning of the heavens and the earth, not only contains incomparably powerful power, but also contains a supreme majesty, a majesty that makes the heavens and the earth all discolored.

At this time, the Daqian masters felt that their eyes were black. Although he quickly expelled this kind of state from time to time, the more so, the more he felt in the hearts of the masters.

He and the drinker are not in the same space, they have already felt so tyrannical, and Luo Yunyang, who is on the road to the sky, should be in a state.

Can Luo Yunyang support it? If Luo Yunyang can't support it, then the battle of the emperor will not have to go on.

The resistance of the thirty-six great universes will be turned into water.

Although the Daqian masters hope that Luo Yunyang will resist anyway, but at this time, the masters of the big thousand are really not at all.

After all, this power is too strong. Although Luo Yunyang is not weak, but in the face of the momentum of the three hundred Taiyuan Yuanzun, can he stand up?

Just when the big masters looked at Luo Yunyang, they found Luo Yunyang with a very indifferent look, standing faintly below, and did not feel the sound of resilience.

"You should drink the sound of Taikoo Long, but I am not too afraid of that too ancient dragon." Luo Yunyang was shocked by countless people, and smiled toward Long Brahma.

The face of Long Brahma is not good at all. He never regarded Luo Yunyang as an opponent. In his eyes, Luo Yunyang is also a lucky guy.

His goal is to wait for the emperor's position, but the current situation, but he has to pay attention to this turned out Luo Yunyang.

"Come without going to indecent assault, since I listened to you, then I will pay tribute to you." Luo Yunyang did not pay attention to the wrath of Long Brahma. He spoke in the void, and there was a big clock in the void.

Luo Yunyang’s palms slammed into the sky.

This punch implies the full anger of Luo Yunyang, but in the moment when his fist bombarded on the earthly clock, an invisible clock wave has already moved in all directions, toward those who are too early. .

Can become the existence of the Taiyuan Yuanzun, everyone is a strong-willed generation, in the moment Luo Yunyang shot, they have quickly closed their minds.

Because they all understand that Luo Yunyang’s shot at this time is absolutely different. But what they didn't think of was that Luo Yunyang's fist bombarded the moment on the earthly clock, and there was a silence around him.

It is as if the giant clock has not been ringed, and no sound has been heard in the ears of everyone.

The more it is, the more cautious the performance of the extraordinary Yuan Dynasty.

But even so, when Luo Yunyang’s fist hit the moment of the Zhenshitian Zhongzhong again, there were more than a dozen Taiyuan Yuanzun, and suddenly his hands clasped his ears, and some even spit out a blood.

At the beginning, Yuan Zun should not have been so easily injured, but this time they met Luo Yunyang.

Luo Yunyang became the Yuan Dynasty, and the method of breaking the big ones tends to be perfect. His cultivation is more than that of the previous period.

And the shocking world clock is even more precious, and the power formed between being motivated is naturally not comparable to the ordinary Taiyuan Yuanzun.

"One punch, two punches, three punches..."

Luo Yunyang's palm, falling on the giant clock again and again, although there is no sound, but let the Tianding world standing on the top of the Yuan Dynasty, one by one, fell from the high platform.

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