Supreme Uprising

Chapter 102: Go riding the dust

Deity: Strength: 11410 Speed: 12420 Constitution: 13548 Spirit: 15752 Blood: 9.8

Mixed hole four-beast: Power: 7541 Speed: 6382 Spirit: 7598 Physique: 6784

On the property adjuster, when Luo Yunyang’s current attribute number breaks through the Taiyuan Yuanzun, it can be said that there is a leap, a breakthrough leap.

Although numerically speaking, Luo Yunyang's various values ​​seem to have more than doubled, but in fact, the higher the repair, the more difficult it is to upgrade one point.

And when the value is doubled, the improvement is already huge.

Speed, speed, speed!

When Luo Yunyang blinked, he added all the values ​​of his deity to the speed.

Of course, the various values ​​of the four-hole beast are added to the corresponding values ​​of the deity. Luo Yunyang, who has completed all of this, has a sly smile on his lips, and he looks at the oriental holdings and other people in front of him.

The various values ​​of these people are also flashing in Luo Yunyang's heart, but Luo Yunyang's most attention at this time is their speed.

The speed of holding the field in the East is more than 4,000. The speed of other people is not higher than that of the East. But it is at most five thousand.

Although for the people of the Oriental holdings, they can directly cut through the void, and in an instant hundreds of millions of miles, but in the eyes of these mortal eyes, they still have differences.

"Let's wait, I will go first!" Luo Yunyang's eyes, with endless self-confidence, his voice is peaceful, but within this peace, there is a kind of confidence that makes people feel tremble.

In the face of this strong self-confidence, Dongtian Tiantian and others feel that they have a very bad feeling in their hearts.

As the Taiyuan Yuanzun, they can say that they have always been confident in their own feelings, but Luo Yunyang’s words at this time make them unwilling to believe.

After all, they have more than 30 people!

Although more than 30 of them want to kill Luo Yunyang in one fell swoop, it seems that they can't do it at one time, but blocking Luo Yunyang, in their view, is not too difficult.

They don't even believe that Luo Yunyang can cross the entrance of their defensive road to the sky.

Everyone who watches the battle of the emperor in Tiandingjie also does not believe that Luo Yunyang’s words will be true.

In their eyes, these more than 30 people in the early days of the road to the heavens, each one is lame, can make the supremacy of nine days of holding.

Only one of these characters is enough to compete with Luo Yunyang, not to mention that they are close to forty people.

Luo Yunyang, it is impossible to rush from their block.

"Thirty-sixth universe, it really is the big universe, bragging kung fu, is still first-class!" There is a strong person in the world, with a hint of ridicule in the voice.

The military of the 36 major universes, although they all want to be able to add strength to Luo Yunyang, but they also know that this situation is really not manpower can change.

It is almost impossible for Luo Yunyang to rush out of the encirclement of thirty-six Taiyuan Yuanzun.

Even a thing that can't be done!

Even the Hongmeng Temple, Tian Yu’s warrior, did not have much hope for Luo Yunyang’s words.

Although they have experienced many miracles created by Luo Yunyang, they also hope that this time Luo Yunyang can also create miracles, but they themselves know that this miracle is really difficult to create.

After all, that is thirty-six-year-old Yuanzun.

When they were in their hearts, they saw Luo Yunyang vacating. However, when their eyes saw Luo Yunyang vacating, they found that it was difficult to see Luo Yunyang’s trace.

Not only ordinary warriors, even some Yuanzun, at this time, they found that they could not see Luo Yunyang's body.

No, it should be the moment when Luo Yunyang vacated, Luo Yunyang has disappeared cleanly, just like Luo Yunyang did not move at all, even Luo Yunyang's figure, simply did not appear in that world.

At the moment when Luo Yunyang vacated, four people, such as the Daqian controller, could say that they were staring at the road to heaven.

Although they are hard to enter the road to heaven, they can't hide their eyes in everything on the road to heaven.

Being able to become the Taiyuan Yuanzun, their observations are of course different, but at the moment when Luo Yunyang vacated, they found their own eyes, and they could not follow the speed of Shangluo Yunyang.

Even their feelings of the heart can not keep up with the speed of Luo Yunyang! Such a strange situation has already made them feel extremely shocked.

Nothing wrong, it is shocking!

Although they are not against Luo Yunyang, they also think that if they and Luo Yunyang are against each other, they will find that they cannot follow the speed of Luo Yunyang.

That would be a very horrible thing, which means that they can't catch up with Luo Yunyang, either in the process of fighting against the enemy or in the process of escaping.

Even in the face of Luo Yunyang's attack, they did not have time to fight back.

Although the Oriental holding field is easy to say, but for Luo Yunyang's attack, he has no intention.

At the moment when Luo Yunyang vacated, he and ten of the tacit understanding of the Taiyuan Yuanzun had already vacated, and their goal was naturally to intercept Luo Yunyang.

This kind of interception, in the eyes of Dongtian and others, has no difficulty, and they have already done a good job of preparing Luo Yunyang from the special space of the road to heaven.

However, when they took the shot, they were surprised to find that the object they were going to shoot had disappeared without a trace!

This kind of ridiculous scene, let the Oriental holding the field and other people in the hustle and bustle, there is a feeling of incomprehensible mind.

Luo Yunyang, where did he go?

Not to mention a person, even a bug whose speed can exceed the speed of light is difficult to escape from the encirclement of all of them.

However, Luo Yunyang escaped without a trace, and even let them simply do not know how Luo Yunyang's such a big man escaped.

In an instant, Dongtian Zhitian and others were awake. They were the first-time Yuanzun. Although the situation at this time made them feel uncomfortable, they also knew what was most important to themselves at this time.

"On the top!" A Taiyuan Yuanzun turned his head and saw that above the 10,000 steps above, a figure was stepping forward.

When the Taiyuan Yuan Zhegao was drinking, the figure turned over his head. He even had nothing to do with the mischievous eyes of the Oriental Tiantian and others, and his face showed a hint of teasing.

This smile, suddenly the face of the East and other people, became even more ugly. Although they don't feel any sarcasm in Luo Yunyang's smile, in fact, Luo Yunyang's current move has already hit their faces.

"Catch up!" Oriental holding the field was a little indulgent, and he shouted. Although it is unlikely that it will catch up with Luo Yunyang, the East holds the field and still has to catch up.

Because in front, according to their plan, there should be people who block, as long as Luo Yunyang is blocked, and he can quickly meet in front, there is still room for recovery.

Thirty-six Taiyuan Yuanzun, almost in an instant, is like an arrow from the string, toward the huge steps of the bluestone piled up, madly rushed up.

Their speed is very fast, that is, blinking, they have already broken through more than 5,000 steps, but when they broke through the fifth thousand steps, the speed of all of them stopped almost at the same time.

It’s not that they are willing to slow down their own speed. It’s really the situation at this time. Even if they want to be slow, they can’t do it.

On the way to the sky, a breath like Tianwei has been overwhelmed, and as the steps get higher and higher, this pressure is getting bigger and bigger.

When it is repaired to reach Yuanzun, it can basically break through the speed of light, and the speed of the Yuan Dynasty is even ten times the speed of light or dozens of times.

However, under this pressure, the speed of the people such as Dongtian Tiantian fell to the speed of light in an instant, and the figure of Luo Yunyang, which could have been seen, was already disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"His speed can still be maintained above the speed of light. How is this possible?" A predecessor who specializes in the speed of cultivation, with a trembling voice in his voice.

The Oriental Naotian did not answer the question of this person. He looked at the people around him. This is the sound of the voice: "Continue to chase?"

"I can't catch up! His speed is the speed of light, and after we land at the speed of light, this distance is enough for us to go for a long time." It was the sigh of the beginning.

His understanding of speed is almost the strongest among the people in the room. Naturally, his words were also valued by the predecessors of the present.

The Eastern Tiantian said: "I also know that it is very possible to catch up, and not only us, but other waves of people want to intercept Luo Yunyang, it is also very difficult."

"So, the more we have to catch up, the more we can't stop it is that our repair is not enough, but after Luo Yunyang escapes and does not chase him, it is our attitude."

"When the ancestors ruled crimes, this is not a small crime."

The words of the Oriental holding the field, said those who followed him in the beginning of the Yuan noun nodded, so they looked at each other, they once again madly shocked up.

Ten thousand steps, 20,000 steps...

The speed of Dongtian and other people is getting slower and slower, and they have seen nothing but one step.

This kind of situation, let the Oriental holding the field and other early Yuanzun respect, one by one dejected, they are very clear, this represents their pursuit, basically has completely failed.

"Look, there are people in front!" The speed has dropped to the level of the ordinary Star Warrior, and suddenly found a group of figures in front of themselves.

After seeing these people clearly, there was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the Oriental Nakata.

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