Supreme Uprising

Chapter 104: Daqian is half-step too easy

The Emperor looked down on the sky and merged with Tiandi Avenue!

Although the light and shadow of the Emperor was only in the void of the road to heaven, but in the moment of seeing the shadow of the Emperor, almost everyone's heart instinctively gave birth to the meaning of surrender.

Nothing wrong, it is surrender.

This is the surrender of the weak to the strong, and the same is the courtier's surrender to the godless!

For Long Brahma, almost all of the thirty-six large universe warriors have a sense of resistance. They all want to be the emperor, Luo Yunyang, not Long Brahma.

But when the emperor's illusion appeared on that day, many people's hearts gave birth to a thought that was the emperor.

Even if it is the existence of the Yuanzun level, it is involuntarily surrendered to this kind of deterrence, let alone the ordinary warrior.

Emperor, this should be the emperor!

At this time, the hands of the emperor's shadow, the rapid imprint, countless light and shadow, gathered together in a print.

Ordinary warriors, in this piece of light and shadow, simply can't see anything. Only the existence of the gods above can see a different pattern of law in this light and shadow...

It is also a finger, and there is an infinitely majestic khaki giant print in the mighty, falling heavily toward Luo Yunyang.

Tianwei is soaring, everything is broken into powder. The Dragon Brahma, which motivates the Emperor of Heaven, is even more condescending, giving people a sense of invincibility.

Luo Yunyang’s moment in the exhibition of the emperor’s life, there was a trace of sorrow in his eyes. He was not surprised at the repair of Long Brahma, but the implied rule in the Emperor’s prints.

Before the practice of breaking the Daqian, Luo Yunyang watched the martial arts compiled by the saints of the Terran. In the martial arts, there were ninety-nine kinds of avenues for the achievement of the Yuan Dynasty.

Among these ninety-nine, there is a vague way of Luo Yunyang’s destruction.

Moreover, this way of ruin is still mentioned in the martial arts, and the four strongest achievements are the avenues of the Yuan Dynasty.

But now, the means of Long Fantian's display is not among the ninety-nine methods. He and Luo Yunyang have different skills in the construction of the world.

It is the integration of different laws into one, to achieve a world with complete rules.

However, Luo Yunyang’s convergence into this world, the main goal is to break the world, but the purpose of the Dragon Brahma to gather into this world is to replace the will of the world with its own will, thus forming a kind of Take charge of the top rules of the world.

Long Brahma walked out of this step, Luo Yunyang was not surprised, after all, behind the dragon Brahma, the ancestors of the ancestors were such a master. The Dragon Brahma, which can be taught by the Holy Family of the Terran, is much stronger than Luo Yunyang’s own groping.

I got so many rules in the place of origin, how did the Dragon Brahma get these rules?

Luo Yunyang is a bit puzzled. It is the origin of those laws. After all, he only knows how difficult it is to get so many rules.

However, at this time, Luo Yunyang did not give too much time to guess the origins of these laws. In the moment when the surging giants were coming to their own, Luo Yunyang spurred the big days!

Under the rule of the big law, the big celestial seals are incomparably violent and incomparably crazy. At the moment when Luo Yunyang spurred the rules of the Great Heaven, he was already rushing around.

If there is a dragon Brahma of the Emperor's illusion, at this time, as the Emperor of the Emperor Lingjiu, then Luo Yunyang at this time is a demon god, a demon who controls thousands of lives!

The human-armed warrior who was originally ravaged by the weather of Longfan was watching the killing of the sky, as if he wanted to play the square of the world, Luo Yunyang, a heart-bombing, is a raging war.

It is a kind of warfare that I am not allowed by my life!

"Breaking the Law of the Avenue!" Luo Yunyang is the most concerned about Liu Tianyuan. Not only because Luo Yunyang is the heavier battle with Long Brahma, but also because of Luo Yunyang's identity.

The main hall of the Hongmeng Temple! It has always been a cold god, for this person, actually blocked himself.

The time of the contact between the gods and the gods is not short. It is natural to know what kind of state God is. In this state, the gods, in order to Luo Yunyang and his battle, can imagine that Luo Yunyang is in the old God. status.

As the first generation of the Hungmon Temple, he did not think that he could transcend the human ancestors, but equally, he did not want to be a stepping stone to others and be surpassed by others.

Luo Yunyang's transcendence made him very unhappy.

When Luo Yunyang casts a large-scale Tianyin, Liu Tianyuan respects that the law that Luo Yunyang controls is the law of the road.

Although the law of the Taiyuan Yuanzun is powerful, in the view of the celestial Yuanzun, it is inferior to the law of the sentient beings designed by Long Brahma.

The other five and a half steps of Taiyi Yuanzun, who was sitting together with Liu Tianyuan, also looked at Luo Yunyang and Long Brahma’s battle.

Some of them are quietly proposing: "The strength shown by Luo Yunyang is a talented person who has rarely appeared in the Tianding world for many years. Should we change our attitude towards the 36 universes? ?"

Although this half-step Taiyi Yuanzun uses a kind of negotiation tone, but can say this sentence, it actually represents the attitude of this person.

There is a clear cold color in the eyes of Liu Tianyuan, and he has always been tough in his attitude towards the 36 universes.

"This thing, or say it later!" A Taiyi Yuanzun sitting next to the celestial body, with a smile in his eyes: "Look at this, it can represent Luo Yunyang of thirty-six big universes. How much potential there is."

At the moment when they spoke, Luo Yunyang’s Dafan Tianyin and Long Brahma’s Emperor’s Emperor’s seals were heavily collided.

Although at this moment they are in the space of the evolution of the human ancestors, but at the moment of the collision of these two forces, the people watching still feel that there is a slight distortion in this piece of heaven and earth.

Although this distortion is small, it also makes people feel cold in the bottom of their hearts.

After all, this kind of collision is too crazy and too intense.

At the moment when the two forces collided, Long Brahma still had a faint smile on his face. He could say that he was full of confidence in this collision with Luo Yunyang.

The way of the Heavenly Emperor's sentient beings not only got the guidance of the masters and ancestors of the masters, but also used the master's dedication, close to thousands of laws and fragments.

Although these rules are incomplete, the power of their convergence is not as strong as the other can become the rule of the Yuan Dynasty.

What's more, in this world of heaven, he himself has a part of the advantage. Compared with him, Luo Yunyang has no advantage at all.

Therefore, he is very confident that he can defeat Luo Yunyang in one fell swoop.

However, when the two forces collided, Long Brahma suddenly found out that the power of the emperor's birthplace seemed to be being destroyed.

The black giant seal that Luo Yunyang urged, in the moment of collision, even turned out that his own Emperor’s sentient beings had a crack in his mouth. He was even more surprised to discover that the power of the supreme rule in his own Emperor’s sentient beings turned out to be Was restrained.

Nothing wrong, it is restrained!

Long Brahma never thought about the rule of supreme that he was in control. There was a day of restraint. After all, most of the time, it was his rule of the gods and the rule of law of others.


I haven't waited for Long Brahma to think of a solution. His Emperor's sentient beings have been broken in the void, and even the shadow of the Emperor, who stood behind him, has been greatly impacted at this time. stand up.

After all, Long Brahma was not an ordinary person. At the moment when the power of the raging rushes of the big days was coming, he suddenly vacated. The whole person was like a yellow leaf, and he quickly stepped back to the bluestone steps behind him.

On that day, although the Emperor’s shadow was still there, the only one that I had just attacked was the one that had disappeared.

Lost, although Long Brahma himself is not willing to admit, but the fact is in the confrontation with Luo Yunyang, his Dragon Brahma has been defeated!

Not only has it been defeated, but it has also lost some of its shackles. If in terms of strength, the power of Dragon Brahma is not weak, but his laws seem to be restrained by the laws that Luo Yunyang controls.

"This... this is a big break!" Long Brahma's eyes flashed with a hint of shock in his voice.

He cultivated the laws of the Heavenly Emperor and naturally studied the rules of the martial arts. Because this law is fundamentally restrained by his laws of the Heavenly Emperor. But after studying it, he let go of his heart.

When he thought about it, no one could cultivate the law of breaking the Dahua Avenue, because the Terran ancestors had already said that he had given him thousands of laws and fragments, and no one in the world could come up with so many pieces of the law.

For the ancestors of the Terran, Long Brahma has always believed in it.

However, now that he and Luo Yunyang are in a downwind situation, he is deeply aware that Luo Yunyang is using the method of breaking the thousand.

"Yes, it is breaking the big one!" Luo Yunyang did not hide at this time, he said faintly: "Your Heavenly Emperor's Avenue of All Lives, but this is not the case."

The dragon's eyes are red, and he can become a close disciple of the saints of the Terran. It is naturally a genius figure that no one can match in the whole Tianding world.

It can be said that in his life, he has basically not lost, but now, at this most important moment in the battle for the position of the Emperor, he lost in the hands of Luo Yunyang.

This made him feel a very uncomfortable feeling from his heart.

However, after all, Dragon Brahma is a dragon Brahma. After calming down his mind, he said faintly: "I have always felt that I have hidden means. I can’t use this method at all, but today, you succeeded in arousing me. War."

"Luo Yunyang, this time the battle for the Emperor, I will win."

During the talk, Long Brahma took a step slowly. This step came out, and the breath around the Dragon Brahma changed dramatically.

At this time, the power he showed, compared to the celestial Yuanzun and others, is not inferior!

Half step too easy Yuan Zun!

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