Supreme Uprising

Chapter 106: Dengtian Road, who is the genus

With his own methods, Long Brahma and this piece of space opened up by his own masters gathered together, thus achieving the half-step Taiyi Yuanzun's cultivation.

It can be said that at this time, he is cheating!

Not only is he cheating, but even the ancestors of the Terran, he must also bear certain responsibilities for the cheating of his disciples.

At the very least, if it is not the connivance of the ancestors of the Terran, it is difficult for Dragon Brahma to merge with the space of the road to heaven.

Of course, this is also a price to pay. Although Long Brahma's martial arts are extraordinary, it is still not easy for him to maintain this half-step Taiyi Yuanzun state for a long time.

After all, half a step is too easy for Yuanzun’s state, and the power that needs to be consumed is too great.

According to Long Brahma's estimation, the attack that he can play out should be three hits. But for him, he felt that he was enough to hit it.

With just one blow, he felt that he was enough to defeat Luo Yunyang.

But the fact is that he thinks too much. His mighty first hit was stopped by Luo Yunyang.

Now, Luo Yunyang is moving towards his crazy shot.

From the attack of Luo Yunyang, he felt the power of mad destruction. The power of this destruction made Long Brahma feel the threat.

Between the thoughts, on the top of the dragon Brahma, there is a jade dish like a moon. This jade disc rotates, and countless mysteries are presented on the jade dish.

Make a **** butterfly!

The treasure of the Hongmeng Temple not only implies infinite creation, but also can occupy an endless opportunity in the battle.

This artificial jade butterfly was originally Luo Yunyang, the master of the temple of the Hungmun Temple, but because of the decision of the Terran ancestors, it fell into the hands of the Dragon Brahma.

At present, Long Brahma is also trying to use the power of the creation of the gods to deduct the flaws of Luo Yunyang, thus defeating Luo Yunyang in one fell swoop.

Seeing the creation of the **** dish, Luo Yunyang's eyes instantly became even brighter. It can even be said that at this time, his killing in the eyes became even more blazing!

The Wanshi Chaozong, which was blasted by him, and the horrific swordsmanship hidden in the dynasty of the dynasty, became even more insane.

Although the creation of the gods dish can be said to be able to deduct all things, but this also depends on what level of practice, Luo Yunyang is now showing the whole world, the most peak practice.

Although the creation of the gods can be deduced, but the time required, but not one or **** can be completed.

Several small flaws have just been revealed in the vicinity of Long Brahma, and Luo Yunyang’s attack has already reached the front of Long Brahma.

Therefore, Long Brahma simply couldn’t find out which flaw was most useful to him, and he slammed into Luo Yunyang’s hard hit.

At the moment of this attack, the sun and the moon hung high above the head of the Dragon Brahma, and the five elements gathered at the foot of the Dragon Brahma. In his surroundings, there were more changes in the seasons, Liuhe was destroyed, and the gossip was running...

It can be said that at this time, the Dragon Brahma, there is no need to say anything, it already has an image of the unbeatable emperor.

"The Emperor of Heaven is nine fields!"

The five words spit out from the mouth of the dragon Brahma, implying infinite majesty, just like the sound of heaven and earth, it is difficult to resist.

The giant hand of the Wanshi Chaozong, and the huge disparity formed by the Emperor of Heaven and the Nine Fields, madly collided in the void. If you talk about the level of the practice, the two are almost equal, but Long Brahma is half-step too easy to respect the realm of the Yuanzun, but it is not high.

Therefore, in this collision, the giant hand of Luo Yunyang’s Wanshi Chaozong collapsed, and the four swords that made Dragon Brahma feel threatened, also bursting into the void at the moment of the collapse of the giant hand.

Looking at the collapse of the four-handed sword, Long Brahma was greatly relieved.

The most scrupulous thing in his heart is the four giant swords. Now the four giant swords have collapsed. For him, it is a good thing.

However, just in the moment when the four giant swords collapsed, Long Brahma realized that it was not good. It seemed like a broken old Taikoo killing, and swarmed out from the broken giant.

It is also an instant, this force has already moved toward him, toward the heavens and the earth in all directions, toward the Tongtian Avenue, and it has come to the fore!


Crazy killing, let Long Brahma have an impulse to vomit blood, and his method of shaking the nine fields on that day, even under this attack, crashed.

Long Brahma quickly retreated, and he also refused to take care of the fact that Luo Yunyang was suppressed at this time. What he is doing now is to retreat.

He is not willing to fight with this sharp and powerful force in the void, because in his heart, there is fear between this faint power from the ancient times.

Can't match it!

This kind of thought makes Long Brahma feel extremely uncomfortable, but it is uncomfortable. He will never let himself be in a dangerous situation. He is the future emperor. He definitely does not allow himself to be in danger. .

The Dragon Brahma escaped, and the majestic power was like the broken power of the heavens and the earth, and eventually disappeared between the heavens and the earth.

However, when Long Brahma fixed his eyes on the space of the Ascension Road, he found that there was not only a large and small crack in the space of the road to the sky, but the cyan boulder piled up. The heavenly steps that implied the meaning of infinite Canggu were crushed by Luo Yunyang.

The road to the heavens represents the emperor's boarding of the nine hexagrams, the endless human race, the endless road of enjoying the endless air transport, and the ruthlessness of Luo Yunyang has tens of thousands of steps.

Although these steps are hard to beat him and Luo Yunyang, but at the moment of seeing this broken step, Long Brahma feels that his power, which seems to be able to suppress the heavens and the earth, is slowly dissipating.

Luo Yunyang has smashed this piece of heaven and earth. It is difficult for him to merge with this half of the world. It is naturally more difficult to maintain the realm of half-step Taiyi Yuanzun.

The way of his own thousand heavenly emperors has been suppressed by Luo Yunyang himself. Now Luo Yunyang has already smashed his own half-step Taiyi Yuanzun's realm. It can be said that this has already put himself at a disadvantage.

Although Long Brahma is extremely reluctant to admit it, the current situation is very clear to tell him that if he goes on like this, the position of this emperor will not belong to him.

Not an adult emperor, he is one of the most common Taiyuan Yuanzun. Although he is a disciple of the Terran ancestors, it is basically impossible to become a Taiyi Yuanzun.

"Luo Yunyang, you are beyond my expectations!" In the words of Long Brahma, with sincere admiration. He did not put Luo Yunyang in his heart, and now he has turned Luo Yunyang into his biggest enemy.

From the outside, Luo Yunyang seems to be safe and sound, but in fact, just a blow, especially the broken road to the sky, has made his body meridians, suffering from unspeakable trauma.

Fortunately, there is a property adjuster to quickly adjust the strength of his body, and quickly recover the injury, but even so, in a short time, Luo Yunyang is also difficult to cast the same as the killing method.

It can even be said that the power of Luo Yunyang has already consumed more than half of it.

Luo Yunyang stood in the void without the bluestone steps, calmly watching Long Brahma: "If you only have such a skill, then you are even weaker than I thought."

"This is the position of the emperor, I have to fix it!"

Dragon Brahma took a sigh of relief. He knew that what he said at this time was useless. Luo Yunyang is absolutely impossible, give him the position of this emperor. And he naturally will not give up the position of the emperor.

"Luo Yunyang's blow, can already hurt us." Liu Tianyuan respect and others, at this time one by one gloomy.

They have the same attitude toward the thirty-six big universes, but just a shot by Luo Yunyang has given them a deep taboo against the thirty-six big universes.

No, it should be said that it is a taboo against the thirty-six big universes that have Luo Yunyang. They really realize that the current 36 universes are no longer free to knead.

"If the younger brother really lost the position of this emperor, we are somewhat troubled!" The first lord of the Great Thousand Temple, with a hint of low voice in his voice: "The good situation of ours cannot be lost."

"Reassure, even if he is a human being, the direction of the entire Terran is not what he can decide. There are teachers, there are us, and he can decide how many things, or a problem."

It is the first lord of the dark hall. His voice is soft, but in the softness, it always gives a feeling of gloom.

Just as the six people spoke, under the broken road of the sky, the shadows of the figure madly came up.

The speed of each of these people is like lightning, that is, in a blink of an eye, they have already rushed to a place not far from Luo Yunyang and Long Brahma.

With the closeness of these people, Luo Yunyang and Long Brahma have already seen who these are. The three hundred Taichu Yuanzun of Tiandingjie, with Luo Yunyang breaking the suppression of the Dingjie that day, they finally rushed up.

Long Brahma, who had already had some sorrows, saw a ecstasy on his face when he saw the impact of these early arrivals.

These people are all people who help him. If two people are desperate before their efforts, these people's roles are a little inconspicuous, and Luo Yunyang has easily reached the back, so now these people have played a key role.

"Everyone, now the position of the emperor, has reached a critical time, you have trapped Luo Yunyang, as long as I can be on the throne, your reward, I give you ten times each!"

At this time, Long Brahma has already refused to promise what it is. What a huge number he has to do is to exhaust all means to ensure that he is on the throne!

When Dong Yuntian and others saw Luo Yunyang's moment, they only felt that their eyes were red and bloody. At this time, I heard the promise of Long Brahma, one by one more excited, their speed, but also more crazy!

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