Supreme Uprising

Chapter 111: Jiuding Dojo Cultivation Yuanzun

"Liuhe Tiandi, it seems that the Holy Father still does not want to bring the Tianding world completely into your hands." After listening to the words of the resounding world, the Daqian masters said that some low-looking Chao Yunyang said.

Luo Yunyang smiled casually and seriously turned to the controller of Daqian: "If it was before, would you like to deliver your temple to me?"

This time, naturally, is the time when the Tianding world has not yet appeared.

The Daqian controller and others indulged in an instant, shaking their heads almost at the same time. Although Luo Yunyang is very good for them, but they want to let them surrender the power of their respective temples, but no one is willing to do so.

After all, their respective temples are of great importance. How can they hand over the dominance of this temple to others?

"The ancestors are also considering the feelings of the Tianding world." The main voice of the Xuanzang Temple is: "After all, our strength is much worse than the Tianding world."

"Yunyang can become a human being, and we have basically qualified for the equalization with Tianding."

"But to suppress the Tianding world, our strength is still too weak!"

Tiandingjie has more than three hundred yuan in the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and in the thirty-sixth universe, all the Yuanzuns add up, and the number of Yuanzun is more than three hundred.

The gap between the two is not exactly the same as one person, and it can be completely compensated.

The ultimate reason for the establishment of the Liuhe Heavenly Emperor by the Terran ancestors, Luo Yunyang felt that it was because of his refusal to fully integrate with the Emperor.

The fully integrated emperor will make people's ancestors completely reassured, and naturally they will be able to get the full support of the human ancestors.

After the words of the Lord of the Xuanzang Temple, the four weeks were in silence, too weak, just like a curse, added to the heads of everyone.

This time, the dispute between the emperor and the emperor seems to have won the thirty-six big universes, but in fact, Luo Yunyang himself.

The gap between the thirty-six big universes and the Tianding world still exists!

And this gap is bound to make it even difficult for Luo Tianyang to become a human emperor.

Unless Luo Yunyang's strength, or the strength of thirty-six large universes, can reach the point of suppressing Tianding.

"Yunyang, the next emperor, how are you going to set up?" Daqian masters looked at Luo Yunyang and asked seriously.

Luo Yunyang’s mind is turning fast at this time. If there are thirty-six big universes and the establishment of the Emperor’s Court, it is definitely a matter of ease, but now, not only the 36 universes, but also Tiandingjie.

In the Tianding world, not only the strong as Lin, but also the Liutian Yuanzun and other Liuhe Emperor, as well as the unfathomable Terran ancestors.

No matter from which point of view, the establishment of the Emperor's Royal Court, the five major temples of the Terran are difficult to occupy what is cheap.

Because of the strength of others, it is too strong.

If the people of Tianding and thirty-six big universes are forcibly pulled into the imperial court, then the final result, Luo Yunyang will be like a emptiness in the heavenly emperor, becoming a virtual symbol of the Tianding world.

"We can't control the Tianding world, so this person's emperor's court is completely dominated by our people." Luo Yunyang said that he was slightly indulged, and he said undoubtedly to the people who control him.

A royal emperor, which is entirely dominated by the 36-strong cosmic human race, is naturally controlled by Daqian and others.

However, they are willing, will Tiandingjie be willing? In their view, the possibility that Tiandingjie is willing to do this is very small.

"Yunyang, Tiandingjie that Liuhe Tiandi..." The Lord of the Dark Hall whispered.

Although Luo Yunyang was in control of the same people as Daqian, he said that it was the same as before, but in fact, with the establishment of Luo Yunyang's position as the emperor, the Lord of the Dark Temple and others did not feel respect for Luo Yunyang.

They are more respectful than they were when they faced the Lord.

"Liuhe Tiandi will naturally not agree," Luo Yunyang said in a deep voice: "So, I allow them to set up their own imperial palace in Tiandingjie!"

Imperial Court Palace!

The Daqian controller and others immediately understood the meaning of Luo Yunyang. That is to say, Luo Yunyang controlled thirty-six large universes, while the Tianhejie Emperor of Heaven and Earth dominated the entire Tianding world. This kind of division, although it seems that it is not too fair for Luo Yunyang, but it is the most favorable for the thirty-six big universe.

"I am afraid that they are insatiable!" The Warlord is not optimistic.

The words of the lord of the war hall led to the silence of the people who were in charge of the throne. They used to control the world, and they could decide the life and death of countless people.

But now, they feel that their power is too small.

Luo Yunyang gave them such a good situation in one fell swoop, but they have no way to continue this situation.

The main reason for this is that they lack a lot of masters of the Yuanzun level.

"If they don't agree, then I will build the Emperor's Court and build them into their Tianding world." Luo Yunyang's words, with a hint of sneer.

Speaking of this, a thought in his heart rises: "Four people, I now have a means to improve the cultivation of some Tianzun and let them advance to become Yuanzun."

"However, once this method is used, they will be difficult to upgrade. You can search for your subordinates in each of your subordinates. Is there anyone who is willing to upgrade?"

From Tianzun's promotion to Yuanzun, I don't know how many people were blocked in this matter. Now Luo Yunyang suddenly said that he can let Tianzun be promoted, and suddenly the eyes of the four thousand controllers will be brightened.

"How many heavy gods can you?" Daqian masters looked at Luo Yunyang, Shen Sheng asked.

"Several heavens can be!" I thought of the encounter in the place of origin, Luo Yunyang said firmly.

"Is there a limit to the number? There are a lot of people in our family." The eyes of the Hall of War Hall flashed the road of light.

Although the Daqian controller has always been a light appearance, but at this time he will never go any further, after all, the benefits are really too big.

"The gods in our Great Thousand Temples, no, we should say that there are no more than one hundred people in the existence of the Heavenly Emperor. As long as Yunyang has something you need, even if it is open."

The Lord of the Xuanzang Temple and the Lord of the Dark Temple will not retreat in this kind of thing. After all, there is one more Yuanzun, which is a huge improvement for their respective strengths.

"Yunyang, the gods of our Xuanzang Temple are also quite a lot..."

Looking at the people who want to become a group, Luo Yunyang said in a loud voice: "I can't guarantee 100% promotion, and even this is dangerous."

"What is dangerous? In the process of qualifying for Yuanzun, more than half of the people will be wiped out by the failure of promotion."

He spoke with a thousand masters, and his words were a bit calm.

The Warlord Lord said that it is more natural. They have always attached importance to the meaning of **** battles in the battle hall, and died in the breakthrough. It is also a common thing in the battle hall.

"Yunyang, what do you think is the chance of promotion?" Xuanzang Temple has always been relatively peaceful, so in this matter, they are different from other temples. The Lord of Xuanzang Temple is slightly indulged, and asks in a deep voice. Road.

"Sixty percent or so." Although he is confident in his own conjecture, Luo Yunyang also dare not say that he is 100% successful in this matter.

The eyes of the Daqian controller are so big that he is a little daunting. "Yunyang, are you sure it is 60%?"

"I still have this grasp." Luo Yunyang smiled confidently and said quietly.

"Well, don't say that 60% is grasped, and there is a certain degree of certainty. The Tianzun of my battle hall will go all out to fight together." The first member of the War Hall said: "Whoever you are not enough to participate in, You can find us in the battle hall."

"We will never give up!"

The Lord of the Dark Temple sneered aloud: "So good, who doesn't want it, do you think someone will let you fight the temple?"

The Daqian controller did not participate in the debate between the two. He calculated a little: "Yunyang, the major temples, how many places can you divide?"

"Every temple can be tentatively set for five hundred people!" Luo Yunyang said a little bit, and solemnly said.

The Lord of War Hall slammed his mouth, and it is clear that the number of five hundred is not enough for their battle hall.

With the advent of Tianding, the major shrines began to take out their hidden strengths. A group of talents, with their full support, advanced to become Tianzun.

It’s just that it’s easy to cultivate a god, and it’s incomparable to cultivate a god. I don't know how many nine-day gods are trapped in the existing realm.

There are not many opportunities offered by Luo Yunyang.

Just as the four people thought about it, Luo Yunyang had already said: "If this time, the effect is good, we can start the second batch."

"This is still in batches, good!" The first one of the Hall of War Hall laughed. He knew that Luo Yunyang was by no means a rumor. Since there is a second batch, it is absolutely necessary to have a second batch.

Just when the five people had everything to negotiate, Luo Yunyang suddenly looked awkward, and then his deity had more than one symbol.

A symbol from the ancestors of the human race.

On the sign, I wrote it, please Luo Yunyang one day later, to the Jiuding Dojo outside the Tianding world, to discuss the establishment of the Emperor.

Go to the Jiuding Dojo in Tiandingjie!

Just when Luo Yunyang thought of the Jiuding Dojo, his mind appeared nine huge incomparable Shending. These nine goddess, each giving Luo Yunyang's feelings, were incomparably shocked.

The gods on Jiuding, Luo Yunyang can not see clearly, but the feelings of these nine gods to Luo Yunyang, but each one, no less than Luo Yunyang's Zhenshi Tianzhong.

The combination of Jiuding and Dingyi has formed an incomparable power.

Seeing that there is no such thing as Jiuding, Luo Yunyang can understand that why the Terran ancestors built the Tianding world, they will be willing to keep the treasures like the Gods in the 36 universes.

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