Supreme Uprising

Chapter 1110: The destiny is invincible

The golden goddess looked at the holy earth that he was about to break, and there was a flash of madness in his eyes. He wanted to fight with this person!

But at this time, the heart of the golden gods really has no bottom. He is afraid that even if he will completely destroy his own power, he is not the opponent of Luo Yunyang.

After all, this man, from the beginning to the present, is almost pressing him.

Whether it is repairing, speed or the stunt that implies infinite power, almost every one of them is in a state of being suppressed.

I am not the opponent of this emperor!

The golden gods have accepted this reality, but this emperor, even when he said that he wants to talk, is moving towards his golden sacred earth.

To know that this golden holy land is of great importance to him, he can only improve his own strength if he is in the golden land.

And he broke through the blockade of the supreme taboo, and there are not many resources to rebuild the golden sacred land brought by this last great ruined land.

The bombardment of 800 yuan is to break down the mountain of the gods, and let countless **** lines be turned into powder in the void.

"Luo Yunyang, let them stop, or I will kill your subordinates, all!"

The golden gods, who are obviously full of threats, sounded in the ears of Luo Yunyang. When they heard this threat, Luo Yunyang smiled and said: "If you dare to kill one of them, I will kill you today."

"Don't think that you are the strongest returning from the ancient times, I will be merciful to you!"

The golden **** is really angry, he looked at Luo Yunyang, and felt very wronged in his heart! Are you still merciful? Where are you loyal to me!

However, although he complained in his heart, he did not dare to really do it. This guy's cultivation is to suppress himself. If it is really crazy, it is definitely enough to drink a pot.

What's more, he is still the emperor of this world, and he is more familiar with himself than the other.

Between the thoughts, the eyes of the golden gods began to look at the lively figures around them.

These people, although he is not from a big world, but in fact their identity is the same. As a top talented person, every genius has his own unique personality.

It is also because of these personalities that it is difficult for them to walk together, and even some people may collide because of one or two sentences.

It's not that they don't know the benefits of uniting together, but some people who are accustomed to the uniqueness of the universe, it is difficult to let themselves be in the position of the supporting role.

For example, the golden gods look at the silver gods who are all secret silver in the body is very unhappy!

Although there is no conflict between the two, and they are all members of the human race, it can even be said that they are very close to each other in their two eras.

But this is not the point. The point is that they are really ignorant of each other.

"Everyone, this is the privilege of the Emperor. If you sit back and ignore it, there is no action. The next time is you." The golden **** man’s brain is running very fast. He knows that this time the anti-positive is lost, so Drink loudly without any scruples.

As he sang, the eyes of the silver gods and the bronze kings changed rapidly, and the final words were the giants with thunder.

"People, Golden Dasheng has offended you, but you also gave him a big lesson. In my opinion, this matter is over!"

Although the giant with the thunder of the eyebrows seems to have only said his opinion, the people present understand that what he actually represents is the opinions of many returnees present.

Therefore, in this eyebrow with the words of the Thunder Giant, the air around it suddenly has a stagnant taste.

After the people in the audience looked at each other, they all looked at Luo Yunyang.

As a companion of Luo Yunyang, Daqian control and other people quickly gave Luo Yunyang a voice, and the words were extremely solemn: "Yunyang, although you are a human, but it is best not to anger these people."

"They are all Supreme after all, you can not be afraid of one, but if they feel the threat at the same time, then this thing can be troublesome."

The owner of the Xuanzang Temple also quickly voiced to Luo Yunyang, so that he should not be too anxious, and some things should be dealt with slowly.

Luo Yunyang did not speak immediately. He looked at the man with a thunder and a thunder. "What do you mean by ending this?"

The man with the eyebrows of the eyebrows frowned, because he had noticed the smell of a bad person from Luo Yunyang's counter-question.

At this moment, in his heart, although he regretted a little, who asked himself to find trouble for himself, but more, it was against Luo Yunyang looking down on his anger.

"Nature is that you are leaving with your people. What should the Golden Gods do? Let us not waste our efforts here."

The Thunder Giant, who finished this sentence, looked at the thousands of companions such as the silver gods, as if to say that this is our common opinion.

Luo Yunyang smiled and said slowly: "I don't agree!"

He looked at the Thunder Giant, and said coldly: "Everyone is coming back from your life. We are all clear about what we are. I am the emperor of the present race. There is only one sentence, that is, you are willing to help, I naturally It is welcome."

"But if someone can't help here, it's still awkward, and I'm gonna blame me!"

Say you are welcome, three words, his eyes flashed a icy cold!

In the eyes of the Thunder Giant, there was a hint of coldness. He did not think that his proposal was so smashed back.

"It seems that the Emperor's Majesty does not care about us?" Looking at the golden **** who was suppressed by Luo Yunyang, the Thunder Giants had a hint of threat in the cold.

"Since you have come to this world, you should understand what it is facing in this world."

"As a human emperor, what I want is to ban the line, and I want to work together, not you are doing what you want." Luo Yunyang said here, watching the giant giant thunder: "If anyone wants to do whatever they want, then get out of me." The area that is led!"

"You look for the place to do whatever you want, I don't care, but if you are too arrogant in the 36 universes, then no wonder I will kill!"

Silver gods, the bronze king's eyes in the eyes of the killing, become more and more intense, for them, Luo Yunyang this guy, it is too unsatisfactory, too unpleasant.

When the golden gods listened to Luo Yunyang’s words, there was an idea in the heart that they wanted to embrace Luo Yunyang. This is simply pulling hatred for himself!

He is not his opponent, but as long as he has made a lot of anger, and caused the Thunder Giant to wait for him, Luo Yunyang is a good repairer. He also has thousands of Yuanzun, but these people are worse than those of their own returnees. It is still too far.

For a time, the heart of the golden gods raised a small expectation!

"Do you kill us, is it better to be stronger than us by your own cultivation?" The whole body is like the king of bronze, and the voice is in the voice of Jin Ge.

Luo Yunyang sent the bronze king, a faint saying: "My cultivation is only a small aspect, I rely on it, is the human ancestor, the symbol of Taiyi Yuanzun!"

"The ancestors of the Terran let me command the Terran, and gather the power of the Terran to destroy the Xuan Ming family. Do you want to challenge the ancestors?"

Liu Tianyuan respects six half-steps, too Yi Yuanzun, and also comes with spiritual power, just like watching a movie and watching the situation at this time.

However, after they heard the words of Luo Yunyang, they all felt stunned, and even their brows were subconsciously wrinkled.

Originally, they thought that Luo Yunyang would roar back, but did not expect that Luo Yunyang had moved the human ancestors to the ancestors, and said that he was so arrogant and arrogant, and he said that he was like the real.

Just when they were angry, they also felt a little bit. That is what Luo Yunyang said. It seems that it is really true. The position of his emperor is really the command of the Terran.

It’s just that this guy is a bit too shameless. He clearly wants to divide himself with the Emperor’s Heavenly Palace. For the returnees of the Golden Gods, he has used the name of his master without any jealousy.

If Luo Yunyang’s hard-hitting anger makes the Thunder Giants angry, then Luo Yunyang said that he had been worshipped by Tai Yi Yuan Zun, and the Thunder Giant suddenly calmed down.

He found himself at this time as if he was already in a dilemma. After all, the current situation makes it difficult for him to decide what to do.

As for the incarnation of the silver gods and others, they almost put away the momentum of their own body, as if everything has nothing to do with themselves.

Just with the enemy, in order to suppress Luo Yunyang, in order to be a common interest.

Now I found that I couldn’t suppress it. Of course, I first withdrew and said that they didn’t speak, and they didn’t want to provoke the anger of Taiyi Yuanzun.

Although they also know the dispute between Luo Yunyang and Tiandingjie, Luo Yunyang is the emperor of the human race.

If they really did too much, then the Terran ancestors would have to suppress them from their own faces.

Once they are suppressed, not only will they be guilty of crimes, but their heavy responsibility will be difficult to complete. It’s not too worthwhile to catch up with a golden **** who is not too familiar.

At this moment, the golden **** has a feeling of wanting to cry. Although he wants to tell the silver gods and others, don't be afraid. Luo Yunyang is clearly intimidating, but he knows that he even said it, but also said it.

After all, Luo Yunyang’s position as the emperor’s emperor was enshrined in the tribe of the Terran.

The attack of 800 yuan is more and more powerful, and the means are becoming more and more sophisticated. The speed of the collapse of the golden holy earth is also accelerating.

"The Emperor Majesty, this time I will plant, let your people stop, I will take back the golden sacred soil, we will not make river water after the well!"

The golden **** man is also the master who can afford to let go, knowing that things can't be done, and now the sound of silence is toward Luo Yunyang.

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