Supreme Uprising

Chapter 1124: Legendary mixed-hole starry beast

After entering the territory of the Hells, the connection between Luo Yunyang and the outside has always been carried out through the avatar of the four-hole beast.

His avatar, sitting in the town of prison! However, in order not to affect the opponents of the big masters, his avatar has not been revealed.

The army of the imprisoned emperor has reached the border, but the imprisoned emperor has not shot, and the army has not moved.

This situation, although Luo Yunyang is looking forward to, but it also makes Luo Yunyang raise his vigilance, because this situation also shows that the above-mentioned prisoner does not know where to hide.

He is very likely to be waiting for an opportunity to move, ready to give himself a fatal blow.

Luo Yunyang has always been vigilant when he came to the original prison, but there was no danger of attacking him.

But when he was a thousand miles away from the original prison, a huge sense of crisis filled his heart.

This sense of crisis is not the birth of his own body, but the avatar of the four-hole beast he is evolving.

After getting the mixed-hole four-beasts for so many years, Luo Yunyang felt for the first time that his own four-hole beasts were so eager to move, so fearful, so...

A series of news, quickly introduced Luo Yunyang's heart. At the moment of receiving these news, Luo Yunyang understood why.

The starry behemoth, in front of itself, is a supreme starry behemoth. This supreme starry beast is a natural enemy compared to the four-hole beast.

The two are not just restrained from each other, but there is also a very small connection between the two. That is, whether this supreme starry beast engulfs the four-beasted beast, or the four-beasted beast engulfs the supreme starry beast, you can directly turn the other's power into use, and even become promoted to have too Yi Yuanzun's potential to mix the starry sky beast!

Luo Yunyang used to think that this monster is not only powerful, but also the most closely protected among the stars.

Although he is not low, it is not easy to enter the territory of the starry sky.

Now, this supreme starry beast has to ambush itself. This is an opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

If you swallow this supreme starry beast, then your own four-beasted beast will be the realm of the Taiyuan Yuanzun.

And still have the potential to advance to Taiyi Yuanzun.

At the same time, Luo Yunyang’s heart raised a trace of fear. If it weren’t for his body, the four-membered beast would have noticed the breath of this supreme starry beast. This time, I am afraid I will fall into this ambush.

One by one, the thoughts flashed, Luo Yunyang quickly made up his mind. In this case, he must not have any flaws.

Only now, his goal has become a supreme starry behemoth.

Standing in the center of the original prison, the imperial prisoner is like a hunter waiting for his prey. If he does not move, it will be the key.

The starry sky is supreme, there is no breath, it is like a real starry sky. For his own disguise, Star Sky Supreme has great confidence.

Not to mention Luo Yunyang, even if it is Taiyi Yuanzun, if you do not use the mana exploration in advance, you will not find his flaws.

Because this is unique to the Supreme Stars and Beasts, but it is said that they are life-saving stunts.

It’s not bad to ambush a person.

Luo Yunyang's body step by step into the starry sky of the starry sky, and then forward, is the original **** prison.

Everything is incomparably smooth. It can be said that everything is incomparably normal. Just when Luo Yunyang stepped into the middle of the starry sky, the imprisoned emperor vacated. At this moment, he shot like a punch. I rushed toward Luo Yunyang.

This punch implies the power of the heavenly road that suppresses the imperial court.

Under this law of heaven, the power of this boxing has reached the point where it is easy to break a universe directly.

Although Luo Yunyang is a good man, at this moment, it is not an easy task to take a sudden blow from the imprisoned imperial concubine.

At this time, his best choice is to evade. Only by avoiding this attack, Luo Yunyang was able to escape from birth.

Luo Yunyang had almost no hesitation, and his body was like lightning. He had to vacate, but at this moment, his starry sky had turned into a huge whirlpool.

Among the whirlpools, there is a law that tears the bondage. Although Luo Yunyang is a tyrannical, but he is in the center of the law of restraint, that is, an instant, he seems to be already in the depths of the swamp. At the office.

"Open!" Luo Yunyang, who felt that he could hardly escape, flashed countless anger in his eyes. His hands quickly twitched, and the shocking Tianzhong rushed straight from his head to the top of the imprisoned emperor. The fist greeted him.

The grade of Zhenshi Tianzhong is no worse than the creation of the gods. Although it is better than the day, it is also a rare treasure.


The boxing force and Luo Yunyang's Zhenshi Tianzhong were at the moment of the collision. The Zhenshi Tianzhong flew out. The Zhenshitianzhong, which had been almost completely integrated, had a crack in the moment.

It seems that this is a shocking day, there is a feeling of breaking at any time.

Luo Yunyang, who provoked the earthquake of the Tianzhong, became incomparably ugly, even at this time, giving a feeling that the whole person did not have any power.

"Ha ha ha, Luo Yunyang, you have entered my body, just let me die!" In the triumphant voice, the huge body of the starry sky began to appear in the void. At this time, Luo Yunyang’s body was actually in the center of the belly of the starry sky.

And once the gap in the belly position of the starry sky is closed, then Luo Yunyang has only one dead road.

It can even be said that he became the digested food in the starry sky.

No imprisoned emperor hated Luo Yunyang. As a Taiyi Yuanzun, he was so tossed by a Taiyuan Yuanzun. This made him angry, and he wanted to crush Luo Yunyang into gray, and never live forever.

Therefore, no prisoner's hands were sealed, and the infinite law turned into a sickle in the void, and fell toward Luo Yunyang.

This sickle implies the power of the infinite law of heaven, the ordinary Taishi Yuanzun or the Taiyuan Yuanzun. Under this law of heaven, there is basically no room for counterattack.

Because the gap between them is really too big.

Luo Yunyang faced this day with a sickle, and his look became extremely solemn. Although this day, the sickle is not the supreme treasure, but the Emperor of the Emperor used his own laws of heaven to evolve, but it is more impressive than the world’s clock. It is still difficult to resist.

Almost no hesitation, Luo Yunyang once again launched his own Zhenshi Tianzhong, although this damage to Zhenshitianzhong is great, but in this case, Luo Yunyang has no choice.


At the moment when the Tiandao Scythe and the Earthquake Tianzhong met, the Zhenshitianzhong, which was full of cracks, cracked more.

Even the bursts of whine have been heard from the Earthquake, and it is clear that this earthquake has a tendency to collapse.

If it is normal, no prisoner is not willing to destroy the treasure of the world, but now, the earthquake is good, but he has no pity. He wants to kill Luo Yunyang, he wants to wash the humiliation on his body.

"You are the starry sky, you are so identifiable, even attacking me, it is a shame, you have to be a laughing stock!" Luo Yunyang's look, it is extremely ugly, he looked at the rapid-form starry sky, shouting loudly Road.

The starry beasts not only did not have any anger at Luo Yunyang's snoring, but laughed happily: "The emperor, the so-called king defeat, you don't think that what you said, it is too naive."

"This time, you are not only dead, but everything in your body will be my next promotion."

"You are also dead!"

Having said that, the starry beast is ready to shoot again. "The imprisoned emperor, this Luo Yunyang, just be my food, I believe that there is him, my promotion can be smoother."

The imperial prisoner really wants to kill Luo Yunyang, but he is even more reluctant to have a conflict with the starry sky supreme. It doesn't matter how Luo Yunyang died. What he wants is that Luo Yunyang fell here.

"Well, since the starry behemoth you say this, then I will wait for your good news." Without the words of the imprisoned emperor, he reached out and waved at the shocking Tianzhong of Luo Yunyang.

Although he gave most of Luo Yunyang's benefits to the Star Sky Supreme, it does not mean that he does not want anything. Although this earthquake is a crack, he still has a way to fix it quickly.

Although the Star Sky Supreme also took a fancy to the Earthly Clock, it knows that although this thing is good, it can't be too greedy.

After all, the imprisoned emperor is Taiyi Yuanzun. Although he was ruined by Luo Yunyang this time, his strength is still stronger than himself.

If you don’t know how to advance or retreat, then...

The imprisoned emperor looked at the Zhenshitianzhong, which was flying toward him. There was a glimmer of joy in his eyes. Although this shocking world clock is better than his treasure, it is not bad.

As long as it is a good exercise, one day, this earthquake can play a big role.

As for Luo Yunyang, he definitely has no room for resistance!

But when this thought was raised in the heart of the prison, a kind of uneasiness suddenly appeared in his heart.

This kind of uneasiness made the imprisoned emperor very shocked, but he couldn’t think of what it was because of his uneasiness.

Luo Yunyang has been completely swallowed into his belly by the starry sky supreme. It can be said that Luo Yunyang at this time has no resistance.

In other respects, there is nothing wrong with it.

Just in the moment when there was no surviving thought in the heart of the imprisoned king, the horrible sky that flew to him broke into the void!

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