Supreme Uprising

Chapter 1149: Liulong Shooting Sun Bow

Naked want to let yourself make a place, don't even think about it!

Luo Yunyang’s words about the old man were all not heard, and the old man did not speak, but a smiling face of Tai Shi Yuan Zun, but has stepped in.

This is the momentum of Taishi Yuanzun, which is much stronger than that of Huangqi and others.

The core disciples such as Huang Wei, in the moment of seeing this person, also showed a strange look in each other, but then they went to the Tai Shi Yuan Zun who walked in and said: "I have seen the floating mountain master! ”

Luo Yunyang has not heard of the reputation of the floating mountain master, but he knows the status of the mountain owner.

Among the Taixuan Xuanmen, those who can become mountain owners are basically the core disciples of the previous generation. After they have grown up, the next generation of core disciples will become one of the mountains of the mountains and mountains.

Basically, they have the power to kill and kill in the mountains they command, and they can be said to be one of the characters in the Xuxuanmen.

"Ha ha ha, all the younger brothers and sisters are good." The floating mountain master greeted him while moving toward Luo Yunyang: "Luo Shidi, this nine-day open yuan map opens, you are unlikely to get the goods."

"So, the brothers are good for you, or sell this number to the brothers, you can rest assured that as long as they are too imaginary, there are brothers and I will give you a hand." Fuyuan Mountain master Luo Yunyang, heroic soaring.

Luo Yunyang screamed at the main source of Fuyuan Mountain, and looked disgusted: "Since you are so bullish, why don't you make it a warlord, so that you can show that you are different from the brothers, you can cover it. Younger brother!"

The owner of the floating mountain was smashed by Luo Yunyang. His face was red, and he relied on his cultivation. Although he could become the master of the mountain in the Xuxuan, he wanted to become the four heavens. The Emperor of War is simply a whimsical.

Or, even if you are dreaming, he can't do it.

Luo Yunyang licked his mouth and ignored the person. I want to empty my white wolf and really make myself too much.

Although the floating source mountain owner can't wait to twist Luo Yunyang's head, he still has to hold back this anger. It is not because his temper is good, it is really a person behind Luo Yunyang, he can not afford to offend.

"Yunyang teacher, I have a few pieces of Yuanzun level here, can be sent to the younger brother, how can the teacher give me the place to enter the Temple of Heaven?" The floating mountain owner said here, the hand has already been more A few treasures.

Although these treasures are much worse than Luo Yunyang's Zhenshitianzhong, they are also rare treasures. They are exchanged with Luo Yunyang. These floating mountain owners are also generous and generous.

"I am not interested!" Luo Yunyang directly waved.

"Luo Shidi, you have to think clearly, even if the younger brother you entered the temple that day, you can't get anything in the nine-day open yuan map. Instead of wasting this opportunity, it is better to replace the opportunity with a few treasures." It is very uncomfortable for Luo Yunyang, but at this time, he can only continue to be patient with the temper.

The last time he entered the Temple of Heaven, because of the great plot, he finally got a blank hand and got nothing.

This not only hurts his strength, but also makes him lose a lot of valuable opportunities. Now entering the quota of the nine-day Kaiyuan map, it is not easy to have a person like Luo Yunyang. He does not want to let go.

Luo Yunyang laughed happily: "Thank you for your brother's concern. The nine-day Kaiyuan map is the treasure that the Holy Master passed down. I really want to open my eyes."

"As for the brothers, you think about it for me, oh, this thing, to be honest, my treasure house is more, the brothers still keep it."

Said here, Luo Yunyang's smile is even more splendid: "Although several brothers are worth a lot, but more than me, there are really few!"

Luo Yunyang’s words are a bit polite, but in this politeness, there is a layer of meaning, that is, you are clearly a poor man, so don’t pretend to me here.

The main source of the floating mountain has almost no vomiting blood. He is the master of the mountain. He is also a famous figure in the Zongmen. Now he is so unscrupulously ridiculed by Luo Yunyang, and he is red-faced.

"Luo Shidi, your words, I remember!" Floating source mountain master talked, turned away. Although he hates his heart, he has not lost his own mind.

He is very clear that although he has a teacher behind him, in this day the temple, he is better to keep a low profile.

Huang Hao and others looked at Luo Yunyang's eyes, full of strange. When the floating mountain owners appeared, most of them looked at it with a kind of optimistic attitude.

When they want to come, Luo Yunyang will not be happy anymore, at least he has to spend a period of time with the main source of the floating mountain and the snake, but did not expect that this is so straightforward, the floating source mountain owner gave away.

The gas was snarling and he was still grievous.

People who can become the core disciples of Taixuan Xuanmen basically have a good foundation, but the more they do, the more people are more careful. Like Luo Yunyang, Luo Yunyang is the first one who is unceremoniously stumbling.

The old man who just opened up, there are some unsightly faces in this face, although Luo Yunyang is not aimed at him, but it also makes him very faceless.

"Young people, it is best not to be too high-profile." After the old man finished this sentence, he slammed the law and said: "Well, you enter the hall. I told you the last time that I can get it in the nine-day open map. What, it depends on your luck."

Luo Yunyang followed the phoenix and other people into the temple that day. The situation around the Temple of Heaven did not attract the attention of Luo Yunyang and others. When they entered the first moment of the hall, their eyes looked at a picture.

A picture hanging high in the middle of the main hall.

This picture is nine feet and nine feet long, and the whole body is made of a chaotic color material. Compared with the material of this picture, the content of this picture is even more difficult to understand.

In the place where it was banned, the best treasure of the treasure map is Luo Yunyang’s eternal treasure map.

Although the magical prison map is infinitely useless, the unkilled Wanxuan prison map also looks like a purgatory map.

However, in the nine days of opening the Yuantu, it was a group of inks. There was nothing wrong with it. The nine-day Kaiyuan map was opened up. It was a group of ink, nothing.

However, when Luo Yunyang’s central **** looked at the opening of the nine-day map, he already understood that the name of the map was called the nine-day open map.

A treasure, if you can integrate into a heaven, then this treasure is a real, incomparably complete big world.

However, in the nine-day Kaiyuan map, the implied one is the nine heavenly roads, and the nine heavens corresponding to the heavenly environment.

If you take away the nine-day Kaiyuan map and then return directly to your own thirty-six big universes, then with the power of the nine-day Kaiyuan map, Luo Yunyang feels that he is absolutely sure that he can be from the people who have died. In the hands of the people of the 36 universes.

It is a pity that as long as he dares to make a small move before the opening of the Yuantu map in the past nine days, Luo Yunyang believes that the supreme power of the nine-day open yuan map is enough to let him directly squander in this world.

What's more, there is a saint who has not seen it for many years and has not seen it. He will not allow this kind of thing to happen.

At the moment when the mind entered the nine-day Kaiyuan map, Luo Yunyang felt that the nine-day Kaiyuan map seemed to be one, but in fact, it was the intersection of nine heavens.

The nine heavens merged into a void, making this world seem incomparably perfect. It is precisely because there are nine gatherings of heavenly power, so in the nine-day Kaiyuan map, there are also countless treasures.

A top treasure that can be derived from treasure, you can imagine its importance to the virtual Xuanmen. In the days when he came to Taixuan Xuanmen, Luo Yunyang felt that he was very comfortable, but in fact, his understanding of Taixuan Xuanmen is just a glimpse.

In other words, this mountain gate, which is too imaginary, is just a display, the true strength of the Xuxuanmen, hidden in an unknown place.

One by one flashing, Luo Yunyang put away other thoughts. Now, the most important thing for him is to find a powerful treasure.

The core disciple enters the Temple of Heaven, in order to find treasures. As for what kind of treasures you can obtain, you will see your chances and cultivation.

Luo Yunyang’s mental strength is not weak. At this time, in order to obtain treasures, there is no more hidden. For a quarter of an hour, Luo Yunyang’s mind, in the seemingly chaotic treasure map, finds a place where three heavens meet. .

In this position, Luo Yunyang saw a treasure mirror.

The treasure mirror implies three forces of heaven, which can be described as the supreme treasure. With this treasure mirror, Luo Yunyang feels his strength and has a leap-forward progress.

In the end, Luo Yunyang did not take the treasure mirror. It is not that he does not need the treasure mirror. Instead, in the nine-day Kaiyuan map, every core disciple can find only a treasure.

Although this mirror is very strong, Luo Yunyang hopes that he can find a better place and get a more powerful treasure.

Nine heavens are like nine lines. In the vast nine-day Kaiyuan map, it is not an easy task to find a place where their origins gather or meet.

Although Huang Hao and others are excellent in talent, what they are looking for is basically a branch of a certain heaven.

Their purpose is to find the treasures of the heavenly road that is the most powerful among the nine heavenly roads in the nine-day Kaiyuan map.

The process of searching is extremely boring, because he is actually looking for it in the endless chaos of heaven.

Although Luo Yunyang's mind is stronger than Huang Wei and others, in the process of searching, he quickly felt that his mind was consumed too quickly and could not withstand it.

Fortunately, there are property regulators, so that Luo Yunyang supported the search for a place with six heavens.

Here, what Luo Yunyang saw was a bow, a bow that looked like a stone!

Liulong shoots the Japanese bow!

Gem cat said

The third is more to offer, come to a wave of monthly votes to support it! The big guys are the special medicines, let the old cat get better! quack

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