Supreme Uprising

Chapter 1264: One seal, one long eyebrow

When Star Kui heard that Luo Yunyang had promised to be the Emperor of Yuanwei, there was a surprise in the eyes of the expectation!

Nowadays, the Yuanfu catalogue has just been signed, and even those who belong to the Palace of the Holy Spirit cannot guarantee that they will be safe in this robbery. In this huge crisis, they naturally look forward to their own ranks, and there are strong players to join.

This mysterious Yuanwei Shengdi is not only powerful, but also has the three magical laws that make people invincible. It is one of the most horrible characters in the world.

Nowadays he has become the emperor of the Holy Palace, and at least he no longer has to worry about this cursing for himself and others!

"Your Majesty, this time for the minister to come over, but also brought something to His Majesty." Star Kui hizi moved to Luo Yunyang after a ceremony, a wave of sleeves.

As his sleeves waved, he saw an agarwood scorpion in the void, and the scorpion hangs all kinds of gods to treasure, giving a feeling of radiance.

However, compared with a jade seal on top of Shen Xiang Bao, this agarwood is so thin.

The incense law of Shen Xiang Bao Yu is also a good treasure, but at that time, Bao Yin, but it contains five principles of heaven, and it is also the law of the heavens that belongs to the Thunder!

This treasure is actually a treasure!

Luo Yunyang’s gaze glanced at the treasure, and his brow wrinkled slightly!

He did not take the treasure seal, but looked at the star Kui Dao: "As far as I know, Yuan Wei Shengdi has a seal and a singer, in order to take charge of the stars, now what the **** went to local?"

The Holy Emperor of the Holy Emperor Palace has one seal, one seal and one Gui, and thus the Lord of the Holy Land. The legendary three pieces of treasure are united and have great power.

The existence of the Emperor Yuanwei, etc., has one seal and one seal, and the seal is merged. That is the treasure that has six principles of heaven.

Luo Yunyang is willing to become the Emperor of Yuanwei, and this is also the reason for this print.

Star Kui heard the question of Luo Yunyang, and there was a shyness in his eyes: "Yuanwei Shengdi’s majesty, not the Emperor’s Palace holding that treasure is not for you, but that Baodi is not in the Palace of the Holy. ”

"Where is Baochao?" Luo Yunyang was unwilling to receive a treasure that was lacking. He immediately asked the sound of the star.

Star Kui's face reveals a dilemma, but under Luo Yunyang's temptation, he is still honestly: "In the hands of the deputy doorkeeper of the Xuanmeng, the head of the long eyebrow."

The head of the Xuxuanmen, too, has been let out, but in the eyes of many people, even in the eyes of most people, the door of the imaginary door is still the owner of the imaginary.

The disciple who was not appointed as the Yuan Sheng and was appointed as the gatekeeper by the Taixuan Xuanmen was basically a blind man.

The deputy head of the long-browed sacred master, compared with the lord who was regarded as a scorpion, was recognized by the twelve-yuan sacred sacred door.

No one knows the origin of the long eyebrow master, but his cultivation has made countless people marvel at it, and even can be said to let countless people shake it.

Even the pure van Gogh, in some battles with the long-browed master, has always been a loser.

"Since this treasure is so important, the Holy Emperor did not ask for it?" Luo Yunyang indulged in an instant, and asked Xingkui.

Star Kui smashed his hand and shook his head. "The long eyebrow is a famous and difficult person. The benefits he has to go, it is impossible to let it out."

Luo Yunyang nodded. He didn't ask Star Kui any more. Instead, he waved toward the treasure, and the treasure with the infinite Raylight fell into his hands.

This treasure print seems to be quiet for a long time. In the moment of falling into the hands of Luo Yunyang, it is extremely inspiring and a look of eagerness.

"What else is there under the Holy Emperor?"

Star Kui looked at the Bao Yin, secretly swallowed a spit, this treasure is for him, it is a supreme treasure, if he can get this treasure, then his combat power, definitely to a step.

Unfortunately, Bao Yin will not belong to him!

"The Holy Emperor said that although there is a deficiency in the seal, you will leave your seal and spread throughout the heavenly sanctuary."

Luo Yunyang waved his hand and let Staru Kui, who had nothing to look back, to leave. His **** thoughts that there was no treasure of the Yuanling, that is, a quarter of an hour, and basically had already sacrificed the treasure. can use.

This treasure has implied five rules. For his combat effectiveness, there is a certain improvement. However, although the five heavenly rules of Baoyin seem to be complete, Luo Yunyang always feels in the urging. Intentional and unintentional.

Lack of the vital treasure!

The Holy Emperor gave this treasure to himself, and there was no idea of ​​giving one of these causes and effects to himself.

Between the thoughts in the heart, Luo Yunyang has already made a decision, although the long eyebrow master is not good to provoke, but this treasure, he must get it anyway.

A treasure is not only related to the improvement of his strength, but also to whether he can establish his own reputation.

After making up his mind, Luo Yunyang called the jade symbol by calling the Yufu.

Although the cultivation of the hanging mirror is not very strong, the ability to do things is stronger than the two.

More importantly, this hanging mirror is the most loyal person to Luo Yunyang.

"Congratulations to the Holy Emperor." The poster has been received by the Yuan Zun, full of joy toward Luo Yunyang Road.

For Luo Yunyang's decision to become the Yuanwei Emperor, the hanging mirror is still very happy inside the Yuanzun. According to the speculation of the hanging mirror, Luo Yunyang will definitely choose a party to rely on.

The weaker the power of Luo Yunyang is, the stronger the voice in this power. Of course, for these followers, the benefits of getting more.

In other words, these followers will be more secure in the next danger.

Luo Yunyang waved to the hanging mirror Yuan Zun: "Sit, this time I let you come over, there is one thing that you need to help me to do."

"If there is any arrangement, please leave it, even though you are told!" Suspended the mirror, the esteemed enthusiasm, a loyal look.

"Do you know the main eyebrows?" Luo Yunyang asked straightforwardly.

Although the status of the hanging mirror is not high, but for the characters in the world, it is very widely known. At this time, Luo Yunyang was mentioned to mention the long eyebrows, and suddenly took a breath, because this long eyebrow master, not only It is famous, and there is still a famous and difficult person.

In the past, he was not qualified to deal with the mysterious master. Even now or later, he did not want to have any entanglement with this.

But just now, the statement was blurted out. At least he did not want his majesty to see his fear. Whether the task can be completed is determined by the ability, but whether it can be actively carried out is the attitude problem.

Think of this, when the next bite: "Your Majesty, although I have not dealt with this person, but this mysterious master I know."

"You go to Changle Tian, ​​the long-browed master, and send me a letter." During the speech, Luo Yunyang took out a jade.

"Follow!" I heard that it was just a letter of delivery. The heart of the hanging mirror was finally lost. He couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Other things he didn’t dare to send. This kind of thing can’t help him. .

Luo Yunyang nodded: "So, then take a trip, remember, in Changle, you must not be rude."

"This subordinate understands." In fact, this sentence simply does not need Luo Yunyang, the character of the hanging mirror, and he has no guts in front of the long eyebrows.

"Your Majesty, in addition to sending a letter, do not know if you have any other instructions?" At the time of exit, the hanging mirror Yuan asked softly.

Luo Yunyang waved: "The things I want to say to the long-eyed Xuanzhu have been written on the letter. Whatever he has to say, will bring you back."

People send letters, it means respect, and Luo Yunyang and the long eyebrows between the master, there is no connection, directly using the gods to communicate, can not do.

The hanging mirror Yuanzun just let go of his heart. In his opinion, sending such a thing is absolutely impossible.

In the same time, when the hanging mirror Yuan Zun left the Songmen Gate in Songyang and headed for the direction of Changle, the whole heavenly environment received a message from the Holy Palace.

The Holy Emperor has already enshrined the new Yuan Wei Sheng Di, the new Yuan Wei Sheng Di, the mysterious three-character Yuan Sheng who captured the Hongmen Dragon Tree.

Although Luo Yunyang claimed to be the Yunyang Yuansheng to the Shadow of the Shadows, but some people gave him a name for the three-character Yuansheng.

This title sounds a bit strange, but it is very capable of swearing.

After hearing the decree passed down by the Emperor's Palace, ordinary warriors did not feel much about this, because one more Yuanwei Shengdi and one less Yuanwei Shengdi did not have any influence on them. They naturally won't pay attention.

However, there are also people who are concerned about this matter. Among those who pay attention, there is a pure Vatican.

If you say that in this heavenly sacred place, to the people who hate Luo Yunyang most, the clean and savvy Lord is not only famous on the list, but also ranked first.

For the pure Vatican, Luo Yunyang simply let his hate roots itch, if there is a chance, he absolutely wants Luo Yunyang to survive, not to die.

"Yuanwei Shengdi, he really dare to behave, but this Yuanwei Shengdi is not a cat and a dog can be."

"Yuanwei Shengdi has a seal and a glimpse of these two things, how to be convinced."

When the pure Vatican said this, he did not evade the disciples around him, and those disciples were also hateful to Luo Yunyang. Their foundations were basically clear, and Luo Yunyang was so troublesome that it was a heavy loss. .

Not only did they spread the slogans of the masters through their friends, but some people said bluntly that they were not convinced of the newly enshrined Yuan Wei.

Some people even shouted directly, saying that if you want to be the Emperor of the Yuanwei, you should first take back the treasures that fell into the hands of the long-browed master.

The emergence of Luo Yunyang's emptiness has attracted the attention of countless people. As he became the Emperor of Yuanwei, he did not know how many people were provoked.

Naturally, for this newly-fed Yuan Wei, the Emperor is able to obtain the treasure of the Emperor of the Yuan, and countless powerful people have begun to pay close attention.


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