Supreme Uprising

Chapter 1292: 弑天灭神太虚弩

Tianliu Lake, Feiyan Mountain!

The gathering of countless water veins not only makes the Tianliu Lake like the gods, but also makes the Feiyan Mountain in the middle of the lake come alive.

There are even legends that when the Tianliu Jianzong encounters a crisis, the Feiyan Mountain will be mobilized and turned into a giant beast, sweeping the world.

This kind of legend has never been seen by anyone living in the Tianliu Lake area, but this does not hinder their fear of the Tianliujian.

For the people living around the Tianliu Lake, the Tianliu Jianzong is the sky in their hearts. They can offend other people, but they can't offend the swords.

However, at the moment, in the eyes of the ordinary warriors in Tianliu Lake, this is like a god-like sect of the celestial sect. It is looking at a slap in the face with a look of grace. This black and white color on the order means that the order comes from too Xuanmeng.

"Senior brother, what's wrong with Xuan Xuanmen?" He spoke of a man with a rough face and strong hands and feet like a pig iron.

The patriarch of Tianliujianzong looked at his appearance in his forties, and his cultivation was a god-like Taiyi Yuanzun. This kind of cultivation is supported by Tianliu Jianzong.

Only now, the lord is frowning. He raised his hand and said: "Too Xuan Xuanmen ordered a decree, let me go to the Taixuan Xuanmen to sin."

"Conspiracy? By what sin, because the successor ceremony did not go, he will cure the sins of the swordsman!"

The man with a rough face said: "We are not bullied by the swords of the sky. Our ancestors, and the long-browed masters, are also commensurate with the Taoist friends."

Looking at the chatter, a pair of unyielding younger brothers, Yanbei, as the head of the eyebrows, wrinkled more and more tight.

My own younger brother and the Warring Mountain Master have made a good deed, or that after this younger brother is fighting against the mountain master, he does not put his sovereignty in the heart.

This time I did not go to Luo Yunyang's succession ceremony, although I also had this idea in my heart, but in the end it was because of his agitation.

"Teacher, that is the person who dared to open the 12-yuan holy capital."

Yanbei returned, let the rough man's eyes flash a chilly, he said faintly: "It seems that the brother is ready to confess."

Guilty guilty, Yanbei is not in the heart, although Luo Yunyang is very strong, but let Yanbei return to the door of a generation of confessions because of a decree, he is reluctant.

"This matter is related to the reputation of my entire sword, how can I confess my arbitrarily." Here, Yanbei said to Shen Sheng: "I mean, do we send people to explain it?" ?"

"Explain, how to explain?" The rough man smiled and said: "Do you say that our last reason was not good, too imaginary is not a fool."

Yanbei sighed and he is now in a dilemma.

For his own face, he must not be convicted for a paper order, but if the virtual Xuanmen really hit, he still has no way to deal with it.

Just as he was upset and upset, he listened to the savage man: "Brother, don't worry, I guess it's too imaginary."

"You think, although Luo Yunyang has the cultivation of Yuan Wang, but he has just sat in the position of the head, there are still 12 yuan, and there is time to find the trouble of our swordsman?"

"He should be an account of the disciples of Xu Xuanmen."

Yanbei turned to think about the moment, and felt that his younger brother said that it was not unreasonable. He said: "Now, we only have to take a step and look at it."

Just when Yanbei returned to his heart and prepared to go back to retreat, a red-red jade symbol quickly flew over.

The moment when the jade flies come, the face of Yanbei returns greatly, because the red-red flying character, in their daily swords, represents the most urgent thing.

The wild man who stood beside him and looked arrogant, also flashed a dignity in his eyes.

"Too virtual Xuanmen hit it!" Yan Beigui, who opened the flying character, shivered with a hint of voice.

As the squad inside the jade is activated, a picture appears in the void, in which a huge battleship is coming.

The banner that covers the sky, the murder of the forest, makes people feel fear from the heart.

"Tie Yan Shidi, I went to court to ask the founder, you go to mobilize the disciples of all parties, ready to fight!" Yanbei is after all the head of the party, immediately after the start of the panic, began to arrange.

Iron Rock Yuanzun also calmed down and said: "Luo Yunyang took us to the sword of the sky, then I let him know that his imaginary door is not as strong as he thought, and we are not him. It’s so weak.”

When the two talked, they acted separately, that is, for a quarter of an hour, the entire Tianliu Jianzong tens of thousands of disciples, have already known that the virtual Xuanmen came to attack.

For the Taixuan Xuanmen, although these disciples are full of fear inside, but in the vicious propaganda of Luo Yunyang by Yanbei Return, many people are still full of anger in their chests.

It can even be said that their hearts are full of fighting spirit.

"There is a Luo Zongzhu." When the warship of Taixuan Xuanmen appeared in the void, a face of the old Taiyi Yuanzun vacated and said to Luo Yunyang: "I am the master of the sky." ""

The master of the Tianliu sword, the founder of the Tianliujian, although it looks old at this time, but the sword that is distributed on him still makes the Quartet tremble.

However, although he is known as the sword master, but the cultivation is also the realm of the king.

There is a Zongmen who is sitting in the town of Yuanwang, which has a lot more than the ordinary Zongmen.

For the case of Tianliu Jianzong, Luo Yunyang has already known that he stood on the nine-story battleship with a radius of ten miles, like a square-like deck: "Heavenly sword master, you know sin?"

Although the Tianliu Sword Master is only the Yuanwang, but the generation is not the same, but in the same year, he has had a close relationship with the Emperor.

The purpose of his coming out this time was to make Luo Yunyang retreat, but he did not expect that after he showed his identity, Luo Yunyang’s first sentence turned out to be the case.

Knowing sin?

Even the King of Fei Shangyuan, who had not been so arrogant in the past, spoke to him!

If Fei Shangyuan Wang of the year, Tianliu Jianzong might have slammed on it, but in the face of Luo Yunyang’s violent man who dared to open the 12-yuan holy, he really did not dare to say that he was too offended by Luo Yunyang. if.

"Luo Zongzhu, when I was in the throne of your succession, I was a bit too far away, please forgive me." Tianliujian said here, Shen Sheng said: "When I see you next time." Long eyebrows, must give him a sin."

Although they all pleaded guilty, but Tianliu Jianzong pleaded guilty, but it was to the eyebrows of the eyebrows. This is clearly telling Luo Yunyang that he stood behind him with a long eyebrow, and it is best to accept it.

"Ha ha ha, please sin after a good one, declare my purpose!" Luo Yunyang simply ignored the Tianliujian master, and said it straightforwardly.

This time, Luo Yunyang’s decree became the elder of Long Huai. Although the elder Long Huai was very cautious in the face of the Twelve Yuan, but in the face of Tianzhu Jianzong, he was a small gate. It is not too much in mind.

"... Tianjian Jianzong head Yanbei return, despise the door, sin is not blasphemy, hey! The rest of the disciples, plunged into the cold ice world for slaves for three thousand years..."

When Elder Long Huai read the moment of dealing with Tianjianjian, the entire Tianjian Jianzong was extremely angry.

Not only must we kill the head of the Tianliu Jianzong, but also the disciples of the entire Tianjian Jianzong into the ice world, which is basically a slain!

"Luo Zongzhu, you are so overbearing, the old man who is too imaginary, he will not let you be so mischievous." On that day, the main body of the sword was stunned, and he did not think that Luo Yunyang actually intended this.

"Hands!" Luo Yunyang has no time and this day to flow the swords, and as his palms wave, countless lines, that is, in an instant, rise from the warships that cover the sky.

Along with the surging of the formation, a seemingly full-scale smashing machine appeared between the heavens and the earth, and the smashing machine was the disciple of the entire Tianliujian.

The disciples of the arrogant Tianliu Jianzong, at the moment when the giants were aligned, felt that their bodies were suppressed by a powerful force of death. They even felt that they had even a counterattack. No.

Fear, an unprecedented fear filled their hearts, and in this fear they even felt that they were going to collapse.

A disciple of Tianliu Jianzong naturally does not know what this giant is, but on that day the sword master understood the power of this giant.

"Oh, God is too vain, you... how can you use this!" The voice of the Swordmaster is full of anger: "The lord of the year was said that this warrior cannot be easily used." ”

"You are crazy!"

Luo Yunyang looked at the main stream of the sword: "Since you know the origins of this vain god, you should know its power. Maybe you can escape this embarrassment, but your Tianjian Jianzong, absolutely Can't escape!"

"Now, I will give you another chance. I will bow down immediately. I can't take it. Otherwise, I will blame me for being rude!"

On the other hand, the main sword of the Tianliu sword indicated to Yanbei, and he did not tamper with it. He said: "This is a vain god. It is one of the foundations of the imaginary door. You use it, the light is full of energy. It takes 10,000 years."

"You have to know that for us to be a sword, it is not worth it."

"I think we can talk about it!"

Luo Yunyang looked at the sword of the sky, and said faintly: "There is nothing to talk about. After you have rejected my command, the fate of your swordsmanship has been determined."

"Now, you only have two choices. One is to slap your own hands; the other is to let me use this too vain!"

Yan Beigui’s face is constantly changing. At this time, he realized deeply that his previous choices were really wrong. I knew that when I was invited by the Taixuan Xuanmen, even if I had 12 yuan, Happy, you should also go to see the successor ceremony.

At that time, I really shouldn’t think about getting rid of the attachment to Taixuan’s Xuanmen, but I didn’t think about the consequences of this incident.


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