Supreme Uprising

Chapter 1392: Stand out and grab it

Luo Yunyang and Shiyuan Xuehai are friends, and in the past they have done a lot of things with the original source of blood, but this is obviously a big loss, Luo Yunyang is definitely not going to do.

The devour of Tianjun was killed by Luo Yunyang himself. When Luo Yunyang was trapped by the devastating Tianjun, there was no rescue from the beginning of the blood.

At this time, let Luo Yunyang help the origin of the blood sea to seize the nine emperors, this kind of brain damage is not a joke!

The origin of the blood sea was robbed by Luo Yunyang, and he couldn't help but get old-fashioned. When he spoke, his heart actually didn't have much enthusiasm, but he really couldn't promise the nine emperors to Luo Yunyang.

"Yunyang brother, this thing..."

When talking about the origin of the blood sea, Luo Yunyang has vacated toward the left side of the origin of the blood sea.

In the direction of the left side of the blood source of the origin, it is the direction of the attack of the devil. When you see Luo Yunyang coming out of the sea, the face of the devil is not good.

This Luo Yunyang, but it is not good to deal with!

Just as he raised a hint of alert in his heart, he saw that Luo Yunyang had already landed on a storage bracelet floating in the void.

This storage bracelet belongs to the Swallowing Heavenly King.

The body that had just swallowed Tianjun was broken, and the storage bracelet was also dropped. It should be said that according to the level of the tempering Tianjun, there is absolutely no good thing in his storage bracelet, and it should be the first choice for others. The object of robbing, but unfortunately there are nine emperors, and the treasure is in front, this did not attract the attention of others.

Luo Yunyang has always been obsessed with the storage bracelet of Tianjun. After seeing the nine emperors vying for the hard to get started, he chose to get the storage bracelet first, after all, the kind of sacred place in the storage bracelet. It is very important to him.

That is the fat man and the gloomy face man who swallowed Tianjun. When he saw Luo Yunyang, he took away the storage bracelet for the first time, and the faces of the two people changed.

They are the clearest among the things in the storage bracelets. Although the quality of the treasures there is not comparable to that of the nine emperors, they are also rare treasures.

But when they came, the Lord of the Vatican would take away the Supreme Emperor of the Nine Emperors. They couldn’t help but rush to compete for the Nine Emperors.

But this is not to say that he does not care about the storage bracelet.

"Luo Yunyang, put down the storage bracelet!" The man with a gloomy face was anxious when he arrived, with anger in his voice.

One good thing, because of the encounter with Luo Yunyang, not only did not benefit from the harvest, the death of Tianjun is still dead.

If possible, they would rather target this time than Luo Yunyang.

Luo Yunyang looked at the gloomy man, coldly said: "It seems that you are talking about me? You are my mother's secret shot to me, but dare to scare me here, huh, you take care of Laozi's liver Scared, this time I have to make you look good!"

During the speech, Luo Yunyang transferred his own property regulator, directly reducing the speed and strength of this one by half.

Just half of it is not Luo Yunyang's kindness, but the three sides are now compelling each other. Luo Yunyang does not want to let one side go out directly because of his own shot.

The gloomy man, at this time, is fighting a blood shadow of the origin of the blood sea, and he has already occupied the upper hand. He is preparing to break the incarnation of the original blood sea.

However, just as he was prepared to do so, his speed suddenly and inexplicably slowed down, and then in the next collision, his whole person directly flew out.

A crack appeared on his face.

Such a scene makes the face of the gloomy man look very ugly. In an instant, he already knew that he had been counted by Luo Yunyang.

If he followed his previous temperament, he must have a life and death with Luo Yunyang, but after looking at Luo Yunyang's position, his final choice was a slow two steps.

The Three Curses of the Holy Law, the strange three spells of the Holy Law!

Without the noise of a gloomy man, Luo Yunyang began to explore the contents of the storage bracelet.

This devours the heavenly king is not a strong one, the storage bracelet is not only large enough, but also contains enough wealth inside.

However, among the storage bracelets, the most satisfying to Luo Yunyang is the kind of the sacred place of the jade. With this species of sacred sacred land and the ancient sacred beast, this time to the Tianhe Tian Xinghe auction, Luo Yunyang can be described as full of return.

Of course, the nine emperors are supreme, and he can't give up.

Put away the storage bracelet, Luo Yunyang did not immediately shoot, but stood on a high place, overlooking the situation of the people fighting.

The origin of the blood sea is suffering from the siege of everyone, although he has wrapped the nine emperors in the middle of the position, but this does not change the current state of his precarious.

It can even be said that at this time, he is not only tired of coping, but also when there is a danger of falling.

The source of the blood sea is also aware of its own dangers. The nine emperors still have the power to devour the Tianjun, even if he desperately wants to suppress the nine emperors to their own bodies, but He can't do it.

At this time, I was not reconciled to the heart of the blood source, and I knew that it would not be good for me to continue.

After the hesitation of the moment, the origin of the blood sea quickly made a decision. He looked at Luo Yunyang standing on one side, hesitated, or threw the nine emperors to the obese man.

He wants to throw it to Luo Yunyang, but he knows better that with the strength of Luo Yunyang, if he throws the nine emperors to Luo Yunyang, then the possibility of his robbing is almost nothing.

As for the two people, the Lord of the Vatican and the Lord of the Devil, it is even more unnecessary to think that they are opponents. Even if his head is kicked and kicked, he will not risk him, so that the Lord of the Vatican and the Lord will receive the Nine Emperors. .

The man with a gloomy face was ecstatic in the eyes of the nine emperors. As a companion to devour Tianjun, he obtained the supreme sorrow of the nine emperors together with the devour of Tianjun.

Now, the Supreme Emperor of the Nine Emperor fell into his hands. He can immediately urge the Nine Emperors to the Supreme, so he did not hesitate to get the Supreme Emperor.

This time, he did not use all his strength, but he used half of the power according to the means they have explored over the years.

This half of the power is enough to temporarily hold his opponent, and he himself and his companion quickly leave.

As for the killing of the opponent, although he did not think about it, but doing so, the power spent on the Supreme Emperor of the Nine Emperors is too strong, it can be said that it is a bit worthwhile.

For the power of the Nine Emperors, the people present were actually clear, so when the gloomy man shook the Nine Emperor, the Dakong Vatican and others almost fled in all directions for the first time.

They are very clear that they can't resist the Supreme Emperor of the Nine Emperors. Instead of being settled by the Nine Emperors, it is better to escape first.

They are very fast, but it is not so easy to escape from the space between the fingers and the nine emperors.

That is to escape the space of thousands of circles, their bodies, it seems to be stuck by something, the movement is very slow.

And the man who swayed the Supreme Emperor of the Nine Emperors, at this time, was prepared to incite the law to close the nine emperors. The power he used to shake the nine emperors was not too strong. At this time, it was not too difficult to put up the nine emperors.

But just as he had to take up the nine emperors, he suddenly felt that his body could not move, and what made him feel more fear was that his body had a feeling of breaking out at any time.

This situation makes him feel scared. At this moment, he thoroughly understood the feeling of consuming the heavenly king. Thinking of the experience of consuming Tianjun, the man with a gloomy face, almost for the first time, threw out the nine emperors in his hands.

Nothing wrong, he didn't want to fall to the same end as the devour of Tianjun, so when he felt that his body was difficult to move, he forcibly ignited his last strength and threw the nine emperors.

Although the nine emperors are supreme, but the nine emperors are even more important, and compared with their own lives, it is still a lot worse.

He is not a fool who wants money and no fate, so he directly throws the nine emperors to the top.

At the moment when the Nine Emperor Supreme was thrown out, the gloomy man felt that his body's feeling of collapse had quickly disappeared, which made him happy.

Although the loss of the nine emperors has made him suffer, but compared with his own life, the nine emperors are not so important.

The nine emperors who are not motivated by the people are like a piece of abandoned goods. The big man and other people are ready to go back and **** the moment when they see the gloomy man throwing the nine emperors.

However, they shot again at this time, but it was already late. When they reversed their stature, the Emperor of the Nine Emperors had fallen into the hands of Luo Yunyang.

The big empty Vatican, the demon Lord, and the origin of the blood sea and others, in seeing the nine emperors fall into the hands of Luo Yunyang, one can not help but wrinkle a brow, for them, the nine emperors fell into other In the hands of people, it is a good fight, but falling into the hands of Luo Yunyang, that is a big trouble.

The gloomy man and his companion, the two look the same dignified. Especially the man with a gloomy face, the situation just now, let him rise from the bottom of his heart, a trace of despair.

"Let's go!" The gloomy man indulged in a moment, toward his fat companion.

The fat companion's face showed a trace of unwillingness: "Why? The nine emperors are ours!"

"I said, let's go!" The gloomy man said with a deep voice: "You have to stay for death, you can not listen to me." He talked directly across the void.

The man's fat companion looked at Luo Yunyang and the owner of the Taixu, and hesitated for a moment, and eventually went away.

Although the treasure is good, but compared with his life, the treasure is a fart!


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