Supreme Uprising

Chapter 1420: Let the ninth lord

Under the Eight Lords, those who can become the Lord God have a good fighting power. It can even be said that the Lord God is very powerful.

When I found myself and others appearing in a long river, Lieyang and the purifying **** did not panic. He did not shoot himself, but he was not far from the **** of the main god: "The air is broken, your business is coming!"

The main **** of the emptiness is in the control of space, and it is hard to compare it to the average person. When he gets the long river, he also does not care.

This kind of illusion to deal with him, it is a bit of a taste of the class.

But when he looked at the rolling river, his look became hard to look.

"In this, it implies the power of time!"

As the strongest of the sky gods, the power of space can be said to be very familiar to the Lord of the Sky, but he has no deep research on the power of time.

Nowadays, the formation of the law makes him feel a headache!

As for the other main gods, after carefully reading the law, they all frowned.

Because they suddenly discovered that these arrays of law they could not understand the mystery.

"This is not the array of storm gods. There is no power to hide the storm." The devourer said: "It seems that this time it is a little trouble!"

"We don't know the array method, then we will break the law by force. I don't believe it. His array of methods can block our attacks." Liyang and the Purifying Lord God said with confidence.

As the main god, they have great self-confidence for their own strength. At this time, they heard the evil sun and the purifying Lord God say that their feelings suddenly showed a sense of self-satisfaction.

As the proponent, Lieyang and the Purifying Lord God were the first to shoot. Although he did not like this first shot from his heart, he did not think that it could consume much power.

It is also a formation of the genius of the lower bounds.

They can have today's status, which one is not a top talent? But geniuses don't necessarily have their cultivation, because they also get the top potion made by their own gods.

It is also because of these potions that they have the status of today.

No, the Lord God gave them, can not be described with the use of the gods, should be the godhead, implied the power of the power of the Lord God.

The power of the Lord God, a thought can make the Bohai Sea collapse, and the arrangement of Ke Leiyin is even good, and these people can join hands and can easily break.

It’s just that the idea of ​​Liyang and the purification of the Lord God is good, but in fact it is not easy to implement.

The long river, which implies the power of time, was quickly broken by him. The void around him was also quickly broken by him, but every time he broke, the surrounding world would quickly return to its original state.

That is to say, his brute force destroys the Famen, and it does not play any role at all. This situation makes the Liyang and the Purifying Lord God extremely incomprehensible.

It can even be said that at this time, the Liyang and the Purifying Lord God have a feeling of wanting to be crazy. After all, since they became the Lord God, most of the things can basically be realized.

If it is normal, the sorrow of the sacred sun and the purification of the Lord God, the devouring of the Lord God will ruthlessly ridicule.

But now, this strange situation, swallowing the Lord God not only did not ridicule, but at the same time shot, to break the law.

However, although the seven main gods have made concerted efforts, the final result is that it is still difficult to break the space that implies time and space.

"It seems that we are really too small to look at people, this Ke Leiyin, extraordinary!" The voice is the main **** of the crack, his voice with solemnity.

Lieyang and the **** of engulfing the face are chilly, although his heart is still not too much to see Klein, but now, he has no way to leave.

And when the seven main gods began to discuss how to do it, Luo Yunyang was quietly looking down at the seven main gods.

At this time, he has already merged the laws left by Cairn and others, and stepped into the realm of Yuanzun. Although the laws of Cairn and others are much worse than the complete law of heaven, relying on the property regulator and his own mind, Luo Yunyang can use his strength to reach the peak of Yuanwang.

Although not as good as Yuan Sheng, it is not much different.

That is to say, nowadays, in this world of blue stars, he finally has the power to save his life. For this opportunity, Luo Yunyang has been preparing for a hundred years.

In the past 100 years, through cultivation, he has achieved the realm of heaven in the cultivation, and has also led the gods to come and refine them into the gods of the Yuanzun.

Among them, the most important reason is what Luo Yunyang pretends, but there are more than eight Gods who do not care about the lower bounds.

Although they have caused great defensive strength in the Blue Star field, they never thought about it, and some people will appear inside the Blue Star.

Trapped by the existence of the seven main gods, the eight high Gods should be at the time of their own shots.

Only they can motivate the ban of the blue star field to shoot themselves, and their true body, can get the chance to come.

Just as Luo Yunyang’s thoughts were surging, the Pope’s Pope had already respectfully walked over: “Kelei Yin, who has just contacted the **** of punishment in the gods, the Lord God passed the decree, please pick it up. Purpose."

Punish the Lord God, the Lord of the Storm sits on one of the Eight Lords.

Luo Yunyang has already guessed what the purpose of the punishment of the Lord God is, but he still walked into the main temple of the Storm God.

"Take me the purpose, not to kneel down!" The punishment of the Lord God projected is a virtual shadow, but the words seem to imply infinite majesty.

Luo Yunyang did not have much fear for this punishment of the Lord God. He said faintly: "I have just trapped the eight main gods. Believe it or not. I will reach out and kill your body now."

Punish the face of the Lord God and become incomparably ugly. Although the strength of Klein has been proved, he is a younger generation after all.

In punishing the Lord God to come, he is the Lord God, this Ke Leiyin should keep respect for himself, but did not expect this to be the case.

At the same time of shame, his heart did not dare to re-use this condescending attitude to Klei Yin. If the madman directly killed his own avatar, then the trouble is still himself.

"Keyin, your God has already known, and the Lord has already reached an agreement with other gods. From today, you are the **** of my storm gods, allowing you to ascend into the storm."

When the punishment of the Lord God announced the decision of the Lord of the Storm, the voice contained an endless majesty: "Now, you can put those trapped Lord God."

"God? I kill the gods like a dog, give me a position of the gods, I will not do it!" Ke Leiyin indifferent, with a trace of resolute!

Punishing the Lord God has always been the first battle of the Lord of the Storm, but the situation at this time has given him a feeling of wanting to go crazy.

This guy is really too crazy, what does he say? Give him a position of god, he did not agree.

However, while anger, there is no other way to punish the Lord God, because Luo Yunyang’s cultivation is really stronger than him.

One by one, the thoughts are flashing, and the punishment of the Lord God is screaming: "Do you still want to be the Lord God?"

"Lord God? Oh, and you are generally slag, I don't want to, you help me tell God, what I want to do is the ninth lord!" Koreyin looked with a contempt for the punishment of the Lord God. A glance, faintly said.

Punishing the Lord God feels that his heart is bleeding, he has become a slag, and it is still a **** that is looked down upon. But what made him feel even more angry was that the juniors were so ignorant that he dared to be God.

"You are looking for death!" Punish the Lord God's roar, the rolling Thunder, whistling from the void, but this punishes the gap between the Lord God and Luo Yunyang, it is too big, Luo Yunyang attacked him, do not care.

The finger is lightly in the void, and the punishment of the Lord God is separated, and it is silent and collapses in the void.

The Pope Pope, who was following Ke Leiyin, almost didn't faint at this time. When he heard that Ke Leiyin was promoted to the god, he was still happy for Keleiyin. He felt that he had Keleiyin. Backing the mountain, after entering the storm gods, there will be fewer roads.

However, I did not expect that this Klei Yin not only dismissed the position of the gods, but even the main **** was not appropriate. He wanted to be the Lord of God and the God Lord who stood side by side with the Eight Great Gods.

too crazy!

What will the storm gods look like after hearing this report? What reaction will the other gods receive after receiving this news?

Lightning thunder, the sky is cracking!

Disrespect for the Lord of God is a huge sin, and the idea of ​​Klein can be described as sin. And the wrath of God Lord will not involve him in this storm Pope, will it involve the entire storm **** religion?

"Adult, you... what did you say?" The Pope watched Luo Yunyang leaving the temple with a trembling voice.

Luo Yunyang looked at the vibrating Pope, and said faintly: "I feel that my strength has become a God, so I will tell you, and when I become the ninth Lord, you are the Lord God."

The Lord God, this is how to attract the position of the Pope's Pope, but when he thinks about the position of the Lord God, his heart trembles. He knows that with his own cultivation, he is not qualified to become the Lord God.

"Adult, you still don't make a joke, just let me be the main god?" The Pope said here, the voice trembled: " will be convinced!"

"What is God's punishment? Let the gods punish more violently. Because I have waited for God's punishment, I am the Lord of God." Luo Yunyang took a look at the storm Pope's shoulder and walked away.

Just after a quarter of an hour, eight huge gods, rising high in the endless sky, behind the throne, is an endless god!

Eight gods, reflecting the world!

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