Supreme Uprising

Chapter 1482: Lei Yuan Shang

Come is a master!

At the moment of the strong shot, Luo Yunyang has already recognized the identity of the player. For him, now, a master is really nothing.

Now that he has completely digested the immortal powder of the Witchcraft, it is no exaggeration to say that as long as Luo Yunyang does not want to, he can kill the original master by waving.

The gods and gods who panicked because of the death of Longshan Yuansheng, when they heard the sound of the drink, showed infinite joy in each face.

Even many people cheered loudly: "Adult, revenge for Longshan Yuansheng!"

It’s just that their voices have no effect on the current fight. The protoss of the day will never pay attention to this kind of thing.

Luo Yunyang faced the shot of the original master, and he did not move. He naturally could not be scared. The reason why he did not take it is because he felt that at this time, he did not have the need to shoot.

Because at this time, he has already noticed that a strong man of the Qiang nationality is not far from his own.

The strong man of the Qiang nationality has the cultivation of the peak of the founder, but the ninth ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty. Although he said from the kinship, he and Luo Yunyang have no affinity.

But now that the original leader of the Tianshen is off the court, he will not be polite.

Although the gods are tyrannical, in some respects, they can't do whatever they want.

Approaching, the Qianyuan family would not be able to provoke it, and those who submitted covenants with the gods were also staring at this matter.

This kind of harvesting agreement, which is itself in the weak position of the major tribes of the major sub-groups, is extremely careless about this situation.

Their children are not the opponents of the gods, they can bear, but once the gods are killed, then as long as the top gods of the gods are shot, then even if they are dead, they must be fair.

The gods did not care about this kind of agreement, but under the boycott of the major tribes, the gods who had suffered a lot of losses had to abide by the agreement.

Although the Lord of the Tensions of the Tenjins have the power to sway the major tribes, the major tribes are the servants of the Tenjins.

The gods need their offerings.

What's more, once the Tianshen tribe is overkill, the counter-attack caused by it is also very different, and it may even cause the Tianshen people to be badly hurt.

"Long night, Lord, what are you doing?" A cold drink, sounded in the void, with this cold drink, a purple thunder appeared in the void.

The purple thunder and the big hand collided in the void, that is, the moment, the big hand implied by infinite majesty, turned into a fly ash under the collision of purple lightning.

"Leiyuan Lord, do you have to do this against me?" A tall man with a flash of endless cold in his eyes, coldly yelling toward the void.

In the void, a tall man of the Qiang nationality also walked out of the void.

He did not pay attention to the long night, but looked at Luo Yunyang: "Boy, very good!"

This kid implies an infinite smile!

Obviously, this Leiyuan leader’s killing of Luo Yunyang is appreciated from the heart. Otherwise, Luo Yunyang will not be praised.

Luo Yunyang’s incarnation of Zhuang Zeyuan looks like a respectful saying: “Others want to kill me, I have no way, only counterattack.”

"Ha ha ha, as long as we want to kill our people first, we don't have to be polite to him. Hey, what the son of the Lord, even if it is the beginning of the Lord, he was killed in this anti-killing, that is also his Unlucky."

This sentence is very arrogant, the smile in the atmosphere of Luo Yunyang's look is getting more and more, he is even more polite at this time: "The adults said that the subordinates are ordered."

The face of the long night is constantly changing. He squeaked his teeth, but he did not dare to take the initiative with Ray.

After all, as far as cultivation is concerned, the gap between him and the source of the source is really too big.

If he and Lei Yuan take the initiative, it is very likely that they will just be hand-made and will be killed by the source of the source.

By that time, he really couldn't reason.

"Leiyuan Lord, don't be in the eye, Longshan Yuansheng is my parent. If you don't let me retaliate back today, then this thing, I can only count on your head."

The long night of the Lord said here, the voice is more and more gloomy: "The consequences of that time, not you can afford."

"Oh, scare me, I can't take it, naturally I have to bear it. You have the ability to ask the Lord of the World to take it."

Lei Yuan’s master looked at the long night and said: “Even if we are the vassals of the gods, but the Lord of the World promises us, we can’t talk without words.”

"Oh, if not, my family will not let you kill the family directly."

Although the long-night master knows the means of negotiation, the effect will not be much better, but his heart is full of unwillingness.

For his beloved son, Longshan Yuansheng, his heart is full of disappointment. He has a kind of obsession, a kind of obsession to avenge his son anyway.

"Leiyuan Lord, killing people, not to mention the death of my son Longshan Yuansheng. This time as long as you do not stop me, I will have a thick report, how do you see?"

Although in the repair, the long night is not as good as the Lord of the source, but he is the initiator of the gods.

In his opinion, he was able to tell the words of the source of the source, and it was already very good.

"Roll!" But what he provoked was just a word, a word that made him feel dull.

Although the long night of the Lord was very upset at this time, he was very clear, if this time he really confronted the Leiyuan Lord, he was still losing himself.

"Hey, Leiyuan, the Lord, this thing will never end!" After the moment of saying this, the long night began to vacate, that is, a moment, the whole person disappeared.

But a cold voice, but at this time, in the voice of Luo Yunyang: "Boy, this thing is not finished."

For the words of the source of Lei Yuan, how could Luo Yunyang put it on his mind? He smiled a little and threw this kind of thing aside.

The Lord of Leiyuan seems to have heard the words of the Lord of the Long Night. He laughed happily: "With Ze Yuan, you don't have to worry too much about the kid. He can't help you."

Speaking of this, Leiyuan’s Lord glanced at the celestial tribes who were escaping all around, and then said: “Be good at your own affairs, wait for the rest, we will talk about it again.”

Luo Yunyang knows what he is saying in Lei Yuan’s main discourse. He smiled and said: "Okay."

During the speech, Luo Yunyang waved his hand and smashed Lei Guang, chasing the past toward the gods of the gods who fled.

These celestial warriors gained a lot of benefits when they were harvesting, but now this situation is what they did not think of.

At this time, they are all desperately fleeing. They know that if they can't escape this time, then they will only have one dead end.

The warriors of the Qianyuan family who were chased by them were desperately entangled with them. For the strong people of the Qianyuan family, they were not willing to let this enemy escape.

These people don't know how many companions they have killed. Now they have the opportunity to revenge.

Although the Qianyuan people are much weaker than the Tianshen people, because the warriors of the Tianshen tribe are fleeing, they have the upper hand for the time, but the warriors of the Yiyuan people.

Not to mention, with the flashing of the annihilation of the thunder, the power of madness to kill, so that they are more likely to not fight back.

It is also a blink of an eye. These people have all been killed. Among them, although many people are begging for mercy, their killings make them have no way to live.

"Haha, it’s good to kill. I didn’t think that you have a match with Ze Yuansheng." That Leiyuan said: "It’s good to be shameful and brave."

At this time, Xingshan Yuansheng quickly came over.

He looked at the incarnation of Luo Yunyang's incarnation, and he was full of awe. After hesitating for an instant, he went to Luo Yunyang with respect and respect. "I have seen the source of Leiyuan and I have seen the Yuansheng."

In the moment of saying that he had seen the Yuan Zhe, the words of Xingshan Yuansheng were so uncomfortable.

But uncomfortable and how, at this time, he has no room for resistance.

Lei Yuan’s master looked at Xingshan Yuansheng’s cold smile and said: “You are thinking about saving yourself at a critical juncture. There is no mistake.”

"But do you know that it is because of your weakness that we lost this time?"

Xingshan Yuansheng heart is tight!

He is very clear that in normal times, his behavior is normal, no one will say anything.

But now, the performance of the Zhuang Ze Yuan Sheng, let him suddenly become a negative character, and Lei Yuan's questioning of the Lord, even more makes him feel uncomfortable, this Lei Yuan on the Lord to see, is to take him to open the knife.

The thoughts in my heart flashed, and Xingshan Yuansheng respectfully said: "There are no good things for yourself, but also for adults to forgive sins."

"Your things, I did not want to pay attention to it, but you have to give these tribes an account." Lei Yuan, the Lord looked coldly at Xingshan Yuansheng Road: "Since then, you should not do this. ”

"Subsidiary obey!" Xingshan Yuansheng knows that his own sacred sacred sacred can't go on. After all, the performance of the singer's sacred sacredness is too strong. At this time, how can he continue to serve as the lord of the lord.

"And, from today, you are listening to the people under the letter of the Yuan, thank you?"

The request of the Lord of Reze made the face of Xingshan Yuansheng more and more ugly. Hearing under the guise of the singer, he is not asking for his life?

"Adult, I..."

"Why, are you still not happy? I tell you, this is an order, not to discuss with you."

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