Supreme Uprising

Chapter 1512: Waiting for the net

"God, this battle seems to be a bit wrong." The coalition's camp, a floating family of Yuan Sheng, said in a respectful manner: "The gods lost, a little too fast!"

The fighting power of Yuan Sheng, in the coalition's meeting, basically has no room for opening, but the Yuansheng family's Yuansheng, but because of the excellent overall control ability, became the staff of the coalition army.

Breaking the sacred voice of the sacred Yuan Sheng: "Do you mean that there is a conspiracy in the defeat of the gods?"

"The subordinates feel that the gods do not seem to be retreating, but an orderly retreat." During the discussion of the Yuansheng, a series of data was published in a series of reports. These data are all cases of fighting between the gods and the various nationalities.

Those who can sit here are basically top-level existences. They are not only cultivated, but also have strong computing power.

After listening to the analysis of the head of the Yuan Sheng, the look of each one is dignified.

Although they all know that they only play a supporting role, it is also a happy thing to win on the auxiliary battlefield.

"Yuan Emperor, what do you think?" The eyes of the ruined Lord fell on the Yuan Emperor.

Although the cultivation of the Yuan Emperor and the Holy Spirit is still the bottom of the crowd, the status of the two of them is only under the ruin of the Lord.

The Yuan Emperor was also a long-time warrior. He nodded: "The gods seem to be deliberately tempting us."

"Yes, the gods are in the heart of the speculation, we can not be fooled, let them conspiracy!" The lord of the Nether, a faceless and cool Lord said loudly.

The opinions of the Lords on the parties gathered together to suspend the attack on the gods and to see what the gods are now and what they want to do.

However, although they have negotiated a result, this result is not the final decision, because everything they discuss needs to be decided by the ancestors.

Generally speaking, the ancestors will have no objection to what they look back on, but when the ruined Lord reports the results of their deliberations, the result is that the ruined Lord is very confused.

Because of the results he got, he actually continued to move forward.

How can it be to move on? Shouldn't it be the reason for the Tianshen to stop attacking? The sinister Lord hesitated a little, or through a special way, got in touch with the ancestors.

He hopes to know the reason in this matter.

But unfortunately, the ancestors did not give him the reason, just let him obey the orders of your ancestors.

This caused the ruined Lord to raise a clear worry from his heart, but in desperation, he summoned the strong people of all ethnic groups together and reported the results of the study of the ancestors of all ethnic groups.

The Yuansheng of the floating family, the first time against the Tao: "God, since we have realized that there is a problem, if we continue to move forward now, it is very likely that we will be defeated, and please ask the Lord to think twice."

The Yuan Emperor and the Holy Man did not say anything. They all understood that the ruined Lord could not do the Lord. This decision can be changed, only one person.

"This is the decision of your ancestors. You understand that you want to implement it. If you don't understand it, you have to implement it." The sinister attitude is clear and the tone is very firm: "You should be clear that these people are only part of the real battlefield." ”

Breaking the words of the Lord, let the face of the floating family change, his eyes finally fell on the two emperors and the Holy Man: "Two adults, this is obviously a dangerous situation, please also two I told Yunyang ancestors."

The Holy See and the Yuandi glanced at each other. They knew that they were not suitable at this time, but the two of them also noticed that there was a problem.

After a quick look at the eyes, the two men nodded: "I will reflect our opinions to the Yunyang ancestors."

Two people and Luo Yunyang have special means of contact, but the result of this connection is an accident that makes two people extremely incomparable.

Luo Yunyang did not respond!

They knew that Luo Yunyang had read their news, but this did not respond, they were the first time they met.

However, they are all smart people. After seeing no response, they will know Luo Yunyang’s true attitude in this matter. In their hearts, they have a feeling that they are not too good.

"Broken by the Lord, it seems that we still have to attack according to the order of the Presbyterian." In the words of the Holy One, with a touch of emotion: "The ancestors are very unhappy about us returning to this matter again."

As the leader of the coalition forces, the ruined master knows that this matter has been difficult to change, and immediately said: "The ancestors are far-sighted, their vision and judgment are not comparable to us."

"So this thing, you don't have to guess, I think the ancestors must have another arrangement."

"The only thing we have to do now is to march in accordance with the arrangements of the founders."

Breaking the words of the Lord, the morale of everyone around them is revived. They feel that the Lord of the Destruction is good, and the ancestors will never take their lives to joke.

And the Yuan Sheng of the floating family is no longer open, although there are still many doubts in his heart, but they dare not question those ancestors.

As a result, the coalition forces attacked again, and at a speed of arrogance and rush, they broke into the fundamental position of the gods.

The Tianshen people did not have much counterattack. The top Tianzheng strong people did not show up one by one, just like these Tianshen strong people did not exist.

However, when countless coalition forces were going to pass the Shenxing domain and prepare to continue their attacks, they suddenly felt that the world around them suddenly changed.

Not only have countless planets disappeared, they feel more around them, as if there is a force that is madly consuming the power of them.

This situation has surprised countless people!

How can it be? How come so strange?

When the Lord is feeling the moment of this feeling, the thought is to forcibly break this strange array of methods. His cultivation is the peak of the Lord, not to mention a star field, even a universe, can be broken instantly. Breaking this array is not too difficult.

However, in the moment of breaking the sin of the Lord, he was surprised to find that his own power was like a mud cow into the sea, and it was difficult to set off any waves in this emptiness.

The strong men of the saints and the Yuan emperors also followed suit. After they had the experience of breaking the lord, they used the tacit cooperation.

For them, this joint blow is their hope, so they have used all their power at the moment of the joint strike.

This blow can sweep all things.

But that mighty blow, but it did not play any role. In the moment of bombardment on the void, it has disappeared silently.

The face of the ruined Lord has become more and more stern: "It seems that this time, we have entered a big battle of lore, let the Masters study quickly and see if there is any way to break the line."

There are countless marshals among the coalition forces. Under the command of the ruined masters, these tacticians quickly acted, hoping to find out in the fastest time what the difference is.

Others, on the ground, camped on it and hoped to use the camp to weaken the dissipation of this power. But soon, the ruined Lord and others found that the way they camped was really useless.

As for those who are the masters, although they are the top-level existence of the various ethnic groups, it is a pity that they are helpless in this large array.

"Leave here and return in the quickest time to see if you can go out." After the urgent deliberation, the sinister Lord and others knew that staying here was basically a dead end, so they directly ordered the retreat.

But the result was the same. They quit twice the distance, but they still did not withdraw from the changed world.

Although the speed of weakening is not too fast, the existence of the Yuansheng level, under a toss, is a weakening of the combat power.

But if you continue this way, the coalition will soon collapse.

"It seems that we are only waiting for the ancestors to save us!" After the struggle of the imaginary lord was finally a failure, he said to the strong people of the saints and other tribes.

Just as he spoke, under a huge screen, the Lord of the World was quietly watching the situation of the ruined Lord and others.

As the ruined Lord and others became weaker and weaker, the face of the Lord of the World gave birth to a smile: "The Lord of the Yuan, the way of your battle, did not disappoint me."

"This time, the thieves of all ethnic groups will be punished. If Luo Yunyang and others do not rescue the warriors of all ethnic groups, then they will lose their roots when they rule the various races, and once he rescues, hehe..."

The owner of the Yuanji smiled a little, but with a hint of irony in his eyes: "Thank you, after the big array is arranged, you will trap me here. Is this your thank you?"

"In front of you, I have always been reluctant to tell lies." The Lord of the World smiled and said: "I really can't believe you, especially the energy of the energy you use to arrange the array. It makes me feel very bad." Comfortable."

"So, I can only separate you from the big line after the success of the big battle."

The main look of Yuanji is indifferent: "I hope this time, you can succeed."

"This time, I will succeed. We are the top of the gods. Now, let's join forces. Is there any unsuccessful reason?"

Between the Lord of the World, the figure is like lightning, quickly dissipated into the void, and his voice is quickly introduced into the ear of the Lord of the Yuan: "Luo Yunyang with the drifting ancestors and others to enter, I This time, I will definitely succeed in the first battle."

The owner of the Yuan machine looked at the Lord of the World who had left, and there was a faint smile in his eyes.

The huge Shenxing domain has become a misty piece at this time, just like being alone in a world.

Luo Yunyang and the ancestors and other ancestors stood outside the big array, and all of them used the knowledge of God to probe into the big array.

However, the result of the investigation was nothing. In the end, under the leadership of Luo Yunyang, everyone rushed into the big array.

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