Supreme Uprising

Chapter 818: a life and death force

The cosmic ban itself is strong and weak. For example, the universe banned by Luo Yunyang's one-dimensional universe is much stronger than the ordinary universe.

Not to mention the moment, Luo Yunyang's reincarnation, this is specifically aimed at Tianzun's killing stunt.

At the moment when the huge light wheel fell, the face of Qingyuan Tianzun became extremely ugly. In his heart, he gave birth to a shudder.

A shudder that made him fear from his heart.

However, as a four-day god, Optimus Tianzun is not comparable to the average person. The sword in his hand is waving, and a mountain that seems to have rushed out of Taikoo Hongmeng appears on his head.

This mountain of God, looking far away, powerful and unparalleled, and carefully gazing, it can be found that every light in the mountain of God seems to imply a powerful force of forbidden.

This is the strongest defensive move of Qingyuan Tianzun to cover the sky!

In general, Optimus Tianzun seldom exerts this trick, because exerting this move has a great deal of harm to his spirit.

This time, if it wasn’t for Luo Yunyang’s coming, the light wheel formed by the round of return would make him tremble from his heart, and he would never use this trick.


The huge reincarnation wheel, when it collided with the mountain that implied the meaning of the ancient sky, gave a roar.

This roar makes people feel trembling, and this roar makes many people feel cold.

Wuhuan Tianzun stared at the collision site at this time. From his heart, he was naturally hopeful that his father would win.

But when the huge light wheel collided with his father's defense, his eyes flashed a horror and incredible.

The power of the mountain to cover the sky is very strong, and the heart of the heavens is very clear. Even if you do all of his power, it is difficult to break the sacredness of this mountain!

Now, Luo Yunyang reincarnation, in the moment of collision with Taikoo Shenshan, even the Taigu Shenshan appeared a lot of cracks.

"You brothers, this person is the biggest opponent of my sect. I can't let him escape and work together." Without hesitation, there is no joy.

The five double heavenly lords, all of them have made up their minds at the moment when they heard the joylessness of the sky.

They also saw the plight of Qingyuan Tianzun.

For them, Qingyuan Tianzun is high on the top, just like a character like a pillar. At this time, the situation of Qingyuan Tianzun caused their fear of the glory of Qingyuan Tianzun to collapse, and a huge sense of crisis was filled with their hearts.

Qingyuan Tianzun lost, what should they do?

Almost instantaneously, the five swords of light implied the killing of Sensen, breaking the void and moving towards Luo Yunyang.

Lu Bingyue, standing behind Luo Yunyang, was suddenly changed when he saw the light of this sword. Although she was repaired, and the two heavens, the gap is too big, but she quickly stepped on it. Take a step.

She is not afraid, she does not back down, no hesitation!

Although she was very clear in her mind, even if she shot herself, I am afraid that the effect is not too great, but she still could not help but rushed up.

Only at the moment when she stepped out of this step, an invisible force has slowly stopped her figure.

"A group of jumping clowns, I can handle it."

Luo Yunyang's voice, there is no hidden meaning, from the five double heavenly statues of Tian Jianzong, at this time one face red.

They are all in the Yunguang universe. They are all people with heads and faces. They can even say that they are very worthy of their own reputation.

If someone dares to say that they are jumping clowns, they must let the person pay the price of blood. But now, the people who say them, let them feel a sense of shame from their hearts.

It’s not just that person who has repaired Shouyuan Tianzun, but because of their behavior, it’s really not a bright future.

While being ashamed, they are more crazy and more fierce!

However, just when their Jianguang had to contact Luo Yunyang, Luo Yunyang once again displayed the sound of life and death.

The sound of the gods is vast, and the five double heavens feel that there are a giant hammers, and they are hit hard in their hearts. They are sharp and unparalleled, as if they could break the sword light that broke through the sky.

At this moment, the huge reincarnation wheel, once again, became very big, and they were covered under the reincarnation wheel.


The ancient Taishen Mountain of Qingyuan Tianzun collapsed, and his body was covered by this huge reincarnation light wheel. Qing Yuan Tian Zun, who was difficult to escape, took a breath and suddenly his body rose high.

Like the celestial **** of the Taikoo gods, both hands pushed up at the same time, with both hands holding the sky, dragging toward the huge wheel.


It is also an instant, the body of Qingyuan Tianzun has collapsed, and the other five Duo Tianzun, taking advantage of this opportunity, broke free from the shackles of the reincarnation wheel, and madly retreated.

Although the physical body of Qing Yuan Tian Zun collapsed, everyone present knows that Qing Yuan Tian Zun will never die.

As a top-class Tianzun, the soul brand of Qingyuan Tianzun has broken through the reincarnation. As long as he does not let his reincarnation brand re-enter into the long river of time, he will not die.

So, in this case, they chose to go backwards one by one.

Luo Yunyang did not win the pursuit. He looked at the face with no smile in his face, but this kind of smile made the feeling of collapse of Wuhuan Tianzun.

No Huan Tian Zun at this time, really regretted death.

If you know that this reincarnation is so powerful, what he said will not provoke this Lu Bingyue. The current situation has made him feel a bad feeling from his heart.

The most hopeful thing in his heart is that his father returned quickly so that he can solve this problem as quickly as possible.

In the hope of no Huan Tian Zun, the figure of Qing Yuan Tian Zun once again appeared in the void, and he looked at the eyes of Luo Yunyang, and there was already a little fear.

A fear from the bottom of my heart.

The saying that Tianzun does not destroy, Qingyuan Tianzun always knows that it is a fake. There are a lot of slaughtering and great techniques in this world, which can remove the gods and gods from the spirit of time and space and re-infuse the river.

However, this kind of slaughtering is not only difficult to cultivate, but also treasured by some huge sects.

But just now, at the moment when his body was broken, Qingyuan Tianzun felt that his soul was hidden in the secret place that only he knew. There was a deep crack in the road.

Once this crack has increased, then he will be dead and dead!

"Reincarnation, this time we are planted from the Tianjianzong, whatever the conditions you have, I can promise?" In a moment of indulging, Qingyuan Tianzun said loudly to Luo Yunyang.

The look of no joy, it seems difficult to look.

If you say that your father can agree to any condition, then you can't say your own life, I am afraid it will be ruined.

But at the moment, in the face of the decision of Qingyuan Tianzun, he has no room for left and right. What he can do is to secretly hope in his heart. In front of this Luoyuan, don't kill yourself.

"My condition is to destroy you from the Tianjianzong!" Luo Yunyang looked at Qingyuan Tianzun, a faint saying: "As for all of you, you must die!"

The first thing that Qingyuan Tianzun felt was not anger, or a coldness filled his heart. For Luo Yunyang who made such a request, he felt that his heart was raising a fear.

In a flash, Qingyuan Tianzun made up his mind. Through his secret method, he quickly contacted his own backing, and he said quietly: "You, I can't agree with your request."

"And as soon as you come up, we will take a shot from us. I am a master of Heavenly Swordsman until now, and I don't know what happened?"

"Would you like to tell me, I am offending you from the place where Tian Jianzong is?"

Although Qingyuan Tianzun has already guessed that this is definitely the reason for the lack of joy, but for specific reasons, he really does not know.

If it is other people he can deal with, he will not ask any reason at all. As long as he comes to him to find trouble from Tianjianzong, the direct suppression is.

But now, from the depths of his heart, he really wants to know where he is, offending the unnamed powerhouse, and letting this person must be extinct from the sword.

Lu Bingyue, who is behind Luo Yunyang, is just about to open his mouth. Luo Yunyang has already said faintly: "You must have a reason to kill the sword from Tianjianzong?"

Speaking of this, Luo Yunyang’s voice, with a cold and sternly said: "For those of you who are dead, do I use a wasteful tongue?"

Qingyuan Tianzun has an impulse to madly marry her, and he has already been in the third place. This must be destroyed from the Tianjian.

It’s really deceiving too much!

But to say that here, he has nothing to say, but then start, he knows that he is not Luo Yunyang's opponent.

I will escape by myself and throw away the roots of the Tianjianzong!

Qingyuan Tianzun is not unable to do this, but his heart is really reluctant. After all, this is of great importance to the foundation of the Tianjian.

What's more, he has already sat for help!

"This little friend, why should such a big fire, not in the next, let me say to you both, this thing, stop here!" A voice, ringing in the void.

With this voice, I saw a tall, red-hot old man, like a cloud, rushed over.

The arrival of this person suddenly gave Qingyuan Tianzun a sigh of relief.

As for the people like Huan Tian Zun and others, they all relaxed in an instant. They looked at this person and all the respectful greetings: "I have seen Datianzun!"

"You don't have to pay more." The red-hot old man waved his sleeves, but his eyes fell on Luo Yunyang's body: "If you both have a big hatred, look at the old face, even if it is resolved." ?"

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