Supreme Uprising

Chapter 833: I pushed my five lives off my life.

"Ha ha ha!"

The singer of Jingyuan, who is laughing at the sky, is full of excitement. The reason why he is so excited is that he is not on the list of Hongmeng, but that person has fallen from the Hongmeng list. .

This is like a devil!

Jingyuan Zongzi really didn't want to meet this person, but they just happened to meet each other.

The opportunity of the Hongmeng Temple, as the son of the Supreme Master of the Third World, was actually blackmailed, which made him have a deep resentment from his heart.

Although the things of blackmail are prepared by Zongmen, this kind of bullying is never cleaned up.

"He also has today, he also has today! It seems that the unfortunate opportunity of the peerless world should have fallen into his hands, and he has nothing to gain." Although Jing Yuan Zongzi did not know much inside information, but from The change of the Hongmen Tiandi people's three lists, from these things in the Temple of Heaven, guessed that Luo Yunyang was the first person to become Tianzun.

"One step is fast, step by step; one step is slow, step by step is slow. Although I can't make Yuan Zun's power, you can't make it."

"I can't make it. Naturally, I can go back to the sect of the sect, and you can't make it. You have to face the killing of a great power."

In the midst of his emotions, the sacred sect of the sacred sacred sacred, continued to cultivate.

Not only the Jingyuan Zongzi, in the dragon scale universe that does not know how many voids, the dragon's ancestors also got the change of the Hongmeng Heaven and Earth.

Although this Hongmen Tiandi people list has nothing to do with the Yuanzun Power, almost all of the Powerful Yuanzuns have an unprecedented attention to this world.

Because they want to use these three lists, and derive from the hope that they will become the candidates of Yuanzun.

Long family ancestors looked at Luo Yunyang who had already fallen to the list of the sky, and there was a faint smile in his eyes.

Luo Yunyang made him feel shame. If the person who Yuanzun is most likely to kill, is not Luo Yunyang.

Because Luo Yunyang, the most beloved young son of the Long family ancestors not only did not enter the Hongmeng Temple, but basically cut off the road of Yuan Zun's power.

What makes the Long family ancestors uncomfortable is that there are already many of his opponents. In front of him, he has unreasonably raised the matter of Luo Yunyang, so that he has no face.

"Kill Luo Yunyang, you must kill Luo Yunyang!"

"The order is passed down. The monitoring of the Galaxy Terran must be stepped up by three points. It is absolutely impossible to let an ember escape." The voice of the ancestors of the Dragon family is full of murder.

Longteng and others, after getting the news, each look is full of excitement, especially the dragon, but also the gods flying.

One step slow, slow step by step, Luo Yunyang, you break the road of my Yuanzun, I must let you pay back a hundred times!

Tian Yu came to the door, a quiet figure sitting quietly, he did not talk much, but he sighed.

Almost everyone who pays attention to Hongmeng Tianbang is paying attention to the change of Luo Yunyang's position. Some people are happy, some people sigh, some people are heart-wrenching, but more, but they look at it all coldly, as if everything has nothing to do with themselves.

At this time, Luo Yunyang challenged the news of the Yuanwu 13th Pass and quickly spread it out.

Yin and Yang Zongzi first saw this news, he is tasting!

The wine that can make the yin and yang sacred products is not the most common. When he tastes the wine, he looks at the news of the challenge. He just faintly said to the maid who is waiting at his side: "The beast is still fighting!"

After that, the maids around the yin and yang ancestors said faintly: "Since the son said that he is a beast, then this time he fights, I am afraid it will be dead."

"Oh!" Yin Yang Zongzi sneered, with a hint of cold in the words.

Xuan Tian Zhaoxing also got the news, but he didn't look at the communicator, but he heard the subordinate's obituary.

"The news of this person in the future, don't tell me." Xuan Tian Zhaoxing and Luo Yunyang did not have any hatred.

Therefore, his attitude is extremely cold, and he is full of decisiveness in his speech.

Although the subordinates of the obituary are very eager to say about the news of this person, it is the son of your decision to tell you, but in the end, Zhang opened his mouth, but still confessed and swallowed back.

"The subordinates retire." Although I felt very faceless in front of Xuan Tian Zhaoxing, the subordinates said with respect and respect.

Xuan Tian Zhaoxing looked at the subordinates who had left, and said in a faint voice: "Childish."

"Even if you have a good talent, even if you are extraordinary, but as long as you are slow, it is easy to catch up."

"There are no chances for peerlessness, and why do you rely on me to compete with Xuan Tianzhao for the supreme fruit of the Yuanzun. My opponent should be Li September, not yours."

During the talk, Xuan Tian Zhaoxing fell on his own fist-sized stone pool. In this pool, the purple thunder is constantly churning.

In the Leishui, Xuan Tian Zhaoxing saw a strip of dragons like a silk, constantly swimming in the void.

Li Jiuyue, Yin Yang Zongzi and others, also got the news of Luo Yunyang's challenge, the performance of most of them is extremely cold.

Even if Luo Yunyang’s challenge broke through the fifth level of the Yuanwu 13th, what about?

Since the Hongmen Tiandi people's three lists have been released again, then it will not change because a Luo Yunyang passed the fifth level.

And Luo Yunyang must be on the list for a while, only to have the opportunity to attack the list, of course, this is only an opportunity.

Luo Yun** did not care about the thoughts of other people about his own martial arts, and he waited quietly after his application was handed out.

The Yuanwu 13th Pass is located in the Hongmeng Heavenly World. As long as it is the existence of Tianzun, you can apply to Hongmeng Tianjie.

Hongmeng Tianjie can complete a complete simulation of one's strength, and enter the Yuanwu 13th level with spirit, there is no danger.

"Luo Yunyang, please choose your weapon." When Luo Yunyang felt that his spirit had entered the Hongmeng Heaven, the mechanical voice once again sounded in Luo Yunyang's ear.

This time, Luo Yunyang still chose Shaoyu sword.

"Yuanwu thirteen off the challenge, defeat the opponent to win, defeat unbeaten as a failure!" The mechanical voice appeared in the hands of Luo Yunyang after the Shaoyu sword, once again mechanically said.

"Now, the first level begins."

At the moment when the last word sound fell, Luo Yunyang discovered that his spirit had appeared outside a giant mountain.

The giant mountain with a height of 100,000 feet can no longer be described by the words of the heroic, even if Luo Yunyang has already broken through the Tianzun at this time, between the thoughts, the world can be reversed, but in the face of the mountain, there is still one a feeling of being suppressed.

This mountain is called Yuanwu!

When Luo Yunyang looked at the Yuanwu Mountain, a tall figure, but no face appeared in Luo Yunyang's side.

This figure is three heads and six arms. Although it is not a Xuan Ming family, it is obviously not a human race. From the smell of him, Luo Yunyang feels that he should be a one-of-a-kind.

"I am the first gatekeeper, challenger, defeat me and you will come to the first level of Yuanwu." The faint voice is full of mechanical sense.

Luo Yunyang looked at the keeper, and the property adjuster instantly reflected the values ​​of the keeper in Luo Yunyang's mind.

Strength: 19 speed: 16 spirit: 18 physique: 15

Looking at these sums that have almost exceeded the value of fifty, Luo Yunyang’s heart is to understand why Yuanwu Tianzun has a kind of pride.

According to the value of the power of the gatekeeper, basically none of the entire Shenmeng void can break through the existence of the first level.

"Please take a shot!" After taking a breath, Luo Yunyang said faintly to the gatekeeper of the first level.

In the hands of the first level of the gatekeeper, the same use of Shaoyu sword, the Shaoyu sword in his moment of urging, derived five swords light, shrouded toward Luo Yunyang.

Although there are many five swords, and each sword light implies a force of the universe. If you are in the ordinary universe, even if it is a triple heavenly esteem, I am afraid I have to be in a hurry.

However, Luo Yunyang did not panic, he used the same sword method, and did not use the property adjuster, but even so, he is still very easy, a sword defeated the gatekeeper.

“Congratulations to the challenger, I won the title of a heavyweight Wu Tianzun.”

Along with this sound, a golden star rises behind Luo Yunyang. This golden Yuanwu Star is actually not of much use, just a sign.

Second pass, third pass, fourth pass...

When the four passes came, Luo Yunyang hardly used any effort. When he was only in the fourth pass, he displayed the fifth sword of Shaoyujian.

However, when Luo Yunyang stepped into the fifth level, Luo Yunyang understood why the fifth level was a scorpio for a warrior who had just broken through a heavy Tianzun.

This time, the guards who appeared in front of Luo Yunyang were not one, but three, and they were also the guardians of the three five-dimensional universe.

A one-of-a-kind god, in the face of a five-fold Tianzun, it is already difficult to win, not to mention this time, at once, facing five five-fold Tianzun.

The three five-fold Tianzun, whether it is strength or other items, are not weaker than Luo Yunyang. Of course, in terms of spirit, these three five-day heavens are weaker.

If you are one, you can definitely smash it.

And three, then you need a **** battle, and even use some means of pressure box bottom.

Thinking of Wu Xuanhuang and Xuan Tian Zhaoxing and others, Luo Yunyang understands that these people can pass the fifth level and also use some means that ordinary people do not have.

Without using the property adjuster, Luo Yunyang, with his own strength, played against the three five-fold Tianzun. Although after killing the three five-fold Tianzun guards, Luo Yunyang felt that the whole body was weak, and the whole person seemed to be prostration. In general, but the victory still makes him feel excited.

"People, congratulations, you are a five-yuan Wu Tianzun, do you want to continue to challenge?"

Yuanwu thirteen customs, one level is more difficult than one, and the difficulty is ten times increase. If there is no property adjuster, Luo Yunyang should choose to give up, but at this time, he chose to accept it without hesitation.


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