Supreme Uprising

Chapter 846: Cracking waves

In the training base of the Silver Tower, the four-hole beast of the cave is known as the heart of the Great Holy Spirit.

Luo Yunyang had previously obtained a h-eye from the collection of Baihe Yuanzun. One of the drops of blood was to let his mixed-hole four-beast be separated and directly promoted to the realm of Tianzun.

The four-yuan beasts of Tianzun’s environment have created two new secrets, but these secrets can only be cultivated by the four-member beast. Because the requirements are too high, the current four-hole beasts are separated. I have not practiced.

Luo Yunyang has never really seen the battle of the mature body of the four-hole beast.


A scream of screaming, from the mouth of the ancestors of the Sanctuary, accompanied by this snoring, the ancestor of the Sanctuary, took the lead in launching an attack.

Seeing his huge body's strange rotation, the giant tail that was originally in the distance, it was like crazy, and he slammed toward Luo Yunyang.

This pumping is not only fast, but also the implied power, which changes the rules of the world quickly.

The law of reversal has caused countless space cracks in the surrounding voids. It should have produced cracks of sucking power. At this time, it is a very irresistible force of rejection.

For example, at that time, at this moment, the speed of the reverse, the distance between the ancestor of the holy Yi and the mature body of the four-beast, is even more strange, and...

There are only one purpose change for all kinds of laws, and that is to bind this huge cave four-beast, which makes it difficult for him to resist.

Compared with the ancestors of the Sanctuary, the four-beasts of the caves are incomparably leisurely. At the moment when the giant tail smacked, there was a sarcasm in the eyes of the four-hole beast.

A purple-gold aura rises from the top of the four-beasted beast. There is only one aura, but Luo Yunyang has a strong hunch in seeing this aura, that is, at least implicit in this aura. Dozens of chaotic phaseless loops.

Like a tail that is enough to blast the entire universe, at the moment of colliding with the purple-gold aura, it is directly flung out by a powerful force.

At the same time, the left-winged claw of the four-beast of the mixed-hole beast waved toward the ancestor of the holy Yi people and took it heavily.

This shot is very simple, but in this shot, Luo Yunyang saw tens of thousands of giant claws, gathered together in an instant.

If Luo Yunyang’s Yuanshen is far stronger than the general Tianzun, what he saw, I am afraid it is just a giant claw.

That's it. When Luo Yunyang wanted to watch the changes of these giant claws carefully, a kind of painful bones poured into Luo Yunyang's heart.

This kind of pain is extremely uncomfortable, just like a scorpion, and Luo Yunyang’s heart is constantly swaying.


The picture in Luo Yunyang’s mind disappeared cleanly. At this time, the situation around Luo Yunyang was no different from when he was sitting cross-legged.

After taking a deep breath, Luo Yunyang already had a decision. Although there is a complete record of the cracking of the smashing of the four-beast in the memory of the four-hole beast, the effect of this method and the effect of a four-element beast that has mastered the cracking of the smashing is completely Different.

If the inheritance memory of the four-hole beast is a kind of method that needs to be enlightened, then the exhibition of the four-yuan beast of this peak state is like the teaching of the hands and hands.

Although in the secret of Tianyuan, the ancestors of the Sanctuary had the most memory and coherence, but for Luo Yunyang, the most useful one is still the cracking of the four-yuan beast.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Luo Yunyang transferred his own thoughts about the cracking of the sky, and let the four-beasts in the universe of his own body split and stop practicing.

Luo Yunyang, who is familiar with the key points of the cracking of the sky, once again sat on the ground with his knees. His heart directly imagined the battle scene of the ancestor of the Sanctuary and the four-beast of the cave, and the scene appeared again in his heart.


It was still that claw, but this time, during the viewing, Luo Yunyang felt that he had a lot of familiarity with this claw.

However, he did not continue to watch the picture below, but watched the action of the claw.

The action of this claw is very brief, but in the eyes of Luo Yunyang, it seems to be infinitely useful.

Once, twice, three times...

Although every time I watched, Luo Yunyang’s mind had an impulse to collapse, but after each viewing, Luo Yunyang felt that there was income.

In the universe of Luo Yunyang's body, the four-hole beasts of the mixed-holes are constantly practicing the cracking of the sky.

Because Luo Yunyang's mind is strong enough, he can watch while practicing. The avatar of the four-beast of the mixed-hole beast was so fast at the beginning, and after watching the third time, he was able to play a stack of one hundred claws.

A hundred times of superimposition, not only let the power of the giant claws produced by the four-hole beasts increase by a dozen times, but more importantly, with the superposition of hundreds of times, everything around it seems to have been controlled by Luo Yunyang. In the middle of the claws.

Avoiding, or even blocking, in this hundreds of superpositions, it seems pale and powerless, and even difficult to play any role.

However, the superposition of this hundred times is like a big hurdle. Although Luo Yunyang constantly improves his knowledge of the gods, the improvement of the smashing of the smashing has become extremely slow.

Not enough, still not enough!

In the repeated observations, Luo Yunyang's eyes have begun to change a little red, and his knowledge of God has a pain.

The best option now is to take a break. However, the attraction of the cracking of the sky, but Luo Yunyang is difficult to self.


In Luo Yunyang's internal universe, the four-yuan beast of the mixed hole slammed a claw. This time, the moment of the wave, the claw shadow hidden in the claw has been raised to nearly two hundred times. It can be said that this is the most clawed shadow that Luo Yunyang has ever slashed since the attack.

Power is doubled more than a simple attack. Even some flaws that Luo Yunyang had not experienced before were also added.

This is already the case with nearly two hundred claws. If you raise this claw to 200 words, what kind of situation is it?

Just when Luo Yunyang’s heart could not wait, his body was suddenly moved to a mountain covered with various traces.

"Yunyang Zongzi, your time has arrived." Qingyue Lan floated on one side, smiled toward Luo Yunyang Road.

Luo Yunyang took a trace of regret: "It's a pity!"

Qingyue Lan smiled and said: "Actually, this Tianyuan secret is even an ancestor, and you can't watch it without limit. After all, the memory of the ancestors will be wiped out every time they are watched."

"Although this kind of obsolescence does not seem to be worth mentioning, but the number of extinctions is much higher, and ultimately these memories will not be dissipated, even if it is the secret of the day, it will be damaged."

After listening to Qingyue Lan, it is obvious that you have already taken advantage of it, so don’t sell it. Luo Yunyang smiled lightly: “Thank you for your advice.”

It seems that I have also been too over-spoken. Qingyue Lan smiled softly: "I am just some emotions. Yunyang Zongzi, here is the secret technique left by my sages of the sages of the sages of the sages. Choose one at a time."

Speaking of this, she smiled lightly: "Of course, what is left here is just an introduction to those secret techniques. You can only get the original secret after you have chosen it."

Luo Yunyang nodded, this situation is not beyond his expectations. If the whole book is here to let him choose one piece, Luo Yunyang definitely does not recommend to take back the contents of these secret techniques.

Although it is understood that these secret techniques should not be easy, but the light reproduction, for Luo Yunyang, there is not much difficulty.

"Landscapes and Heavens!" Luo Yunyang casually came to a pair of nicks, and saw a phantom floating in the nicks.

This is a body of law, and from this body, Luo Yunyang saw the shadow of a chaotic giant eagle that competed with the ancestors of the holy Yi people. Although this scenery and the Chaos Giant Eagle have a big gap, but in terms of being able to cultivate this aspect, this scenery is good.

However, for Luo Yunyang, he does not need this one.

Because of the incompleteness of the body, Luo Yunyang did not make too many stays, but simply swept a few eyes and looked at the other scoring map.

"Swallowing the law"!

After sweeping a few eyes on the name of the wind, Luo Yunyang looked at the next pair, because this method is also of no use to him.

With the flow of time, Luo Yunyang has watched thousands of secret techniques. Although these secret techniques are very good, even some secret techniques are about quality. Compared with Luo Yunyang’s current cultivation of Tianyu thirteen swords, they are not inferior, but most of them have Such a limitation.

Without restrictions, for Luo Yunyang, there is not much use.

Just when Luo Yunyang decided that he was free to choose one, suddenly a picture appeared in his eyes.

"Splitish waves!"

This name caused Luo Yunyang's interest. He fixed his eyes on the picture. He saw this set of methods, and there were hundreds of pictures.

No, it should be said that there should be more methods in the cracks of the sky, but there are too few places here, so there is no painting.

Moreover, these hundreds of paintings are almost repeated.

Luo Yunyang looked at the sky and the waves, and the fine light in his eyes flashed. While standing on his side, quietly waiting for the secrets of his selection of Qingyuelan, he looked at Luo Yunyang with a strange look: "Yunyang Zongzi, this set of methods, still do not choose. ”

"Because even its designers have not cultivated in the past, this is just an idea."

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