Supreme Uprising

Chapter 853: Indignant Tian Xuan universe

There is no **** on earth, and the dusty heron respectfully bows underneath a loft in the land of God. His look is full of respect.

Although this dusty heron is also a big man in the heaven and earth Xuanmen, now, in this supreme land, he is just a small person.

A small person who is small enough to wait for the grace of others.

"Senior brother, the teacher respects you to go." A boy with a handsome face, but who did not seem to smile, slowly came over.

Dust Herd Tianzun is a five-day god, but when he heard this, his body still shivered involuntarily.

Being able to be summoned by the ancestors shows that his business has turned around, so he smiled gratefully at the boy and then quickly handed over an item.

This movement is so fast and proficient that from the innocent look of the boy, he seems to have no feeling for this movement.

However, when Dinglu Tianzun took back his hand, the boy had already whispered: "Senior brother, this time the teacher's mood is not very good. When you talk, pay attention."

"Also, although the five great gods are fighting, but in the Tianxuan universe, the five great gods are not willing to have other forces to participate."

The boy's words, said to be light, but listening to the ears of the dusty heron, but the voice of the dusty heron has raised a deep sense of madness.

What he fears is always his own attitude. Now, from the mouth of this boy, he already knows that in this matter, his master respects himself, and more importantly, the boy’s words. Invisible, opened a window for him.

A window he didn't think of at all, but he could let his son pass the window.

The attic didn't look very big, but after it was pushed open, it was a piece of heaven and earth.

A handsome young man sits cross-legged, and although he is gently squatting, the whole person gives a sharp feeling.

"The disciple has seen the master!" Dustun Tianzun saw the young man, and now he was respectful and courteous, and his eyes were filled with respectfulness.

The young man's eyes glanced at the dusty heron Tian Zun, and this eyes made the dusty herd and the whole person almost fell to the ground.

"The disciples are wrong, but also ask the teacher to punish!" Dustun Tianzun barely thought about it, and he said to the young man.

"You are wrong, your biggest mistake is that the godson has no way!" The young man said faintly: "Thirty dragons and whip, temporarily write down for you."

When I heard the three words of the dragon and the whip, the whole person of Dinglu Tianzun could not help but hit a beggar. Although he had enough psychological preparations, he couldn’t help but feel a little worried when he heard the three words of the dragon whip.

“Thank you for your respect for grace.”

The young man looked at the dusty herd and said: "I have already known the purpose of your visit."

As soon as this sentence is exported, Dust Lu Tianzun seems to be more nervous. Although he said in the heavens and the earth, the incomparable toughness, but his heart is very clear, light with the heaven and earth Xuanmen, can not stop Luo Yunyang.

Heaven and earth Xuanmen can't stop, only the supreme gods shot, only the power of the gods who can sit on the top of the town can not save their son's life, can Luo Yunyang retreat.

"The supreme godland is impossible to confront the Hongmeng Temple." Looking at the appearance of the dusty heron, the young man's eyes flashed a disappointment.

Obviously, he is not too satisfied with the qi martial arts of Dianlu Tianzun.

The body of Dustun Tianzun shook a bit, Luo Yunyang had refused to reconcile, and once there was no god, regardless of the oppression of Luo Yunyang and the unknown Eight Heavenly Emperor, not only his son’s dust, but even his, Pay a heavy price.

"The power of the Temple of Hongmeng, you don't quite understand, even me, I can only see a corner of the Hongmeng Temple."

The young man went on to say: "But our Tian Xuan universe is one of the thirty-six great universes, and the five gods have a five-dimensional power to sit down."

"Hung Meng Temple is also concerned about the meaning of our Tian Xuan universe in some things."

"I have already told this story to the founder. The founder said that the Yuanzun of the Hongmeng Temple will not participate in this matter."

"do you understand?"

Dust Lu Tianzun is not a stupid person. Hearing the Master respects, he thinks about the boy’s words when he first entered the door. His heart is cheerful.

"Master, the disciple understands that the Tian Xuan universe is the great universe of the five great gods, and it is the Tian Xuan universe of the Tian Xuan big universe warrior. He can't let the Hongmeng Temple run rampant here and oppress the Quartet."

"All the strongest of the five great gods should unite and expel the people of the Hongmeng Temple from the Tianxuan world."

Having said that, there is a glimmer of light in the eyes of Dianlu Tianzun: "This time, the disciple will definitely do things well.

Looking at the dusty demon Tianzun who was about to leave, the young man said faintly: "Remember, your voice can be loud, but you must not kill the son of the Hongmeng Temple. Otherwise, this matter will be troublesome."

Dust Lu Tianzun has always been scrupulous in his own identity, but now things have suddenly been transferred.

He has to worry about Luo Yunyang's identity, he can only expel Luo Yunyang, but he can't use Luo Yunyang to kill.

This is actually very unpleasant, but Dianlu Tianzun knows that he has no other choice in this matter.

"The disciple understands that he will never hurt Nao Yunyang."

The dusty heron left, and the young man stood up from the collapse of the jade. He looked at the scenes of the four sides, and there was a faint glimmer of flash in his eyes.

From the Tianxuan auction house to the Tianmen Xuanten, a total of 81 million miles away. With the means of Luo Yunyang and Hao Tianzhu, they can reach the mountain gate of the Xuanmen Gate that day.

However, in the matter of revenge on the heaven and earth Xuanmen, Luo Yunyang did not rely on his own speed, nor did he rely on the treasures in his hands to quickly move the void.

Flying, with Yin Wei and Yan Fan relying on flying to the heaven and earth Xuanmen, on this road, it did not hide his whereabouts.

With Luo Yunyang's 30-day departure, they have gathered thousands of disciples of the East China Ancient Gate. Most of these disciples have been reduced to low, and even some of the foreign disciples of the Donghua Ancient Gate are not.

Their arrival, in terms of strength, did not increase the combat power of Donghua ancient gates at all, but with their participation, a team full of revenge beliefs quickly gathered together.

This team, incomparably silent, even one day, no one said anything.

Their goals are equally unmistakable, that is, revenge, looking for revenge on the gods who will destroy the ancient gates of Donghua.

Dust scorpion is only one of the objects they want to avenge.

All the way to the south, the already broken Donghua ancient door, quickly condensed at a speed that is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

This kind of cohesion makes the director of Donghua Ancient Gate look very weak, but in fact, it is full of war and vitality.

Luo Yunyang came all the way. For the disciples of the Donghua ancient gates that gathered together, there was not much guidance. He just took them and used the heaven and earth Xuanmen as their goal to fly all the way.

Just as Luo Yunyang walked more than half of their journey, Yin Wei went to Luo Yunyang's side and handed the news he had received to Luo Yunyang.

Wan sent a heart and revived Tian Xuan!

"Tianxuan big universe is the big universe of Tian Xuan Wan Men, not the soft persimmon that the Hongmeng Temple can kill at will!

Luo Yunyang is arrogant, and he is bullied by the small double heavenly deity. Yu Ming Da Tianzun because of scruping Hong Hong Sheng Temple, dare to speak out.

I am united in Tianxuan's great universe, and I will drive Luo Yunyang, the thief of the banner of Hongmeng Temple, out of the Tianxuan universe!

The Donghua Ancient Gate will eat the sects outside the sacred gates and completely remove the Tian Xuan universe!

Looking at these contents, Luo Yunyang's eyes slammed gently, although these statements are not too clever, but Luo Yunyang believes that this is just an excuse.

Under this excuse, I am afraid there will be many people gathered together.

"Yunyang, I heard that outside the Tianmen Xuanten, there have been a total of three hundred Tianzun universes from all directions." Yin Yu said softly: "Some Tianzuns were not willing to participate in this kind of thing, but they I finally had to participate."

Luo Yunyang nodded and did not speak. Yin Yin said in a sigh of silence, "This thing, I think we still have to think twice before going on, if it hits like this, then..."

What was the consequence of the collision, Yin Yin did not say, but this result, Luo Yunyang also thought of it.

"Yin girl is a smart woman." Hao Tianyu said: "Yunyang, if you are married, Yin girl is not bad."

After Tian Yin left, Yan Tian said softly.

Looking at the words that I didn’t talk about at the moment, Luo Yunyang said casually: "Is there any advice?"

"The strength of the Tianxuan universe has been united. Although their excuses are very inferior, their people have gathered together."

The singer said: "If it is only a heaven and earth Xuanmen, we have no problem with two people, but now there are so many Tianzuns. If there are only two, then the final result can only be lost."

Luo Yunyang smiled and said: "Is there any news?"

"This kind of little grievance, the great Yuanzun will not participate, so Baihe Yuanzun adults are behind us, but he will never participate."

Luo Yunyang had already known the existence of Baihe Yuanzun a few times ago. At this time, when he listened to the scorpio, he said, "There is a revenge for Donghua Ancient Gate. I want to be a joke." What?"

He looked at Luo Yunyang and didn't speak.

Luo Yunyang did not wait for Tian Hao’s answer. He said quietly: “These people plan very well, but they really think that they are like this, can I just walk away?”

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