Supreme Uprising

Chapter 860: 100,000 days of worshiping Tianyuan

There are really many people in the world who have less than five people. No one in this figure can give a positive answer.

In the space of the void level, there are basically no more than ten Tianzuns under the five weights. In the void of the universe level, there are basically no more than one hundred gods under the five weights. In the big universe, Tianzun below five weights No more than three thousand!

Now, Luo Yunyang feels that he can answer this question.

He stood on the square of the Hungmun Temple, and at this time there was a picture showing him in front of him. In this picture, the overwhelming figure was rushing from each void to a space crack like a black hole. The past.

The cracks in the space of the black hole seem to be in the chaotic void, and the figures that rushed from all directions were actually not in a universe.

It should be said that they are in different universes.

They rushed from the universe to the crack. While rushing to the crack, although it seems that these figures are in the same picture, in reality, they belong to different spaces.

Only when they enter the crack of the black hole, they are in the same space.

"100,000 days to admire Tianyuan, there are still a few people in the past!" A voice with a hoarse voice in Luo Yunyang's ear.

This sound makes people listen, there is a bitter feeling!

Luo Yunyang followed his voice and saw a calm old man, watching them quietly. When Luo Yunyang’s eyes turned toward him, God also gave birth to a glimmer of reaction. He nodded to Luo Yunyang.

"Depart!" The voice of Baihe Yuanzun sounded in the ears of Luo Yunyang and others. With this voice, Luo Yunyang, Xuan Tian Zhaoxing and others almost vacated at the same time.

Thirty-two people, whistling away, rushing straight toward the rip.

"The land of primitive gods, the chances are numerous, the dangers are heavy, and each takes care!" When Luo Yunyang rushed in midair, the voice of Baihe Yuanzun rang in the ears of all of them.


Across the figure, quickly rushing toward the crack in the space. When watching the crack in the space below, many people think that the crack in this space is not too big, but as the space crack is approached, Luo Yunyang and others will find this space. The crack is really not as big as it is.

At the moment of the crack in the space, they felt that their body seemed to be bound by an invisible force.

Under this force, Luo Yunyang felt that his strength was suppressed more than half. He controlled his speed and slowly fell into the black hole.

After this fall, it was the land of primitive gods.

Here, the danger is everywhere, and even the students who have the Temple of Hongmen have been killed by a mosquito to **** the blood.

In accordance with the experience taught by the Hongmeng Temple, enter the black hole, no matter what you encounter, be careful. And speed, it is best not to be too fast.

If you rush into a crack like a black hole, Luo Yunyang and others gathered from countless spaces.

Then in the process of falling, they are like the light radiated from a sphere, quickly dispersed.

It is also a blink of an eye, and the crowds around Luo Yunyang have quickly opened a huge distance.


Just as Luo Yunyang used his heart to explore the four sides, he suddenly saw that in the position of a hundred miles on his left side, a Terran, who looked like he was in his forties, was wrapped in a black mist.

Then, this day is like a drowning man who is generally struggling, that is, ten fingers, this person has stopped all his struggles.

This Tian Zun's cultivation is the Four Heavens!

Although Luo Yunyang did not know the strength of the four heavenly gods, but when the four heavenly gods were swallowed up, Luo Yunyang’s heart raised a feeling that it was difficult to go from the endless time to the four heavens. survived.

Although I don't know why, Luo Yunyang's feeling is incomparably clear.

Be careful, you must be careful!

Just as Luo Yunyang’s thoughts were surging, in the secret place of the Hong Mongolian Hall, the three statues of God and the old man sat quietly high, and under them, 100,000 candle fires burned.

One hundred thousand candlelights, each candlelight, represents a heavenly lord who entered the land of the original **** war.

When they received notice of the place where they entered the original war, they all had the same breath, and they had been transformed into a burning candle by the three gods.

The candlelight burns, and the void is as white as it is.

However, in an instant, nearly one-tenth of the candlelights have been silently extinguished. The incomparable peace of these candlelights is like the candlelights that are extinguished.

" Ten thousand!" God looked at the extinguished candlelight, with a trace of pity in the voice.

The three did not speak, their looks, calm as water, but they all understood the meaning of God's old words.

Ten thousand words, representing the existence of 10,000 into the land of the original **** war, was buried in the land of the gods.

Heaven does not die, and Heaven does not die. These expressions of Tianzun are actually relative, and those who are buried in the land of primitive gods are basically impossible to resurrect.

Just after the old words of God are finished, another wave of candlelights is extinguished. That is, the time of the ten fingers, the candlelight is silent, and half of it is destroyed.

"Hey!" Looking at the half-hearted candlelight, God was cold and cold, and there was such a trace of dissatisfaction in his voice.

Among the three, the one sitting in the middle of the figure said: "God is old, they die, and you don't have to worry."

"If our income in the original land of God is behind the mysterious family, the final result, God is more clear than we are."

God is no longer talking, he looks at the candle that is still dying, and sighs softly.

In Luo Yunyang, when they entered the original battle of the gods, in a void surrounded by **** red madness and killing, a tall man with a tall body wrapped in golden scales was quietly preparing. With.

The smell of him, the feeling of incomparable fear.

"This person, if he meets, must kill!" A voice echoed in the void of the man. With this voice, Luo Yunyang's appearance has already appeared in front of the Xuanming men.

The man snorted and didn't speak, but his eyes flashed a bit of disdain.


The man who vacated the sky, like a cannonball, rushed toward the void, and wherever he went, almost all the strong people of the Xuan Ming family quickly gave way.

One who was too late to avoid the Xuan Ming family of warriors, just ready to speak, a golden light from the man's body surging, turned into an invisible light wave, directly shocked the man who could not escape.

No one feels a pity for the dead Tianzun warrior. The Xuan Ming, a warrior who respects the strong, is a kind of reverence for the men who are rushing.

Numerous planes, various forms of figure, are madly rushing toward the space cracks like black holes. Although the space cracks of each ethnic group are different, the dangers of these space cracks are the same.

Luo Yunyang finally stabilized his body in the slow fall. At this time, he is in a gray space.

Here, Luo Yunyang feels that his gods have been greatly oppressed. Even if he raises his spiritual strength to the peak, he can only feel the situation within a radius of ten miles.

Endless void, the radius of ten miles is actually a very small range, but now, this range Luo Yunyang is difficult to expand, and this kind of behavior that shrouds the four sides of the gods, the spiritual power consumed is extremely huge, even if Luo Yunyang, do not dare Too long lasting.

Three minutes later, just as Luo Yunyang was ready to take back his mental strength, he suddenly felt that a squirrel-like bug had whispered silently toward his neck.

For this sudden arrival of the bug, Luo Yunyang did not have the slightest intention. He knows that here, the slightest meaning, often represents death.

Haven't waited for the worm-like worm to start, Luo Yunyang has already spurred the Shaoyu sword and pulled a sword toward the worm.

When the sword was light, the worm was smashed into two sections, but at the moment when the worm was strangled, Luo Yunyang felt that there was a thin crack on his sword. Although the crack is small, the crack exists after all.

In the hands of the hanging silk-like worms, Luo Yunyang feels that the two worms are ten worms of corpses, which is actually a kind of killing weapon, not only tough but also sharp.

Luo Yunyang carefully probed the past toward the front. After walking for more than 20 years, he felt that there was a hill below.

Luo Yunyang, who flew gently toward the hill, was ready to fall, and the gods finally saw the hill completely.

At this time, he discovered the hill, not a hill, but the body of a beast that he could not name.

Although this behemoth has already died, when Luo Yunyang's gods are close to the body of the huge beast, a majestic breath is still worn from the behemoth's body.

This behemoth, the feeling of Luo Yunyang, compared to the seven heavens, is not inferior.

And just as Luo Yunyang was preparing to put the body of this beast away, a fast and incomparable knife light suddenly came from a distance.

This knife is very fast, and the fast general Tianzun has no time to react.

When Luo Yunyang’s knowledge was swept away, he had not had time to discover the knife, but at the moment of discovering the knife, Luo Yunyang waved the Shaoyu sword in his hand and greeted the knife.

"When it is!"

At the moment when the sword touched, Luo Yunyang finally saw the person who attacked him. This is a goddess of the ancient family wearing a blue armor!

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