Supreme Uprising

Chapter 867: Old sinner

In the tall temple, Longteng stood in the high, just like the scorching sun shining under the sphere of the miles.

At this time, his mouth was slightly raised, his eyes full of smiles. Looking at Luo Yunyang, who is being surrounded in the middle, my heart is so happy! If the person who is most hated by Longteng in this life is natural, it is not Luo Yunyang. If it is not Luo Yunyang, he will go to the Hongmeng Temple in the envy of countless people, and his dreams for many years are fulfilled.

However, Luo Yunyang broke his dream of entering the Hongmeng Temple.

As for why Luo Yunyang would break his dream of entering the Hongmeng Temple, why Luo Yunyang would become an enemy with him, which is not important for Longteng.

It can even be said that in the cause of this kind of thing, Longteng has automatically carried out selective forgetting.

Now, in this ancient battle of the gods, he not only gained a huge chance, but also controlled the ancient temple, so he was recommended by the dragon family and those who had the benefit of him.

Even Xuantian Zhaoxing had to respect him on the surface.

Longteng is not a proud person. He is not used at all in the means.

For the slogan of the Terran, he has been given great meaning.

With most of the Terran celestial beings entering the ancient war of the gods, and some of the sacred gods attached to the human race gathered under his arm, he is very enjoyable for the present situation.

However, with the growing power, his heart is also somewhat uneasi. The second Xuan Ming handed a Yuan ancient order to his hand, this...

I thought that this must be surrounded by the mountains of the gods, with the Xuan Ming family, that is, the nine ethnic groups opened the ancient temple, Long Teng is involuntarily heart-tight.

He knows that the Xuan Ming family will never give such an important opportunity to themselves for no reason. They must have their own plans, and it is a plan that makes him feel horrified, but he is incomprehensible.

Although Long Teng's heart has been resisting this upcoming plan, he hopes that he can become a hero of the Terran, not a beggar in the hands of the Xuan Ming family.

However, the second Xuan Ming gave his own token, as well as the magical symbols that the father gave to his joints, which made Long Teng very clear. In the eyes of the Xuan Ming family, he could not escape anyway.

Since you can't escape, simply enjoy the process slowly.

Anyway, the next death is not your own, but you can also take advantage of the benefits of this ancient temple.

"The lord of the temple, Yin and Yang Zongzi seeks to see!" A face-faced female goddess, said in a respectful manner toward Longteng.

There was a smile in the eyes of Longteng. This Yin and Yang Zongzi has always been proud and conceited. He never wanted to put him in his eyes, but now, is he not eager to ask himself?

"Please come in the Yin and Yang Zongzi."

Yin and Yin Zongzi walked into the ancient temple and looked at the dragon sitting above the temple. The heart was very unhappy. However, he thought of the situation of Li Jiuhou and others, and he still held a fist in the dragon: "I have seen the Lord."

"Ha ha ha, Yin Yang brother does not have to pay more." Long Teng sleeves swing, smiled and said: "I am the master of the temple, in fact, it is temporary."

"Wait out the land of this primitive war, I am a small person in the dragon scale universe, maybe you still have to take care of the Yin and Yang dynasties!"

A pair of incomparably cool dragons, giving a sense of arrogance, but his arrogance, but how yin and yang sons feel tired.

If it is not the ancient temples that are of great importance, if it is not because of the relationship between the ancient temples, most of the Terran celestial gods have already surrendered to the dragon's squatting. If it is not because of the current struggle for the Hongmeng Temple, it has reached a kind of ethnic power. At the basic level, he will never pay attention to this flying dragon.

"Long Tengzi, Luo Yunyang is the number one son of my Hongmeng Temple. Now, it can be said that it is a great force for my people."

Although Yin and Yang Zongzi’s heart is not good, he still said according to his own thoughts: “Although he has some unpleasant feelings with the Lord, but now is the most crucial time for my entire human race, so I also ask the Lord to be broad-minded.”

"In the past, it is already over, even if there is any grudge in the future, you can leave it in the place where you left the original war."

Longteng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said faintly: “Zongzi, I also want to join Luo Yunyang.”

"But when I was getting the ancient heavenly order, Luo Yunyang not only attacked me, but also united with the masters of the Xuan Ming family."

"If there is a life-saving treasure given by my father in my hands, I am afraid I will have no chance to stand here with you!"

The yin and yang sages were not surprised by Long Teng’s statement, because the same thing was said when Longteng collected the Terran sacred and gave them shelter.

In the mouth of Longteng, Luo Yunyang is already a rebellion of the Terran. Although most of Tianzun’s minds understand what it’s all about, they understand that they choose to choose.

Just as the thoughts in the mind of Yin and Yang Zongzi flashed, I listened to the dragon and said: "Since the son of Zongzi personally came to him to say love, then in any case, the face of the son, I still have to give it, now I can give him a chance. ""

"As long as he is willing to defend, I can let ten highly respected Tianzun investigate him. Once he finds that he has not colluded with the Xuanming family, I can not only let him go, but also apologize to him."

Investigate Luo Yunyang!

Yin Yang Zongzi thought of Luo Yunyang's arrogance, flashed a trace of hesitation in his eyes, with his feelings, Luo Yunyang will never bow to Long Teng's request.

At this time, it was like a sun shining through the light ball over the temple, and there was an image. In this overwhelming image, Luo Yunyang was surrounded by a group of people, and a five-day Tianzun as a dragon’s confidant was angry. The martyrdom: "The old man Bu Xuan Tianzun, how, you are a sinner, dare to shoot for me?"

"Sinner?" Luo Yunyang did not wait for the words of Bu Xuan Tianzun, Shao Yujian has already appeared in his hands.

Tian Yu seventh sword!

The holy phase of the sword is condensed in the sword light of Luo Yunyang. Under the cover of this holy phase, Bu Xuan Tian Zun did not even have time to speak. The Jianguang has already made his body directly into two paragraphs in the void. .

Whether it is the suppression of the law of the original **** war, or the power of the killing of Luo Yunyang Shao Yu sword, then Xu Xuan Tian Zun has been difficult to survive.

That is to say, this one is so high-spirited that he has always felt that many things are in his own hands, and he has been directly killed by Luo Yunyang.

The people gathered around Luo Yunyang were stunned by the scene in front of them. Many of them had an idea that they were righteous in their hands. They were ordered by the Lord of the Dragon Temple, who represented the original gods. The people of the land.

Even if this Luo Yunyang is no longer unruly, then there is nothing to be done, under their power, they must also bow their heads, and also...

However, just when they felt that everything was in their own hands, Luo Yunyang used this method to give them a hard lesson.

For a time, no one opened.

The dragon in the temple, but in the eyelids flashed a touch of joy. Although he relied on the ancient celestial command of the ancient temple, he became the leader among the people, but the existence of Xuan Tian Zhaoxing and others was a constraint to him.

Therefore, his idea was to slowly clean up Luo Yunyang, but did not expect that Luo Yunyang actually shot his own confidant.

For the death of Bu Xuan Tianzun, not only did he have a pity in his heart, he even felt that it was a little too simple to die. It would be better if you could die stronger.

"Hey, Yin Yang brother, seeing no, this is the character of Luo Yunyang, this person can't be lawless, even if he doesn't collude with the Xuan Ming family, I can't let him feel free to do it here."

When Long Teng said that he was in the hands of the law, then he said: "Take Luo Yunyang!"

This sentence commanded, in an instant, like the Thunder echoed between the heavens and the earth covered by the light ball above the temple, and many people rushed from all directions.

They looked at Luo Yunyang and Bu Xuan Tian Zun, who had been smashed into two paragraphs one by one. Some people remained silent, but more people, flashing in their eyes, was a temptation.

"Luo Yunyang, the sinner of this Terran, sneak attack on the Dragon Temple, not to say, still killing the Terran of my Terran here, you still don't give me a kneeling!" A five-fold Tianzun walked out, the sound was like Hong Zhong.

With the words of Tian Zun, there are hundreds of days of sings and sings in the air: "Luo Yunyang, not fast-handed."

That is to say, the blink of an eye, full of three or four thousand people's Tianzun rushed over, they are surrounded by Luo Yunyang one by one, although not hands-on, but from their look, it can be seen that they are at this time, one by one Ready to shoot.

Xuan Tian Zhaoxing and others in the Hongmeng Temple stood in the distance, although they did not shoot, but the brows were wrinkled tightly.

Standing in the blue moon near Luo Yunyang, the heart trembled a bit, and the thousands of days of overwhelming, gave her a great sense of fear.

Luo Yunyang is extremely calm. He looks at the gods who are swarming. The cold voice: "Today is the hatred of me and the dragon. You are gone, I can do nothing."

"Otherwise, the sword has no eyes, and I can’t complain if I die."

Just as Luo Yunyang said this, a voice screamed: "Yunyang brother, you are the son of my Hongmeng temple, and everything should be based on the human race."

Accompanied by this voice, it is the existence of the people in the Hall of Hongmeng. He said in a loud voice: "You have sneaked into the Dragon Temple, and this is already wrong. Now it is a crime to kill Bu Xuan Tian Zun. It is even more sin. Adding sin."

"If you are shackled now, I can still ask the Lord of the Dragon Temple, and you must insist on resisting it, that is the sinner of the Terran!"

"You really don't want to be a human sinner!"

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