Supreme Uprising

Chapter 877: Living in the grinding disc

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In the eyes of the first mysterious demon, there was a glimmer of heart.

For him, getting this ruined grinding disc is a top-notch good thing, but there are Luo Yunyang blocking and the harsh conditions of this ruined big grinding disc, which makes him have no confidence in the monopoly of the world.

Now, although the gods of the prisoners want to destroy the world's grinding discs, although they are a huge bargain, they can also get a top-level practice.

Moreover, according to the strongest of the gods, the prisoner, there will be no small benefits in entering the world.

Compared with what is not available, the first thing is still fascinating. He hesitated for a moment, and immediately said: "Okay, I can promise you the conditions."

"But you have to swear to the nine prison gods, the method you gave me, there is no mistake."

"Heavenly prison, you won't lie to me on this kind of thing!"

Between the changes of the prisoner's face, he immediately returned to normal. He turned to the first mysterious road: "The first mysterious man does not believe me, this is normal, I can swear."

"But the first mysterious, I also believe you."

"I also ask the first mysterious swear to swear by my own life. If you don't give me the gods of the world, it will be difficult for him to enter the realm of Yuanming!" In the voice of the prison, there is a stern .

When I heard the words of the Heavenly Prison, the first mysterious demon had flashed a sternness in his eyes. For so many years, he was the first to encounter such a naked threat.

But the more it is, the more peace of mind he is, the prisoner he knows this day. Since he dares to blame himself, it means that he is confident in this matter.

"Well, I can swear!"

After reaching an agreement with the Heavenly Prison, the prisoner was very careful that day and passed a slogan to the first mysterious demon.

If the ignorance, the first mysterious demon is undoubtedly the top of the Xuan Ming family, although this sputum is very mysterious, but under the strong understanding of the first mysterious, it was quickly realized.

After a quarter of an hour, in the eyes of the first mysterious demon, there was a joyful color. He looked at the huge grinding disc that black and black air gathered. Haha smiled and said: "Luo Yunyang, this is the place where the big grinding disc is here. Can you dare to compare it with the previous one?"

Luo Yunyang is naturally unclear about the dialogue between the first mysterious demon and the **** prisoner, and from the performance of the first mysterious demon, he can feel the confidence of the first mysterious demon.

After looking at the huge black grind, his mind had already made a decision.

Although this ruined large grinding plate is full of uncertain crises, Luo Yunyang decided to take a sigh of relief. This is not because the heavy treasure is currently unable to retreat at will, but because Luo Yunyang has the avatar of the four-hole beast.

Even if his deity is ruined, it only destroys a body. Even according to the characteristics of the four-hole beast, he can re-evolve into a deity.

Only in this way, the loss is not small, especially in terms of property regulators.

However, if he does not fight back, Luo Yunyang is difficult to accept. What's more, when he returned to the Hungmun Temple, it was difficult to explain.

So between a little indulging, Luo Yunyang has already made a decision. He quickly reduced his own four-hole beast and then put it into a small jade box.

This jade box is actually useless, but it is just that people can't see what is in the jade box.

"Li girl, this time I am vying for the destruction of the world, I don't know what the result is. This is an important item I got. Please ask the girl to save it for me."

Li September looked at Luo Yunyang, Shen Yu suddenly, and solemnly promised: "Well, I will save your things."

Nodded to Li September, Luo Yunyang nodded toward the first mysterious, and then flew toward the huge mill.

The first mysterious demon laughed, and at this time, his mood was very incomparable. I got the method of the **** prisoner, and made him feel that he was in an invincible position. If he could kill Luo Yunyang, the enemy, it would be better.

Now that Luo Yunyang has boarded the ruined giant grinding disc, it is actually throwing his life on the grinding disc.

At the moment when two people vacated, the two huge grinding discs that were close to each other slowly opened a distance. Luo Yunyang and the first mysterious demon almost fell on the grinding disc at the same time.

The first mysterious demon and Luo Yunyang were almost in the opposite corners of the Great World Grinding, and at the moment they fell, the distance between the two grinding discs had already been opened, and it began to slowly close.

Luo Yunyang did not pay too much attention to the first mysterious demon. When he was on the grinding disc, he checked the attributes of his body.

There is no difference in attributes, and the property adjusters can also adjust each other, which makes Luo Yunyang greatly relieved.

That is, when Luo Yunyang hesitated that he was adjusting his various attributes at this time, the big mill made up of Xuanqi had begun to slowly rotate.

Although this rotation is very slow, Luo Yunyang feels that there is an incomparably huge force, and he has fixed himself on the grinding disc.

With the gentle rotation of the grinding disc, Luo Yunyang even has a feeling that his whole person is already in a strong pull and crush.

Although it was the first time to encounter such a large grinding disc, Luo Yunyang knew that the more he was at this time, the more he could not be crushed by this large grinding disc into a broken powder.

Just as Luo Yunyang’s thoughts flashed in his heart, he saw the first mysterious body sitting on his own, and gave birth to a crystal luster.

This kind of luster makes the first mysterious look as holy.

Although Luo Yunyang did not know what method was used by the first mysterious demon, but from the feeling of Luo Yunyang, he knew that the means of this first mysterious demon was like the incomparable fit for this ruin.

Could it be that in the hands of the first mysterious demon, what can be done to resist the destruction of the Great Grinding Disc? Once this idea appeared, it was directly swayed by Luo Yunyang.

Although he did not know what the first Xuan Moe was playing, Luo Yunyang knew that he had already reached this huge grinding disc and he had no other choice.

Gently, the grinding disc is turning, the huge crushing force is blessed on Luo Yunyang's body. He feels that he can compare with the treasure, and the body of the body is a feeling of collapse.

It is necessary to know that Luo Yunyang’s body has reached the celestial state of the body. Even if it is a full blow of Tian Zun, it is difficult to hurt him. However, he just entered the ruined plate, and his body has a feeling of splitting.

When the grinding wheel turned a circle, Luo Yunyang felt that his whole person had a feeling of rigidity. Although his body did not collapse at this time, the tearing of this power made him very uncomfortable.

Just as Luo Yunyang took a deep breath, the upper grinding disc and the lower grinding disc almost pulled closer to each other at the same time.

Although this is close, the feeling for Luo Yunyang is not too long, but with the closeness of this distance, the tearing force formed by the ruined large grinding disc that began to rotate again has suddenly doubled.

Persist, persist, and persist!

At this time, Luo Yunyang only motivated his body, under the rotation of this grinding disc, crazy support.

A drop seems to be sweat, and it seems to be a **** substance that overflows from Luo Yunyang's body. With the spillage of these substances, Luo Yunyang's body was a pound less than when he had just entered the era of the Great Mill.

And this change, Luo Yunyang doesn't feel too deep, but everyone who is watching Luo Yunyang and the first mysterious monster fights, but they all feel it.

In the eyes of Xuan Tian Zhaoxing, there was a eager longing for him. He had an impulse to rush into the big grinding disc and let the grinding disc crush his body.

That overflowing from the body of Luo Yunyang, giving people the feeling of blood and sweat, let Xuan Tian Zhaoxing feel that this is a very good opportunity, if you can be so ruined, say Uncertainly, I can make a small progress.

But he also feels the danger of this. Once he can't hold on to the plate, it is a direct collapse.

The eyes of the Heavenly Prison and others fell on the first mysterious body. Compared with the changes in the body of Luo Yunyang, the first mysterious man at this time did not change much. He was on the grinding plate, and the luster on his body seemed to be more bright.

"Heavenly prison, the first mysterious does not matter?" The third mysterious devil is talking. With the death of the second mysterious demon, his identity began to change dramatically.

There is a smug smug in the eyes of the prisoner: "How can there be things, the one who is worried is the human race."

"This time, he has to pay for his arrogance."

Just when the prisoner spoke that day, the two grinding discs that had been condensed by the mysterious air began to shrink again.

With this contraction, Luo Yunyang and the body of the first mysterious demon began to show a feeling of distortion.

From the body of Luo Yunyang, although the substance of blood and sweat did not increase, but the color has become more and more.

At this point, Luo Yunyang felt that every inch of his muscles seemed to be crushed by the power of the rotation.

The body collapses, and then it is crushed by the big disc with the soul?

One by one, the thoughts flashed, and Luo Yunyang’s eyes were more solemn. He took a deep breath and began to adjust his physical strength.

And this increase, Luo Yunyang still dare not increase a lot at once, afraid that if you add too much, it will make your body collapse, so Luo Yunyang took a little increase.

Third turn, fourth turn, fifth turn...

Every time the huge grinding disc rotates, Luo Yunyang's body becomes smaller, and every time it becomes smaller, Luo Yunyang's body has a feeling of collapse!

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