Supreme Uprising

Chapter 885: Life and death

Tianzun is nine-fold, not only can create things in the void, but also can communicate with countless spaces by virtue of the holy, gather the power of countless spaces, and create things with nothing.

It is also a moment, the snake snake Tian Tian Zun has formed a tall mountain in the void.

This mountain is about a hundred feet high. This mountain top stands on the top of the mountain. This mountain shines through the ages, and this mountain suppresses the sky.

At the time of the formation of this mountain, many people even felt the majestic power hidden in the mountain of God and the **** lines derived from that road.

If you connect this mountain to the earth, you can definitely become a godland. Even if you are a high-ranking sect, you can use this mountain as the foundation.

But now, this mountain is used to trap a person.

The mountain floats in the sky, but when countless people are shocked by the means of the great snake, the swaying from the mountain.

This kind of shaking makes the surface of the mountain, and it is a crack in the road.

"He...he wants to come out!" For most of the warriors who watched the war, their means of stunned the big snakes and gods, in addition to being surprised, is more of a sense of fear.

Now, Luo Yunyang, who was banned in it, has to rush out. This situation also gives them an incredible feeling.

How can it be? How can I still rush out of the mountain that was condensed by the essence of the earth?

This seems to be an incredible thing in many of the six heavens, and it appeared in front of everyone.

The eyes of the moon goddess, staring at the shaking of the mountain, her eyes are full of expectations.

Rush out, be sure to rush out!

The heart of the stone is also full of expectations. He is self-sufficient and if he is trapped by this means, he is unlikely to be able to rush out.

However, Luo Yunyang, at this time, let him see the hope of rushing out.

The crack is getting bigger and bigger, and Luo Yunyang, in the middle of the mountain of God, has been able to see through his cracks and let him see his body in the mountains of God.

In the eyes of the snake, Datianzun’s eyes flashed, and as he moved in his hands, a huge snake’s light and shadow went straight down the mountain.

Teng snake light and shadow will wrap the mountain of the nine laps, the crack that was originally expanding, at this moment, it is soon to show the trend of closing!

Luo Yunyang, who is in the mountains of God, feels that the force of squeezing around him is getting stronger and stronger. Although these forces are difficult to crush his body, it is difficult to get out of trouble with his strength.

Between the thoughts, Luo Yunyang began to spur the blood in his body. An 18-storey pagoda instantly condenses outside Luo Yunyang's body.

Once the 18-storey pagoda appeared, it began to expand wildly, that is, in an instant, it would squeeze the essence of the earth of Luo Yunyang, and once again, the cracks of the strip were squeezed out.

The spire of the pagoda has already broken through the mountain of God and appeared between the heavens and the earth.

With the body's power to condense the four universes, Luo Yunyang has reached the point of the ancient times.

The Teng Snake Datianzun also felt the change in the mountain of God. He looked at the giant tower with twinkles, and his brow wrinkled involuntarily.

At this time, he actually gave birth to a feeling of not being able to Luo Yunyang.

"Oh, a junior in the district, even dare to mad here!" The faint voice sounded in nine days.

Accompanied by this voice, I saw a figure floating in the void. He pointed a finger, a black and white rune, and fell straight down the mountain that Luo Yunyang was trapped.

"It's him!" There was a horror in the eyes of the smashing stone, and he looked at the figure and had a fear.

Being able to become the existence of eight major celestial beings can be said to be a non-performing character. The smashing stone Tiantian Zun can become a disciple of Wanliu Yuanzun, and it is not comparable to ordinary people. However, at this time, he has a deep touch in his eyes. Deep fear.

Nothing wrong, it is fear.

This is a fear from the bottom of my heart.

"The birth and death of the Great Heaven, my master and you also have a bit of friendship, how can you ..." The stone stone Tian Tian Zeng a bite, vacated, and shouted loudly toward the figure.

Known as the birth and death of the Great Heaven, it is a young man who seems to be in his twenties. He is a black and white, flashing between them, giving people a life and death, all in his eyes. feel.

This birth and death, Tian Tianzun looked at the big stone of the big stone, and smiled lightly, but did not have any words.

This action, which represents disdain, represents a kind of pride!

And Teng Snake Datianzun looked at the rune that had fallen on the mountain of God, and there was a glimmer of smile in his eyes. He turned to the great heaven and manuscript in the birthplace: "Thank you for your brother."

"Hey, I am not helping you. If it is not an adult who is too incompetent to see you, how can I use it?" The meaning.

Teng Snake Datianzun liked this kind of favor, actually fell into a hot face and posted the result of cold ass, and after a while, the double eyes suddenly revealed a hint of anger. But soon, he suppressed the anger.

Although both of them are Datianzun, but the Heavenly Snake Datianzun understands that the sacred sacred phase is far too far worse than the sacred phase of the dying.

If two people fight together, maybe they only need one start, and they will lose in the hands of the birth and death.

"Life and death, the endless life!" Already can only regard himself as a spectator of the heavenly lord, gazing at the situation of millions of miles away, with a touch of emotion.

He knew this birth and death, and even had some friendships in the past. Only now, this kind of friendship has faded.

Looking at the old people of the past has become so powerful, the heart of this old god, in addition to envy, there is a bitter bitterness.

"Master, is this life-killing deity very powerful?" Among the disciples of Laotianzun, some people asked with courage.

"Shut up!" God revered to the disciples, but looked at the disciple's horrified look, and Tian Zun sighed again: "This birth is a great degeneration, but it is the birth of a big god." Magical powers can not only kill and destroy the heart, but also allow the power to circulate and live endlessly."

Having said that, he looked at the cracked mountain, and sighed: "This Luo Yunyang is equally simple."

"It is possible to suppress the two major nine major Tianzuns. Oh, it’s not that strong!" If you meet this person in the future, how far will it take me to go, know? ”

Although Luo Yunyang seems to have been banned at the moment, but the people present at this time admire Luo Yunyang is not a minority, after all, the shot, but two nine major Tianzun.

The power of the gods and gods, Luo Yunyang feels the clearest, this life is endless, as if the power will never stop, let Luo Yunyang's struggle to pagoda, it seems to have become futile.

Without using the property adjuster to add other attributes to his power, Luo Yunyang’s thoughts flashed and he made a decision.

Since the power of the flesh cannot be achieved, then at this time, the means of the mixed-day clock method is used. In the mixed-day clock method, Luo Yunyang is basically unable to use many means.

Now, in this case, Luo Yunyang is forced to use this taboo.

Deity: Strength: 627 Speed: 341 Constitution: 632 Spirit: 817 Blood: 9.8

Mixed hole four-beast: strength: 265 speed: 141 spirit: 214 physique: 241

Looking at the various values ​​on the property adjuster, Luo Yunyang's eyes flashed a smile.

He has to perform eighteen dozens of days and nights, and he needs strong spiritual support. With Luo Yunyang’s own spiritual strength, at most, he is the eighth hit of the eighteen hits of Tianzhong.

The power that this eighth strike can produce can shock the eighth heavenly deity.

But now, with all the values ​​added to the mental power, then Tian Yun 18 hits, Luo Yunyang will be able to display the twelfth hit of the 18-day hit.

Luo Yunyang does not know the strength of the twelve shots, but the same 12 strokes will cost a lot.

In the past, Luo Yunyang was unwilling to use this day and eighteen hits. But now, he has to use it.


Between the heavens and the earth, a thunder began to sound, and these thunders evolved into thousands of thunder pools in the void, giving the impression that it was not fear but joy.

"All are ready. After the thunder is over, there will be infinite vitality pouring into the heavens and the earth. This essence is the accumulation of a Yuanzun life. You should not compete in the middle, and absorb some on the side."

Many Tianzun strong people ordered the way to their disciples.

And the stone giant Tianzun also conveyed the command: "The essence of the ancestors returning to the market, how much can be absorbed, although we have to fight to death, but to enable these people to get less, let them get less."

Although this kind of rare, for those top-ranking powerhouses, it is not very useful, but the stone giant Tianzun still made such an order.

Although this order is not of much use.

A giant clock, at this time, appeared on the top of Luo Yunyang's head. With the appearance of this giant clock, the mountain that was trapped in Luo Yunyang by the air, obviously shook.

"When, when, when!"

Three bells rang, coming from the belly of the mountain. In the sound of this bell, the mountain is shaking more and more.

Just listening to the birth and death of this bell, but the face is cold, he even faintly said to himself: "The light of rice grains, dare to offer ugliness, really is..."

However, after waiting for the birth and death of the Great Heaven, and six bells, it has begun to reverberate in the heavens and the earth.

With the nine bells ringing before and after, there is a life-extinguishing deity that suppresses the power of the heavens, and suddenly shines brightly in the void, and the black and white light shines like a white.

In the eyes of the birth and death of the Great Heaven, the black and white light alternates madly, and the two colors of light rotate, forming a huge yin and yang fish.

As for the Teng Snake Great Heaven, the look at this time has become extremely serious. There are countless cracks in the mountain of Shenshan.


A sip of sorrow, from the mountain of the mountain, with this sinking, two bells, once again from the mountain of God.

The gods are broken and the landslides are cracking!

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