Supreme Uprising

Chapter 887: The ultimate road element

The sword and the sacred phase, the fierce Taotao, between the shots, also showed the suppression of the nine-day phase.

Although Luo Yunyang still has spare capacity at this time, there is even more ruined big disc as a card, but after all, it has just broken the birth and death of Tiantianzun.

It can be said that killing a thousand, self-damaged eight hundred!

The momentum he created was even shot by Yan Jianjian, which was directly broken without a trace!

If it is not the shot of Yan Jianjian, I believe that a lot of Jiuzhong Tianzun will be willing to talk about Luo Yunyang who has defeated the body of Tiandeng.

In this way, they will not have much loss in themselves, and they can also get what they want. Although the feathers on the day were hidden with huge wealth, it was not impossible to talk about one or two.

But now, Yan Jianjian has broken the situation created by Luo Yunyang in the simplest and most direct way.

Luo Yunyang did not know Yan Jianjian, but this Yan Zhijian was straightforward, but he was domineering in his acting style, which made him feel helpless while angry.

He may be able to stop Yan Jian, but what about other people?

Just as Luo Yunyang’s thoughts were surging, a holy phase was reflected in the void. These holy phases have three heads and six arms, and even more ancient sacred beasts, and that there are thousands of feet high, overlooking the whole world.

It can be said that these holy phases each give people a feeling of being incomprehensible.

Under the deterrent of these holy things, many people have raised a deep fear from their hearts. Although they know that they will rush to this time, they will certainly get no small benefit, but in the deterrent of the holy phase. Next, I dare not have a little bit of action.

For Tian Yu's door, Luo Yunyang has a good feeling. Even when Tian Yu came to the door to suffer such a disaster, Luo Yunyang was able to come to this door to mediate regardless of his own safety.

However, Tian Yu’s door has not yet reached the point where Luo Yunyang can pay for their lives. Looking at the holy phase that suppressed the nine days, Luo Yunyang’s heart was unhappy, but he decided to leave.

After all, he came here not to die.

His gaze fell on the body of the stalwart stone, and in a moment, a **** thought was incorporated into the hearts of the stalwart stone and other people.

The shards of the stone understand the meaning of Luo Yunyang. At this time, he has no complaints about Luo Yunyang. It can be said that at this time, Luo Yunyang has tried his best. As for this situation, it is too strong for the opponent.

Just as the smashing stone was ready to open, the thirty-six shadows suddenly appeared in the void.

This is the illusion of thirty-six heavenly monuments. On each of the heavenly monuments, two very simple characters are written.

"Pure yang", "Tian Xuan", "Yin Yang!"

Looking at thirty-six familiar names, Luo Yunyang’s heart, there is a thought, that is, the thirty-six-day monument, in fact, represents the thirty-six big universe.

In the name of thirty-six big universes, they became the monuments of the universe. They also formed these holy monuments. Luo Yunyang did not know what kind of benefits there were, but he had a feeling that it was the thirty-six-day monument. The holy phase not only has great benefits, but also is extraordinary.

It can even be said that it is not the same.

When Luo Yunyang thought about who the coming person was, he listened to someone who was long and said: "Hey, people who come to Tianyu, don't want to leave!"

The huge sword wheel that smashed the door of Tianyu’s door to the door, as if it had been affected by the 36-day monument, slowly flew out. Between the rotation of the sword wheel, it has been silently separated from the package of the sword wheel.

The stone stalks look at the heavenly monument that seems to cover the sky, and there is a trace of horror in the eyelids. He has already been killed by Tian Yu, and he does not have much hope.

But now, the thirty-six heavenly monuments of the heavens and the earth have made the last hope in his heart fall to the bottom.

"Yuan Yizun!" Finally, some people spoke, but this opening is not a smashing stone, but a Yan Jian sword.

When Yan Jianjian said the words of Yuan Yi, the emperor still had a clear solemnity and respect in his voice.

The man who was called the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty did not show up. There were only thirty-six heavenly monuments, and at the same time, a voice was heard.

This voice is shocking for nine days and is under pressure!

"Hahaha, I didn't think of it, Wanliu Yuanzun, you have today!" The thick voice, originally had a feeling of intoxication, but it is a pity that with the export of this person's words, it gave people a It is a very uncomfortable feeling.

Luo Yunyang's gaze, staring at the thirty-six heavenly monuments, he faintly felt that among these monuments, the power of majesty is hidden.

However, the source of these forces makes Luo Yunyang feel extremely strange, because these forces are mainly from the thirty-six big universes, Luo Yunyang does not even feel the power of the one from the Yuan.

Yuan Yi, the emperor’s own strength?

Just as Luo Yunyang’s thoughts flashed in his heart, the rocky stone Tianzun has already quietly moved toward Luo Yunyang: “Yunyang, this time you can come to my Tianyu door, you can say that you have tried your best.”

"For your arrival, my Tian Yu door is full of gratitude."

Speaking of this, the voice of the big stone statue of the stone, with a hint of excitement: "Only the situation at this time, is not something you can solve. This yuan is an emperor, originally the enemy of my master."

Speaking of this, the stone is sighing and sighing: "This is a singer and a singer, and I am the master of the world."

"Just because, once defeated in the hands of my master, this one emperor is full of ambiguity for my master."

Speaking of this, there was a trace of disdain in the eyes of the smashing stone: "It’s a pity that he is still a little worse."

"In the process of advancing to the Yuanzun, he has not been able to break through the last step, and eventually has to embark on the ultimate path of Tianzun, that is, the emperor."

When the stone was talking, the voices in the thirty-six heavenly monuments rang again: "Do you think that you have already sent away those disciples who are preparing to pass on the sect, even if I am going now? Your sect is destroyed and there is no relationship?"

"Ha ha ha, you are wrong, since Tian Yu is going to be destroyed, why do you have to keep any seeds to make a comeback?"

"And, as your old friend, how can I give you such a chance to make a comeback? Hahaha, your disciples, I have sent you back, you said, am I very intimate?"

Intimate two-word opening, see the thirty-six heavenly monuments shaking, a figure, as if pulled by an invisible force, appeared under the thirty-six-day monument.

Each of these figures looks so small, and that person is slaughtered.

For these figures, when Luo Yunyang started, he was not very concerned about it, but when he saw one of his figures, he was a familiar figure, and his eyes burst into a madness.

Winter child! Standing in front of him, it is his beloved sister Luo Donger!

For Luo Donger's entry into Tianyu's home cultivation, Luo Yunyang acquiesced. After all, Luo Donger's own cultivation is not very useful. Tian Yu and his own alliance, if you let the winter child to practice in Tian Yu, then the progress will be very fast.

When Tian Yu came to the door to meet the crisis, Luo Yunyang had already spoken to his sister, knowing that his sister had been specially opened by Tian Yu to send back the area of ​​the Galaxy. He did not think that this emperor, such a emperor, was so mad and mad, and pulled his sister back.

At the side of his sister, he is the elite of a group of younger generations of the Galaxy. Looking at these people, Luo Yunyang feels his own mind and has an infinite sense of anger.

"I can't go!" Luo Yunyang looked at the stone giant Tianzun, with a hint of lowness in his voice.

The big stone statue of Luo Shi also saw Luo Donger. He also did not think that the disciple who had been sent away by himself would have been brought here by the emperor.

Looking at Luo Yunyang around him, he said quietly: "Yunyang, don't be too impulsive for the time being, this matter can be discussed."

Speaking of this, he screamed in the position of Yuan Yizun: "Yuan Yizhuang, my Tianyu door and your grudges are the grudges between us. Luo Donger is the sister of Luo Yunyang, who is at our door." In the middle, just being a guest, has not become a true disciple."

"Not to mention, she lives in the gathering place of the Milky Way people. It is the area of ​​the Hongmeng Temple. You can't help but arrest her. Isn't it true that the adults of Hongmeng Temple don't agree?"

"Put the person away, don't hurt the innocent! If you have the ability, you will come to us at Tianyu!"

These words, the arrogant and arrogant sayings of the stalwart stone, listening to the words of the stalwart stone, many disciples who came to the door, also followed the big shout: "Yes, there is the ability to come to us, grandma's, if not the ancestors Market, are you dare to come?"

The thirty-six heavenly monuments were rotated, and countless lines of vibration shook the void. With the gathering of this pattern, a figure appeared in the place where the lines gathered.

His look is extremely calm, and there is no anger in the words of the stalwart stone and other people.

"I used to suppress the Eastern Fortress for 100,000 years and got a promise. You know, Hong Meng can save most of my guilt."

"So, don't use the Hongmeng Temple to press me. This is really useless." In the faint voice, with a little sarcasm.

This sarcasm is in the void, constantly reverberating.

His gaze looked more at Luo Yunyang: "You are the Son of the Temple of Hongmeng, I can't kill you, but you are here, there is no use. Listen to me, where do you come from, where to go!" ”

"Oh, my business, you can't stop it!"

"Today, all the people who come to the door will die!"

Listening to the hair of Yuan Yizun, Luo Yunyang’s eyes flashed in cold light. Although he knew that he was unlikely to win, at this time, he was already on the string and had to send it because he had no retreat!

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