Supreme Uprising

Chapter 918: Fengtiancheng Alien gathers like rain

"Danger!" Zuo Zun looked at the two worlds that had disappeared, with a hint of dryness in his voice.

At this time, he is leading the top powerhouse of the Hongmeng Temple, and attacking the Tiancheng insanely. In fact, both him and those who are attacking, all in one heart, are screaming with anger.

Or, in their hearts, there is a wrath.

Feng Tiancheng was originally built by them, but now, this Tiancheng has become a block to block their fortress.

The various means of attack in the Tiancheng, the left is too familiar, and even many of them were developed by the left and personally installed.

But now, these means are used to deal with him. It can be said that these attacks are like rushing to the sea. Under these attacks, they have to retreat again and again.

Wrong, at this time, their hearts are incomparable.

However, even if they are wronged, they must do their best to attack, and all kinds of powerful supernatural powers are displayed without any sorrow. Under this strong force, the void has a crack.

Breaking the sky, let Luo Yunyang and Fudie Tiannian in the two worlds return smoothly. This is the biggest goal of Zuozing and others.

However, when they were inseparable from the hardships of the Xuan Ming people who were guarding the Fengtian City, they saw the changes in the two worlds.

First, the two worlds will become a huge picture, and then, that is, the two worlds behind the Tiancheng City will collapse directly!

When the two worlds changed into a picture, there was still no flaw between the Tiancheng and the two worlds, but when the huge picture was broken, Fengtiancheng became the only channel of the two worlds.

Four space cracks, there is no two-day sky blockade, and there has been no room for life.

When the left lord saw these cracks, it was not joy, but a horror.

Without the restrictions of the two worlds, although they are free to enter the two worlds, the Yuanzun of the Xuan Ming family can also enter the two worlds at will.

"Come on, go to rescue Luo Yunyang!" Zuo Zun Da, with his shouts, the right and white crane Yuan Zun and other people almost vacated at the same time, rushed toward the crack in the space.

As long as you enter the space crack, it is only a moment in a million miles.

However, just as they rushed to the crack in the space, a giant cymbal came out from a crack in the space: "The left-brother, who has not seen it for many days, we should have a good old story!"

The person who spoke was a portrait of a **** prisoner. His full body was like a mountain, and it was strictly in front of a passage.

Zuo Zun is no stranger to the strong prisoner of this god. In that year, there was even a battle between life and death.

At that moment, I saw that there was a smug figure, the left screamed coldly, the hands quickly twitched, and the purple thunder began to gather in his hands.

The strong man of the **** prisoner looked at the action of the left lord, haha ​​smiled: "I can create the third law, it seems that you are close to that step, and a lot closer."

"But it's a pity, you are not the main lord, it is difficult to contact..."

This kind of laughter made the left brow's brow wrinkled even tighter. He knows that the hero of this **** prisoner is doing nothing at this time, just to want to provoke the relationship with his Lord.

However, he understood that it was clear, but the discomfort in his heart was still only clear to himself. And when Zuo Zun and the gods of the prisoners fight, the right and the white cranes also met their opponents.

The cold man of Xuanzang Temple, with his knife flashing in his hand, was madly fighting with a man with a giant hammer in each of his six arms.

Both of them are strong in the level of Yuanzun. They are all able to create rules. Although their respective focuses are different, their fight is equally incomparable.

"Left respect, it doesn't help you to be angry. We block your time, that is, half an hour. Hahaha, it's better for us to sit down and talk about the old ones. It's better to be better than here."

Zuo Zun snorted, just playing, has let him know that the old rival of the **** prisoner, progress is not small.

Although his own promotion is large, there is still no obvious advantage when he is facing this person. If it wasn't for this time, things would be too urgent, and Zuo Zun would not have a life and death with this person.

In the Temple of Hongmeng, the Lord respected the scene of the battle between the left and the other in the void, and the look in the eyes became more dignified.

The two worlds were ruined, and the means by which the Hongmeng Temple remained in the two worlds had basically collapsed. They can no longer see Luo Yunyang, but Luo Yunyang and the floating butterfly goddess will face the situation, the Lord can think of.

As the Lord’s Lord slowly stood up, the old God’s voice said: “Do you want to pick someone up in person?”

The main lord nodded: "Even if I am in the past, I am afraid that the chances of being able to rescue Luo Yunyang are very small."

"But, this time, I must go."

During the speech, the main sage waved toward the void, and a simple sword of warfare appeared in the hands of the Lord. This sword has a fierce look, giving people a feeling of incomparable surprise, because this sword has a six-ribbed shape, and each rib is engraved with some different patterns.

God looked at the main lord who had taken out the sword, and sighed softly: "It is not impossible for the Lord to go there, but I feel that if you go, I am afraid it will not play a big role. ""

"I am afraid there are people who have already waited for you in the void."

The Lord smiled and smiled: "You are right, but I don't go, Luo Yunyang and the floating butterfly goddess, there is no life."

In the moment when the voice of the Lord's lord falls, the Lord's esteem disappears into the void. And in the next finger, the Lord has appeared outside the city of Fengtian.

According to the cultivation of the Lord, he could not cross the city of Fengtian. The reason why he stopped was because someone had already stopped in front of him.

"Go back!" Blocking the Lord's deity is a mysterious man who is wrapped in golden scales. In his arm, a red-golden gun is constantly flashing.

For this person, the Lord is no stranger. He looked at the man with a six-pointed gunpoint and shook his head. "I have been here, how come back?"

"You have a bad luck, it is a game that must be defeated, but the young kid can toss, and this will make a fortune."

Xuan Mingqiang's faint road: "But he met the ninth son of Xuan Ming's avatar, and he only had a drink and hate."

The main lord glanced at the Xuan Ming strongman: "Nine son Xuan Ming is very good. At the beginning, even I did not think that he is a avatar."

The strong man of the Xuan Ming family smiled and said: "You haven't had any genius characters in the past few years. When the nine sons of Xuan Ming break through the Yuanzun, you should be buried again."

“Remember my previous proposal? It is still valid. If you like, I can ask the supreme adult to give you a reincarnation ceremony.”

The Lord respected the Xuan Ming strongman in the golden armor, faintly said: "If you want, I can also give you a reincarnation."

Two people suddenly fell into silence. Both the Lord and the Emperor of the Golden Armor, who knew the words of their own, could not convince each other.

Only two people did not shoot, they stood together, in fact, it was a kind of restraint.

Not only are they outside the city of Fengtian, but the light and shadow of the road come from all directions. When they meet, they will be raging; some are glaring, but they don’t mean anything.

Even among them, there are many people who, like the Lord and the gold armor, talk like a friend.

However, with the gathering of these people, the laws of heaven and earth around Fengtiancheng have become extremely violent. This kind of violent, like a very honest person, suddenly suffered tremendous pressure.

In this kind of pressure that he feels unbearable, he began to show great madness.

The master and the golden scales of the Xuan Ming family are still faintly chatting about the sky, just like two people are the most intimate old friends in this world.

"Oh, I can't see that many of you have come here this time. Even your allies have been dispatched. It's a pity that although you have a lot of people, we are more than you."

The golden scales of the Xuan Ming strong, with a kind of pride in the voice. The main respect is a faint saying: "We are coming over, and it is just a chance for Luo Yunyang."

The strong man of the golden scale nodded. He looked at the Lord and said: "You are all here. I can't get out of hand naturally, but I can tell you that there are four in the broken two-day space. One yuan respect."

"Of course, they are just the most elementary Yuanzun."

The main sigh sighed softly, and his words contained a hint of helplessness: "Life and death, why?"

For the scene outside Fengtiancheng, Luo Yunyang is naturally unclear. At this time, he is in the law of a Yuanzun.

Although Luo Yunyang has been able to communicate with the world of the Quartet at this time, in the face of this Yuanzun, the laws around him have undergone tremendous changes.

Going forward is back!

This reversed the discourse of the original law of space. At this time, it has already appeared in Luo Yunyang's body. Although under the powerful force of Luo Yunyang, the influence of this discourse is not great, but it makes Luo Yunyang's escape become extremely difficult.

At this time, Luo Yunyang is facing the Yuanzun who has exerted the power to reverse the law.

"You are Luo Yunyang?" The long sleeves of the Yuan Zun fluttering, giving people a feeling of dissipating.

From the appearance of this person, this person is a human race.

One thought in the heart of Luo Yunyang's heart, he said: "See you, I understand why Fengtiancheng will fall!"


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