Supreme Uprising

Chapter 926: Great merits to reward the Holy Spirit Day

"Luo Yunyang, this hatred does not report, swear not to rest!" Some people roared wildly, outside the vast city of Fengtian, resounding through the clouds.

The person who drank is Aoki Xuan Ming. This time he steals the chicken and does not erode the rice. The shame can be lost. Not only did he take Luo Yunyang’s things, but he himself was stunned by Luo Yunyang. He, he still doesn't know what it is like!

Although he was finally saved, his heart was still holding a fire, a fire that made him uncomfortable.

Although the Golden Master did not say anything, other masters of the Xuan Ming, especially those who were insulted by their five brothers, looked at them one by one with a provocative taste.

Or, it should be a disdainful taste.

Being so despised by everyone, Aoki Xuan Ming is very uncomfortable, and even can say that this makes him extremely incomprehensible.

So, when he was leaving Fengtiancheng, he madly made this sound.

This voice not only showed his determination, but also vented his anger, and even found him a little face.

However, what made him stunned was that after his crazy screaming, Luo Yunyang’s voice also rang from the wall of Fengtiancheng.

"Welcome to come to me a few times, this time, the treasures I have exchanged are too few, not enough!"

Luo Yunyang said that it was very serious, but listening to Luo Yunyang's teasing, that Aoki Xuan Ming almost spit out a blood.

It’s too much to deceive!

"Don't pull me, I am going to kill him!" Aoki Xuan Ming looked at the figure standing proudly on the city of Fengtian, crazy martyrdom.

Behind him, four brothers, such as thick soil, hugged him tightly. They knew very well that the impulse was the devil. Now Aoki Xuan Ming needs them to hug.

Otherwise, at this time in the Fengtian City, the Terran can gather together. If Aoki Xuan Ming dares to rush to Fengtiancheng, those who are ready to suffocate will definitely not hesitate to kill Aoki.

The reason why Aoki Xuan Ming is so big is not because he really wants to rush, but now he has to do something, otherwise, where is his face left?

"The third child, the gentleman revenge, it is not too late, you give me honestly go back!" Thick soil Xuan Ming anger and ruin.

The other three brothers also persuaded, listened to the advice of their brothers, found the Aoki Xuan Ming under the steps, and finally chose to leave.

"You can't let people find a step down. After all, the green wood is in your hands, it is already miserable." The white crane is respected. At this time, his attitude with Luo Yunyang has changed.

If Bai Heyuan respects Luo Yunyang before, he treats him with a kind of attitude towards the younger generation. Now, Baihe Yuanzun looks at Luo Yunyang, who is the attitude of his peers.

The reason for this is only one, that is, Luo Yunyang's cultivation.

In the view of Baihe Yuanzun, Luo Yunyang, who can defeat the Yunyunzi and bring back the floating butterfly who must fall into the palm of the Xuanming family, has already qualified to stand side by side with himself.

Luo Yunyang can feel the good intentions of Baihe Yuanzun, and immediately laughed: "Yuan Zun, although you have reason, but the five guys almost forced me to go to nowhere, nowhere to enter the land."

"If there is just one treasure that can restrain these five brothers, I will certainly be buried in their hands."

"Not to mention I don't know if they dare to come over. Why can't they give them a block when they drink high!"

Luo Yunyang's banter makes Baihe Yuanzun laugh, he did not ask Luo Yunyang what is the means to resolve the Wuqi Xuan Ming brothers, because at their point of this, they basically have their own secrets. It is also necessary to leave a little more room for the close relationship.

"Yunyang, do you know? Now those big men, but they are discussing your business. The biggest credit for you this time is not to take the Aoki Xuan Ming, but to bring back the butterfly girl."

"And it's still brought back in good condition!"

"I'm afraid you still don't know, you bring the butterfly girl back, what kind of credit is for our people!" Baihe Yuanzun said here, the voice carries a very solemn and solemn way: "should Say, your credit has already reached the point where you save the Terran."

Luo Yunyang saw that Baihe Yuanzun said so solemnly, and there was a strange color in his eyes. Although he knew that his merits were not small, he did not expect that he would go to this point.

After all, I just saved someone!

"The importance of the floating butterfly goddess is much stronger than you and I don't know." Baihe Yuanzun said with a hint of emotion: "Brother, this is a rare opportunity, you have to be prepared!"

"As long as you can pick it, it will be of great help to your strength and future law."

Luo Yunyang listened to the seriousness of Bai Heyuan Zun, and there was a hint of expectation in his eyes. He could make Baihe Yuanzun say so, the chance is absolutely not small.

Just as Luo Yunyang spoke, in the huge palace of Fengtiancheng, the main statue and the four powerful and powerful men, each sitting on the five huge thrones.

Although the throne of the Lord is a little bigger, it is also limited.

"This time, the Xuanzang Temple must pay for the behavior of its own!" A man with a simple face looked at the man with the silver disc behind the Xuanzang Temple, with a cold voice in his voice.

At this time, the Xuanzhen Temple, on the left arm of the cold middle-aged man, also had a deep knife mark. This knife mark constantly rushes out of the black blood, making people look a little horrible.

"Hey, Cangming Yuanzun, my Xuanzang Temple is to reflect. Do you have no responsibility for this Thousand Temple?" The split cloud is the disciple of your outer temple. If it weren't for him, why would our goddess suffer this? Kind of disturbance."

The cold man’s words are like a knife, and he is aggressive: “This thing should be given to you by the Great Thousand Temple!”

The Cangming Yuanzun of the Thousand Gods Temple is very disdainful to the words of the cold man. His voice is cold and cold: "You are nonsense, even if the **** is the outside of my big temple, but you are letting my family A person in danger is placed in a dangerous place."

Listening to the mutual accusations of the Temple of the Thousand and the Temple of Xuanzang, a sneer appeared in the eyes of the Lord, and it is clear that he really did not like this way of accusing each other.

"Okay, don't say it, we all have responsibility for this matter." The Lord said here, his eyes fell on his left side, and it seemed like a man hidden in the darkness: "This time, the dark hall Be sure to do a good job of exploring, and be sure to find out the traitors among our people."

"Good." The man in the dark did not evade the request of the Lord, and he agreed straightforwardly.

The eyes of the Lord's esteem fell on the right side of a woman like a **** of war: "This time, the loss of the Tiancheng City is painful, and without the partition of the two worlds, I am afraid it will become even more dangerous. get ready."

In the woman’s voice, there is the meaning of killing with gold and iron: "This problem, I will naturally solve the battle hall."

The Lord nodded. Although he was not very satisfied with the attitude of the two halls, he can only do it now. Although the Hongmeng Temple nominally dominates all Terran, in fact, the Five Great Halls are independent.

However, the Temple of Hongmeng has always been the strongest, so on the surface, the Temple of Hongmen dominates everything, but in fact, the other four halls are not much weaker than the Temple of Hongmeng.

"Well, the decision has been resolved. We should now talk about Luo Yunyang’s reward. He rescued the butterfly girl and made a contribution to my family." The Lord said here, looking at it. To the cold man of the Xuanzang Temple said: "This point, I think the Xuanzang Temple should be the clearest."

The cold man of Xuanzang Temple, though a flash of disappointment in his eyes, finally nodded: "Yes, this credit, our Xuanzang Temple will always be inscribed in the heart."

The Lord’s words are not too pleasing to the eye. They are not too concerned. He smiled lightly: “The so-called merits, we must reward, let alone such great merits, if not rewarded, I I am afraid that the Quartet will not accept it."

The celestial gods of the Great Thousand Temples screamed coldly, and it was clear that they were not too fond of this kind of eating. But again, he could not find a reason to oppose the Lord.

Luo Yunyang’s credit is really too big.

After all, if the door of Xuan Zang really has a problem, then it is not a small problem. The territory of the Terran must be rapidly reduced. I don’t know how many people have died in this robbery.

"What reward do you want, even if you say it, don't be here!" The woman in the battle hall had an obvious impatience in her words.

Those who are impatient with the Lord are not ordinary people, and the Lord’s impatientness seems to have become accustomed to this.

"I mean, do we open the Holy Spirit Day and let Luo Yunyang enter the Holy Spirit Day once." When the Lord said this proposal, the words were not so certain. Obviously, this holy soul is not a normal place.

"No, I am against it!" The singer of Cang Mingyuan said: "Luo Yunyang's credit is great, but it is not enough to reach the point of letting him enter the Holy Spirit."

"Every holy soul of the Holy Spirit is a supreme force for us, you... you should know what the holy soul represents!"

"Give Luo Yunyang a reward, I don't object, even if you give him a reward for half of the universe, I also recognize it, but that holy soul, don't even think about it!"

The words of Cangming Yuanzun have just been finished, and the woman in the battle hall said with a cold voice: "Don't think about it!"

The Lord’s understanding of his own proposal will certainly be opposed, but he did not expect that the voice of opposition is so strong.

Originally, he did not have much confidence in this proposal. However, at this time, listening to the fierce opposition of the two people, he felt that he must be competing for Luo Yunyang.

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