Supreme Uprising

Chapter 929: Shocking double-winged wind and thunder eight methods

The bronze chariot can be used as a means of attack. It can be crushed for nine days. It can also be used as a means of defense. It can be banned from the Quartet. It can also be used as a means of rushing the road with bronze chariots.

Although this bronze chariot is not the top treasure, but it can be placed in the treasure house of this day, its quality is at least too beginning to treasure.

A treasure from the beginning to the end of the level of attack and defense, for the current Luo Yunyang, can enhance his many strengths.

However, the feeling of heartbeat, but let Luo Yunyang put the bronze chariot that is preparing to choose, although he still does not know what can make him suddenly heart-throbbing, but Luo Yunyang knows that it is definitely not normal to be able to give birth to feelings. s things.

According to his own feelings, that is, a few steps, he has already arrived on a simple wooden frame made of stone.

This wooden frame is very simple. On the wooden frame, four or five pieces are not too eye-catching wings, lying quietly on the shelf.

These wings seem to be only the size of the palm, but Luo Yunyang knows that these wings, no matter which one, as long as they are motivated, can be a good helper to cut through the void, a million miles.

And let Luo Yunyang feel the heart, it is a black, it seems to be a pair of wings with a piece of pig iron, rough and beaten.

The pair of wings fell into the hands, a very intimate feeling, filled with Luo Yunyang's heart.

However, although he felt very intimate and gracious to this wing, but in this day's treasure land, Luo Yunyang could not feel the wing with which he had a very tacit understanding. What is it?

After a little indulging, Luo Yunyang took the wing and walked out of the treasure land of the Tianzi.

Although Luo Yunyang’s heart is very grasped at this time, this wing is absolutely wrong, but he also knows that any choice is risky.

Fortunately, for this time, Luo Yunyang is not too concerned about it. After all, this time he not only condensed the holy phase, but also got the ruin of the Great World.

As long as it is completely controlled by the destroying machine, there will be a rapid improvement in his cultivation.

What's more, he also got nine days of mud, as long as the pieces that love the earthly bells are all glued together, Luo Yunyang feels that he can make his own cultivation and take it to the next level.

"What did you choose for Yunyang?" Baihe Yuanzun was waiting for Luo Yunyang outside. Although he had a lot of things to deal with, the land of this day is really too important. He can't be sloppy.

What's more, Luo Yunyang's current status also makes Baihe Yuanzun feel that he is worth waiting for himself.

After Luo Yunyang got rid of the **** of the treasure land, he put all his thoughts on this wing. Although he is not too concerned about the gains and losses of this choice, but who does not want to get a good treasure.

However, after the wing left the treasure land, there was no change, let alone what the sun shines.

"When I chose a pair of wings and compared with the nine sons, I found that my speed was a bit slow." Luo Yunyang waved his wings and said to Baihe Yuanzun.

Baihe Yuanzun originally had a smile, but when he saw the pair of wings, the look on his face suddenly became difficult to look.

"Yunyang, how did you choose it!" Baihe Yuanzun said with a trace of blame when he saw the wings of Luo Yunyang.

Looking at the look of Baihe Yuanzun, Luo Yunyang felt that this white crane Yuanzun should know the pair of wings. When he was preparing to ask, he listened to Baihe Yuanzun: "Let's go, let's change a pair."

But at this time, the stone house that was originally opened was suddenly closed. Although this stone house is still giving people a feeling that they can break easily, but the face of Baihe Yuanzun reveals a trace of sorrow.

"Yunyang, you have chosen the wrong one. Although this pair of wings is not small, it is a pity that it should lack the method of manipulation. Therefore, even if it is Yuanzun, it can only use the small means of this wing. ”

"According to the estimation of the Lord, the Yuan Zun can be motivated, and it is only one tenth of its power. Therefore, for many people, this pair of wings has become a chicken-like existence."

"You still go to the Lord, let the Lord respect you to change it!"

At this time, Luo Yunyang's hands with wings, he felt a heat, uploaded from the wing.

In an instant, a trace of news, as quickly into the heart of Luo Yunyang, also at this moment, Luo Yunyang only understand why this pair of wings, will actually feel their own.

This pair of wings, called the shocking wings, is a strong man of the Hongmeng Temple, the treasure that was obtained in the last battle of God.

The reason why he felt about Luo Yunyang was not because he Luo Yunyang was born to be wise, but because the shocking wings were originally the treasure of the Zhentian Yuandi.

I don't know why, this pair of wings did not stay in the same place as the Tianyuan, but was the strongman of the Terran, and came back in the land of eternal war.

To manipulate the pair of wings, a method of wind and thunder eight methods is needed, but this method is not left on the wings.

In the method left by the Emperor Zhentian, Luo Yunyang quickly found the Eight Diagrams of Fenglei. He also participated in the Eight Diagrams of Fenglei before. However, the Fenglei Eight Methods cost too much power, but there is no slight improvement in speed. Throw it aside.

Now, with this shocking wings, Luo Yunyang's understanding of the wind and thunder eight methods has instantly improved several times.

"Thank you for your respect. When I took this wing, I felt that this pair of wings had a relationship with myself, so I took it."

Luo Yunyang smiled and smiled at the somewhat anxious Baihe Yuanzun: "Everything depends on fate. This is because the wing has a relationship with me. Maybe afterwards, can I get the control of him?"

Bai Heyuan respected Luo Yunyang's appearance, although his heart did not agree, I feel that this good thing in the world may be monopolized by Luo Yunyang.

But on the surface, he smiled and said: "In any case, you have to get a huge reward. Even if it is a problem with the shocking wings, it is a small loss for you."

Luo Yunyang and Baihe Yuanzun also said a few gossips that shocked the wings. This is the sound of the voice: "Yunyang, after you come back, you better retreat for some time. These treasures are not too useful for you. ""

"The real good thing, in the Holy Spirit, but unfortunately, if you have a Yuan Zun, then this time you can use the Holy Spirit Stone to capture the Holy Spirit."

Listening to the emotion of Baihe Yuanzun, Luo Yunyang said in a deep voice: "This time the Holy Spirit Day, even if there is no Holy Spirit Stone, I have to gain something, or else I am too sorry for the Lord's struggle for me."

Bai Heyuan looked at a serious Luo Yunyang, wanted to talk, but in the end he just smiled and no longer snorted.

After being separated from the white crane Yuan Zun, Luo Yunyang returned to his own cave house. Plainly got a sword and shocked the emperor's treasure, so that Luo Yunyang's heart is happy, but this joy, he can not share with others, it is a bit uncomfortable.

Baihe Yuanzun’s judgment on the shocking wings is wrong, but one thing is that he is right. Luo Yunyang, who has just advanced, really needs retreat to consolidate his cultivation.

After all, he hasn’t been condensed for a long time.

The shocking wings also require him to make a good sacrifice. So after talking with his own four-yuan beast, Luo Yunyang began to retreat.

In the dragon scale universe, the eyes of the dragon family's ancestors are cold, and in front of him, a curtain that will cover up half the sky is unfolding. In the flashing light curtain, Luo Yunyang threatened the Golden Lord.

"I have seen my ancestors." The strong dragons of several dragons, when they saw the ground in front of their eyes, respectfully marched toward the ancestors of the Dragon family.

The ancestors of the Dragon family waved their sleeves: "Well, if there is a martial arts here, can you practice some time?"

Among the people who were reluctantly reprimanded by the ancestors of the Dragon family, there were two strong men of Heaven and Eight and four Heavenly Seven. Only at this time, they only frowned and listened to this very unheard of words.

"Luo Yunyang's situation, you should also know, and now his cultivation is no less than Yuanzun. It can be said that he has become a big worry for our Dragon family."

The Long family ancestors said here that the excitement in their eyes is more divided: "You said, this thing, what should we do with our dragon family?"

Luo Yunyang's name, the top Tianzun of these dragons naturally understand that they even saw many people watching Luo Yunyang defeating the clouds.

When Luo Yunyang determined that it was difficult to make progress, the Dragon family had begun to sharpen the knife, waiting for the end of a meta-conference, and choosing a day to kill Luo Yunyang and his companions.

However, I did not expect that when they felt that the winner was in the grip, Luo Yunyang was in the doldrums of the two worlds, not only defeated the split cloud, but also escaped from the hands of the five brothers.

In other words, one of the five Qi Xuan Ming brothers was caught back to the oysters.

Under this circumstance, Luo Yunyang has already challenged the strength of the Yuanzun. Although the Dragon family is not weak, but there are no two Yuanzun, the Long family ancestors are upset to summon the family's warriors to discuss.

Under the eyes of the ancestors of the Dragon family, no one in the Dragon family dared to speak. They did not have any good ideas. After all, it is not the way they have to deal with Luo Yunyang.

"It’s all dumb. I used to listen to you when I was in the party. Now when I let you work, how are you dumb?"

The palm of the dragon's ancestors was heavily photographed on the table. For a time, the table made of black jade instantly turned into powder.

An elite of the Dragon family, at this time, the head is lower and more powerful, but the more so, the more they dare not speak.

"Take me all!" Long family ancestors roared, he has no thoughts about these younger generations at this time, Luo Yunyang's rise to the sky, let him be like a mans! u

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