Supreme Uprising

Chapter 935: Holy Spirit Day

Accompanied by the Sanshi Yuanzun, Luo Yunyang stepped down from the Three Supreme Masters. This time, Luo Yunyang took the initiative to ask, and did not allow the Three Worlds to make a big battle.

Despite the huge squad, the feeling of being looked up by everyone, Luo Yunyang is still very useful in his heart, but he also knows that everything can not be excessive, or just point to it.

"Yunyang's younger brother's boxing has been completed, I am looking forward to Yunyang's brother's hegemony!" The three worlds are full of spring breeze, with a hint of teasing in the voice.

Luo Yunyang smiled and said: "Thank you for the encouragement of the Three Worlds. I also hope that one day, I will be able to punch that punch early."

For Luo Yunyang’s answer, Sanyuan Yuanzun just laughed and said: “According to my estimation, it’s not far from Yunyang’s younger brother’s time to make this punch.”

During the speech, two people have already arrived under the Three Kingdoms, and after they have said goodbye to each other, Luo Yunyang vacated.

San Shiyuan looked at Luo Yunyang who had left, and there was a complicated meaning in his eyes. In his eyes, he had admiration, envy, and embarrassment...

There is nothing wrong with it, and the eyes of the three Yuanzun are indeed so traced.

"It’s finally gone!" A goddess wearing a robe slowly walked out with a relaxed and relaxed face.

Sanshi Yuanzun glanced at the day and waved his hand: "After the younger brother, after others, don't talk about people, and be careful to make a fuss."

The robe Tianzun smiled in disapproval: "There are brothers here, the younger brother is afraid of anything!"

"Not to mention that he did not intend to be the enemy of the Three Supreme Masters. This eternal deity, he has stayed." On that day, the eternal **** was handed over.

San Shi Yuan Zun looked at the eternal god, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes. He said: "Since Luo Yunyang has left an eternal deity, it means that he has no intention of entangled with me." The grudge."

"Through my order: I won't have any more tricks for the glazed diamond door in the future!"

Although San Shi Yuan Zun does not care about anything, but the Sanshou Supreme's arrogance, no one can see his eyes.

When I heard the command of the Sanyuan Yuanzun, I promised one voice that day: "I will convey your will."

Looking at the day with the eternal deity to leave, the three Yuanzun sighed softly. Then his figure was silent and dissipated between heaven and earth.

Luo Yunyang did not care about what kind of decision made by Sanyuan Yuanzun. He was still immersed in the two years of enlightenment.

Hegemony, this is the name of the Sanyuan Yuanzun to the method he is cultivating, but in fact, his name is only half right.

Luo Yunyang’s name for this punch is a top-notch punch.

This punch has been almost bred in his heart, but until now, Luo Yunyang still can't show it.

There is nothing wrong with it, it seems to be a shortcoming, so it has been difficult to play.

However, for this, Luo Yunyang is not impatient, because this is the most suitable means for him, he has completed most of the time, and the latter is also a matter of course.

Even if Baihe Yuanzun does not contact himself, Luo Yunyang is also ready to go out, because with the enlightenment, Luo Yunyang feels that he has reached a peak, and then retreats and realizes that there is not much use.

Hongmeng Temple, Baihe Yuanzun has been waiting for a long time, he saw Luo Yunyang coming, and there was a smile in his eyes.

"Yunyang, it seems that you have retired this time, and you get a lot!"

Luo Yunyang and Bai Heyuan respected a few words, and they said: "This time you go to the Holy Spirit, are you accompanying me?"

Bai He Yuan Zun was asked this way, and his face suddenly became awkward: "To say it, to go to the Holy Spirit, such a big thing, at least three of the Lords will follow you to one."

"But the three lords are busy these days, and eventually I will only go with Yunyang."

"But before the departure, the Lord respect told me to tell Yunyang, this time, you will treat it as a practice and treat it as usual."

"Of course, the Lord also allows you to make some preparations during the time of the Holy Spirit, and you will be able to take advantage of the opportunity to enter the Holy Spirit Day."

Luo Yunyang can hear the meaning of Baihe Yuanzun's discourse, that is, there are not many expectations for the three to capture the Holy Spirit.

So, they didn't even send themselves. Only this kind of thing, Luo Yunyang knows that the determination of the table is useless, and ultimately depends on strength to speak.

So he smiled at Baihe Yuanzun: "Thank you for your concern."

Two people are also familiar, so in a simple chat, a few words, Luo Yunyang went to the white crane Yuan Zun's spaceship.

Baihe Yuanzun’s spacecraft was very fast, but even so, the spacecraft still flew for three days before arriving at the location.

"Yunyang, I can only send you here, take this token." After he and Luo Yunyang walked out of the spaceship, Baihe Yuanzun pointed to a mountain peak in the distant starry sky: "When you go to the mountain, you will Be able to enter the Holy Spirit."

Looking at the words of Bai He Yuan Zun, with a trace of uncertainty, Luo Yunyang felt that this thing, it seems that some are not reliable.

He carefully glanced at Baihe Yuanzun, and he said: "Are you sure?"

Baihe Yuanzun spread the handkerchief: "I am really not sure about this, because I have not entered the Holy Spirit Day. I just told you that the Lord told me."

"If you are wrong, you should not write it on my head. This is the command of the Lord."

Luo Yunyang looked at the white crane Yuanzun, who had nothing to do with the right and wrong, and raised a feeling in his heart. That is, this time, it seems that it is still somewhat unreliable.

But no matter what he thought in his mind, on the surface Luo Yunyang still took the token and strode toward the small peak.

One is in the starry sky and looks like a barren hill.

When Luo Yunyang said that the goal was on the peak of the mountain, he at least looked at it three times with his heart, but unfortunately, he found nothing.

If it is hard to find out, it is Luo Yunyang who feels that this hill is really a small mountain. A small mountain peak without any singularity.

Just a few steps away, Luo Yunyang had already boarded the small mountain peak, and the token that had no luster, when he fell into the peak of the mountain, began to glow lightly.

The light became more and more powerful and stronger, and eventually he completely wrapped up his whole person. However, when Luo Yunyang’s thoughts surged and he was ready to explore again, he found that the mountain peak had disappeared.

He found that he had appeared outside the door of a run-down.

The gate, or should say that this is the gate archway, but the pillars of the archway have all been broken. Even the carved jade plaque made of white jade on the archway has only one word left.

Other words have become a one-foot hole.


In this word, but in the moment of seeing this word, Luo Yunyang’s heart gave birth to a strange feeling. He felt that there was a feeling that he was originally drawn in the chest and that he was drawn by this word.

This feeling, Xuanzhi and Xuan, this feeling, let Luo Yunyang from the heart, raised an impulsive impulse.

It is this feeling that makes Luo Yunyang's heart surging. Just when Luo Yunyang had a word for enlightenment, he heard someone faintly saying: "With a token, you can stay for ten days in the Holy Spirit."

"If you can get the favor of the Holy Spirit, you will only see your ability. After ten days, you will automatically withdraw from the Holy Spirit."

The words just interrupted Luo Yunyang's enlightenment. For this discourse, Luo Yunyang has a feeling that is not too cool from his heart.

He stared and looked around, and he found that there were no people at all around him, and even a shadow could not be seen.

Indulge in the moment, Luo Yunyang will once again fall on the word of the day, but at this moment, the word seems to have become the most common word, without any light, can not motivate the boxing of his heart.

Luo Yunyang, who did not give up, continued to look at the words of the day, and the final result was the same.

After a quarter of an hour, Luo Yunyang finally chose to give up.

Stepping through the broken stone, Luo Yunyang originally thought that what he was about to face was a dilapidated world.

However, when he crossed the moment of the Holy Spirit, Luo Yunyang discovered that he was really wrong, and that he was in front of him, a huge palace.

Some palaces, the sky is shining; some palaces, soft golden light; some palaces, suffocating; some palaces, purple gas, 100,000 miles...

Countless palaces, each palace is different; each palace exudes a sacred power that makes people feel extraordinary.

Luo Yunyang looked at the palaces, and he said in his heart: Is there a holy soul in every palace?

He alone watched it, naturally it was impossible to prove his own conjecture, so Luo Yunyang vacated and rushed toward those palaces.

He would like to see what is in these palaces.

After a quarter of an hour, Luo Yunyang had already arrived outside a palace. When he stared at the palace, he saw a group of purple maidens dancing in the palace, and solemnly sitting in the hall, sitting in a tall figure. .

When this figure appeared in Luo Yunyang's view, it seemed to have sensed the existence of Luo Yunyang. His eyes, which seemed to appreciate singing and dancing, suddenly lifted up and looked at Luo Yunyang.

In this eye, Luo Yunyang has a kind of his own surroundings, which gives birth to an endless thunder. Look at your own figure, it is like a Thunder Lord.

At the moment when his feelings rose, Luo Yunyang’s heart rushed out of a thought: the figure of this purple robe is so powerful, is he the one of the holy souls?

Just when Luo Yunyang’s thoughts were surging, the purple palace, and the fairy who danced and danced, disappeared without a trace.

It’s as if they have never existed before!

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