Supreme Uprising

Chapter 944: The ancient Yuanlong dark inflammation

Among the temples of Hongmeng, Baihe Yuanzun is chatting with God. Although the Hongmeng Temple is deterrent to the Quartet, in fact, the Hongmeng Temple is also managing some big things.

Therefore, as one of the Seven Holy Ghosts, Baihe Yuanzun is still very leisurely.

God's aging is everywhere, and it is widely known. It is no exaggeration to say that many things, even Baihe Yuanzun should ask him.

"Luo Yunyang, this kid, really does not stop!" God old with a wave of emotions, Luo Yunyang's scene toward the Dragon family ancestors, has been reflected in the eyes of Baihe Yuanzun.

Baihe Yuanzun looked at Luo Yunyang's Jianguang and was escaped by the dragon's ancestors. He looked at the dragon's ancestral home and was turned into a fly ash by Luo Yunyang's sword.

He is an experienced person. When he saw this scene, he sincerely said: "Yunyang this time, it seems to be a big loss."

"But he is still young, he has to temper, to say what to eat the most brain, is not to eat a loss!"

God old snorted: "I am afraid that this kid's loss will not be small, I am afraid that I can't eat it and I have to go away..."

Just as God spoke, a blue-blue light and shadow had already rushed toward Luo Yunyang.

"It is too early to treasure!" Baihe Yuanzun saw the moment of blue light, and he was shocked by the horror.

At the beginning of the day, even if it is him, there is only one, and from the sound of the beginning of the treasure to the treasure, this is a completely motivated initial treasure.

Although Luo Yunyang is not an ordinary person, in the face of this completely motivated initial treasure, it is still a lot worse.

"This kid is in danger. God is old. Yunyang is the son of the Hongmeng Temple. He can't have problems!"

Baihe Yuanzun rushed over at this time, and it was too late. So he only has to look down on the old man.

God is old, but if you have nothing to say: "Don't worry too much, this is an ice flame, but this kid is not necessarily able to escape, but can't die."

Baihe Yuanzun just smiled and smiled: "I naturally believe in God's judgment, but Luo Yunyang is really important. If we let him go at this time, then..."

I haven't waited for the words of Baihe Yuanzun. The black dragon has already appeared behind the dragon's ancestors. With the appearance of this dragon, even the face that God made out reflects Luo Yunyang's situation. They all gave birth to a crack.

"The ancient Yuanlong corpse, how could it be, how could he have the ancient Yuanlong corpse!" In the voice of God, with a trace of shock.

The white crane Yuan Zun looked at the black dragon that exuded the horror of the gods, but did not have half of his life signs, and was equally shocked.

The ancient Yuanlong corpse, this is the legendary ancient Yuanlong corpse!

In the heart of Baihe Yuanzun, the legend of the ancient Yuanlong corpse was flashing rapidly. Among the countless eras of the past, the dragons are extremely powerful.

Although they can't stop the burial of the big world, some top yuan dragons are also unwilling to die silently.

Therefore, they will bury their bodies in the Jedi. One is that one day, their body can be resurrected. Secondly, they want to cultivate their own body and leave it to the juniors.

It’s just too big to bury a big world. There are a lot of Yuanlong who are not enough. Although they are unwilling, they are completely silent and disappear into the void.

The ones that can survive are the ones among the ancient Yuanlong, but even so, the Yuanlong gods they left are also buried in the Jedi that feels creepy after listening.

In the history of the Terran, it is not that the **** of the ancient Yuanlong has not been obtained, but it is very rare.

And most of the Yuanlong body is still broken, and even some, still lack half of the body. That's it, these Yuanlong gods are all powerful, and with the help of Yuanlong's body, it is able to make many strong people turn to victory in life and death.

Both Shen Lao and Bai He Yuan Zun also knew that the Long family ancestors had prepared to deal with Luo Yunyang's backhand, but they did not expect that the latter hand was so powerful.

A blow to the Yuanlong **** body, even if it is Taishi Yuanzun, it is difficult to escape. Although Luo Yunyang is now able to compare Yuan Zun, but he is not Yuan Zun after all.

In many places, there is a big gap between him and Yuan Zun.

For a time, God's old face also became very ugly.

"God is old, you..." Baihe Yuanzun looked at the old man, and he gave birth to a pleading of color. He knew that Luo Yunyang’s chance of obtaining Baihe Yuanzun was very clear about the value of Luo Yunyang. If Luo Yunyang was buried in Longjia In the hands of the ancestors, that would be a big blow to the Terran.

Thinking of this, Bai He Yuan Zun’s heart, some complained about himself, why at this critical time, he did not follow Luo Yunyang.

If he is next to Luo Yunyang, then Luo Yunyang will be dangerous, but it is not without hope.

"I can't go, it's too late." God's old voice with a hint of helplessness: "Not to mention the emergence of the Yuanlong body, it has already blocked the void, even if I want to break the space barrier, it is too late. ”

"If he can live, he will only rely on himself."

At the time of God's old opening, the look of Xuan Zang Yuan Zun and Yin Yuan Yuan Zun was equally bad, because the two men felt the huge threat from the Dragon family ancestors.

Although they have always been dominated by the ancestors of the Dragon family, in their hearts, they have always been on an equal footing with the ancestors of the Dragon family.

But now, the sudden shots of the ancestors of the Dragon family have made them deeply aware that there is a huge gap between themselves and the ancestors of the Dragon family.

Now, both people feel that their lives and deaths are in the hands of the Dragon family ancestors. Although they know that the ancestors of the Dragon family could not move toward them both for no reason, but the situation in which this life is in the hands of others is equally disappointing.

For a time, both people have a feeling that they are being fooled.

Luo Yunyang's look is the most calm. He looks at the black dragon body that rises up in the sky, watching the ice flames that are vacant, and the look is indifferent.

The ice flame splitting cone is the fastest, so the first thing Luo Yunyang has to solve is the ice flame splitting cone. For this ice flame splitting cone, Luo Yunyang did not hesitate. During the thought, the huge mixed-sky clock rushed out of his hand and greeted the ice flame.

Although the two talk about the power, it seems that Luo Yunyang's mixed yuan clock seems to be weak, but it is still no problem.

The key is the black ancient Yuanlong, which has already floated behind the ancestors of the Dragon family, and the powerful power hidden in the ancient Yuanlong.

"Luo Yunyang, you kill my dragon family and thousands of people, even if I am dead, I will kill you!" Long family ancestors roared, the voice was thunderous.

At this time, he has long hair and no wind, and the huge black dragon is looming behind him. It is like a **** of death who is rushing out of endless purgatory and preparing for revenge.

However, at this moment in his roar, Luo Yunyang can feel his touch of joy.

Luo Yunyang smiled faintly: "It seems that this is your card!"

The voice of the ancestors of the Long family rang in the ears of Luo Yunyang. This voice was transmitted through the way of sound transmission. Therefore, at this time, only He and Luo Yunyang can be heard.

"Yes, this is my card, the **** of the ancient Yuanlong, know? For this ancient Yuanlong dragon, I paid a huge price."

"But now, killing you with the **** of the ancient Yuanlong, he is very worthwhile, because he can not only give me an opponent, but also help me earn back the two ancient Yuanlong dragons."

"Hahaha, your biggest card is actually the Temple of Hungmun, but you have destroyed the shelter of the Hungmun Temple."

"Do you know? Now I have no scruples about killing you. Hahaha, do you understand? Even if I kill you, the Hongmeng Temple can do it, and at most it will give you a corpse."

The laughter of the ancestors of the Dragon family reverberated in the void, listening to the words of the Dragon family ancestors, Luo Yunyang's eyes were more cool.

Killing yourself, the Dragon family ancestors can get the two gods of the ancient Yuanlong, who is this person who is dealing with himself?

However, when Luo Yunyang was preparing to ask the ancestors of the Dragon family, he saw that the ancestors of the Dragon family had already waved their fists.

In the moment when his fist banged, the black dragon rushed out of the endless majestic light, which converge on the fist of the dragon's ancestors, turned into a black silk-like light, toward Luo Yunyang, facing the world around, faster over the past.

"The ancient Yuanlong dark inflammation destroyed the wave!"

Nine words, one word and one word spit out from the mouth of the dragon's ancestors, accompanied by the sound of the dragon's ancestors, where the black light went, the void was silently turned into powder.

Some of the warriors who are not far away from Luo Yunyang, when they feel the moment of the ray of light, madly motivated their various treasures and methods, and thought of resisting the erosion of this power.

However, under the darkness of the world, almost all the methods have lost their functions. Wherever they go, even the various laws of origin have begun to collapse.

This is the dark annihilation wave, which is the high law that the early Yuanzun masters. Under this law, even the original law of the great universe is hard to resist.

And Luo Yunyang, at this time is in the center of this dark inflammation!

It is impossible to avoid, according to Luo Yunyang's estimation, the light of this darkness can be shrouded in half a big universe in an instant.

Compared with the attack of the Wuqi Xuanming brothers, this darkness is not inferior.

Last time, Luo Yunyang defeated the Wuqi Xuan Ming brothers with the help of property regulators. This time, he can only be hard.

Therefore, in the moment when the darkness of the dynasty shocked, Luo Yunyang madly punched a punch!

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