Supreme Uprising

Chapter 946: Don’t give up when you don’t give up

Among the temples of the Thousands, many people are paying attention to the battle between Luo Yunyang and the Dragon family ancestors. Only at this time, under the screen of the dragon scale universe, it is silent.

When the Long family ancestors exhibited the Taikoo Yuanlong body, some of them exclaimed. Some even sighed and sighed. "How could it be? The dragon ancestors clearly want to kill Luo Yunyang!"

Although there are people in the Thousand Gods Temple who are very dissatisfied with this kind of behavior of the Dragon family ancestors, but also some people express dissatisfaction in their mouths, but in fact, their faces have a smile of gloating.

Luo Yunyang lost, it is the loss of the Hongmeng Temple, not the loss of their temple. Although they also think that Luo Yunyang’s death is a heavy blow to the Terran, the elite of the Terran is too much. Nothing.

What's more, the main reason for this incident is because of the Hongmeng Temple. If it is not the Hongmeng Temple, it is not effective in protecting this matter. How can a genius like Luo Yunyang have...

Just as they looked at it all with a schadenfreak, they saw Luo Yunyang’s shocking punch.

The overbearing Wanshi Chaozong of the tyrants made the viewers of the Thousand Temples really understand what the six great sacred souls are.

Luo Yunyang got one of the six most supreme holy souls. The hidden skills in the six most supreme holy souls that are now displayed have such powerful power, which makes many of them look unsightly.

Because this means that the situation in which the Temple of the Thousand Gods is under the Temple of Hongmeng will be difficult to change.

Although everyone should work together, but for the Temple of the Thousands, although they are willing to work together, they are not willing to become the second child of the year.

After all, this state makes them really hard.

There are three seats in the Hongmeng Temple, and they have already pressed the Quartet. If this Luo Yunyang is such a strong rise, then they will have a chance in the future.

However, now Luo Yunyang, not a Yuanzun, already has such a powerful force. If he really grows up, then it will become another existence that overlooks the nine heavens.

"Don't let him kill the dragon family ancestors!" Someone said quietly; "The dragon family ancestors are wrong, but he is a Yuanzun after all!"

"Kill him, there is no small loss for our human race!"

It was the ambassador of the Great Thousand Temple, and at the moment of his screaming, the other people of the Thousand Temples reacted.

For the Thousand Gods Temple, the Dragon Family ancestors are one of their vassals. If the Dragon Family ancestors died, then it would be a very big loss for their Daqian Temple.

The ambassador's drink, awakened the people present, and some people headed to the temple of the Great Thousand Temple, which sits at the top: "Lord, you want to stop Luo Yunyang."

"Nothing wrong, every one of my family's esteems is invaluable. Luo Yunyang's killing of the Yuanzun because of personal grievances must not be tolerated."

"Adult, Luo Yunyang's heart, there must be grievances, but he is the Son of our five great temples, he is obliged to focus on the overall situation!"

The temple of the Great Thousand Temple was frowned. He looked at the screen that reflected the entire dragon scale universe, and a little bit of light flashed in his eyes.

For blocking Luo Yunyang, although he thought about it, he knew better that it was not an easy task to stop Luo Yunyang.

Although Luo Yunyang is a younger generation, the strength he has just demonstrated has exceeded the ordinary Taiyuan Yuanzun. This kind of existence has just experienced the sneak attack of the Dragon family ancestors. Now let him stop, it is...

"Adults, the behavior of the ancestors of the Dragon family is only a moment of anger. After all, whose homes are destroyed, there will be such impulses, not to mention that the ancestors of the Dragon family are one-party esteem."

The speaker is still the one who just reminded everyone. In his voice, there is an unquestionable taste: "The ancestors of the dragon family are wrong, they can punish, but in this matter, Luo Yunyang is also wrong."

"He has destroyed the ancestral home of the Dragon family."

The words of the ambassador have just finished, and some people are cold and cold: "Tian Heng, your reason is useless."

"The thoughts of the Dragon family ancestors are clearly there. Who do you think will not be seen? The Hongmeng Temple is still the Xuanzang Temple. His weakness from the beginning is actually giving Luo Yunyang a layout."

"It's just a pity that the counterattack of the weak people he arranged has finally become a joke, a joke that is not too funny."

What he spoke was Tianshu Yuanzun. He said with a deep voice: "We can stop Luo Yunyang now, but have you considered the consequences? We will definitely form a deep hatred between us and Luo Yunyang. In that case, for us, The temple is equally disadvantageous."

"I think we are still..."

Just when Tianshu Yuanzun spoke, he saw the huge screen, and Longzetian and others of the Dragon family had already rushed to the front of the Dragon family ancestors.

"Yunyang Shengzi, this time we have a family of dragons, for your loss, we are more willing to pay 100 times more compensation." Longzetian is the owner of the dragon family. At this time, although he was repaired as a nine-fold in heaven, but in the face of the seven-fold Luo Yunyang, his heart was trembling.

After all, Luo Yunyang’s blow was just too ferocious.

And the reason why they are in front of the dragon's ancestors is not because of their deep feelings for the dragon family ancestors, but because the top strongmen of these dragons understand that there is no Yuanzun sitting, they are dragons It will push the wall down.

After all, over the years, the dragon's hegemony has been famous throughout the world. At this time, many people will not mind giving them a downfall.

And Long Zetian, even more because of being a family owner, is duty-bound.

The face of the dragon family ancestors is incomparably ugly. When he was a party, he was the one who was asked to use this method for mercy.

However, he did not dare to speak. He was afraid that he would speak and angered Luo Yunyang. In that case, it was really a heavy loss.

Just when the thoughts of the ancestors of the Long family were surging, I saw that Luo Yunyang had once again made a comeback. The giant clock in his holy phase had already crashed into himself.

The bronze giant clock is extremely powerful, and between the pushes, it gives people a feeling of breaking everything.

Although at this time, there is only the power of the seven universes in this giant clock, but Luo Yunyang's cultivation and the power of the mixed-sky clock have made the power of this giant clock far more than the ordinary method.

Long Zetian faced Luo Yunyang's attack and his face was tight. In his heart, Luo Huayang's crazy blow had already produced a deep fear.

If this blow continues, he feels that the possibility of resisting it is really minimal.

However, in this case, he knows that he can't resist, so the possibility that his family's ancestors can block is very small.

Between the thoughts, Long Zetian's hands were printed, and a blue light shone in front of him, which became a huge seal.

This **** seal has condensed the power of the Quartet, and it has reached the extreme of the two rules. If it is said that it is the most powerful means for the ordinary Tianzun, but at this time, he is facing Luo Yunyang.

"The ancestors are going!" Longze Tianda, with a strong voice in his voice: "The dragon family can have no me, but you can't have no ancestors!"

The other top dragons of the Dragon family realized that the most crucial time for him was that the words of Long Zetian were very right. The Dragon family could not have them, but they could not have the ancestors of the Dragon family.

After all, the ancestors of the Dragon family are the most important people in the future.

Therefore, at the moment when Long Zetian spoke, they also rushed toward Luo Yunyang at the same time. Even if Luo Yunyang could not stop the killing of his family's ancestors, they also had to stop Luo Yunyang for a few moments.

In this way, their ancestors will have a chance.

Even if the Long family ancestors found a place to hide, they never came out. For the Dragon family, it was a good news. After all, as long as the dragon family ancestors do not die, their dragon family has the opportunity to turn over.


Luo Yunyang did not have much pity for the siege of these former dragons. When these dragon strongmen came to the vain of the gods, why did they pity others?

When the dragon family ancestors used the dragon family ancestral land as a bargaining chip, when did he want to kill himself, when did he have pity? Since the Dragon family has no slight pity on this matter, why does Luo Yunyang have any pity!

Therefore, looking at the people who rushed, Luo Yunyang’s thoughts flashed, and the giant clock that had been shocked by the void in the air suddenly made a sound.

Under the bell, two dragons, who are only seven heavenly masters, collapsed directly under the bell. The two eight-day-old dragons, Tianzun, are crazy retreats, and their bodies are constantly cracking in the void.

The only thing that can resist this blow is Long Zetian, whose gods and seals hit the Luoyuanyang's mixed-day clock.

The gods were broken, and on the face of Longzetian, a crack was born, and his arms were broken directly in the void.

It is also the top presence of Tianzun, but the cultivation of two people is not at one level at all.

The Long family ancestors did not see the final result at all. He knew very well that in this case, several of his juniors had no chance of victory.

Although his heart is very satisfied with the efforts of Longzetian and others, he is only satisfied. After all, it is a real big thing for him to survive.


The dragon family ancestors fled quickly, and at this time, he was like a dog. Just as he rushed out of the miles, he even shouted loudly toward Xuan Zang Yuan Zun: "Xuan Zang Yuan Zun, Yin Chu Yuan Zun, we three people plan together, now it is you two People, it’s time to make some effort!"

The faces of Xuanzang Yuanzun and Yinchu Yuanzun all showed the look of fear. They did not think that it was such a time. The Dragon family would have to pull them both, which is too wicked!

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