Supreme Uprising

Chapter 963: Second ancient master

Give up the plan!

The brow of the Lord's blessing was slight, and then his eyes fell on the body of Baihe Yuanzun: "You retreat!"

"Yes!" Baihe Yuanzun had already finished what he should have said. At this time, he heard the command of the Lord, and he left the void in an instant.

"This plan, can't give up!" Almost at the moment when Baihe Yuanzun left, the Daqian controllers sang for the first time: "The second yuan ancient lord will recover, once he is firmly established, that Xuan Ming The power of a family will double."

"At that time, we will be completely at a disadvantage."

The black woman in the Xuanzang Temple looks indifferent, and the figure of the battle hall carries a hint of indifference: "Where do we send someone?"

"Tianzun? You think, what is the use of sending a **** in the past?"

The surrounding area suddenly silenced. For those present, they naturally knew that Tianzun entered the Xuan Ming family and was of no use.

"If you use Yuanzun to carry Yuan Zun in the past, or use the powerful people in the universe or even the Star River to carry Yuan Zun in the past?" The black woman in the Xuanzang Temple said softly.

Before the words of the woman in black, the figure of the battle hall has been cold and cold: "The planes of the Xuan Ming family and the people are different. If you carry Yuan Zun to sneak past, I am afraid that you have not crossed the enchantment. Will be discovered."

"This is totally an idea without a brain."

The cold words of the **** of the war hall did not make the woman in black angry, but smiled and said: "So, we can only choose to give up."

Silence was silenced on Monday, and it was obvious that the Lord and others were equally entangled at this time.

Their spies in the Xuan Ming family did not know how much effort they had spent to find out the news that the second yuan ancient lord would recover, and if they could not send enough strength to destroy it, it would be a pity.

They will even become sinners of the human race.

However, Yuan Zun used to say it easily. Now the three sects of the Yuan dynasty are killed and wounded, and one is missing. The result of the re-distribution may be the same.

"If we send out the genius with the strength of the Yuan?" Finally, the big masters spoke.

The genius of Yuanzun is a precious anomaly for the five great temples. Because of their outstanding performance, once they break through the Yuanzun, they may become the Taiyuan Yuanzun.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, but the leader of the Yuanzun.

The age of the Terran, that is, nearly a thousand Yuanzun, and among the 100 Yuanzun, it has become the Taiyuan Yuanzun, and no more than forty.

It can be said that these too early Yuanzun are the foundation of the entire human race.

Every additional one is too early, and the benefits for the human race are obvious.

The main lord nodded quietly, but did not immediately open, but looked at the other three parties.

The black woman in the Xuanzang Temple is quite happy: "I have no opinion on the proposal of the Daqian Master, because our Xuanzang Temple has not existed in these years."

The figure of the dark temple also shook his head: "This kind of enchanting character, a few yuan will not be able to appear one. Before the ten halls of our dark hall, there was such a presence, but he is too Shi Yuanzun."

The Daqian controller did not make a sound. As the person proposing this proposal, he did not say anything, and obviously there was no such person.

In the end, only the Battle Hall and the Hongmeng Temple are left.

The woman in the battle hall said to the Daqian controller: "You don't have a good idea. Although the cultivation is a heavenly lord, the genius with the meta-recognition has a great degree to successfully escape the exploration."

"But taking a genius to risk, I don't think so."

Daqian’s controller said: “I know that my proposal will be hated. After all, we have not cultivated such a character.”

"But once the second ancient master has recovered smoothly, he can split many top powers."

"At that time, the pressure faced by our Terran is greater and more dangerous."

Speaking of this, his voice has a firm voice: "The top genius, although incomparably important, is incomparably rare, but compared with the second Yuan dynasty, it is still not comparable."

The Lord dearly nodded: "The Daqian controller is right, this time if we don't grasp this opportunity, then our Terran will fall into a very passive situation."

"Genius is important, but at this time, it is time for genius to show their value."

Having said that, his gaze fell on the position of the warlord in charge of the war: "This matter, our Hongmeng Temple agrees. And, among our sacred temples, there is a suitable candidate..."

Although the master of the battle hall is not polite to the Daqian controller, he faces with respect to the Lord, but he has a respectful respect.

"Since the Lord says so, then we will not oppose the battle hall."

When the moon is empty, Luo Yunyang is drinking quietly, next to him, Yunxiao is gently stroking the piano. Over the years, especially in the past millennium, the cultivation of Yunxiao has also advanced by leaps and bounds, and has reached the peak of the universe.

In one step, Yunxiao can enter Tianzunjing.

It is not an easy task to rely on your own efforts to become a god. And Luo Yunyang also has no intention of letting Yunxiao through the void of the small universe, the achievement will never be able to enter the second heaven of Tianzun.

Of course, Yunxiao, who is qualified enough, doesn't care about this, but some of Luo Yunyang's cronies, such as Fire King and others, have become Tianzun in this way.

It is not that they are not willing to cultivate, but that their talents are limited. Even if Luo Yunyang uses a lot of materials, they are still difficult to become Tianzun.

In this case, Luo Yunyang helped them find some small voids, and let them directly become the weakest Tianzun.

"The moon is empty, it is really a beautiful scenery!" Luo Yunyang said in a heartfelt feeling when the piano fell.

Yunxiao stopped playing the piano, softly said: "Do you have something to worry about?"

"No, that is..." Luo Yunyang said half of the words, suddenly stood up: "Which adult is coming, Luo Yunyang has a long way to meet."

And with his words, the void they were in, instantly became a day of high hanging, and in that fierce day, a figure stood tall in the day.

Luo Yunyang frowned, although the day was high, but Luo Yunyang found his position, and there was no change.

He still went to Tianyu, or on the mountain, and even his position of standing did not change.

"I have seen the Lord's Lord!" Looking at the figure, Luo Yunyang's respectful manner.

"Yunyang, you don't have to be polite, now we are at noon yesterday." In the voice of the Lord, with a trace of peace.

But the more the Lord's esteem is peaceful, the more uneasy Luo Yunyang's heart is. He has a strong sense of foreboding. It is certainly not a good thing for the Lord to see himself at this time.

The so-called ritual is to people, there must be some demand, although Luo Yunyang does not know what he has been asked by the Lord, but the Lord respects this operation, so that Luo Yunyang's instinctive instinct is a little more guardian. What's more, if it is an ordinary thing, I believe that the Lord will not display the supreme magic of stealing the sky.

"Please teach the Lord!" Luo Yunyang still maintains respect for the master of the Hongmeng Temple.

"Yunyang, this time I came to see you, there is a task that you need to complete. This task is of great importance, so I only come to see you personally." The Lord looked at the solemn color of Luo Yunyang and smiled gently: This task cannot be refused."

"We are in the territory of the Xuan Ming family, but also our own people. Although they are not easy there, they have sent us a crucial message."

"The second element of the ancient lord will be revived, and once this second ancient lord recovers, he can use his own ancient tower to make the strength of the Xuanming family have a leap-like growth. Even Say, if he succeeds in recovery, then the blow to my people will be incalculable."

"We sent three Yuanzuns and wanted to enter the territory of the Xuan Ming family, but they have been discovered. So now, we can only send people who have Yuanzun strength, but the realm is Tianzun to enter the territory of the Xuan Ming family. ”

Listening to the words of the Lord, Luo Yunyang’s face showed a bitter bitterness: "I am particularly fortunate, was chosen to be the one who entered the Xuan Ming family?"

"Yes, you are one of the people you have chosen." The main singer said: "As for who else is, I can't disclose it to you."

Luo Yunyang did not ask, he knew that in this kind of thing, although he is a participant, he will not be told too much.

"When to set off?"

"Three days later, you will cross the void. During these three days, you will be responsible for arranging, and then return directly to the Hongmeng Temple to retreat." Lord Zun looked at Luo Yunyang: "You can rest assured, before you come back, This day, I will go to the door and I will take care of you."

After saying this, the figure of the Lord's lord, with the piece of heaven and earth in the scorching sun, has disappeared.

Luo Yunyang is still sitting under the beautiful scenery, quietly sitting, and Yunxiao is very affectionate to look at him.

"I just want a child!" Luo Yunyang looked at Yunxiao, and instantly changed the words that he had to say.

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of Yunxiao, and in a moment this surprise became a shyness.

Luo Yunyang’s uncharacteristic performance made Yunxiao feel strange and happy. In her memory, she has never experienced the feeling that you are jealous of me.

All of a sudden into the arms of Luo Yunyang, his arms are warm and powerful, Yunxiao does not want to talk, she closed her eyes, rest assuredly on Luo Yunyang's body, lost the weight of the whole body, for a long time, just shouted: "Yunyang, You should know, I think so too, but we are both repaired..."

Luo Yunyang smiled and said: "This is not a problem."

Three days later, Luo Yunyang came to the Hongmeng Temple and soon announced that he would start retreating. He would not break through the Yuanzun and never go out.

And just after he returned to his retreat, he waited for the Lord's deity there, waved his sleeves, rolled him directly across the endless void, and came to a world full of dead.

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