Supreme Uprising

Chapter 969: Afterwards, I went to the depths of my work and name.

Tianyun Jingu Palace, full of friends, green lake, and the lotus leaves between the sky, a purple lotus platform with a height of hundred feet, is placed with a long platform made of Xuanlong crystal, which looks graceful and magnificent. .

Although the sixth mysterious demon is not the master, the sixth mysterious demon is the center of this time.

The sixth mysterious demon in the Xuan Ming family is not a name, but a title. When someone defeats the current sixth mysterious demon, he immediately inherits the name of the sixth mysterious demon.

Similarly, when the sixth mysterious body is dead, there will also be a new sixth mysterious creature.

As one of the many great universes controlled by the Xuan Ming family, the Yunyun Universe can produce a mysterious figure that ranks sixth in the entire Xuan Ming family. It can be said that this is also a very bad thing.

Naturally, the Sixth Mysterious Devil has also been seen as the master of the future of the entire universe, and the younger generation of almost all strengths will be respectful to the Sixth.

"Sixth mysterious demon, you don't go to Rose Tiancheng this time, hey, maybe the guy is going to laugh out loud." A soft-faced Xuan Ming strongman said with a smile.

Although this person is the appearance of Xuan Ming, but throwing him into the crowd, I am afraid that there will still be many people who have an instinctive feeling towards him, because the smile at this time is extremely brilliant, and people have seen the spring breeze. .

The sixth mysterious demon looked at the smiling face of Xuan Ming, and then faintly said: "You are like this, but the face of our mysterious face!"

"I think that in the future, in cultivation, in addition to cultivating your own strength, you must cultivate more of your own state of mind."

"When the province gets fighting with the Terran, it makes people laugh at my mysterious family."

The sixth mysterious demon, the slightest innocence, and even full of sarcasm, the smile of the face of Xuan Ming, is a triple heavenly esteem, in his power, is also a black-hearted figure.

But at this time, in the face of the sneer of the sixth mysterious demon, although his heart is not fast, but his face is not afraid of the slightest dissatisfaction, and even made a model of sincerely taught and swayed.

"The kind of jumping clown who wants to be famous with the sixth mysterious magic, ignore him!" A cool face of Xuan Ming, Shen Sheng said: "The sixth mysterious, I do not know that you have heard of the gods ?"

The clown in this person's mouth is naturally the incarnation of Luo Yunyang. He made such a clearance, of course, he wanted to transfer the topic for the first flattering.

The sixth mysterious demon smiled and said: "Now change the heavens to respect the Dafa, but it is heated up by people, but in fact, this method, hehe..."

In the next words, the sixth mysterious man did not say anything, but the trace of disdain on his face was obvious.

"So, the sixth mysterious demon, do you think that it is impossible to change the heavens and the gods? But I saw a younger brother who was not qualified and had no fighting power. Because of the cultivation of the gods and gods, he defeated several repairs as far away from him. The brother above."

Speaking is a mysterious body with flashing blue scales. He looks at the burly tall sixth mysterious demon. He solemnly said: "That is the change of the gods and the Dafa, which can make the practitioners break out several times beyond himself. the power of."

"And compared with the power, the more important user's sense of fighting. And the change of position, is invincible!"

The sixth mysterious demon saw that this person did not follow his meaning at all, and his heart was somewhat unhappy. Immediately coldly said: "Although I have not studied the change of the gods and gods, I also know that it is only a small path to change the heavens and gods. For many people, it is a basket of water."

"The power of others is ultimately the power of others."

The people who are feasting, one by one, praised the vision of the sixth mysterious demon. For them, the sixth mysterious demon, they must obey.

What's more, their own cultivation, and let them disdain to display the heavens and gods, and naturally look down on those who rely on the heavens to respect the Dafa.

"Sixth mysterious demon, I heard that the Terran has risen to a top-ranking strongman named Luo Yunyang. Do you know that the Sixth Mysterious Devil has met him?" Xuan Ming, a golden scale, said with a smile.

The mysterious golden scales have a different status in the Xuan Ming family. When he spoke, many people looked at the golden scales with a respectful look.

The sixth mysterious demon seems to have some taboos on the mysterious golden scales, so he is very upset about this issue, or honestly: "If I met him, I am afraid I will not see you."

"Na Luo Yunyang, definitely a metamorphosis!"

The evaluation of the sixth mysterious demon makes the young strongmen of the Xuan Ming family change their minds. Obviously, they never imagined that the sixth mysterious demon who had to look up in their eyes would have such a high level for Luo Yunyang. evaluation of.

"Haha, I just got the news, that arrogant Nalan night, really went to the challenge, it seems that he wants to avoid the article with the sixth mysterious." That is full of golden scales Xuan Ming, smiled and said: "The sixth mysterious, for this fly, can you let me solve it for you?"

The sixth mysterious brow wrinkled a bit, although he is very willing to let people shoot for him, but he knows that the golden scales of Xuan Ming's human feelings, is not so easy to owe.

So he said faintly: "This little thing, I am coming."

The golden scales of the mysterious brow wrinkled, how could he not guess the idea of ​​the sixth mysterious demon, although dissatisfied with the attitude of the sixth mysterious demon, but on the surface he still haha ​​smiled: "Since it is a small thing, or I am going to do it, the province is dirty, the sixth mysterious man, your hand."

When he spoke, he waved his hand and sent a message.

The brow of the sixth mysterious dew is tighter. For him, this kind of overlord's hard bowing really makes him very unhappy.

However, this golden scale guy is a grandson of Yuan Zunjing Yuan, and is still the strongest grandson, even if he is the sixth mysterious, he has to scruple three points.

"So, thank you!" The sixth mysterious demon was slightly indulged, but still made his own decision.

"Small things, that is, a worm that doesn't know the height of the sky, hahaha!" The golden scale man said boldly.

And just as he spoke, there was a figure in the still empty air. This figure is a royal scale of the purple scales. Xuan Ming can't count anything.

But this person opened his mouth, but let the heart of the sixth mysterious man tremble: "You are the sixth mysterious?"

Such a straightforward question, obviously with a high-quality taste, at the moment of hearing this problem, the sixth mysterious magic of the heart raised a very uncomfortable feeling.

In the past, this high-level attitude was all owned by his sixth mysterious demon. Now, this person said so much, it is too much to give him face.

If the feeling that this person gave him is different from ordinary people, the sixth mysterious devil may have to squat under the sword for the first time.

But now, this person is unclear, he can't take it lightly, so he said: "I am the sixth mysterious, I don't know you..."

"Nalan night!" With these three words, I saw the figure of the body, bursting out of endless golden light, a golden red yang rushed from the body of the Xuan Ming strong, shrouded the figure Among them.

At this time, Nalan night, giving people the feeling, such as God as a Buddha, Wei Lin nine days.

At this time, the sixth mysterious demon felt that he was too small for Nalan’s night, but for a moment, he felt that he regretted it.

Just as he was about to say something, he listened to the golden light, Nalan’s faint night: “Go to hell!”

Accompanied by these four words, a huge, condensed handprint of infinite gods, heavily printed on the sixth mysterious magic.

At the moment when the handprint fell, the sixth mysterious demon felt that everything was completely blocked by the handprint. Whether he wants to struggle or to flee quickly, it is difficult to make a half-point move.

At this moment, the sixth mysterious man found that he had only a hard way to resist. Knowing the sixth mysterious demon of your own mind, quickly adjust your own state of mind, and instantly display your strongest Famen Town Tianyin.

The town was printed and turned upside down.

In the past, the sixth mysterious demon used very little power, but now he has not taken care of it so much.

Under the full force, the sixth mysterious magic shines in the sky, but the moment when the town of Tianyin and Luo Yunyang's golden French and Indian collisions collide, the town's seal, which condenses into one ancient seal, collapses directly in the void.

The town of Tianyin collapsed, and the sixth mysterious demon gave birth to a shackle. He was able to become the sixth mysterious demon. There are naturally numerous mysteries, but at the moment, under the golden handprint, there is no half-point.

Like the figure of the golden sun in the sky, in the eyes of the sixth mysterious demon, it is like a god, it is difficult to resist.

"I am the sixth mysterious demon, this time I recognize the plant, please also..."

The words of the sixth mysterious devil have not been finished yet, the handprint has been heavily dropped, the golden light is shrouded, and everything in the sixth mysterious demon has been turned into a virtual shadow.

The sixth mysterious demon!

Whether it's the golden scales of this huge backstage, or other unconventional mysteries, I look at it all with a gaze.

In their eyes, the Sixth Mystery is at least invincible in the younger generation of the Great Universe.

But now, this challenged his strong Nalan night, which made them countless people can not see the Nalan night, even a blow to kill the sixth mysterious!

In the Xuan Ming family, the mysterious character is noble, ordinary people can not do it to them. But if it is a one-on-one challenge that can kill the mysterious demon, then it is white death.

Now, Nalan’s night killed the sixth mysterious demon.

Almost everyone has a thought in mind, and that is how is this possible?

"On this level, also the sixth mysterious? It seems that the mysterious first, I can take it!" Looking at those sluggish figures, Luo Yunyang whispered to himself.

After the words are finished, his figure has disappeared without a trace!

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