Supreme Uprising

Chapter 975: I will call it first.

Looking at the figure of the horror of the wind, Luo Yunyang's eyes flashed a bit of firmness. He now looks like a mixed wind, but in general, he is like a headless fly, smashing everywhere.

The human beings who are lurking, he must find.

This horror of the wind can cause changes in the tokens on his own body, saying that he must start from his own body.

Between the thoughts, a figure appeared on the side of Nalan Night, which is also an incarnation of the four-hole beast.

The incarnation based on the Blue Lotus Road is now a four-fold cultivation of Tianzun. With the help of the property adjuster, it is possible to directly impact this blue lotus road to the position of Yuanzun.

Between the thoughts, the incarnation of this blue lotus road followed the horror of the wind.

As Yuan Ming, the speed of the wind and the wind is very fast, which is also a blink of an eye. The wind and the wind have already moved hundreds of millions of miles.

When he was thinking about the wind, he suddenly felt that the world around him had changed instantly.

That is to say, in an instant, the horror of Yuan Ming discovered that he had become a blue lotus sea, a Yuanzun of the Terran, standing quietly in front of him.

Seeing the Yuanzun of this Terran, the horror of the wind is a glimpse of the first, and then a trace of killing, has been filled in his eyes.

"Human nationality, did not expect to encounter the Terran here!" The windy Yuan Ming haha ​​smiled: "Dare to appear here, you really took the initiative to give me credit!"

During the speech, the wind and the hands of the wind waved, the golden wind whirls, and everything begins to collapse.

If you take the self-cultivation of the Blue Lotus, you will naturally have no ability to fight back in front of this horror. However, with the help of the property adjuster, that is, in an instant, the repair of the blue lotus road is almost the same as the deity.

Although the embodiment of this blue lotus road is displayed, it is not so easy to handle, but Luo Yunyang's own memory, but there is no mistake.

Therefore, when he shot, he was the hegemony he had enlightened.

The blue light shrouded fists implied the power of the Three Worlds, implying the method of the mixed-sky clock, and even more implicitly the understanding of Luo Yunyang's various exercises over the years.

With Luo Yunyang's fist banging out, the punching light he embodies implies an infinite number of bells, and the momentum is as good as the mountains and rivers.

The golden wind that is spinning wildly is broken instantly, and the wind and the wind are quickly retreating, but Luo Yunyang is faster in this embodiment.

It is also an instant, it has already caught up with the wind and the wind. Moreover, in the moment of approaching the horror of the wind, the incarnation of the shackles, there is a black big grind, directly into the heart of the wind and the wind.

After a long time, the singer of the wind swayed, but he was also a strong man of the Yuan dynasty for many years. At the moment of retreating, his hand had already had a thin handle like a flap, and the two sides of the knife showed gold and black. Knife.

The knife is shining, just like the heavens and the earth.

In the face of the counterattack of the horror of the wind, Luo Yunyang did not retreat, he flipped his palms, and it was a heavy punch and hit the past.

The horror of the wind is in the middle of the Yuan dynasty, and it can be regarded as an old qualification. However, under the attack of Luo Yunyang, there is a feeling of being difficult to parry.

When he finally blocked the moment with Luo Yunyang with a knife, Luo Yunyang swayed the law with his hands, and a blue giant clock had already covered him in the middle.

At this moment, the wind and the wind were shocked. At this time, he could say that he stepped back.

In the blue clock of his crazy Acer, Luo Yunyang, who is outside the giant clock, has already banged on the giant clock.

In an instant, the giant clock is broken! However, the power of Luo Yunyang’s unparalleled hegemony was as good as the horror of the wind.


The horror of the Yuan dynasty almost all of the people flew out. At this time, the horror of the wind and the sorrows of the scorpion, the flashing is the color of fear.

As the strong man of the Yuan dynasty, he is almost impossible to be killed, but now he has already gone to the trap placed by Luo Yunyang. Luo Yunyang is filled with the fist of endless killing, which makes him tremble.

If he died in the hands of the blue people, then he would be even more unlucky.

Just when his thoughts flashed, Luo Yunyang had already shot again. This time, it was Wanshi Chaozong!

A crazy punch, although the light is blue, but it contains endless power. Under this boxing, Jing Feng Yuan Ming felt that the whole person would collapse.

"Stop, I am the lover of the Terran, you don't want to kill me." Although the horror of the wind is very strict prohibition, but now facing the life and death, he also refused a lot, said aloud.

Luo Yunyang’s eyes flashed a smile. Sure enough, this most direct means is the most useful means.

If he and the horror of the wind confess to prove identity, it may cause unnecessary trouble. Now this kind of straight-forward attack has made the horror of the wind under the threat of death and has to tell the truth.

"You are the attachment of my human race, huh, do you think I will believe this?" Luo Yunyang looked at the horror of the wind, faintly said: "I want to kill a Yuan Ming, so that I am not empty. Return."

"Since you just said that it is the attachment of my human race, then I will give you a chance. You will come up with evidence now."

"No, die!"

Although Luo Yunyang's Wanshi Chaozong did not blast out, but the scene that is ready to go, still makes the wind and the wind tremble.

He is really afraid now, for fear that he will not be able to handle it properly, which will cause regrets for the world. It really died in the hands of the strong man on the side of Xuan Ming. He died in the hands of the strong people of the Terran. He is a traitor of the Xuan Ming family. It is really awkward.

So in a moment of hesitation, he screamed: "Mr. Le, let me prove that I am the lover of the Terran!"

After the words were spoken, the look of the horror of the wind was completely relaxed.

And when the horror of the wind, the three words of Mr. Le, the figure flew out from the body of the wind.

He looked at Luo Yunyang, who was covered in blue light, and his brow wrinkled: "Who is this? Why I have no memory here."

Luo Yunyang looked at the tall figure and looked a little rough on the face of Mr. Le, and suddenly looked a flash in the look.

The token on oneself was reacted because of the same token carried by Mr. Le.

This is an incarnation of him, so hesitated a little, and Luo Yunyang took his token out.

The token on Mr. Le's body was taken out with the token in Luo Yunyang's hand, and it instantly burst into a soft light.

The light of the two tokens is not very strong, but it is unique, exactly the same as the Lord said.

Mr. Nae looked at the token in his hand and suddenly remembered something. His voice was accompanied by a hint of excitement: "Hello, is it that you are the one who sent the temple to perform the action?"

Listening to this music, Mr. Le said that the words of action, Luo Yunyang's mind has already determined 70%. After all, there are tokens, races, and actions. These three are not known to ordinary people.

Between a thought, Luo Yunyang has already said: "Why don't you pick me up?"

"We sent people to pick up Mr., but I did not expect that the news leaked out. The Xuan Ming family arranged a large number of masters to rob the husband. There is no way, we must only leave first."

"Well, who is your leader here, I hope to see him." Luo Yunyang looked at Mr. Le, said Shen Sheng.

Mr. Nae frowned. His cultivation was the sevenths of Heaven and the power of Luo Yunyang. The difference is really too big.

"Mr. wants to see our leader, this is natural, but our leader is not here recently, only to let the gentleman down."

Mr. Nale said here that the token in his hand shook: "This token should actually let the gentleman believe me."

Luo Yunyang looked at the token and smiled softly: "The token is dead, and the person is alive. If you can't see the token, we can only talk about it now."

Mr. Nao’s voice said: “Your buddy, I believe that before you enter the territory of the Xuan Ming family, you have already received orders to be commanded by our leader.”

"You don't cooperate with this now. After you go back, you will be punished by the Hongmeng Temple."

Luo Yunyang looked at a serious Mr. Le, and he sighed in a moment: "This time I entered the territory of the Xuan Ming family, you made mistakes, remember, if I let you hear that you talk to me, I Can kill you first!"

In Mr. Na's eyes, there was a glimpse of it, but in the end, he still did not speak. After all, he is now adding a shocking Yuan Ming, not Luo Yunyang's opponent.

After the two people looked at each other, Mr. Le said: "The second yuan of ancient lord awakens is in front of us, otherwise we will not ask for help from the five temples. Now is the time when I need your efforts, how can I contact you? ""

"After all, this second-old ancient lord is related to the rise and fall of my human race, not the time when we can use our minds."

At this time, Luo Yunyang was not afraid that this avatar was discovered. What's more, he now believes that this Mr. Le has already scored eight points, so he said faintly: "This is my unique communication jade, you can contact me at any time."

"If your leader decides to meet me, you can also let me know."

During the speech, Luo Yunyang threw a jade symbol and then tore the space, disappearing instantly without a trace.

Mr. Le picked up the magical sign that fell on the ground, and there was a slight disappointment in his eyes. He knows that this is because Luo Yunyang is not too trusting to him.

Of course, in his heart, there is also a slight doubt about Luo Yunyang who suddenly appeared.

"You don't think that he is a little coincidental to your murder?" His eyes fell on the horror of Yuan Ming, and Mr. Le said faintly.

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