Supreme Uprising

Chapter 996: The lord inherits thirty-three days

" are simply unreasonable!" The first open-minded sacred sage, pointing to Luo Yunyang screaming.

"Oh, your predecessors have just not been impassioned, saying that you just shot, for me, for the entire Xuan Ming family? Since you can slap your own chest and say this, what happened now?"

Luo Yunyang Yinsen’s words: "Is there a ghost in your heart in front of the Lord?"

It was a shame for the four mysterious saints to be forced to a point by a younger generation of Luo Yunyang.

In their hearts at this time, they did not have much regret for their behavior. They regretted that the means used by themselves and others were too light, and they let this nasty Nalan night survive.

Their status is noble, plus just a little impassioned, as if everything is for Luo Yunyang's words, let them be very embarrassed.

It can even be said that at this time, they have no ability to continue to speak.

After the four of them looked at each other, they looked at the Lord of the Ancient Temple. Now they can only do the Lord of the Ancient Temple.

The Lord of the Ancient Temple of the Ancient Dynasties, for the almost rogue means of Luo Yunyang, although very uncomfortable from the heart, has to admit that this is a very effective means.

And this means, let Luo Yunyang take the upper hand in this matter.

Don't say that the four saints of the Xuan Ming family, even if he is, will not send an oath that is obviously against him in the name of the Lord.

However, the help of these four saints, he had to pay attention, not only because of the identity of these saints, but also because of this, he is the main planner.

"Nalan night, the vows of the Lord's Lord, are you arbitrarily sent? You will immediately return to me, I am the identity of the Lord of the Ancient Temple, and ordered you to immediately give me a retreat, otherwise, kill innocent! ”

At this time, the Lord of the Ancient Temple was really anxious.

When the four saints heard the words of the Lord of the Ancient Temple, the tense mood was completely relaxed. As the first person of the Six Great Halls, the name of the Lord of the Ancient Temple, but the title of the Xuan Ming family.

Although no one has put such a title in the eye, at this time, he said that killing innocent words, among the entire Xuan Ming family, there will be countless people will retreat.

At the moment, Tianwu Dianzhu had a good heart. He thought that this matter would end in grievances, but he did not expect Luo Yunyang to swear to the Lord, and directly pushed the four saints of the Xuanming family to the Jedi.

Now, the words of the Lord of the Ancient Temple, although it sounds very overbearing, in fact, it is also poor.

Just, shouldn't it support Luo Yunyang at this time? Although there are hatreds with the Lord of the Ancient Temple, but the sorrows of the four Xuan Ming people, this is really a bit unfinished!

Just as he was hesitant in his heart, he heard the voice of Nalan's night. The content of this radio is very simple, just telling him a word.

"The opportunity is a rare event. You must take the opportunity to bring the Lord of the Ancient Temple to the position of the Lord of the Ancient Temple."

The abolition of the identity of the Lord of the Ancient Temple, this proposal Tianwu Dian had never thought about it.

Now that I heard Luo Yunyang’s proposal, he felt that he was a whole person, and at this time he had a feeling of being around. If this proposal is said in the past, it is definitely a delusion, but it is different now.

The burial of the heavens and the earth has become like this. If the lord of the ancient dynasty was murdered by the same family, then the Lord of the ancient dynasty had countless means, and he could not explain it.

"The Lord of the Ancient Temple, what do you say, innocent to Nalan night kill, and do not say whether you can kill Nalan night now, even if you have this ability, but you really have the courage to kill the second yuan The inheritor of the Lord?"

The master of Tianwu Temple pointed to the Lord of the Ancient Temple, and the voice was filled with the words of anger: "This time, the inheritance is the guard of the ancient temple, but you look at what it is like to bury the heavens."

"Do you have the ancestors who were buried in the burial world? Are you worthy of the task of the lord of the Lord to confess to the ancient meditation? You are not going to repent of your fault, but still threaten Nalan night here."

"If I were you, I would have resigned from this position! I really don't know, what face do you have, and talk nonsense here."

The words of the master of the Tianwu Temple said that there was a flame in the eyes of the Lord of the Ancient Temple. If it was not his reason to tell him, it was really not suitable for the hands of Tianwu Temple at this time. He said that he would not want to join Tianwu Temple. The Lord played a game.

The monks do not reveal the short, hit people do not face, now Tianwu Temple is simply playing on his face.

The Lord of Heaven and the Lord of Heaven and Heaven also stepped forward: "Sala, you must give an account for this matter."

"So big, if you don't give an explanation, hey, I will never agree."

The Lord of the Ancient Temple of the Ancient Temple sighed: "This thing, I will trace the bottom of the ancient temple, and capture the spies of those people."

"But Nalan’s night threatens to be respectful. This matter must be dealt with seriously. Otherwise, what is the rule of my mysterious family?"

Since the master of Tianwu Temple has already opened his mouth, then he rushed to tear the face. He sighed: "The rules, some people still have faces to face the rules! For the genius characters of my mysterious family, this is Great sin."

"Don't worry about whether you are a saint or a lord. As long as you make this big mistake, you must punish them, and you must give an account to all the Xuan Ming people."

Having said that, he looked at the four saints: "The four saints, as long as you follow the Nalan night, swear to the Lord of the Lord, we will still choose to believe in adults."

"Naran night, even more because of his recklessness, is punished."

The four saints of the Xuan Ming family glanced at each other and saw a firm rejection from the other's eyes. They had to secretly shoot Nalan to die in the dead, how dare to swear?

"Go, here and these little people can't tell!" A mysterious saint said to three companions.

The three mysterious saints also hope to leave quickly. Now when they hear the words of their companions, they will turn away now. If it is normal, some people dare to provoke them in such a way that they must suffer their strongest bombardment.

But now, they can only leave in this way. Although this approach seems to be a shame, it is the only way they can choose.

"Want to go? I don't know who told you to make a poisonous hand against me. You can't go one by one." Nalan Night, the incarnation of Luo Yunyang, suddenly stopped in front of the four saints.

Although the four saints spent a lot of time in the burial, their brains did not become completely rigid because they were buried in the grave.

At this time, they were instantly aware that if they were entangled with Nalan’s night on such a problem, it would be quite unfavorable for them.

Therefore, in the moment of a slight indulgence, one of the four mysterious saints took a heavy hand toward Nalan’s night.

This palm implies the strongest power of the Xuan Ming Saint. It can be said that it is unstoppable. In this moment of the palm of the hand, the endless world is like being controlled in this palm.

The master of Tianwu Temple sneered, although the status of the sacred sage is very high, but in terms of combat power, it is not as good as the lords of these temples.

If you can become the master of a temple, no one will be a saint. But when he was ready to rescue, the Lord of the Ancient Temple had already appeared strangely in front of him.

"Tianwu, this thing, still stop here." This is the voice of the Lord of the Ancient Temple: "As long as you are willing to end this matter, I will give you the compensation you deserve."

The master of Tianwu did not speak, but his eyes watched Nalan night.

And just as his gaze gaze, a pair of light-looking Nalan night, slowly waved a punch.

Along with the blast of this fist, behind the night of Nalan, there was a shadow of the sky, the vastness of the illusion, the endless majesty, the endless majesty!

At the moment when this illusion appeared, the master of Tianwu was a glimpse, because he found that there was a thirty-three sky in the shadow behind Nalan’s night.

"Change God, God has thirty-three weights!" A faint voice spit out from the body of Nalan's night.

There is no power in this voice, but with the punch of the bang, he gives a feeling of invincibility.

The palm of the sacred sage, although implied by the mysterious people of the sacred meditation for many years, but at the moment of collision with the thirty-three days, it has disappeared into the endless thirty-three days. Inside.

Other three sacred sages who had not taken the shot, at the moment of seeing this situation, also had a lot of shots at the same time.

For a moment, they attacked a fist, a leg, and a finger!

And Luo Yunyang, still the punch!

That is to say, the three saints implied their own unique attack of the gods, and they have already collided with Luo Yunyang's implied thirty-three heavens.

At the moment of the collision, the three saints who had a confident self-confidence changed their faces, because they felt that their attacks were like 10,000 inflows into the sea and integrated into Luo Yunyang’s boxing.

In other words, your own strength, at this time, is actually absorbed by the power of the opponent!

This is not a good performance for them, so in an instant, they all want to take their power back.

Above the Yuanzun, resilience!

This kind of reversal, I do not know is the saga of the martial arts, but also the law of the reversal.

In the past, they wanted to take back their own strength, but they only had a flash of thought in their hearts, but now they found that it became extremely difficult.

It can even be said that they are already difficult to do.

At this time, Luo Yunyang’s fist was once again hit!

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