Supreme Wayseeker of Swallowed Star

Chapter 234 Inquiry from Venerable Guiyi!

Xia Zhi ate the golden soul fruit, feeling the soul's continuous transformation again, "This golden soul fruit is still limited in the treasure house, and each person can only buy one, but now we can eat one more."

Just now, after receiving the reward from the two streams of air that emerged from the clouds, words appeared on the stele again, explaining the effect of the golden soul fruit, which can change the soul and make it more suitable for inheritance. Primary candidates, so that they have a higher probability of surviving in the universe.

There are a total of 10,000 steps in the inheritance of the magic sound god, 3333 steps are the first stage, 6666 steps are the second stage, and the last step is the third stage, until finally accepting the complete inheritance, the entire inheritance hall collapses and dissipates.

Every time a stage of inheritance is completed, there will be reward treasures. One is to change and enhance the soul, helping life to receive a complete inheritance, and the other is weapons and armor to increase the probability of survival in the universe for those who accept the inheritance.

After eating the golden soul fruit, Xia Zhi took out his saber and cut his wrist, and sprayed blood directly on the Love Pipit plate, until the gray stone plate was full of blood before stopping the wound.

The Love Pipit Disk is not like an ordinary flying weapon with mental power, which can be controlled freely by using mental power. It already has a trace of life characteristics. Although it is not life, it needs to be fed with its own blood before taking it with you. , Long-term use of spiritual force to appease.

The trouble is that it is a bit troublesome, but it is extremely powerful. After refining it successfully, it can blend into the skin and change into various shapes. It is best at flying, but its attack power is not bad, otherwise it would not be worth a million yuan units , Many king-level powerhouses are using it.

After feeding enough blood, Xia Zhi directly used the Love Pipit plate as a cushion, allocated a bit of thought power to continue refining the stone plate, and at the same time continued to accept the inheritance of the magic sound god general.

After taking a golden soul fruit, Xia Zhi's soul transformed again. There was more gold in the gray soul crystal ball, and the mysterious soul lines on the surface became clearer. It felt easier to accept the secret method of inheritance, just like At first, it was mediocre.

"Babata, turn on the virtual network reception." While accepting the secret method of inheritance, Xia Zhi split a ray of consciousness to connect to the virtual universe.

It's been almost four years since I entered the Magic Mountain. If I don't enter the virtual universe for a long time, I am afraid that the virtual universe company will doubt whether I have fallen. After all, I have been in a desperate mission world with a death rate of 90%.

Primitive area, inside Xiazhi Manor.

When the guards and servants saw the sudden appearance of Xia Zhi, they all respectfully saluted, "Your Highness."

Gaia rushed over quickly, her face full of surprises, "Your Highness, I haven't heard from you for several years. Before that, the Magic Mountain sent strong men to find His Highness. If it wasn't for the high-level confirmation that His Highness is still alive, I'm afraid It's the master and his elders who are going to go to the Devil's Mountain in person."

"Senior Brother, is there something for me?" Xia Zhi was startled, and quickly asked, "But something happened on Earth?"

The leader of his guard team is Gaia, the peak level of the immortal army lord, and he is the disciple of his master, the Lord of Darkness, the second apprentice of the Star Prison Demon Lord. Xia Zhi heard Gaia say that his master would go to the Magic Mountain to find him in person, so he thought It was an accident on the earth. After all, the entire solar system is now guarded by the immortal king team under the command of the Lord of Star Prison.

"No." Gaia shook his head and smiled, "It was Marquis Poyu who was in charge of guarding the Demon Mountain and reported to the superiors that His Highness had entered the Demon Mountain for more than three years and had not returned. Come."

Xia Zhi smiled, feeling warm in his heart. Although he had not yet been accepted as a direct disciple by the Lord of Darkness, both the Lord of Darkness and the two senior brothers tried their best to fight for their own rights after the secrets of the earth were discovered by the high-level human beings.

Today, people on earth have not been oppressed by alien immigrants like in the original book, but have also been cultivated by a large amount of resources from the virtual universe company. There will be more and more powerful people emerging in the future, and the rise of the earth lineage is definitely not far away.

After chatting with Gaia for a few words, Xia Zhi came to his study room. He first sent an email to his family, Luo Feng, and Hong, telling them that he was fine, but there were some encounters and he could not return in a short time. Lord send call, thanks a lot.

At this time, Gaia hurried over to report that Venerable Guiyi had come.

"Second Senior Brother."

In the living room, Xia Zhi respectfully saluted the bald man in front of him.

They are descended from the same line in the virtual universe, and the disciples of the Master Chaos City Lord and the Master Dark Lord's disciples are all ranked together.

The first disciple of the Lord of Darkness, the "Lord of Quiet Waiting", is now the Lord of the universe, and no matter which disciple is under the two elders' sect, he must respectfully address him as Senior Brother.

The first apprentice of the Lord of Chaos City, "Respect Guiyi", is the second senior brother, and the "Star Prison Demon Lord" is the third senior brother, and so on.

Venerable Gui Yi sat on the sofa, with a gentle smile on his face, staring at Xia Zhi meaningfully, "Your brother is in the inheritance hall of the Magic Sound Mountain?"

Xia Zhi obediently stood aside, his expression tightened when he heard Venerable Gui Yi's question, and then he said calmly: "Yes, senior brother.

At the beginning, he was swallowed by an immortal-level ice tree phantom beast into the Moshan Grotto. If it wasn't for his junior brother's special methods, he would have died among those countless phantom beasts.

After I found out that I was in an abyss world, I accidentally found those golden palaces, so I entered to check, but I didn't expect it to be a mysterious inheritance. "

"On the other side of the Devil's Mountain, Poyuhou sent his men to search the Devil's Mountain but found no trace of you. King Tian Cang went to the forbidden area to inspect and found that there were two more people in the inheritance hall to accept the inheritance. He guessed that one of them was you, as expected." Venerable Guiyi said with a smile , I didn't ask much about Xia Zhi's so-called special means.

In the vast universe, there are countless opportunities, and no one has any secrets!

As long as it is not controlled by alien souls and betrays human beings, some secrets are trivial for a hegemonic existence like Venerable Guiyi whose life is counted in epochs.

Xia Zhi secretly guessed in his heart, "Besides me, there is another person who broke into the hall to accept the inheritance? It should be Luo Feng, it seems that his growth trajectory has not been affected after all."

"The inheritance of the magic sound god in the entire universe is not bad. If you can accept the integrity, then the power of the secret method is enough for you to use it to the level of the venerable. At that time, the same level will rule the roost. It will not be difficult for the Megatron side." Gui Yi said with a smile , "After my humans occupied the Magic Mountain, over the endless years, there have been tens of thousands of people who have accepted the inheritance, but not one person has been able to accept the complete inheritance. Junior brother can do his best. Even if the amplitude of thought power increases, it is extremely important for you. it works."

"Yes." Xia Zhi said respectfully.

"Do you know who is the other person who entered the inheritance hall?" Venerable Guiyi asked.

"I don't know." Xia Zhi shook his head and said, "When I entered, 9 of the 32 golden palaces were not covered by a white light layer. Later, after I entered to accept the inheritance, I closed the reception of the virtual universe network, and I don't know anything about the outside world."

"We guess that the other person should be Luo Feng. You are the only core members who are doing the trial mission in the Devil's Mountain. King Tian Cang and the others searched for you in the Devil's Mountain, but they didn't find any trace of him."

As he said that, Venerable Guiyi couldn't help laughing, "It's interesting that two cosmic-level little guys can even enter the forbidden area and break into the inheritance hall.

The guys from Hongmeng fight for this quota every time. This time, we humans have two more quotas. They have nothing to do, haha! "

"But is there any trouble?" Xia Zhi asked.

"Those who don't know are not guilty. You both took the mission of desperate situation to go in. It is your ability to break through the obstacles of immortal-level phantom beasts." Venerable Guiyi shook his head and smiled, "What's more, you also have some As long as we don't disclose the quotas of foreign races, they won't find out that you took the quotas, and even if they find out in the future, they don't have to be afraid, I, a human genius, have the opportunity, how dare they have an opinion?"

Xia Zhi nodded again and again. Now that the Venerable Guiyi already knew it, it was equivalent to filing a record with the high-level of the virtual universe company. With the strength of the peak human race, they naturally have nothing to fear when they are backed by such a big tree.

After a while, Guiyi left. It is good to be able to confirm that Xia Zhi entered the inheritance hall. As for how to enter, he doesn't care. The more evil human geniuses, the better, and the more talented juniors, the better. The result is more important than the process .

As for the other Luo Feng who entered the inheritance hall, when his consciousness connects to the network and enters the virtual universe, someone will naturally ask for confirmation.

What Xia Zhi didn't know was that if it hadn't been found out that the two of them had no special plan for the succession of the magic sound god general before, and they had never even talked about it in the virtual universe, otherwise the high-level executives of the virtual universe company would suspect that the two had a long-standing relationship. Premeditated.

After all, both Xia Zhi and Luo Feng came from the same indigenous planet "Earth", and they were the most dazzling geniuses of the same era. They started to become famous in the entire universe of human races, and now they both entered the Hall of Inheritance one after the other by chance. Such a coincidence can only be attributed to chance.

After Xia Zhi sent the second senior brother back to the first venerable, he called the third senior brother "Star Prison Demon Lord" to express his thanks.

This cosmic overlord-level brother arranged for his disciples to send Gaia to be the leader of his guard team as soon as he entered the original secret realm. He has helped him deal with various affairs for so many years. When the Lord leaves the original secret realm, he will personally protect his own safety.

When the earth was in crisis, he even sent his subordinate King Feng team to guard his hometown. This was all affection, and Xia Zhi firmly remembered it in his heart.

After doing all this, Xia Zhi pondered for a long time, but still sent a respectful email to his master, the Lord of Darkness, explaining in detail what had happened to him recently.

As for the master who is the most peak in the entire human race, he is not yet a direct disciple, so he would not dare to disturb him without a summons, but since he disturbed the company's senior management again, it would be better to take the initiative to report.

"It's time to spend time with my family." With a thought in his mind, Xia Zhi teleported from the primitive area back to the Jiangnan Community in Ganwu Mainland.

Xia Zhi has left the earth for more than a hundred years and has not seen her relatives in real life. Even after practicing in the virtual universe, she often does not see each other for several years. Naturally, she will go back to accompany them when she has free time.

Xia Zhi entered the virtual universe with a trace of consciousness to appease his family, and then had a long talk with Venerable Guiyi. In reality, he continued to stay in the Forbidden Land Inheritance Hall of Magic Sound Mountain, accepting the soul transformation and secret law inheritance of Magic Sound God General.

The virtual universe belongs to the space alone.

Sitting cross-legged on the throne of the temple, the Lord of Darkness opened his eyes, and after reading Xia Zhi's email, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "The magic sound general? The little guy has a good chance, and he wants to complete the test and become a personal heir. The day is not far away. "

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