Supreme Wayseeker of Swallowed Star

Chapter Three Assessment of Prospective Warriors (Part 1)

Biquge, the fastest update to ask the question!

Yangzhou City, the base city in the south of the Yangtze River, branch of Xtreme Martial Arts.

On the square in front of the martial arts building, a cordon was pulled up to unify the crowd wearing black exercise uniforms. At a glance, there were nearly 300 people. The four blood-red characters "Xtreme Martial Arts" on the back of the black exercise uniforms were extremely conspicuous.

The crowd is mainly young people in their twenties, there are men and women, and there will be a few people in their thirties from time to time. They gather together in twos and threes, according to their own small circles, and they are very noisy.

"Students participating in the quasi-warrior assessment come here to line up, get your citizen card, register here in order, and then go to the warrior hall on the fifth floor to participate in the assessment." A bald man directed at the registration office.

Following his shout, the crowd gradually quieted down and began to line up along the cordon.

In the front row of tables, two staff members held code scanners, scanned the citizen card handed over, and registered the information on the computer on the table.

"There are so many people who participated in the assessment. Last time there were only more than two hundred people."

"This is the last assessment this year. I didn't perform well last time. Maybe I'll pass this time. Look, there are still people coming later." The people waiting in line for registration chatted from time to time.

"Look, it's Li Qiang."

At this time, a man in his twenties with a pair of triangular eyes came from behind. He didn't look at the people who were queuing, and went directly to the front of the registration office. The card was handed over.

The students who were queuing up watched him pass him, but no one dared to speak.

"Li Qiang, 22 years old, a senior student in the martial arts gym, registering for the assessment."

Ignoring the angry eyes behind him, Li Qiang said to the martial arts staff at the registration office.

The staff glanced at him, lowered their heads and began to register.

"It's so fucking arrogant, I really want to fight him!"

"Their gang, don't they rely on having warriors at home? If I have their resources, I can become a warrior at the age of 20."

"I heard that he also participated in the assessment at the beginning of the year. He didn't pass the level of nerve response speed, and his physical fitness has reached the standard."

"After I pass the assessment this time, I have to fuck him when I leave the city."

The people around dared not speak out, but the people who were far behind in the line talked more, and many people were still cursing in a low voice.

Hearing the voice behind, Li Qiang turned his head sharply, like a poisonous snake, his narrowed triangular eyes glowed coldly, wherever he looked, the voice weakened there.

Seeing that no one dared to look at him, he sneered in satisfaction.

At this time, I saw a figure walking in from the gate of the martial arts hall. Li Qiang paused and stared at the past.

"This trash boy, he will be healed so soon? It seems that the lesson given is too light, so I just said that he was abolished at that time."

After seeing who it was, Li Qiang smiled coldly, ignored others, and walked directly into the martial arts building.

"That's one of Li Wei's followers."

It was Xia Zhi who walked in at this time.

When he walked towards the square, he felt someone staring at him, looked up, Li Qiang had already turned around.

Glancing coldly at Li Qiang who was about to enter the building, he said to himself: "That night was the worst insult he had by the side."

That was the last part of the original owner's remnant memory, and now thinking about the scene of that night, I still feel angry in my heart.

"Just wait, the day when we settle accounts is not far away."

"Xia Zhi, 18 years old this year, signed up for the assessment."

The queue was long, but the speed of registration was not slow. Soon it was Xia Zhi's turn, and he handed over his citizenship card and said to the staff.

The people around heard the sound of gasping for breath.

"Come to participate in the assessment at the age of 18, this little brother is amazing." Someone exclaimed.

"I don't know if I can pass it yet, maybe I just try to increase my experience first!" Some people retorted unconvinced.

You must know that the younger the warrior, the faster his strength will improve. The age of 18 is the time when most warriors develop by leaps and bounds. At this age, they are eligible to participate in the quasi-warrior assessment, and once they pass, they can become a warrior.

At that time, it will definitely become the object of competition among various forces, which means that there will be more resources, and he can go further on the road of warrior.

The registration staff took the citizen card handed over by Xia Zhi, took a photo with the scanner, and after checking the information, raised his head and smiled at him, his attitude was obviously more polite.

"Hello, Xia Zhi, please go to the martial arts training hall on the fifth floor to take part in the assessment. I wish you good luck."

"Thank you." Nodding, he walked into the building under the eyes of discussions behind him.

The first and second floors of the martial arts building are where ordinary students practice and the instructors teach. The third floor is where advanced students practice daily. entered.

The warrior training hall, which is regarded as a legend among ordinary students, is really different.

The space of more than 3,000 square meters seemed extraordinarily empty.

There are different functional areas around the hall. There are various weapons on the weapon rack, and there is also an equipment area for practicing basic physical fitness.

In the middle of the hall is a large space, which is usually used for warriors to fight and practice, but today it is used for these students who came to participate in the assessment.

At this time, the waiting area on the left side of the assessment area was full of people.

Here is a long runway, the location is marked with lines on the floor, the length is 100 meters, and it is used to test the speed.

There are two timing machines at the start and end of the runway. From time to time, warriors participating in the assessment will run by quickly, and the machine at the end will report the corresponding results.

"24.6 m/s, unqualified."

"26.5 m/s, pass."

"29.2 m/s, excellent."


The electronically synthesized voice reported the results of the examiners from time to time, and those who passed the test took the report card handed over by the invigilator with a smile on their faces, and walked away joking with the people around them.

Those who didn't pass stood by with a sad face and watched the other people's assessment, or walked out of the hall directly.

Of course, the combat power of warriors is based on actual combat, but under the current technology, a certain standard can be formed with data, which can better clarify the level of warriors, and facilitate the management of the country and martial arts organizations.

The strength of a representative warrior is mainly reflected in three aspects of data: speed, fist power, and nerve reaction speed.

The passing line for the quasi-warrior assessment is 900 kg of punching force and 25 m/s of speed, that is, four seconds for 100 meters!

The speed of nerve response must pass a special instrument test, and the passing line is a comprehensive evaluation: only a warrior-level pass.

The bottom line of junior warrior level boxing strength is 1500 kg, and the speed is 30 m/s;

The bottom line of the middle-level warrior-level boxing strength is 3000 kg, and the speed is 45 m/s;

The bottom line of advanced fighter-level boxing strength is 6000 kg, and the speed is 60 m/s;

Before the summer solstice crossing, the original owner's speed and nerve response speed had just reached the qualifying line for a quasi-warrior, and he was a little bit worse in the boxing test.

But after a week of Taishang Physical Training Art, the first level of tendon refining is almost complete, and he has faintly touched the threshold of bone refining. He believes that his strength at this time will definitely surprise everyone.

"Xia Zhi, come here." A greeting came.

It was Jiang Tao, the instructor of the original owner in the martial arts hall. Before that, except for the instructors who would come to the martial arts hall to practice every week, he would spend the rest of the time on the rooftop above his home or in the park near the community. host.

Instructor Jiang Tao should be the person most familiar with the original owner in the martial arts gym.

"You guys have to perform well this time. The curator will come later. I heard that there are important figures from the headquarters who will come to inspect the assessment site."

Looking at Xia Zhi in front of him, he has a lean body and doesn't have any big muscles, but he has a vigorous temperament.

Especially a pair of eyes, very bright.

From the first time that year when he saw that little boy who was wearing spotlessly washed old sportswear, who never slacked off, never complained of suffering or tiredness, Jiang Tao liked him very much.

Seeing the summer solstice back then is like seeing myself when I was a child, who was also born in poverty, worked hard, and firmly believed that I could change my destiny by myself.

Regarding Xia Zhi's strength, Jiang Tao knew the bottom of his heart.

Knowing that Xia Zhi, who is only 18 years old this year, has a physical fitness close to that of a warrior.

The only weakness is fist strength. After all, he is only 18 years old, but the easiest thing to improve among the three tests is fist strength.

This visit by the big figures from the headquarters will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and if you seize the opportunity, you can change your destiny.

Jiang Tao believed that Xia Zhi had made preparations for the assessment during this period, and it would be absolutely no problem to pass. He had this confidence.

Because for them, only by seizing every possible opportunity can they change their own destiny is the code of conduct that is always kept in mind.

"Give me your citizenship card, get ready, and test your speed first."

"Okay, instructor." In his memory, the original owner has always respected this instructor who has been taking care of him, and Xia Zhi is also very respectful.

Walking to the starting point of the runway, Xia Zhi stretched his legs slightly, stared at the finish line 100 meters away, squatted halfway, and got ready to sprint.

"Start." With a voice


Xia Zhi shot out like an arrow.

The air was broken, and the exercise clothes on his body made the air blowing and rattling.

The summer solstice passed along the runway at extreme speed.

"48.2 m/s, excellent." The end signal sounded.

The students watching the test on both sides of the runway immediately became quiet, and their eyes focused on Xia Zhi who had just crossed the finish line.

Coax it, as if the whole venue exploded.

"Hey, the 29 m/s just now is rare in the quasi-warrior assessment. Who is this? This speed should have been a warrior long ago."

"You're only 18 years old, how powerful are young people these days?" A student in his thirties murmured as he watched Xia Zhi slowly walking back from the finish line.

"Damn it, if I had this speed, the last time I competed with those bastards from the Thunder Martial Arts Academy, I would torture them to death by myself."

Jiang Tao looked at the report card printed out by the test machine, and the conspicuous "48.2 m/s, excellent" on it made him stunned for a while, and he didn't realize it until Xia Zhi walked in front of him.

"You kid is really going to be a blockbuster, haha." Excitedly Jiang Tao put his arms around Xia Zhi's shoulder and shouted happily.

"Go, go, go test your punching strength."

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