Supreme Wayseeker of Swallowed Star

Chapter 55 Jiangnan Pavilion

Biquge, the fastest update to ask the question!

There is a group of buildings in one corner of the elite training camp, with white walls and black tiles. Each courtyard has a radius of tens of meters, with white walls and black tiles.

There is even a dragon carving on one of the walls, and a large plaque on the main entrance, and the three gilt characters of "Jiangnan Pavilion" are extremely conspicuous.

There are three pavilions in the courtyard. On the balcony of the pavilion on the right, there is a young man wearing loose martial arts uniform, who is exactly Xia Zhi.

After signing the recruitment contract of Xtreme Martial Arts with Jiang Fang yesterday, he was sent to this pavilion for the students from Jiangnan base city to live in. This will be his residence for the training camp life in the next few years.

The staff of Xtreme Martial Art Museum are very efficient. Just after checking in the afternoon before yesterday, a recording team came over. It took him two days to cooperate with him to record the "Floating Catkins with the Wind" movement into a video cheat book.

After the post-production is completed, it will be put on the shelves as soon as possible, and it will be open to all warriors of "Ultimate House".

Today is December 1st, the first day Xia Zhi officially joined the elite training camp. Teacher Jiang Fang informed him yesterday that he will come to take him to class today. After finishing his morning exercises, he is thinking about the recruitment contract he signed rewards in .

"It doesn't matter whether the annual activity fund is 5 billion or 10 billion."

"Not to mention that as a spiritual master, I can kill monsters at least ten times faster than warriors of the same level. After the "Floating Catkins with the Wind" movement was launched on the online mall of Extreme House, warriors wanted to learn and spent Huaxia coins. But it's all my income."

Thinking of the price that the martial arts school has set for his body skills at 200 million Huaxia coins, one-star contribution points can be purchased at half price, and there are more than 3,000 warriors in the world at the God of War level.

However, the level of warriors is nearly a thousand times higher, and there are plenty of warriors who are willing to spend money to improve their strength.

The threshold of 100 million Huaxia coins is not high, which means that more people may buy it.

One thousand fighters can buy 100 billion, which is the 20-year annual salary of their own recruitment contract.

"The key is the amplitude of combat power. I was only given half a year. I have to reach 16 or rank first in points within three months before I have the 'Black God Suit'. Hong really has confidence in me!"

Thinking about the bad taste of the world's most powerful man, Xia Zhi couldn't help but complain secretly.

Originally, Hong planned to accept him directly as his personal disciple, but he changed his mind at the last moment.

However, Hong Cong Xia Zhi's Nine Layer Thunder Saber and body skills, and the combat power amplitude target deduced by him, is a difficult challenge for him.

If he can complete and get the reward, this can prove that he is more valuable to cultivate.

Xia Zhi, who didn't know all of this, thought it was Hong's bad taste!

As for the evaluation standard of combat power amplitude and the rules of points ranking, Xia Zhi has already understood the rules clearly from the "Instructions for Students".

It's very simple, that is, the warrior's "strength power level" is multiplied by the "trial tower level", and the number obtained is the amplitude of the warrior's combat power.

Like Xia Zhi now, after passing the B-level test on the first floor of the trial tower, the 'Trial Tower Level' is 1.6. He can achieve a 4.2-fold increase in strength through the dark force of the Nine-Level Thunder Saber, that is, the "strength of the fist" Force Rating' 4.2.

1.6 multiplied by 4.2 equals 6.72, which is the current amplitude level of the summer solstice.

The ranking of the student points is to multiply the student's own record points by the amplitude of the combat power, and the final result is the student points. The 183 people are then ranked according to the number of points. At twelve o'clock in the evening on the 28th of each month, the student points stop changing. cleared.

And the record points are the students who go to hunt monsters and return them to the training camp. In addition to money, there are record point rewards, which are a bit similar to the contribution points of Extreme House. The higher the level of the monster, the more battle points.

A low-level beast-level monster counts as 1 battle point.

A medium-level general-level monster counts for 10 battle points.

A high-level general-level monster is worth 100 battle points.

Elementary lord-level monsters are worth 1,000 battle points.

But no one will turn in a lord-level monster, because if you turn in two warrior levels, you will be recognized as a God of War level, and you must graduate from the training camp.

Now there are 183 students, at least half of them are at the God of War level, but they don't graduate, in order to get better opportunities to improve in the training camp.

Like Xia Zhi, the amplitude of combat power is 6.72, if his record point is 1000, then his points will be 6720.

In comparison, the amplitude of combat power is more important. Two students with similar record points, because the amplitude of combat power is different, the difference in final points may be doubled or even more!

"Xia Zhi, take your knife and follow me."

Xia Zhi, who was deep in thought, was awakened by Jiang Fang's voice at this time, seeing her holding a scimitar in each hand, she quickly agreed, and immediately went back to the house to get her own Blood Shadow War Saber, carried it behind her back, and followed Jiang Fang out of the Jiangnan Pavilion .

Walking in the training camp, Jiang Fang smiled and said: "Being able to get the recruitment contract from the owner as soon as you enter the training camp shows that the owner is very optimistic about you."

"Xia Zhi, use your sword skills to attack me! I will use your strength and speed no more than yours!"

"Yes, teacher." Xia Zhi also wanted to try to see how big the gap between himself and God of War was.

Xia Zhi rushed forward in an instant, and with the help of the force of the forward rush, the blood shadow sword drew out and slashed at Jiang Fang diagonally.

Jiang Fang didn't move her body, she just used the scimitar in her left hand to block the coming blood shadow sword.

Just when the two knives were about to meet, the Blood Shadow War Knife suddenly flickered, and the light of the knife that was going straight seemed to turn into wind, dodging Jiang Fang's scimitar, and slashed towards her neck.

"It's interesting!" Jiang Fang's eyes lit up, and the scimitar in his right hand immediately went up to block the coming blood shadow sword.

The two are in the training camp, and you come and attack each other.

After more than a dozen moves, under Jiang Fang's continuous saber intent, wave after wave of attacks, Xia Zhi's door opened wide, and the light of the machete brushed Xia Zhi's neck before retracting.

"Not bad." Jiang Fang said with a smile, "Come again."

"Yes." Xia Zhi attacked again.

The two attacked while walking, and Jiang Fang's sword skills were extremely high. During the confrontation, Xia Zhi's sword skills were continuously improved. With just a few pointers, Xia Zhi already felt that the speed of improvement was faster than when he faced monsters in the wilderness in the past. It's too fast to practice hard!

"Your sword technique contains a unique taste, with the lightness of the wind, which is rare. Many masters at the God of War level do not have such an artistic conception."

After speaking, Jiang Fang looked at Xia Zhi suspiciously again, "However, I really don't know how you practiced. The foundation is too weak. Even if the secret is in line with the nature of the world, the power it can exert is limited."

Xia Zhi felt ashamed. Since his rebirth, he has paid more attention to the cultivation of physical fitness and body skills.

In the past, he mostly used the moves on the Nine Layers Thunder Saber to practice, at most it was how to make his strength stronger and his speed faster.

The artistic conception Jiang Fang mentioned was still a trace of mystery that he began to comprehend after he practiced Dao Jue and felt the original law of the universe, which was involuntarily used in the sword technique.

"It doesn't matter, basic sword skills, you just need to practice hard. And it's good for you. Only by laying a solid foundation can you go further in the future, and the same is true for sword skills."

Seeing the shame on Xia Zhi's face, Jiang Fang couldn't help comforting him, "Come, come with me."

After speaking, Jiang Fang withdrew her two sabers and led Xia Zhi towards the magnificent tower of the Jiuzhong Building.

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