Supreme Wayseeker of Swallowed Star

Chapter 565: The Ultimate Realm!

The vast fragments of the world, above the vast sea of ​​clouds, the clock of the universe stands quietly.

At this moment, time seems like eternity!

The mottled patina on the quaint clock, which is densely covered with tadpole patterns, adds some traces of time.


The bell of Zhouji trembled in response to the sound, and a group of golden light flew out from the copper bell, heading straight towards the summer solstice.


The golden light shrouds the summer solstice, and massive messages and images flow into the depths of the soul.

"It's the conscious memory of the deity..." Xia Zhi murmured, realizing that this was the memory of the deity who had passed through reincarnation in the devouring world. submerged.

in memory.

There is a boat of good fortune sailing across the vast continent, where hundreds of millions of creatures prostrate and worship.

There is a wild country, where mechanical warships fill the sky.

There is the chaotic source space, the tower of Taiyu, the emperor of the summer solstice, suppressing the world...

The source of destruction...the source of life...the source of space...Xia Zhi, the second primordial spirit's consciousness is constantly rising and rising after merging with the memory of the original consciousness. The speed of the improvement of the level of the realm is so fast that he has some illusions , and even feel that my body is constantly expanding.

"Hoo hoo~~~"

Xia Zhi could clearly feel that his consciousness was being continuously tempered like stubborn iron, gradually being forged into refined steel.


The fragments of the entire world are gradually shattered in the sound of the Chime of the Universe, not only the fragments of the world, but also the space of light clusters hidden in the long river of time in the outside world is also dissipating.

All the energy was swallowed by the clock of the universe, and a ray of soul imprint flew out of Xia Zhi's consciousness, guided by the clock of the universe, and merged into it.


The surrounding images are grotesque, and time seems to be quickly retracted by a straightened spring.

The terrifying mighty power of time forms an invisible force that wants to destroy everything like a storm, but when it wants to act on Xia Zhi, it is first offset by the light that diffuses from the clock of the universe.

Time and space are returning.

The long time of countless source worlds being destroyed and reborn is being reversed and shuttled in a short period of time.

After a while.

The return of time and space has finally stopped.

Xia Zhi's consciousness returned to the body still in the Holy Lord's cave world.

The difference is that the phantom shadow of the clock of the universe that originally enveloped him is no longer just a secret method that was imagined, but the supreme treasure of the Taishangzong that truly oppresses all worlds through the ages and surpasses time and time.

Or, what is different is the soul consciousness of the summer solstice.

The body in the chaotic state, but the life level of the soul is already different.

Even though he was still in the holy master's cave world, he didn't consciously explore the outside world, but his 'eyes' at this time seemed to be able to overlook the entire source world.

Unlike the devouring world, which seems to be a chaotic sphere, the source world of this life's hometown is very beautiful, like a shining disc!

It's just that the disc is expanding at an extremely slow speed, and the disc becomes bumpy as it expands, and its texture is becoming more and more sparse. There are many problems at first glance.

"The Great Destruction is approaching!" With the memory and knowledge of the deity's endless years, Xia Zhi naturally knew what this meant.

The "world origin" of the source world can easily transform the power of the chaotic source in the endless chaotic source space into the original power, and protect all living beings in the source world.

How much the consumption of endless creatures, how fast this transformation will be.

It's just that the origin of the world itself has a limit. Therefore, there is a limit to the sentient beings that the source world can carry.

The Destroying Demon Race born from the edge of the chaotic void is the last measure of the source world's original consciousness to save itself and delay its destruction.

"When I achieve Chaotic Source in a while, this source world doesn't have to be shattered." Xia Zhi secretly said, "Before that, let's get rid of the troubles in front of us."

The soul consciousness returned to the body, integrating the consciousness experience of the deity. Now Xia Zhi's body and soul are rapidly transforming. In just a short time, the biggest bottleneck of the Void God, the bottleneck of crossing from the chaotic realm to the Cosmic God, was crossed by him.

Xia Zhi didn't even notice the slightest sense of sluggishness, everything was so natural.

But in the eyes of other beings, this scene is simply terrifying and unbelievable.

"Turned into the Cosmic God? Because of this big bronze clock?" The ancient sage incarnation of the Holy Master frowned, but most of his attention was still on the Zhouji Clock that made him unable to see through the reality.

As for the summer solstice, even if he stepped into the universe god from the chaotic state in an instant, it was nothing to the Holy Master who had reached the ultimate state.

It's just that the Lord of the Underworld who was hiding aside had his eyes widened at the moment, completely frightened by Xia Zhi's natural aura.

"How long has it been? From the Unity Realm to the Cosmic God, is it that for him, the promotion of the Great Realm is as easy as breathing?"

The Lord of Huangquan's mood at this time was both horror and envy.

Trapped in the extreme bottleneck of the chaotic realm like her, unable to break through for endless years, what she longs for most is to step into the universe god.

What you can't ask for, your opponent can easily achieve...

"Even if he enters the Cosmic God, he can't escape the means of the Holy Lord! He will definitely be subdued by the Holy Lord. For those of them who yearn for freedom, it will be worse than death!" The Lord of Huangquan looked at it complicatedly. With the summer solstice.

It was like facing a huge universe, and the sense of oppression caused by the huge gap in life levels made her extremely jealous.

This is the aloof God of the Universe!

"What a big evil thought." Xia Zhi looked at the Lord of the Underworld who was hiding behind the incarnation of the ancient sage, a woman with a dead air, her originally pretty face was a little distorted.


a thought.

The clock of Zhouji hanging above the summer solstice swayed slightly.

Peng! Peng!

The first incarnation of the ancient sage, who bears the brunt, flickers frantically around the black light, and the invisible power of chaos frantically crushes him, so he has to burn 10% of the original power he has accumulated to resist the past.

And the body of the Lord of the Underworld who was not far behind the Holy Lord was directly crushed and shattered. He couldn't even struggle to resist for a moment, so he turned into nothingness, leaving only some secret treasures scattered on the ground.

"How?" The Lord was stunned.

Even if the big bronze bell is a supreme secret treasure that contains part of the mysteries of Chaotic Source level, or a Chaotic Source Divine Weapon used by Chaotic Source beings, it depends on who controls it.

A little guy who just stepped into the Cosmic God, just let the big clock vibrate, forcing himself to exert all his strength?

Even facing the ultimate powerhouse of the universe god at the same level, it will only be like this when you are desperate!

"There seems to be something wrong..."

Holy Master looked at Xia Zhi's calm face, and for some reason, a trace of fear rose in his heart.

Especially those white-clothed youths who seem to see through everything, and even seem to submit to the highest rules.

In a trance, the Holy Master only felt that the other party was so unattainable.

In the past, it was always his Holy Master who gave his opponents such oppression.

But now, it turned around.

"Who the hell are you?" The Holy Master stared at Xia Zhi, "A little guy who came out of a small universe can't be this strong. Could it be that you were taken away by the Hunyuan powerhouse?"

"No, it's not. How could Chaotic Yuan's life take away a Void God!"

"Even if you really seized the house, you can't let you improve so quickly, and the highest rules don't allow it..."

Xia Zhi just looked at the Holy Master, and walked towards him slowly step by step, the aura on his body was also rising sharply, every step multiplied geometrically.


The entire cave world is trembling.

This world, which is comparable to a complete small universe, is slightly distorted, and it is about to be unable to bear the majestic aura of Xia Zhi.

"Disappear." Xia Zhi shook his head, and he didn't want to answer the Holy Master's question.


The Holy Lord's incarnation of the ancient saints was completely wiped out, and the original power accumulated by his endless years of running the ancient holy religion and developing believers gathered towards his body under the control of the summer solstice mind.

When the life level is leaping, it will naturally swallow all the power crazily! This source of power is also the purest source of world power, so of course Xia Zhi will not waste it.


After absorbing the accumulation of the Holy Master and all the original power of this Fangdongtian world, Xia Zhi's soul and body finally took another step, reaching the ultimate third level of the universe god.

... The outside world, the sky above the ancient holy world.

The ultimate beings such as Sword Master, Sword Emperor, Yaoguang Holy Master, and the ancestor of the Demon Mountain were a little stunned when they saw the white-clothed figure suddenly breaking through the void.

"Boy Xia..." Patriarch Tianyu was even more dazed when he saw Xia Zhi, who was aloof and towering like the supreme being of chaos and void.

Just now, the Holy Lord let the incarnation of the ancient sage leave to deal with Xia Zhi, he is still worried about Xia Zhi, and his heart has been tightening.

What is the situation today?

"It's okay." Xia Zhi said calmly.

His eyes swept over the crowd, and finally fell on the Holy Lord himself in black veil.

"It's time to end."

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