Supreme Wayseeker of Swallowed Star

Chapter 567 Looking forward to it! (in the finale)

The vast chaotic source space.

The four most peak lord-level existences are fighting together.

To be precise, three of them were besieging and killing one person.

At this time, the Tower of Taiyu has been restored to its original thirty-three floors. Whether the huge tower body collides sideways or swoops down to suppress it, there is infinite chaotic power accompanying it at every turn.

Especially under Xia Zhi's control, layers of chaotic source spaces were born and destroyed, which always prevented the three lords who besieged and killed him from forming a joint force.

"Xia Zhi, don't hide if you can!" The metal life roared angrily, and the terrifying sound waves blasted the small world that trapped him and spread far away.

"If you have the ability, come to me first and then talk." Xia Zhi smiled, and punched the snake tail that had come in front of him away.

To reach their level, every move seems simple, but all of them contain the most essential power of the Dao, possessing great power.

If it weren't for the fact that all the fighters were fighting at the same level, Xia Zhi's random punch would be enough to kill any chaotic source life in the world.

Of course, the same is the lord level, and the strength comparison is also different.

In particular, the existences such as Infinity Serpent, Crystal Life, and Metal Life, who are born with the most powerful Dao power, are naturally powerful, but they lack the accumulation from trivial practice.

They can use their respective Hunyuan Dao powers, but they cannot comprehend the essence.

Just like the thermal weapons used by mortals on the earth in previous lives, even a child can use a gun to attack the enemy.

But how are the weapons in your hands made? How to make it more powerful and exert a more powerful lethality?

I don't understand these things, but they can be used in the same way.

But the summer solstice is different.

He has grown from a mortal step by step to the current state. The essence of the chaotic source avenue of space has been explored, and the other mysteries of the chaotic source way have also been integrated.

It is the ability to truly tap one's own strength to its peak.

The same power is enough to explode twice, or even three times, five times the power.


A golden leg stretched out from the void behind the metal life, kicking it hard on its back.


The golden battle armor was hit, leaving a clear footprint, and the metal life was even more powerful, and rushed forward with an indecent posture.

"Ah~~~ It's not cool to be sneaky at all." The metal screamed with vitality, "Master Crystal, Infinity Serpent, if you don't work hard, I won't play with you."

A metal life born to grasp the source of power, in front of Xia Zhi who is playing with the space wantonly, has a body of mighty power but can't even touch the hem of Xia Zhi's clothes, only to end up being teased.

"Hmph!" Crystal Life snorted coldly.


Suddenly, a strange rule descended in the surrounding Chaotic Source Space, and countless streamers appeared in the entire space out of thin air.

A world shimmering with blue light, like chaotic source crystal jade, instantly enveloped everything.

In the crystal jade world.

The confinement and shackles of the power of space soared, even if Xia Zhi manipulated the Tower of Taiyu, it felt heavy as if thousands of source worlds were suppressing it.

The huge body of the infinite snake also rolled in the void, splitting into countless snake shadows out of thin air, each snake shadow opened its bloody mouth and roared towards Xia Zhi who was trapped in the center of the crystal jade world.


The Tower of Taiyu instantly grew larger, covering Xia Zhi's figure.

bang bang bang~~~

Whether it is the countless snake shadows of the infinite snake, or the iron fist of the metal life bombarding the tower body, it just makes the Tower of Taiyu shake slightly, but it can't help Xia Zhi in it.

"Either dodging or relying on treasures to resist, Xia Zhi, is this your ability?" Metal Life shouted loudly.

"With this little ability, there is nothing you can do." Xia Zhi's teasing voice came from the Tower of Taiyu.

"Lord Xia, I'm trapped in my crystal jade space. Even the lords from the side of you practitioners will not be able to break through it, let alone they have no time to come here to rescue now."

The sound of crystal life sounded from the entire crystal jade world.

"As long as you keep the Tower of Taiyu, how about I let you go this time?"

Even if the summer solstice is trapped, and there are infinite serpents and metal beings joining forces with him, the spar life also knows that it is almost impossible to kill a lord.

But even if it can't be killed, it is no problem to trap countless Hunyuan Era.

And if time dragged on for a long time, when more primordial beings born with Chaotic Source and other ethnic group's lords came over, they might not be able to break through Xia Zhi's defense with the joint efforts of everyone.

But in that way, it will be difficult for him to get the most benefits. Even if he can get the Tower of Taiyu in the end, he will have to bleed a lot, otherwise none of the beings of the same level who make the move will be easy to match.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Xia Zhi never responded, Crystal Life became a little annoyed.

"Fuyou, Diming." Jingshi's life immediately transmitted the voice, "Hurry up as soon as possible, I am already trapped in the summer solstice, this time we will refine him together, and abolish his main battle clone."

There are not a few people in the Eternal Land who are dissatisfied with the increasingly powerful practitioners.

After all, all races are in the Chaotic Source Dimension. If you are stronger, you will occupy more resources, and I will get less.

As for the existence of the lord level, even if a clone has fallen, the energy needed to recover it again can be called massive.

Especially if the treasure carried by the main battle avatar is lost, it will be very difficult to get it back.

"Master Crystal, you trapped Xia Zhi? The cultivator lord is the most cunning, we have suffered a lot from the veteran thief, this time it can't be a trap, right?"

After receiving the sound transmission, an ethereal existence responded immediately.

The four lord-level existences are fighting, and the top powerhouses in the entire Chaotic Origin Void are paying attention.

Even though he had expected that the besieged Xia Zhi would suffer, he never expected it to be so easy.

"It's already trapped in my Jingyu space, it's not true." Jingshi Shengli said, "If he didn't have the Tower of Taiyu, I wouldn't have to fight with you."

Fuyou and Diming are the lords of another race in the Chaotic Source Space. They jointly performed the ultimate move "Nether Purgatory", which can refine everything, and is best at breaking the defense of treasures.

"Let's work together, even if it's a trap, it's an excellent opportunity for their practitioners and other lords to take care of themselves." Another indifferent voice came, "We'll be there soon."

"Okay." Crystal Life was sure.

With these two strikes and the combined strength of five lords, the cultivator 'Emperor Xia' is doomed.

"When I get the Tower of Taiyu, even in the Eternal Land, I don't need to look at that old guy's face anymore." Crystal Life looked at the huge pagoda that stood still under the crazy attack of the infinite snake and metal life, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. look forward to.

Powerful enemies outside the Tower of Taiyu are waiting, and the power of Chaotic Source is crazily scrolling.

In the Tower of Taiyu, Xia Zhi was making tea in the core control room without any haste.

"Senior brother, Fuyou and Diming are also heading towards you, can you stand it?"

A familiar voice rang out of nowhere in Xia Zhi's ears.

"How about you instead?" Xia Zhi joked while taking a sip of tea leisurely.

"Don't." Luo Feng quickly replied, "The three old guys from the Chulong Clan are crazy enough, my Star Tower doesn't have as strong a defense as your Taiyu Tower."

"Junior Brother, I will leave the Chulong Clan to you. As long as we block today, the general trend of Chaotic Source Void will be settled in the future." Xia Zhi solemnly said.

"Have you got the Clock of the Extreme Universe?" Luo Feng asked.

Now in the source world where Xia Zhi's second Yuanshen resides, Yuan, who has the most means among the nine lords, personally takes the initiative to blind the senses, even he cannot see the situation in the source world.

The rest of the lords did not hesitate to start wars with various races, just to confuse the attention of those peak existences.

Now, only Xia Zhi himself knows whether the plan will be successful or not.

"Yes, Xia Zhi. How is your second soul? Don't make us busy."

"How can you call it a waste of work? These alien races have always regarded us practitioners as food, and they are always passively defensive. Why not take the initiative to attack like this."

"We've had a good time, but if we continue to fight, we will lose out in quantity after all. It's better to achieve the plan once and for all."

The rest of the practitioners and lords who were fighting in the Chaotic Source Space spoke out one after another.

"It must have been successful. The two juniors I was optimistic about in the source world, one was enslaved and the other was killed. Who else would it be if Xia Zhi's second soul didn't make the move?" A lord with a hoarse voice seemed a little dissatisfied.

"Haha, Jin, didn't you always admit that the destroying demons who broke through to Chaotic Source are your descendants? Why should you care about the two cosmic gods?" Yuan Hehe changed the subject with a smile, "Xia Zhi, did you succeed? The clock of the extreme universe, is it possible for your second soul to master the time?"

"Well, it's done. In less than an hour, the second soul will become the lord." Xia Zhi smiled.

"It's incredible. Among the lords in the future, one of you and two avatars are the lord's combat power, and you have two great treasures in your hand, even the old guy Eternal, it's nothing more than that." Yuan Tut-tsk exclaimed.

The rest of the lords also had heated discussions for a while.

How many epochs.

Their practitioners have been growing up in the cracks of many ethnic groups born with Chaotic Source Beings.

Although as the number of lords increases, the situation of practitioners in the chaotic source space is getting better and better, but after all, it can only be regarded as some living space.

However, if the power of the ethnic group is to be stronger, it will inevitably compete with the inherent power in the Chaotic Source Space.

The old guy who claimed to be 'eternal' and created the eternal place of Chaotic Source Space was not absolutely fair as he claimed, but had a tendency.

In the final analysis, whether it is an individual or a force, whether it is a lord or a mortal, in the end it is the strength that counts.

"Soon, everything is coming to an end." Holding the teacup, Xia Zhi looked through the tower of Taiyu, crossed the crystal jade space barrier, passed through the infinite chaotic source space, and looked at the source world where the second soul was.

Even with Yuan's means of isolation, Xia Zhi can still sense it by relying on the deepest connection of the soul.

There, an equally noble and powerful life form is about to be born.


There is one more chapter finale. Finish it this morning and evening.

It's not over yet, so it might be late at night.

It never ends, there is always obsession, and there is no peace in my heart.

After it's really finished, I can let go of everything and concentrate on preparing for the new book.

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